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Author Topic: Could She Ever Get Justice???? (True Life Story Of A Girl That Was Brutally Rape  (Read 236158 times)

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ABOMINATION - I have friend called Adriel, she’s a Ghanaian of Nigerian decent, she was born in Nigeria but grew up and stayed Ghana with her family. Adriel was 22 years old, she was very beautiful, light skinned and short. Adriel wasn’t the smartest person but she is a very caring, honest, nice and hardworking young lady.

While she was in Ghana things wasn’t going well for her and her family financially so she decided to come to Nigeria in search of greener pastures. She left her home in Ghana and came to Abeokuta, Ogun state in Nigeria, there she began working as an apprentice in fashion designing.

One day while she was at work some people came to her place of work to preach while they were carrying out an evangelism, she gave them audience and after the little sermon she was invited to worship with them at their church in which she acquiesced. She went to the church and was converted to a member and started attending that church. being a person who’s truly devoted to her faith and has a burning desire to serve God, She decided to join the choir and in time she became a very active and notable person in church.

Adriel had some problems with her accommodation and a fellow chorister who was among the team that carried out the evangelism offered to help her. Adriel move in with her and they became roommates. Now the pastor of their church was having an affair with the lady who took Adriel in and surprisingly, people in the church was aware of their relationship but were all okay with it.

Affections got deeper between the pastor and his lover so she moved in with him in a one room apartment rented for the pastor by the church and left Adriel to stay alone in her apartment. One evening Adriel decided to pay her friend a visit at their pastor’s house, when she got there she didn’t meet her friend but the pastor asked her to wait a little that where her friend was at that time wasn’t far off from the house and she will return in no time and even offered her a sit so she can rest until her friend return  but little did she know that that little rest would make her restless for life.

  While waiting, Adriel who was tired from the day’s work dosed off and being that she was at her pastor’s apartment, she felt safe as everyone would. But he wasn’t a pastor, he was the devil himself, he was an evil man parading himself as a man God, He was a beast with horn but his horn wasn’t on his head but in-between his legs.  After a while Adriel felt a hand movement on her laps and also tampering with her skirt so she woke up in shock and found out that the pastor was touching her in a sexual manner. When she tried to get up and leave, he pounced on and wrestled her to the ground. Now due to her slender stature, her strength was no match for him, she became very weak on the floor while he got up and took a knife. She begged him not to rape her but he refused, she threatened to shout in a bid to draw people’s attention and he threatened to stab and slit her throat if she dared. He forcefully penetrated her which caused her to bleed but he didn’t care he continued with this gruesome act, she was crying and wailing in agonizing pain and he was enjoying it, for every time he entered her she felt like she was stab a thousand times with a very sharp knife, whenever the pitch of her voice was raised he would slap and choke her, the more she wept the more pleasure he felt, one could only imagine the pain she endured while she was being defied, she eventually fainted due to too much pain but this animal didn’t stop, he continued until he climaxed.

She woke up on the ground in a pool of her blood, her clothes tattered like that of a mad person, he had forcefully strip her of her crown and has thrown the pride of womanhood in the mud, she felt disgusted and wished the ground would just open up and swallow her. In a bid to cover his hideous act, like a beggar, he tossed some clothes belonging to his girlfriend to her so she can cover her naked body because he had tore her clothes to pieces but  no amount of clothing, no matter how expensive it was could cover the shame she felt when she was going home that evening. She got and went straight to the bathroom and washed her body, she stayed and cried in the bathroom for hours but no matter the how of soap she uses to wash her self could wash away what he did to her.

She kept quiet and didn’t open up to anybody because she feared society would castigate her and accuse her of trying to tarnish the image of a supposed man of God.

 Weeks past and she didn’t go to church, being a notable person in the church, her absence was noticed so one lady in the church paid her a visit just to  know why she hasn’t been seen in a while and also found out how she was doing, when she got to her apartment, she met Adriel crying and quickly comforted her and tried to find out what her problem was, Adriel narrated the whole ordeal to her, she became devastated and very angry, she then went ahead and reported the issue to some other people which escalated everything and they all angrily decided to visit and punish the pastor for the evil he had committed. On getting to the church, they met the church elders who managed to curtail the mob and calm their rage, the pastor denied everything and was backed by the church, after many tussle they declared that her claims were faux, and nothing was done, no sanction, no justice, nothing. The following Sunday this evil man had the audacity to make the sermon about Adriel and she was labeled a black goat.

Due to PTSD(post traumatic syndrome disorder) she got from being raped, people around her feared she might develop a mental issue so they found a way to contact her family in Ghana and Adriel was taken back home a year ago and after sometime the pastor too was transferred to another place and no one heard of him again.

On the night Adriel left I couldn’t sleep my head was bubbling with a lot of questions from what she went through, like the amount of pain she went through? What if her private part was damaged permanently from forceful penetration? What if her mental state was not strong enough to handle what happened to her and she eventually develops a permanent brain damage? What if he had killed her with the knife? What if the pastor had a STD like HIV? What if the semen he planted in her forms a child what will become of that child? How many innocent young girls has experienced this same thing? A lot of questions came to my head that night but I couldn’t hear any answer, the only thing I heard was the sound of me trying to hold in the snot in my nose while I was crying.

I don’t know how Adriel is doing now,  I never heard from her since she left but one thing I know she is scar for life and that devil is walking the earth free. Only God knows how many people he had done that to and also might be his victim in the future.

Women are a gift from God to Mankind, every time a woman is raped its a big negative blow to mother nature, women aren’t sex toys which men can willy nilly have sex with anytime want or as they wish even without their consents. They are our Mothers, Sisters, Aunties and Nieces.

 Its time to take care of our women. I want JUSTICE for my friend, I want JUSTICE for every woman that has been raped. I urged every women/girls who has gone through that inhumanly and unspeakable experience but have been dying in silence due to fear of being misunderstood and shunned by society, to come out and speak up now. Enough is enough, rape is a crime, rape is murder and rape is an abomination.

Written by :Okoro Favour Alexander
[email protected]



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