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Author Topic: Super Story: My Eternal Love Episode 1 (Part 1)  (Read 7564 times)

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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My Eternal Love Episode 1 (Part 1) - UJU
I woke with a start as I struggled to escape from the nightmare. This was the sixth time that I was dreaming about the accident. Yes, the accident that had rendered my mother crippled. A hit and run driver had done that to us.

Though my mother was alive, she didn’t live with us, because her bones were severely damaged and she needed professional care. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I thought about that woman.
Sometimes, I wonder if my ex boyfriend, Yomi, had been behind the accident. Yomi had been very abusive and wicked to me. When I had broken up with him, he threatened to ruin my life. And the accident took place three days after the break up.
I pushed the disturbing thoughts out of my mind, and climbed out of bed. I had my whole life waiting for me. This wasn’t the time to show weakness. My father was dead. All that I had was my brother, Emeka. I had no one to motivate me. But I was going to motivate myself.
I crawled out of bed hesitantly, not wanting to put my mind on the work that awaited me in the office. My head was throbbing, and my neck hurt badly. I found it difficult to sleep at night. I had been battling insomnia for some months now, and it was getting worse.
I found it difficult to sleep because I was worried and anxious about many things. One of which was my life choice to work in the “Honeycomb Magazine” I’d always dreamed of having my own business. I’d always wanted to travel to a lot of amazing places in the world and taking lovely photos of the culture, the people and the natural habitats I saw there.
Somehow, I found myself stuck in the same town I’d known all my life. I wasn’t depressed or discouraged; I just felt empty. I felt underachieved, like what I had wasn’t enough and I was already twenty-four years old. Back in school, I’d taken a course in creative writing, and I remembered what one lecturer in particular; Professor Obiageli said in class regularly..
“Don’t ever sacrifice your dreams for anything; keep chasing until you find just what it is your heart is looking for.”

The weather was a bit chilly, and the air that accompanied it was dry. I ran a tongue over my flaky lips as I stared at the mirror. I knew I was attractive; I heard that a lot. I got looks from men a lot. But as I stared at my reflection, my eyes lacked fire. I was a shadow of myself and it all boiled down to the thoughts that plagued my mind.

The shrill cry of my phone broke the silence of the room. I wasn’t expecting any call, but I guessed my older brother, Emeka may have called. Though we lived in the same building, we stayed on different floors. He and his best friend, Christian, lived on the first floor, while I took the third floor alone. There wasn’t any elevator around, so getting to the third floor could be tiring. Emeka called mostly when he needed to speak with me urgently or ask if I had something he needed.

I released the breath I held and hurried back to the bed. I picked the mobile phone and took the call at once. I hadn’t checked the caller Identity, so I was surprised when an alto voice spoke to me.

“Hi, good morning?”
At first, I wanted to hang up, but the voice sounded familiar. I had heard this voice somewhere, but I couldn’t tell where.

“Good morning.Uju Igwe on the line, please who am I speaking with?”
The response I got was a deep guffaw. I bit my lip in annoyance, wondering if what I’d said was funny.

“Hey, I don’t know who you are or what you want from me. This must be a wrong number.” I was about ending the call when she spoke to me,and my annoyance vanished into the wind.
“It’s me come on. Don’t you know my voice Uju?”

“Fatima? Why did you have to play tricks on me?”
Fatima was my coworker at Honeycomb Publishing. We weren’t really close, because I was mostly reserved. But I liked Fatima for her honesty and hard work. I always admired the way she kept her cool whenever we were really stressed. I wondered why she was calling.
“I trust you had a goodnight…” she began.

“Yes I did, how about you?” I lied. My night didn’t go well. If I had my way, I wouldn’t go to work today. But I had bills to pay,and I never wanted to depend on my brother, Emeka He had a lot of burden on his shoulders right now; I just had to take care of me.

“I am not too well Uju. I have already called the boss and told her about my present condition. I’d love for you to cover for me this morning. In the next thirty minutes, I am supposed to be having an interview with one of the best players of West African Lions…”

My mind drifted away as she continued to speak. Two facts were quickly established in my mind; I had to leave for work as swiftly as I could,and I had to interview with a famous person! Hell, I wasn’t even prepared!

“No, no, no. Fatima, you cannot do this to me. I am not prepared. Why can’t you ask someone else?” My eyes ran to the huge clock on my wall. I had forty-five minutes to prepare.

“I couldn’t think of anyone else. I have already told the boss, and she agrees with me. I am sorry to put you in a position like this.” Fatima apologized, but I could do little with her apology.

I inhaled sharply and tried to calm myself because I was already nervous. The West African Lions was one of the best football teams in the country. I wasn’t nervous because of their reputation, but my history with one of the players.

“Who will I be interviewing?” I asked in a shaky voice.
“Chinedum Ike,” Fatima replied, and I felt my insides swirl in a clash of emotions.
“No,” I whispered, but she had heard me sigh.

“No? Girl, you should be happy that I chose you for this interview. Many people wanted my slot. He is the sexiest man alive, and he has a good heart. Over the years, Chinedum has donated to charities and orphanages. He is a one in a million man….” Fatima went on and on about the footballer.

Of course, I knew who Chinedum was. We had been neighbours once, and we got attracted to each other. But he had left town one morning without telling me, and he’d never reached out. He was gone,and I had been left with the pieces of a broken heart.

How would I face such a man again?
After the call, I dashed into the bathroom and hurried with my shower. I was nervous. I didn’t know how I would face him. I couldn’t reject this interview; I had to prove my worth to the boss.

I grabbed my purse and scurried out of the house like a little rabbit. One thing was certain; I was never going to be the same after this interview.
To be continued…

Source: Davina diaries

My Eternal Love

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: My Eternal Love Episode 2 (Part 1)
Reply #1 on: May 26, 2020, 12:34:52 PM

It didn’t take me up to ten minutes before to arrive at the building where I worked. It wasn’t too far from where I lived. This was an added advantage. I noticed the Ferarri by the entrance of the building. My heart began to race. It was really Chinedum. I remember his love for luxury cars.

I swallowed and marched into the office on wobbly legs.

“You’re late.” Zara Bewaji, my boss, bellowed as I stepped into the office. I was about marching towards by cubicle when she called me to her office.

At this point, my anxiety increased as I realized all eyes were on me.
“Good morning Zara, I have an explanation…” I stuttered, but she raised a hand and hushed me.

“You are a quite good at this Uju, and this was the reason I didn’t object Fatima’s choice of you. Go in there and make this magazine proud. Remember to make it burn. Everyone wants to do a story about this guy. Don’t make me regret offering you this opportunity.”

When she was done with her little pep talk, I thanked her and left the office. I had to arrange my recording devices first before going to the interview room.

I dropped my purse on the table and grabbed the recorder. I had a pen and a jotter with me, just in case. But I wasn’t feeling thrilled. My hands were shaky, and I was sweating profusely.
Chinedum Ike was my childhood sweetheart and I hadn’t seen him in ten years. I had a lot of thoughts as I walked towards the room where he waited. Did I ever cross his mind? Did he ever think of me? Would he remember me?

All my questions about him would be answered in no time. I pushed the door gently; then I waited for a few minutes before stepping in.

I was welcomed by a strong musky and masculine scent which stirred my insides. I loved the smell of him. It could allure any woman. It was part of his charm.

“Good morning Mr. Ike” I forced a smile as I stepped into the room. I ran my eyes briefly over his features. Chinedum hadn’t changed much; he had grown more handsome. His eyes were a pool of different colors; brown and green. They were the finest shade of hazel I had ever seen. His orbs were seductive and brooding. I could stare into his eyes forever.

His nose was sharp and straight, just like his jaws. His lips were full and sensuous. I had always dreamt of kissing him ten years back. My cheeks were flushed as that silly thought crossed my mind.

“It’s Chinedum Ike,” he murmured.

He wore a deep frown and kept tapping the glassy table that separated us with his slender fingers which were well manicured by the way. I could tell that Chinedum wasn’t happy to be here or was he in a bad mood? He seemed to be in a hurry. But his mood wouldn’t determine the quality of my interview. I was determined to succeed.

“How was your trip from Lagos? I trust it went well?” I flashed another fake smile. I summoned the courage and glared directly into his eyes, hoping for a connection, but what I saw there, terrified me.

His eyes were aflame with rage. And he seemed to look at me condescendingly like I wasn’t good enough to be around him. All my inner battles were settledat this moment. Chinedum Ike didn’t remember me.

“Can you stop with the questions? Go straight to the interview and stop fooling around.” He snapped at me.

Okay, it was fine that he didn’t remember me. But what hurt me more was his rudeness. The Chinedum I had known was very nice and sweet. Something had changed, he was a total stranger. And it made me believe that fame had a way of messing with people’s nature. He was a good example, and I was glad he didn’t remember me. I didn’t want anything to do with a punk like him.

“Okay. When was the first time you played for the team?” My hands were shaky as I fumbled with my jotter. I thought I could handle this without preparing, but his attitude had unsettled me greatly.

He scoffed and ran his eyes over me, “Is this a joke or what? You don’t seem prepared for this interview. And I came all the way from Lagos for a mess like you?”

I bit my lip to prevent myself from screaming or saying something in return.

“I got this. I am so sorry…” I gripped the table hard and turned on the recorder.
It didn’t take long before the interview began smoothly. Though he still stared at me like I was some piece of trash, he managed some questions quite well.

“That was a lovely time with the champion of the West African Lion, Chinedum Ike . My name is Uju Igwe; we’ll meet next time with another amazing personality…” I quickly bellowed into the recorder. Once I got to my cubicle, I will translate everything into written form.
I quickly pushed my chair back and rose to my feet.

“Thanks for coming to Honeycomb Magazine and Publishing.” I smiled at Chinedum and made for the door.

I noticed that his eyes had lost their fire. He was more relaxed now, and the frown was gone.
“Wait…” Chinedum called after me as I reached the door. His brows furrowed together in confusion and wonder.

“Yes?” I pushed a smile.
“What did you say your name was again?” He asked in a soft voice.

I had a feeling he may have a clue of who I was. I wanted nothing to do with him. I wasn’t the type of girl that would fawn over a man with a bad attitude, simply because he was famous.
“I am sorry Mr. Ike, but the interview is over. My name is of no consequence.” I stepped out of the room and hurried towards the lady’s before he followed.

“Good riddance,” I wiped the sweat off my brow as I stepped into the bathroom.


“Uju Igwe,” my lips moved as I whispered the name of the young lady that had just interviewed me. The name rang a bell, how could I ever forget my childhood crush and sister to my best friend, Emeka Igwe? Was this a coincidence or was this interviewer different?
Slowly, I realized I had made a mess of myself. I had been arrogant towards her.

When she had walked in, I felt Zara Bewaji should’ve sent me a more befitting interviewer. Uju had just been a random girl from the street, and she didn’t look perfect for a famous footballer.
“Damn!” I clenched my teeth. I had grown up with my parents in the little town of Ijerra, and in this small town, there was just one Igwe family. It had to be my darling Uju.

It had to be the girl I fell in love with as a boy. She had been the sweetest person I’d ever met.
Uju was nice and kind. All the kids in the neighborhood had loved her. One time, a bully from school had tried to take away her snacks, but I’d step in and saved her.

Now she had grown into a sexy woman. If I hadn’t been on my high horse, maybe I would’ve noticed her curves and her light brown eyes.

What I loved most about Ujuwere the freckles that dotted her pointed nose. They had an appeal of their own. It made her oval face unique.

I felt ashamed of the way I spoke to her. Fine, I was in a bad mood right from the time I came for the interview. I fought with my mechanic this morning, the guy was clueless, and he wasted my time. But I had no reason to speak to anyone that way.

The polite manner which she still replied during the interview revealed that Uju hadn’t changed. She was still that sweet little girl who could share her candy with all the kids in the neighborhood.

I hurried out of the room and into the main office.

“Mr. Ike, I want to thank you for coming.” Zara Bewaji rushed towards me with a bright smile on her face.

“Thank you, Zara…” I paused. I wanted to ask about Uju, but she was nowhere around, and my question would seem unprofessional. I had lost contact with her for ten years, and I felt bad for not reconnecting.

“I really enjoyed speaking with Ms. Igwe. Send my greetings to her.” I shook hands with Zara before rushing out of the building towards my car. I wasn’t happy with the way Uju had blown me off, but I wouldn’t let her go.

I would stay in Ijerra for a few days until I found a way around Uju. I have never apologized to anyone in my Thirty one years on earth, except my aunt, Nkiruka. Uju would be the second person on this list. She was important to me, and I had to fix this.

I didn’t have Emeka’s contact. But I remembered the building where my parents and I lived ten years back before we moved. Nostalgia washed over me as I ignited the car. Driving through these streets would bring a lot of painful memories, but I was willing to absorb the pain, just to get closer to Uju.

My heart broke into a wild race as I drove through the scanty street. Ijerra was an ancient town with small shops and brick sidewalks. It was located between Ogun State and Lagos state.
To be continued…

Source: Davina Diaries

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: My Eternal Love Episode 3 (Part 1)
Reply #2 on: May 27, 2020, 07:24:39 AM

My Eternal Love Episode 3

A delicious aroma of red oil stew and fried Akara balls wafted into my nostrils. My lips parted into a knowing smile as I stared at the restaurant where I’d sneak in sometimes while my parents were asleep.

“Peperrani,” that was the name of the coffee shop. Apart from serving a variety of coffee drinks, their menu contained other light snacks and dishes. I made a mental note to have a cup of coffee before leaving.

I knew I was on the right street when I noticed the three-story building at my left. The architectural design was a wonder. There was an overgrown garden of hedgehog and bougainvillea right in front of the building. I remember this garden quite well. I had plucked one of the flowers and tucked them in Uju’s golden hair.

“I’m so stupid.” I bit my lip angrily. I had ruined our first meeting. I just hope she would forgive me for treating her like crap.

This building held a lot of memories for me. I had lived with my parents on the first floor. The only thing that ever kept me going was Uju. My childhood had been a mess, but only a few people knew about us.

My parents had moved from Ijerra because some of the neighbors had begun to realize my father’s violent predisposition towards my helpless mother. It was at this point that my hatred for him grew. I hated my mother more for being so helpless and weak.

I never wanted to be anything like my parents. This was one of the reasons I shoved all the money they left me into philanthropy. I had to make mine.

I had to carve a niche for myself.

I forced down the memories that flooded my mind. They weren’t necessary. They were all bottled in my past.

Slowly, I parked the car in front of the massive building. I pulled out the key from the ignition and stepped out. I wondered what Emeka looked like now. His sister had blossomed into a belle. I glanced at the building once more, before trudging forward.

I hadn’t reached the overgrown bush when I saw a tall guy stepping out of the first floor. His hair was brown, he dyed it, and he had broad shoulders. He wore a black jean on a red polo shirt. Even if I were dreaming, I’d recognize Emeka anywhere. His walking posture hadn’t changed one bit. And I felt disturbed as to why I couldn’t recognize Uju easily.

I guess I was too immersed in my self- importance to notice her.
I was about calling out his name when I noticed he was walking towards my direction. At first, his brown eyes avoided mine, but as he drew nearer, they glowed in recognition.

We ran towards each other laughing. And without words spoken, Emeka and I hugged each other.
“Man! Chinedum Ike inIjerra? I swear I am dreaming…” Emeka pulled away from me and wiped his face.

I could tell he was genuinely excited to see me; I felt the same too.
“Sure I am bro. What’s up with you?” I asked.

If I asked about their mother now; this would be insensitive. So I pushed the thought away.
“I don’t need to ask you that. You’re doing wonders in West African Lions. The Black Devils have a hard time with you and your boys.” Emeka started a conversation on football.

I was awed that he still rooted for me all these years. I had never thought about Emeka and his younger sister until now. This made me feel very bad.
Although I had told Emeka about our relocation, it wasn’t enough to have forgotten him like that.

“I am sorry I never reached out Chinedum, it’s just that my sister really liked you and it hurt her badly that you moved away,” Emeka confessed.
I was about to offer a return when Emeka added, “I know this isn’t the right time Chinedum, but I heard about your parents. I am sorry.” He patted my shoulder.

My parents had died in an auto crash when I was sixteen. I had to move in with my father’s sister, Aunt Nkiruka who raised me like her son. I was surprised that Emeka still knew some details about my life. I felt touched and special. Some friends would remain friends until eternity.

“It’s fine. It wasn’t easy getting over them, but I’m good now.” I flashed a smile.
“Of course you are. You’re doing amazing things for the less privileged. Everyone should aspire to be like you…”

I smiled and watched my best friend quietly. If only he knew the demons, I fought daily. You see, a lot of people felt celebrities were perfect beings with perfect lives, but I was far from perfect. If I were, I wouldn’t have treated Uju that way.

“So what brought you to Ijerra?” Emeka switched the topic. I bet he noticed I wasn’t comfortable with the way he showered praises on me.

I pulled in a deep breath, “I had an interview at Honeycomb Magazine. You know that popular journalist, Zara Bewaji?”
Emeka nodded, “Yea.”
“She invited me for the interview…”
“You know what? Uju works there.” Emeka informed.

Of course, I knew his sister worked there, that was partly the reason I’d come.
“About that Emeka…I have a problem.”
Emeka narrowed his eyes and focused on me, “what is that? Did something happen to Uju?” His eyes searched my face intently.

“No. I did something to your sister. I didn’t recognize her. And I spoke to her rudely. She is mad at me. I tried to reach out to her, but she gave me the cold shoulder. Can you put in a good word for me?”

I was desperate to catch Uju’s attention. I wanted badly to be in her good books.
Emeka heaved a sigh of relief, “Is that all?” He chuckled.
I rolled my eyes; he didn’t understand how big of a mess I was in. I didn’t find this situation funny at all.

“Yes, I just want to speak with her and ask for her forgiveness.”
“Definitely I will. Uju is a sweet girl; she can never hold a grudge against her crush.” Emeka winked.

We both stepped into the house,and he offered me a drink. I met his friend Christian ,and we all had some guys’ discussion. Emeka had left I and Christian to fix something up for lunch.
It wasn’t long before he returned with a devious smile on his face.

“I know that look bro, what are you up to?” I glared darkly at him, trying to read his next move.
Emeka rushed up to the sofa where I sat, “can you guess?”
“Last I checked I am a footballer and not a mind reader.” I winked at him.

He blew a whistle across and pointed at the window.
“Guess who’s back?”
I didn’t need a soothsayer to tell me that Uju had returned. I quickly got Emeka’s phone number and breezed out of the house like I was being chased by something.

I found it difficult to keep my eyes away from her. She was a vision! Her hair danced with the wind; her light brown eyes shone like two pebbles at night. Though she tried to hide her curvaceous body, I could tell that Uju’s figure was very sexy.

I had been with numerous women. Even if a woman wore the thickest cloth, I could see through that fabric.

Her boobs were average. She had a slim tummy and a small waist. It was the sweep of her hips that got my attention. And the denim she wore, revealed her soft bum.

Source: Davina diaries

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: My Eternal Love Episode 1 (Part 1)
Reply #3 on: May 27, 2020, 07:28:11 AM

My Eternal Love Episode 4

I hurried towards her. When she noticed me, her expression quickly changed. She wore a scowl on her face. She was clearly not happy to see me, and I understood why.

“Uju, I am sorry about today. I didn’t mean to treat you that way. I didn’t know it was you. Anger clouded my judgment.”

She eyed me angrily and continued walking. I couldn’t let her go this way. I had to find a way to make her forgive me. I quickly rushed into her way and blocked her.
“Do you mind?” She eyed me angrily.

“Uju you’re not listening. I didn’t know you were the one in that room. You know me, I could never treat you like that.”
Her grey eyes twinkled with amusement.

“So if I hadn’t been the one, it is okay to treat people like trash? You almost ruined my day with your cockiness. I get that you have a lot of money. I get that you come from a wealthy family, but it is not okay to treat people like that. Nothing justifies the way you spoke to me today.”

I could hear the hurt in her voice, and that made me really sad. I hurt her badly. And she was right; I had no right to treat anyone like that. This was the burden I carried with me every day. I thought channeling the dark energy I had locked up in me all these years through football would help as aunt Nkiruka had suggested. I realized I had anger issues shortly after my parents died. My father had been a drunk who hit my mother on a daily basis, and that made me feel helpless and sad.

Treating people harshly had become part of my bad behavior, and I found it difficult to change. But now I had hurt someone close to me; I had to work harder. My effort in the past wasn’t enough.

“You have every right to be mad at me Uju, but we have a lot of history. We cannot just end things because of one mistake. Give me another chance to prove myself to you.” I had to convince her to listen to me.

I spotted a well of silvery tears in her eyes. My stomach cringed at the sight of that. I messed up big time!
“I am sorry,” the words I never said to anyone flowed out quite easily. I was even shocked at myself.

She blinked away the tears that gathered in her eyes and glared at me.
“Do you really mean that or you’re just saying that to make me feel better?” She asked.
“I really mean it Uju. I would never treat you or any other person this way.”

Her nostrils flared as she sucked in some air, “fine, I need to get some rest. Work is over.” She flashed a weak smile and made towards the entrance of the house, but I quickly grabbed her hand.

“What is it?” She peered at me.
“Let’s talk. It’s been a long time Uju. I really want to get to know you more.” I flashed a friendly smile, which was another thing I rarely did. Genuinely, I wanted us to hang out. I missed Uju; I wanted to know what had been happening to her after ten years since we last saw each other.

Reluctantly she shrugged, “there’s a nice coffee shop down the street. I hope you wouldn’t take much of my time because I really need to rest.” Her hands moved to her head as she stroked back some strands of hair that had fallen on her face.

I caressed her soft hand, “you look so tired, princess. You need to get enough rest.”
“I am not as rich as you, if I rest, who would pay my bills?” She laughed softly, and the sound of her laughter stirred something within me.

The Pepperani shop wasn’t too far off from the three-story building. We stepped in and got a table. I wasn’t in the mood to eat anything; all wanted was to talk to the beautiful woman next to me.

“What would you like?” I ran my eyes lazily through the congested menu. I noticed the shop had been renovated. The last I came in here was ten years back, and the walls had been red.
Uju’s brows narrowed as she stared intently at the menu.

“I definitely don’t want ice cream. I’d go for a glass of lemonade.” She was quick to say this.
I snapped my fingers, and a waitress moved to our table. The young girl kept giggling shyly as she saw me. I guess she knew I was Chinedum Ike, and I was hoping she wouldn’t ask for a selfie. I didn’t want any distraction. This moment was for Uju and I wanted all my attention on her.

“She knows you,” Uju tapped her slender fingers lightly on the table.
“It happens everywhere.” I leaned forward and clasped her hands in mine.
She was so beautiful and calm. I felt a strong pull towards her. It didn’t take me long to figure out that I liked Uju. She was my first crush, and I still liked her. I wouldn’t give up on her easily. I would pursue this amazing personality.

“You left without saying anything to me…” she muttered under her breath.
I remember leaving town, but I had told Emeka about it.

“Emeka knew I was leaving. If he didn’t tell you, then he didn’t want to hurt your feelings.” I guess this was the reason her brother had refused to tell her that I was moving with my parents.

Uju scoffed and pulled her hands away from mine, “don’t flatter yourself. I was a child.”
“So was I, but I can’t deny that you were my first crush.” I don’t know why she was evasive about what we had ten years back. Did she have a boyfriend? Was she engaged in a serious relationship?

I couldn’t have asked her that the first time that would come off as rude. And I wanted Uju to see me as a good person.

“I still don’t know what you’re talking about,” she replied.
“Are you mad because I left without telling you myself?” I whispered.
“Maybe, but that is over. Now I have seen you after many years; I don’t regret you leaving town without telling me.”

Without warning, Uju grabbed her purse and strolled out in a majestic gait. I couldn’t believe she just walked out on me. For heaven’s sake, I was Chinedum Ike! All women wanted me in their bed.

“I am going to have you Uju,” I pulled the glass of lemonade that was for her and sipped coolly.
Emeka was on my side, and with a little help from him, I would win her over.
“You must be Chinedum from the West African Lions.” The waitress that had taken Uju’s order returned. I could see her face clearer this time; she wasn’t more than sixteen.

Normally, I would ignore some fans, but after what happened to Uju, I was prepared to change.

“And you must be Sandra…” I stared at the tag on her uniform.
“Can I take a selfie with you?” She blushed.
“Sure you can, take all the time you need.”

To be continued…

Source: Davina diaries


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