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Author Topic: Super Story: Human Trafficking - By Blessedgist (Photos)  (Read 20781 times)

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Our world currently, About 50% of women are sold and molested by traffickers. This story is about a curious teenage girl who was sold into slavery (prostitution). Story By Blessedgist

Human Trafficking - Episode 1

Somewhere in a big town, there lived a heartless gang star and a trafficker Johnny.

Johnny has alot of men who help him with his dirty work.

He has an underground brothels in his house , nobody is suspecting him because he has no neighbours.

Johnny has connections, some of his men are working with the police, they give him informations.

They only abduct teenagers, beautiful and unique ladies.

The ladies are allowed to wear panties and small clothes , they sometimes take the ladies to their customers with cars.

Johnny always get rid of their passports and important documents, the ladies must not say a word , they can't run because the house is secured with men and Johnny will do anything to protect his work.

Every night , the ladies must give account of what they did for the day.

Johnny has a best man, he's his accountant.

Josh always check and talk with the ladies, meanwhile. Josh is banging one of the girls.

The girl with the blond hair is called cat , she's dating Josh.

Cat is no longer thinking of running away, she's now comfortable with her lifestyle.

One evening they brought a new girl , she's the youngest.

Josh_ ladies this is your new room mate , her name is mia.

Mia _ i want to go home please.

Josh _ shut up your mouth!

Josh _ Meet cat and blue , the others are not important.
They are your room mates, i expect you to obey them.

Cat _ she's very young.

Josh _ yes, she'll give the boss alot of money.

The others started walking away and Josh is speaking with cat.
Few minutes later.

The ladies walk into their room, they have alot of beds.

Mia is the dark one, she's skinny and young.
Blue _ it time for shower everyone.

Mia _ i want to go home.

Blue_ you better stop crying because they won't listen to you.

Jenet _ we're in the underground, we are not allowed to go outside.


Mia _ please help me.

Cat _ i was once like you Mia, stop disturbing everyone.
Cat started walking away, she's angry.

Maria _ what a loser!

Cat _ is she talking to me?

Maria _ yes, what are you going to do about it?

Cat _ seriously?
Cat walk towards maria.

Cat _ are you jealous of me?

Maria _ you are fucking Josh.

Cat _ you don't know how to mind your business? am only trying to help myself.

Maria _ you are acting like a bitch !

Cat _ what did you call me?

Maria _ you heard me right!

Cat didn't reply her she started beating her ass.

The others are watching and Mia is pissed.
Blue _ enough cat!

Cat_ you don't tell me what to do.

Mia _ this is not right, she's a fellow girl like you.

Cat _ you want me to beat you up?

Mia _ you wouldn't dare.

Jenet _ you don't know her mia, you better stop talking, she's stupid and heartless.

Mia_ whatever!

Blue _ you messaged up her face, boss will be very angry with you.
Cat _ am ready for punishment, am no longer afraid.

Blue _ just wait for him.

Jenet _ boss travled, we're alone with Josh and the others.

Blue _ you are very lucky.

Cat _ i know you are jealous of me.

Blue _ do whatever you want with your life cat .

Cat _ good choice.

Maria wanted to report cat to Josh but he saw everything in the camera.

Josh _ where are you going maria? don't leave that room.

Maria _ cat messed up my face!

Josh _ i saw everything, you deserve it .

Mia_ whattt?

Josh _ as for you blue, your punishment is waiting for you.

Blue _ i didn't fight cat.
Josh _ i told you to obey cat, she's my baby.

Maria _ baby my feet.

Josh _ what did you say?

Maria_ i said we're listening to you.

Josh _ better Maria!

Josh _ dinner is ready, go to eat .
Some of you are working tonight.

Cat _ ok sir.
Cat _ you ladies are still standing here?

Maria _ am not hungry.

Cat _ go and tell that to Josh.

Blue _ you ladies better help yourselves!
The dinner hall is in the underground, they are eating.


Everyone is quite and cat is facing maria.
Few minutes later.

Josh walk into the dinner hall.

Josh _ you ladies are still eating?

Maria _ am done .

Josh _ blue , cat , jenet.

Cat _ we're working tonight?

Josh _ yes , you three are going to make a very rich man happy.

Blue _ ok sir.

Josh_ cat , you'll kill the man after playing with him.

Cat _ yes sir.

Josh_ you'll poison his drink .

Cat _ just like old times.

Josh _ you are very smart , i will soon tell boss about us.
I hope he won't shoot me .

Cat _ please don't tell him.

Josh _ i can't hide it anymore .

Cat _ am scared right now.

Josh _ i will take care of him.

Cat _ if you say so.

Mia_ what about us?

Josh _ go to bed .

The ladies left the dinner hall.

Josh is thinking, he don't know how to tell his boss about cat .
After thinking, Josh lock the underground door with security code .

Blue, cat and jenet was taken to their customers by 3 other men.

The men always go out with them in case of danger and police.

Josh_ this business is moving fine, boss and his wife are really trying.

They are shipping another set of ladies very soon , this job is paying and i really love it.

They better not mess up tonight, we need that money.
That man must die , he's fucking rich meh! we need money for weapons and other things .

Bella is now minding her business, she's no longer disturbing us .

Bella is another gang woman leader, she has a son .
Bella don't buy or sell humans, she only deal with drugs and weapons.

Bella is a powerful woman, she has workers, she left her husband after giving birth to their son Sylvester and she's trying to win him back.


What will happen next?

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Episode 2

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Human Trafficking - Episode 2
Reply #1 on: December 11, 2019, 08:13:37 AM
Human Trafficking - Episode 2

Somewhere in the town, meet Oliver Sylvester's father.

Bella left him after giving birth to their son, he's a caring and lovely father.

Sylvester is very stubborn and troublesome, his father is doing everything he could to protect him.

He's calling Sylvester.

Oliver _ where are you son?

Sylvester _ am working father.

Oliver _ by this time of the day?

Sylvester _ you got me, am with friends.

Oliver_ check your time son.

Sylvester _ see you soon father.

Oliver _ hello! hello!! This boy is at it again.

That night Sylvester didn't come home , he slept in a hotel.

The next day.

Oliver _ you finally come home.

Sylvester_ am sorry about last night .

Oliver _ what happened to you?

Sylvester _ am here now father.

Oliver _ we need to talk.

Sylvester_ is it about Bella?

Oliver _ yes, she's your mother.

Sylvester_ she's not my mother.

Oliver _ she's stalking you as we speak.

Sylvester_ i don't want to see her .

Oliver _ she's threatening my life.

Sylvester_ she was never there for me!

Oliver _ i know son, please hear her out.

Sylvester_ you are scared of her .

Oliver _ am not son.

Sylvester_ i don't want to see her face and that's final.

Oliver _ she want you back.

Sylvester_ am not interested father, am going to freshen up.

Oliver _ i hope you didn't fight anyone last night?

Sylvester_ am not a boxer father.

Oliver _ what a troublesome child.

Sylvester_ you are over reacting.

Oliver _ i can't believe he's mine.

Sylvester walk into his room.

He started hitting the wall.

Sylvester_ what did she want from me? she left us because my father was weak and poor , i don't want to see her face!

After talking to himself, he fell asleep.

A week later.

Sylvester went out for a drink.

Bella is walking towards him.
Bella order a drink and Sylvester is lost in thoughts.

Bella _ he has grown into a fine young man, is he ignoring me?
i want to win him back, i will do anything for him.

Bella _ Sylvester.

Sylvester_ what?
Bella _ how are you today?

Sylvester_ when did you get here?

Bella _ a moment ago, are you ok?

Sylvester_ what are you doing here?

Bella _ we need to talk.
Sylvester_ am not interested in whatever you want to say.

Bella _ are you still angry with me?

Sylvester_ stop stalking me please.

Bella_ i can't do that.

Sylvester_ why?

Bella_ because you are my son.

Sylvester_ am not your son!

Sylvester Started walking away and bella is drinking.
Bella started following him and Sylvester is pissed.

Sylvester_ stop following me please.

Bella _ you don't want to hear me out?

Sylvester_ i don't want to see your face.

Bella _ am your mother !

Sylvester_ i don't give a fuck.
Sylvester walk out of the bar and bella is blocking his way.
Sylvester_ what's all this?

Bella _ i want you back son.

Sylvester_ you don't understand English?

Bella_ don't talk to me like that!

Sylvester_ what are you going to do about it?

Bella_ you are lucky Sylvester.

Sylvester_ am not afraid of you!

Bella _ i did everything for you.

Sylvester_ by leaving us?

Bella _ you don't know what i went through.

Sylvester_ really?

Bella_ your father was weak and stupid.

Sylvester_ don't insult my father.
Bella _ he was weak Like a baby , you better listen to me.

Sylvester_ why should i?

Bella_ people want you dead .

Sylvester_ story.

Bella_ i killed my ex husband, he is the reason why i left your father.

Sylvester_ am not interested in your story .
Bella _ what's all this? he don't want to hear me out.
What should i do now?

Sylvester_ leave me alone.
Bella _ enough!

Sylvester_ you only gave birth to me, you left me when i was a baby, you didn't care , now you want me back, after 24 years?

Bella_ i didn't everything for your safety.

Sylvester_ you left because he was poor .

Bella _ no Sylvester!

Sylvester_ why did you leave us?

Bella_ let's sit and talk please.

Sylvester_ am busy .

Bella _ let me know when you are ready to talk Sylvester.

Bella is very angry, she walk away from from Sylvester.
Sylvester went home .

few minutes later.

Joja is walking towards bella.

Bella is pissed and joja is scared, she's one of bella's team.
Joja_ that didn't go well.

Bella _ he's stubborn.

Joja_ give him time to think.

Bella _ he's in danger, i want him to stay with me.

Joja_ he'll come around.
Bella _ Oliver is responsible for his actions, he didn't tell him the truth.

Joja_ calm down please .

Bella _ don't tell me what to do!

Joja_ he'll live with you .

Bella _ i did everything for him and he's mistreating me?

Joja_ he's angry.

Joja is trying to calm Bella down.

Bella _ am visiting Oliver.

Joja_ you think that's a good idea?

Bella_ i want my son, i want him to tell Sylvester the truth.
I left because i was scared, i didn't want my son to suffer, Oliver couldn't protect us , i married Phil because of my child.

Joja_ we understand ma'am.
Joja_ you sacrifice your happiness for your son.

Bella _ he's not ready to hear me out.

Joja_ give him a few weeks to think.

Bella_ am visiting his father.

Joja_ do whatever you want.

Bella _ i can't believe this, Oliver is playing with me.

Joja_ he's still the love of your life.

Bella_ i still love him but i can't go back to him because of Phil's families.

Joja_ do what you must to get your son's back.
Bella _ let's get out of here.

Joja_ where's your gun?

Bella_ i don't leave my house without guns joja.

Joja_ am sorry.

Bella _ sorry for what?

Joja_ for my mouth.

Bella _ sorry for yourself .

Joja_ there's a shipment tomorrow.

Bella_ take care of that, i need to think.

Joja_ am on it ma'am.

Bella _ Johnny killed one of our business partner.

Joja_ what are we going to do about him?

Bella_ nothing, all i want now is my son.

Joja_ you'll win him back.

Bella_ you think so?

Joja_ yes .

Bella _ you are very courageous.

Joja_ thank you.

Bella left her husband for a gang star , Phil had an encounter with Bella, she was so beautiful that Phil was ready to do anything to win her heart.
Phil found out that Bella is married and pregnant, he started threatening Oliver, after the birth of their son , Bella had no choice than to marry Phil whom she later killed.

She left Oliver and baby Sylvester in other to protect them but Oliver hated Bella for her decision.
Oliver didn't tell Sylvester the truth and Sylvester hate his mother.


Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Human Trafficking - Episode 3
Reply #2 on: December 11, 2019, 08:23:05 AM
Human Trafficking - Episode 3

Somewhere in another country.

Meet yara and Petra her mother, yara is 16.

Yara is very wide and curious, she live with her mother.

Her father is dead and Petra is doing everything she could to sponore her education.

Yara has friends and a boyfriend.

One evening , yara is leaving the house.

Petra_ how are you daughter.

Yara _ am good mother.

Petra _ how was school today?

Yara_ it was great .

Petra _ what are you doing tonight?

Yara _ am going to Amelia's party.

Petra _ you are going to a party by this time of the day?
What are you wearing yara? you want men to abduct you?

Yara_ what do you want me to wear?

Petra _ dress decently yara!

Yara_ am a teenager mother.

Petra _ go to your room, no partying tonight.

Yara_ don't do this mother.

Petra _ it is done!

Yara_ this is not right.

Petra_ am doing everything for you.

Yara_ you always say that.

Petra _ go and sleep child.

Yara_ i can't believe this.

Petra _ goodnight princess.

Yara_ goodnight mother.

Yara walk into her room, she's not attending the party.
Yara_ why's mother doing this to me? she always control me, am no longer a child!

Few minutes later.

She's calling Amelia.
Amelia _ where are you now babe?

Yara_ i can't come .

Amelia _ it's your mother again?

Yara_ yes babe , am very sorry.

Amelia _ you promised to be here with me remember?

Yara_ there's nothing i can do , i don't want to argue with her.
Amelia _ whatever see you tomorrow.

Yara_ thanks for your understanding.

Amelia _ don't thank me, do whatever you want.

Yara_ please don't be angry.

Amelia _ goodnight babe.

Yara_ goodnight.

Few minutes later.

Yara's boyfriend is calling her .

Yara_ hello babe.

Justin _ how are you?

Yara_ am good baby.

Justin _ let's go out for a drink?

Yara_ i can't justin.

Justin _ why are you doing this to me?

Yara_ what are you talking about?

Justin _ are we dating?

Yara_ what type of question is that?

Justin _ answer me please!

Yara_ yes, we're dating.

Justin _ what are you waiting for?

Yara_ you are talking about sex again?

Justin _ am tired of waiting.

Yara_ i see, Justin stay away from me.

Justin _ what?

Yara_ i don't want to see your face again.

Yara hang up on him , she fell asleep after speaking with Justin.

Next afternoon.
Petra walk into her room .

Petra _ wake up princess.

Yara_ mother leave me alone.

Petra _ aren't you going to class?

Yara_ omg!

Petra _ what's wrong with you?

Yara_ am good mother.

Petra _ you know you can talk to me.

Yara_ it's Justin.

Petra_ what happened? is he ok?

Yara_ he's fine mother, he want to have sex with me.

Petra_ are you dating him?

Yara_ yes , we're dating.

Petra _ you are too young for that , focus on your study child.

Yara_ i will do my best.
Petra _ don't have sex with him daughter, wait for the right time .

Yara_ thank you very much mother.

Petra _ you are welcome.

Yara_ am going to freshen up.

Petra _ do that fast .

Yara walk into her bathroom.

She started brushing her teeths.
She's thinking about her decision, yara decided to wait till she's 18.

She left the house after taking her bath.

Later that day.

Amelia arrive.
Yara_ you are here .

Amelia _ yes, what happened between you and Justin?

Yara_ i broke up with him.

Amelia _ why?

Yara_ he's after sex.

Amelia _ that boy is something else.

Yara_ yes , he's annoying.

Amelia _ are you done with your homework?

Yara_ no, let's do it together?

Amelia _ alright.

Yara_ am sorry for not attending your party.

Amelia _ it's ok .

Yara_ i want to make it up to you.

Amelia _ how?

Yara_ am taking you out tomorrow.

Amelia _ i would love that.

Yara_ good.

Amelia _ let's study .

Yara_ alright.

They started studying and writing.
Few minutes later.

Yara is calling Mara another friend of her's.

Yara_ what's up babe?

Mara _ am cool, where are you?

Yara _ am home with Amelia.

Mara_ are you guys hitting the club tonight?

Yara _ maybe.

Mara_ let me know when you are ready .

Yara_ no problem.

Few minutes later.

Amelia went home.

Later that night.

Yara sneak out of the house, she went clubbing with her friends.
The next day.

Yara is leaving the house.

Her mother is angry with her, she's shouting at her.
Yara is calm, she's trying to bribe her mother.
Petra_ can't you stay at home for one second?

Yara_ am going to the library.

Petra _ go and change your clothes.

Yara _ don't start mother.

Petra _ get inside now!

Yara_ you are over reacting again.

Petra_ you better not disobey me young woman!

Yara_ mother please!

Petra_ are you tired of school? you want to be a hoe?

Yara_ mother!

Petra_ get inside this minute!

Yara_ you are punishing me, i don't like this.

Petra _ you are half naked.

Yara_ it's my life mother.

Petra _ where are you going?

Yara_ see you later.

Petra _ you don't want to disobey me .

Yara_ i love you so much mother. 😘😘

Petra _ you can't change my mind.

Yara_ you are the best mother in the world. 😘


Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Human Trafficking - Episode 4
Reply #3 on: December 11, 2019, 08:34:15 AM
Human Trafficking - Episode 4

Yara didn't listen to her mother, she left.
Later that evening.

She's calling her mara.

Mara_ where are you?

Yara_ at the pool house.

Mara_ ok, we're coming.

Yara_ please be fast.

A moment later.

Justin arrive, yara is angry with him.
Justin _ am sorry.

Yara _ what are you doing here?

Justin _ i can't stop thinking about you.

Yara_ we're over.

Justin _ let me buy you a drink.

Yara_ i don't want your drink.

Justin _ please yara.

Yara _ whatever!

They walk to the bar.
Yara is crying because of Justin's behaviour.

Justin _ am ready to wait.

Yara_ i can't believe you are treating me this way.

Justin _ am sorry baby.

Yara_ am tired of you.

Justin _ i still love you.

Yara_ go away please.

Justin _ this is not right.

Yara_ goodbye Justin.

Justin _ please baby.
Yara walk away from Justin.

Later that night.
Someone is watching the ladies, they aren't aware.
Few minutes later.

Justin is arrive for the second time.

Justin _ hey ladies.

Amelia _ what's up?

Justin _ am good.

Mara_ good for you.

Justin _ what's the meaning of that?

Mara_ i don't know.
Justin _ can i talk to you alone?

Yara_ no.

Justin _ please baby.

Yara_ go away please.

Amelia _ give him a second chance.

Yara_ there's nothing to talk about.
Justin _ please baby.

Mara_ just go with him.

Amelia _ am tired of his complains.

Justin _ did i complain to you?

Yara_ enough guys.

Justin _ please let's talk.

Yara_ go and wait over there.

Justin _ thank you very much.

Yara_ don't thank me yet.

Justin walk away from the ladies.
Few minutes later.

Justin _ i was wrong baby, please forgive me.

Yara_ are you sure of what you are saying?

Justin _ yes .

Yara_ you are forgiven.

Justin _ thanks you beautiful.

They started kissing.
Justin _ do what you want to come over to my house?

Yara_ i can't.

Justin _ why?

Yara_ my mother is waiting for me at home.

Justin _ maybe next time.

Yara_ yes.

Justin _ let me walk you to your house?

Yara_ ok.

Yara walk away from him, she's going change her clothes.
Justin started calling his brother Josh.

Justin's brother is one of Johnny's men, they want yara and her friends.
Josh_ bro.

Justin _ how are you?

Josh_ am good bro.

Justin _ am still thinking about your offer.

Josh_ my boss will pay you alot of money, we want your girlfriend.

Justin _ let me think please.

Josh_ she doesn't love you.

Justin _ i don't want to go to jail.

Josh_ you won't brother, please set her up.

Justin _ how much is he paying me?

Josh_ he's paying alot.

Justin _ i will give you my reply tomorrow.

Josh_ think fast, my boss might abduct them himself.

Justin _ ok.

Josh_ take care .

Back to Johnny's house.
The men are talking, Stacy is angry.

She's Johnny's wife.

Johnny _ what's wrong baby?

Stacy _ am fine.

Johnny _ you want money?

Stacy _You always talk about money.

Johnny _ what do you want from me?

Stacy _ i want a baby.

Johnny _ am not ready to father any child.

Stacy _ you are scared because of your lifestyle?

Johnny _ something like that.

Stacy _ you'll protect him/her.

Johnny _ am still thinking.

Stacy started walking away.

Johnny _ wait baby.

Stacy _ you don't love me.

Johnny _ who told you that?

Stacy _ all you care about is money.

Johnny _ you are cold.

Stacy _ am fine.

Johnny _ let me keep you warm.

Stacy _ leave me alone.

He's flirting with Stacy and she's shinning her teeths
A moment later.

He started kissing and pressing her ass

One thing lead to another and they ended up in their bedroom ‍♀️

They started kissing and romacing.

A moment later, he started blowing her wall.‍♂️
Stacy _ take it easy honey!

Johnny _ you are so sweet baby!

Stacy _ go deeper!

Johnny _ ok sweetheart.

Stacy _ you are so good, i love you so much.

Johnny _ i love you too .

Few minutes later.

He's still banging her and Stacy and closing her eyes. ‍♀️
Few minutes later.

They are finally done.

Johnny _ that was great.

Stacy _ you are great.

Johnny _ i love you.

Stacy _ i love you too.

Johnny _ let's sleep?

Stacy _ ok baby.

After banging and kissing, they fell asleep.

Johnny want to abduct yara and her friends , he's paying Justin to set them up , the most wanted is yara.

Justin is angry with yara because she refused to have sex with him.

They are taking the girls to another country, yara isn't aware of what's waiting for her, she's busy partying and misbehaving.

What will happen next?


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Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Human Trafficking - Episode 5
Reply #4 on: December 12, 2019, 07:19:21 PM
Human Trafficking - Episode 5

Few days later.

Smith arrive, he's one of Johnny's business partner.

Everyone heard about yara and Smith already paid for yara's virginity.

They are greeting each others.

Johnny _ how was your journey?

Smith _ it was great.

Johnny _ am glad you are here.

Smith _ where's your wife?

Johnny _ she's in the other brothel with some of the girls.

Smith _ that's very good, i can't wait to see this doll.

Johnny _ she's a goddess.

Smith _ yes, i saw her pictures.

Johnny _ she'll be with me very soon.

Smith _ i trust you.

Johnny _ am sending some of the ladies to another place.

Smith _ why?

Johnny _ Josh is banging some of them.

Smith _ he's your man, let him enjoy.

Johnny _ you know i don't play with my work, he's not free to bang any of my girls.

Smith _ he told you himself?

Johnny _ no, he don't know how to tell me.

Smith _ forgive him and transfer the ladies.

Johnny _ that's what am doing now.

Few minutes later.

Johnny started calling the other brothel.

Worker _ boss.

Johnny _ am transferring some of the girls today or tomorrow.

Worker _ no problem sir.

Johnny _ how's business?

Worker _ everything is fine.

Johnny _ ok , see you soon.

A moment later.

Johnny is calling Josh.

Josh_ boss.

Johnny _ Smith is here, arrange one of the rooms for him.

Josh_ ok boss.

Smith_ am going to freshen up brother .

Johnny _ ok bro.

Smith walk away from him.

Later that night.

Johnny walk into the underground, he's angry with cat.

Meanwhile, mia is beaten up because of her stubbornness.

Johnny _ who's your boss?

Cat_ you sir.

Johnny _ you want more dicks?

Cat _ no sir!

Johnny _ really?

Cat _ what's going on sir?

Johnny _ you are still pretending?

Cat _ i don't know what you are talking about.

Johnny _ am sending you away.

Cat_ no please.

Johnny _ you don't tell me what to do!

Cat _ i want to stay here .

Johnny _ are you arguing with me?

He started beating her ass and cat is crying.
Mia is scared but she's still talking.

Blue is pissed and Mia is crying.

Cat fell on the ground , she's messed up.

Johnny walk closer to Mia.

Johnny _ you are still running your mouth?

Mia _ i wasn't talking to you.

Johnny _ you want to die?

Mia_ no please !

Johnny _ you are stubborn and am always ready to beat your ass.

Mia_ stay away from please.

Johnny started beating and kicking her.
Few minutes later.

He's done with them.

Johnny _ blue, cat , jenet and Mia, get ready.

Mia_ I don't want to go please.

Johnny _ you are still talking?

Jenet _ come on mia.

Mia is devastated, she's giving up in life.
Johnny walk away after dealing with them.
Stacy _ you are sending some of girls away?

Johnny _ yes , to the other brothel.

Stacy _ why?

Johnny _ they are messing with me.

Stacy _ you are sending Mia away? she can't take it.

Johnny _ when did you start thinking about others? She's no longer a child, she can take it.

Stacy _ why not leave her with us?

Johnny _ i don't want to, she's too stubborn.

Stacy _ think about it.

Johnny _ forget about her baby.

Stacy _ Smith is something else.

Johnny _ he likes new pussies and young girls.

Stacy _ you can say that again.

Johnny _ let's talk about us, what are you doing tonight?

Stacy _ you tell me.

Johnny started kissing and pressing her ass.🙄

Johnny _ am taking you out tonight.

Stacy _ what about the ladies?

Johnny_ Josh and the others will take care of them.

Stacy _ you are so caring.

Johnny _ am trying to spend time with you sweetheart, you mean everything to me.

Stacy _ i love you so much.

Johnny _ i love you too, go and get ready.

Stacy _ think about my word.

Johnny _ go and get ready please.

Stacy _ am already going.

Johnny _ that's my girl.

The ladies was taken to the other brothel that night.

Johnny went out with Stacy.

Back to Sylvester.

That same night.

An assassina is walking in their compound, she's here to kill Sylvester.

Oliver walk out of the house and he was shot dead.

The assassin is disappointed, she thought he's Sylvester.

Sylvester is another area boy , he's not home.

Oliver is dead , meanwhile his sister is in the house.

The assassin walk into the house.

Assassin_ don't even think of running away, where's Sylvester?

Lisa _ i will never tell you.

Assassin_ you want to die?

The assassin is pointing her gun at Lisa.

Lisa _ i don't know where he is.

Assassin_ well, rest in pices!

Lisa_ please don't!

She started shooting Lisa.

Lisa is dead, the assassin started looking for Sylvester.

She didn't find him, she's disappointed.

The assassin left after destroying some of their properties.

Assassin_ where are you Sylvester? , you can't run away from your fate.
I will get you, you'll die sooner or later.

The assassin is unknown, someone sent her.


Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Human Trafficking - Episode 6
Reply #5 on: December 12, 2019, 07:30:58 PM
Human Trafficking - Episode 6

That same night.

Sylvester is at the gym house, his phone is ringing.

Police _ is this Sylvester?

Sylvester_ yes, who's this?

Police _ the police, come to the hospital.

Sylvester_ why?

Police _ your father is dead .

Sylvester_ what did you say?

Police _ please come .

Sylvester is blowing up, he's very angry.
Sylvester_ they are joking with me, my father can't be dead.

I will kill you if you are responsible for this Bella.
Sylvester went to the hospital.

The police are looking for the assassin and Sylvester is impatient.

He'll do anything to get his father's shooter.

A month later.

Sylvester is still broken, he's now alone .

Meanwhile, his mother send some of his men to guard him secretly.

Sylvester Started crying and shouting.
Sylvester_ am all alone now, my father is gone.

Am sorry for leaving you father, i should have stopped the assassin, please forgive me, i will find your killer, i will avenge your death.

After crying and talking, he fell asleep.

Back to Bella.

She's cheaking on her weapons , one of her team is walking towards her.

Amanda _ boss.

Bella_ what is it?

Amanda _ the shipment is here.

Bella_ where's joja?

Amanda _ she's upstairs.

Bella_ you guys should take care of it .

Bella_ am visiting Johnny tonight.

Amanda _ why?

Bella_ Oliver is dead, i want to know his killer.

Amanda _ you think Johnny is responsible for this?

Bella_ that's what am trying to figure out.

Bella_ they are afraid of my son, they don't want him to join me.

Amanda _ they want to get rid of him, with him we're more stronger.

Bella_ yes, my son is a bad shooter

Amanda _ i can't wait to see him.

Bella_ you'll see him.

Amanda _ i heard he's damm handsome.

Bella_ what do you expect? he's my son.

Amanda _ is he single?

Bella_ ask him when he arrive.

Amanda _ ok ma'am.

Bella_ crazy girl.

Amanda _ what a beautiful boss.

Bella_ what do you want now?

Amanda _ i want some money.

Bella_ your monthly payment?

Amanda _ no ma'am, am celebrating my birthday.

Bella_ i will think about it.

Amanda _ you are the best.

Bella_ happy birthday in advance.

Amanda _ thank you hot boss.

Later that night.
Bella is going out with Johnny, she's ready.

In joja's thought .

this woman is damm hot, i can't believe she's 45.
Am very jealous of her beauty, men are still dying for her.

Bella_ you are here.

Joja_ yes, i love your dress.

Bella_ it's gorgeous right?

Joja_ yes and you are so hot .

Bella_ you think so?

Joja_ yes ma'am.

Bella_ thanks.
Bella_ am going out with Johnny, take care of the shipment.

Joja_ ok ma'am.

Bella_ where are the others?

Joja_ they are watching film.

Bella_ the security man must be alert, i don't want to hear any story.
Joja_ he's in the control room.

Bella_ good , no going or coming after i leave.

Joja_ noted.

Bella_ tell Rebecca to check the documents.

Joja_ i will do that right away.

Bella_ see you later.

Bella left the house, she has a small silent gun.

Bella don't go out without guns, she always wear tight panties because of guns.

Few minutes later.

She arrive at the bar.
Meanwhile, Johnny asked one of the bar man to drug Bella.

Some drug dealers want to bang Bella including Johnny, they want to marry her because she's beautiful, powerful and dangerous.

Bella is starring at her drink , she's suspecting the bar man.

Bella_ am not drinking it , something is not right.

Bella drop the glass of wine on the table.

A moment later.

One of Sylvester's secret bodyguard is calling her.

Bella_ what's going on?

James _ your son is inside the house, he's still broken.

Bella_ don't take your eyes off him.

James _ ok ma'am.

Bella_ don't let him see you.

James_ he won't .

Bella_ kill any suspicious person you see.

James_ we're on it.

Bella_ goodluck.

Few minutes later.

Johnny arrive, he's starring at bella.

Bella_ why are you looking at me like that?

Johnny _ bella Phil, we meet again.

Bella_ come and sit .

Johnny _ you look tempting tonight.

Bella_ are you flirting with me?

Johnny _ you gave me no choice, you are so hot.

Bella_ we need to talk.

Johnny _ why are you not drinking?

Bella_ you want to drug me?

Johnny _ you are a bad girl.

Bella_ i know what you are capable of.

Johnny _ you think i want to drug you?

Bella_ say something else.
Johnny _ i will never do that to the queen of gang stars.

Bella_ can we sit down and talk?

Johnny _ let's talk about us babe.

Bella_ am not interested in you.

Johnny _ come on beautiful.

Bella_ am not here to talk about us.

Johnny _ what do you want?

Bella_ Oliver is dead, did you kill him?

Johnny _ you still have feelings for him? after 24 years?

Bella_ you don't know how to mind your business?

Johnny _ be mine, i will fuck you well.

Bella_ you idiot!

Johnny _ wtf are you doing now?

Bella_ i don't want your dick.

Johnny _ am very good in bed, try me .

Bella_ you are still saying your nonsense?

Johnny _ i know you want me, let's work together.

We'll be unstoppable Bella, marry me.

Bella_ what a joker.

Johnny _ i still like you Bella.

Bella _ who's responsible for Oliver's death?

Johnny _ you don't know?

Bella_ i know they want my son.

Johnny_ marry me and i promise to protect him.

Bella_ am capable of protecting my child.

Johnny _ let me know when you are ready to talk.

Bella_ are you responsible for this?

Johnny _ no .

Bella_ i will kill you if you have anything to do with this .

Johnny _ no problem, let's have some drinks .

Bella_ the drinks you poisoned?

Johnny _ why are you like this? i need a woman like you in my life.

Bella_ poor Stacy.

Johnny _ what's the meaning of that?

Bella_ am trying to mind my business.

Johnny _ do that fast.



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