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Author Topic: Super Story: Annabella - Full Episode (Photos)  (Read 20801 times)

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Annabella - Episode 19 (Photos)
Reply #18 on: November 24, 2019, 09:45:55 AM

Annabella - Episode 19

Few minutes later.

Harmless is calling his squad.

Harmless _ i want you to get rid of Sylvester, take a few men with you.

Squad _ this is not a good time.

Harmless _ are you disobeying me?

Squad _ Sylvester is protected.

Harmless_ by who?

Squad _ by his team.

Harmless _ i want that girl.

Squad _ let's think of a plan?

Harmless_ am coming over to the house.

Squad_ no problem.

Harmless is angry.
Harmless _ they can't get rid of one small boy?

I want him dead and i want annabella.

Few days later.

Annabella visit her parents, she's curious to know what's going on with her life.

Alicia _ you are so beautiful.

Annabella _ thank you mother.

Alicia _ how's school?

Annabella_ it's terrible.

Alicia _ why?

Annabella_ where's father?

Alicia _ he's inside.

Annabella _ i want to ask you guys some questions.

Alicia _ the truth about you?

Annabella_ you know?

Alicia _ yes child.

Annabella _ what is it?

Alicia _ let's go inside.

Annabella _ are you telling me or not?

Alicia _ let's talk in the house.

Annabella_ ok mother.

Annabella is hugging her grandfather.

Richard _ how are you doing?

Annabella_ am not good grandfather.

Richard _ it's time to tell her the truth.

Roben_ we have been waiting for this day.

Annabella _ what is going on?

Richard _ sit down.

Annabella _ something is not right.

Roben_ sit please.

Annabella _ ok.

Roben_ 60 years ago, my father started a business with 4 men , they were best friends.

Annabella _ go on.

Roben_ few months later , the Business didn't work out.
3 of the men abandoned the Business but my father didn't give up.

My father borrowed another huge sum of money and started from the start .

Everything was hard and terrible but he keep on pushing.

A year later, he signed his first contact with a foreigner.
From that moment on everything started working out for him.

Two years later.

Two of his friends asked my father to give them their share of the Business.

My father was a nice and calm man, he didn't argue with them.

He gave them some money but they aren't satisfied.

The men started hunting my father, they want to take over the company and his wealth.

When i was born, my father operated my back he put the keys to his wealth in my body in other to protect the company's documents and secrets.

He was shot and he didn't make it , two years later and my mother told me the story.

The men didn't find the key to the documents, they started looking for me and my mother.

Few years later they found out that am carrying the keys .

When you arrive, i and your mother did the same with you.

The keys was given to you by our family doctor, he told my enemies about you and they want to abduct you because of the keys.

Annabella _ you are saying i have keys in my skin?

Roben_ yes , you are now the carrier and the gate way to the secret.

Annabella _ why did you keep it from me?

Roben_ i was protecting you , my greedy doctor betrayed us.

Alicia _ your father did the right thing , you are our only child.

Annabella _ what about Sylvester?

Roben_ he's capable of protecting you.

Annabella _ who is he?

Roben_ he has alot of connections and he's dangerous.

Annabella _ dangerous?

Alicia _ his father is powerful and he'll do anything for his son.

Roben_ they are the only truthful business partners.

Alicia _ the others just want to know the secret to our business.

Richard _ Sylvester is rude but he's a good guy.

Annabella _ i don't care.

Richard _ he's the right one for you .

Alicia _ he's not desperate for money because they are very rich.

Roben_ he's the only man for you.

Annabella _ am i giving him the keys after marriage?

Roben_ you'll give it to your heir.

Annabella _ you trust Sylvester?

Roben_ i trust his father.

Annabella _ am talking about him.

Sylvester_ he'll never disobey his father.

Richard _ your father is right.

Annabella _ this is huge.

Alicia _ it is daughter.

Annabella _ you should have keep the keys father.

Roben_ i can't because you are my only child and i don't know what will happen to me tomorrow.

Annabella _ i can't believe am carrying a trillionaire keys with me.

Roben_ they open the door to company secrets.

Annabella _ like documents?

Roben_ yes child.

Annabella _ thank you for telling me, i will be careful from now on.

Roben_ good daughter.

Annabella _ am going to my room.

Alicia _ ok Princess.

Alicia _ we finally tell her the truth.

Roben_ yes.

Richard _ you did a great job.

Roben_ thanks sir.

Alicia _ that doctor is a betrayal.

Roben_ you can say that again.

Alicia _ i think she should move in with Sylvester.

Roben_ let's wait till they graduate.

Alicia _ if you say so .

Annabella _ i can't believe this, people want to get rid of me because of the keys, they want the keys.

Sylvester's family are the only truthful people? what if they are pretending? who's Sylvester?

That harmless was trying to abduct me, what should i do now?

I can't marry Sylvester, he's a dick and i don't like him.
I can't believe i have keys in my body, i don't feel sick at all.
Should i remove the keys? i don't even know where they are .

Annabella decided to study but her mind is filled up.

After thinking she fell asleep.

Few minutes later.

Her mother walk into her room.

Alicia_ my poor baby, she's asleep.
We're sorry for everything daughter but we love you.
Sylvester is the only man for you , he's not marrying you because of your wealth, other men want the keys and nothing more.

After talking Alicia walk out of her room and annabella is busy sleeping.

Men want to marry annabella because of her wealth, her parents chose Sylvester for her because he's dangerous and his father has alot of connections.

Sylvester don't care about money, he's already rich.
Sylvester is another secret boss, he has his team and he's not an easy man.

Zed and Ryan are not just his friends, they are some of his squad.

What will happen next?

To be continued..

TAG: blessedgist 

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Annabella - Episode 20 (Photos)
Reply #19 on: November 25, 2019, 08:07:40 AM
Annabella - Episode 20

Two days later.

Sylvester is back to school.

One evening he went out with his Ryan and zed.

Ryan and dodo are guarding Sylvester.

Sylvester_ what are you guys doing?

Ryan_ protecting your ass.

Sylvester_ i can take care of myself.

Dodo _ it's my duty to protect you.

Sylvester _ nobody is coming here .

Dodo _ harmless is planning an attack.

Sylvester_ when?

Dodo _ am still digging.

Sylvester_ do that fast.

Dodo _ ok boss.

Sylvester_ i can't believe am doing this.

Ryan_ you are doing it for your woman.

Sylvester_ she's not my woman.

Ryan_ you really hate her?

Sylvester_ not now Ryan.

Ryan_ am going to speak with the others.

Sylvester_ ok.

Dodo _ are you ok boss?

Sylvester_ am fine.

Dodo _ you can talk to me.

Sylvester _ leave me alone.

Dodo_ if that's what you want.

Sylvester_ where are the others?

Dodo _ they are outside the house.

Sylvester _ am going to relax for a few minutes.

Dodo_ no problem.

Sylvester_ don't do anything stupid, stay here till i get back.

Dodo _ i will do as you say.

Sylvester walk away from him.

Few minutes later.

Meet the rest members of the gang , the lady is Mariah and the other guy is reaper.

Mariah is the only female member, she deal with stubborn men , she's a bad ass seducer.

Mariah _ where's he?

Dodo_ sleeping.

Mariah _ what's the plan?

Dodo_ boss said i should wait for orders.

Mariah _ we must get rid of those losers.

Reaper _ we will.

Mariah _ am going to the wash room.

Reaper _ no problem.

Mariah left the men outside the house.

Reaper _ boss is in love.

Dodo _ with who?

Reaper_ annabella.

Dodo_ am happy for him.

Reaper_ me too.

Dodo_ we must stay awake tonight.

Reaper _ because of harmless?

Dodo_ yes, he's planning an attack.

Reaper _ that loser .

Dodo _ i can't wait to kill him.

Reaper _ let's blow up his family house?

Dodo_ we can't, let's wait for orders.

Reaper _ alright, let's get inside for now.

Dodo _ ok.

Few minutes later.

Sylvester is awake .

Zed_ did you sleep well?

Sylvester_ i couldn't sleep.

Ryan _ he's thinking about anna.

Sylvester_ don't start please.

Ryan_ whatever.

Sylvester walk outside the house, he's calling annabella's bodyguard.

Sylvester_ are you still watching her?

Bodyguard _ yes sir.

Sylvester_ take care of her.

Bodyguard _ am a professional.

Sylvester_ i didn't ask you that.

Bodyguard _ am sorry sir.

Sylvester_ sorry for yourself.

Bodyguard _ she's leaving the hotel.

Sylvester_ are you serious?

Bodyguard _ yes.

Sylvester_ what are you still doing there? follow her now!

Bodyguard _ ok .

Sylvester_ am on my way.

Bodyguard _ no problem.

Few minutes later.

After talking with the men Sylvester left .

Back to the hotel.

Annabella decided to some fresh air outside the hotel, she want to think about Sylvester and the keys she's carrying.

Harmless_ hello annabella.

Annabella _ you again?

Harmless _ follow me.

Annabella _ don't come closer.

Harmless _you don't tell me what to do.

Annabella _ leave me alone please.

Harmless _ you are very stubborn.

Annabella _ i can't follow a stranger.

Harmless_ am your future husband.

Annabella _ no way!

Harmless_ are you inlove with that loser?

Annabella_ mind your business.

Harmless _ are you fucking him?

Annabella_ how's that your business?

Harmless_ it's my business, you'll marry me after his death.

Annabella _ what? you loser .

Harmless is angry with annabella, he give her a hot slap.

Harmless_ don't you dare insult me?

Annabella_ you are a monster.

Harmless_ you want another one?

Bodyguard _ slap her again and i will cut off your throat.

Harmless _ what the hell?

Annabella_ stay away from me.

Before she could finish his sentence harmless started running away because of her bodyguard.

Bodyguard _ idiot.

Harmless_ i will be back.

Annabella _ don't come back you monster.

Bodyguard _ he's not coming back.

Annabella _ where where you?

Bodyguard _ sorry i was late .

Annabella _ whatever.

Few minutes later.

Annabella is speaking with her father.

Roben_ are you ok?

Annabella_ yes , why did you ask?

Roben_ your bodyguard told me what happened, please don't go out alone.

Annabella_ ok father.

Roben_ Sylvester is on his way.

Annabella _ you told him?

Roben_ yes and he's pissed .

Annabella _ am sorry for my behaviour.

Roben_ it's ok Princess.

Annabella _ talk to you later.

Roben_ take care.

As annabella was about to leave , someone walk out of the Bush.

Annabella _ what is all this?

Stranger_ hi , am a new student.

Annabella _ really?

Stranger_ yes.

Annabella _ you are welcome.

Stranger _ thank you .

Annabella _when did you arrive?

Stranger_ an hour ago.

Annabella _ wow!

They are talking and Sylvester is running towards them.

Sylvester_ this lady is very stubborn, who the hell is she talking to?

Annabella_ he's here.

Stranger _ who?

Annabella_ he's a bully.

Stranger_ Sylvester?

Annabella_ you know him?

Stranger_ he's my coursemate

Sylvester_ what are you doing here?

Stranger_ talking to this lady ?

Annabella_ calm down.

Sylvester_ don't tell me to calm down you stubborn child.

Annabella _ am not a child.

Sylvester_ you are a child annabella.

Annabella_ whatever.

Sylvester_ you are not going back to harmless.

Stranger _ what are you talking about?

Sylvester_ you are pretending because of anna?

Annabella_ he's a new student.

Sylvester_ student my feet, he's here to kidnap you.

Annabella _ you are overreacting.

Sylvester_ are you trying to piss me off anna?

Annabella_ whatever.

Stranger_ easy guys.

Sylvester_ are you crazy? stop pretending.

Annabella_ must you bully everyone?

Stranger_ it's ok .

Sylvester_ shut your mouth.

Stranger_ how about you shut it for me?

Sylvester_ your wish is my command.

To be continued..

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Annabella - Episode 21 (Photos)
Reply #20 on: November 25, 2019, 08:24:19 AM
Annabella - Episode 21

Sylvester brought out his gun and annabella is freaking out.

Annabella _ you have a gun? what are you doing?

Sylvester _ watch me.

Annabella_ hey run

The stranger is still standing and Sylvester is pointing his gun at him.

Annabella _ am i dreaming? what's going on ? Sylvester has a gun?

Before she could think Sylvester shoot the stranger.

Annabella is freaking out, she's terrified.

She started running and crying.

Sylvester_ where are you running to?

Annabella_ stay away from me.

Sylvester_ am not chasing you.

Annabella _ you killed him.

Annabella is in shock, she's scared of Sylvester 🤣

Sylvester_ come back.

Annabella _ please leave me alone 😭

Sylvester_ 🙄🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Annabella _ you are a killer.

Sylvester_ i just saved your ass.

Annabella _ you are a murderer.

Annabella is running away from Sylvester 🤣🤣

She started crying and shouting.

Annabella _ don't come closer please.

Sylvester_ calm the fuck down.

Annabella _ i don't want to see your face.

Sylvester_ what's your problem?

Annabella_ you killed him.

Sylvester_ he's not a student annabella.

Annabella _ leave me alone.

Sylvester_ he's one of your enemies.

Annabella_ he was very humble and nice .

Sylvester_ he was pretending annabella.

Annabella _ i can't believe this.

Sylvester_ you want me to call the police?

Annabella_ you will do that?

Sylvester _ yes.

Annabella_ he's already dead.

Sylvester_ get back here.

Annabella_ stay away from me please.

Sylvester_ she's annoying.

Annabella_ you are a pretender.

Sylvester_ are you going to tell your friends?

Annabella_ i don't know.

Sylvester_ you better shut your mouth .

Annabella _ my mouth is shut, please go away.

Sylvester is calling the police.

Annabella_ i can't believe this.

Sylvester_ you want to die?

Annabella_ nooo please.

Sylvester_ then help yourself by following my oders , am doing this because of my father.

Annabella _ he's dead , he's not breathing.

Sylvester_ i don't want him to breath .

Annabella_ what are you going to do?

Sylvester_ you care?

Annabella_ omg!

Sylvester_ the police will take care of his body.

Annabella_ you are going to hell.

Sylvester_ for saving your ass?

Annabella_ you killed an innocent man.

Sylvester_ go away.

Annabella_ am already going.

Sylvester_ drama queen.

Few minutes later.

The police arrive, Sylvester is speaking with one of them.

He's one of Sylvester's connection.

Sylvester_ get rid of the body.

Police _ this is not good.

Sylvester_ are you trying to teach me what's right?

Police _ no .

Sylvester_ then do your job.

Police _ be careful Sylvester.

Sylvester_ why?

Police _ this is a hotel, people might see this.

Sylvester_ are you done?

Police _ am only advising you son.

Sylvester_ you are not my father.

Police _ i know but am old enough to be your father.

Sylvester_ you are getting on my nerves.

Police _ just be careful.

Few minutes later.

Sylvester is laughing and speaking with the police.

Sylvester_ where's that lady? i don't think i can do this father.

She's very stubborn and i don't want to be rude to her.

Sylvester walk into annabella's room.

Annabella is very scared 🤣🤣

Annabella_ what are you doing here? leave my room.

Sylvester_ you are very funny.

Annabella_ does this look funny to you?

Sylvester_ yes anna .

Annabella_ you killed a man.

Sylvester_ quit this attitude of yours anna.

Annabella_ leave my room.

Sylvester_ am not going.

Annabella_ you want to kill me also ?

Sylvester_ be quite annabella.

Annabella_ don't control me.

Sylvester_ you are ungreatful.

Annabella _ i hate you Sylvester.

Sylvester_ i hate you too anna but am doing this.

Annabella_ a man is dead, he killed him.

Sylvester_ why don't you broadcast the information on tv and radio ?

Annabella_ you are a demon.

Sylvester_ whatever.

Sylvester_ where are you going to ?

Annabella_ am running away from you.

Sylvester_ don't leave this hotel.

Annabella _ you are a murderer.

Sylvester_ yes anna.

Annabella_ am telling my parents.

Sylvester_ go ahead.

Annabella_ he has a gun, he shot a man.

Sylvester_ this girl won't shut up🤦‍♂️

Annabella_ sleep in there .

Sylvester_ no thank you.

Annabella_ he's in my room, am not sleeping in there tonight.

Sylvester_ 🤦‍♂️ she's giving me a headache.

Annabella _ Sylvester is a pretender.

Sylvester_ come back to your room.

Annabella_ i don't want it anymore.

Sylvester_ i need some sleep🤦‍♂️🚶‍♂️

Sylvester walk out of her room and annabella is running.🤣

To be continued..

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Annabella - Episode 22 (Photos)
Reply #21 on: November 25, 2019, 08:41:33 AM
Annabella - Episode 22

Few minutes later.

the police is still around, he's speaking with the students

Police _are you are a student?


Police _ did you see any bad behaviour among the others?

Annabella_ no sir.

Police _ you are crying, what's wrong with you?

Annabella_ my boyfriend broke my heart.

Police _ am sorry about that.

Annabella _ thank you.

Police _ it seems everything is in order .

Annabella_ everything is just perfect.

Police _ am done here.

Annabella_ what a creepy officer.

Police _ bye .

Annabella_ take care.

Few minutes later.

Annabella is speaking with Tracy.

Sylvester_ what's are they gossiping about? you better shut your mouth annabella.

Annoying girl.

Tracy _ did you see the police?

Annabella_ yes, he just left.

Tracy _ what's going on ?

Annabella_ i don't know at all.

Bobby _ something is not right.

Tracy _ why did you say so?

Bobby _ the police was here.

Tracy _ yes but they are gone.

Ryan _ is everything ok?

Annabella_ yes.

Ryan _ what's wrong with you?

Annabella_ mind your business please.

Ryan _ ok.

Nancy_ are you guys going out tonight?

Annabella_ am not going.

Nancy_ why ?

Annabella_ am not in the mood .

Tracy _ the police was here Nancy.

Nancy_ police?

Zed_ police?

Annabella_ calm down guys.

Ryan _ the police was checking on us.

Annabella_ he's right.

Zed_ everything is just perfect.

Nancy_ am going out for a drink.

Tracy _ alright.

Ryan _ where's Sylvester?

Annabella_ am i his bodyguard?

Ryan _ she's something else.

Tracy _ am going to my room.

Ryan _ goodnight.

Bobby _ goodnight guys.

Back in Sylvester's room, he's browsing.

After checking for the latest news he fell asleep.

The next day.

Zed_ wake up Sylvester.

Sylvester_ what time is it?

Zed_ 9:30.

Sylvester_ what do you want?

Zed_ the police was here last night.

Sylvester is greeting zed.

Sylvester_ i called them.

Zed_ why?

Sylvester_ i killed one of harmless's messenger.

Zed_ really? he was here?

Sylvester_ yes.

Sylvester_ Annabella is annoying bro.

Zed_ they are looking for her.

Sylvester_ she was speaking with the loser .

Zed_ what?

Sylvester _ she's freaking out as we speak.

Zed_ she's afraid?

Sylvester_ she's still running her mouth.

Zed_ so she's scared.

Sylvester_ she's still running as we speak zed.

Zed_ this is hilarious!

Sylvester_ you can say that again.

Zed_ i like it this way.

Sylvester_ what are you talking about?

Zed_ she's now afraid of you.

Sylvester_ she's still stubborn.

Zed_ everything will be different from now on.

Sylvester_ i just want her to listen to me.

Zed_ she'll change.

Sylvester_ you think so?

Zed_ Mark my words.

Sylvester_ i hope you're right.

Zed_ she'll behave from now on.

Sylvester_ who's not afraid of gun?

Zed_ i love this.

Sylvester_ have you spoken with dodo?

Zed_ not yet.

Sylvester_ i will call him later.

Zed_ you are so inlove.

Sylvester_ fuck you and love .

Zed_ you are pretending bro.

Sylvester_ shut up please.

Zed_ i know you love her.

Sylvester_ i just want to protect her.

Zed_ you'll kill anyone for her sake.

Sylvester_ i don't want to disappoint my father.

Zed_ story.

Sylvester_ get out of my room.

Zed_ am already going.

Sylvester_ idiot.

Zed_ you better tell her how you feel.

Sylvester_ am not saying shit.

Zed_ let's wait and see.

Sylvester_ whatever Zed.

Back to annabella.

She's still thinking about what she saw.

Annabella _ Sylvester has a gun? he's a demon .

He killed that innocent man, what should i do now?
am very scared .

Few minutes later.

Annabella is ready for class.

Sylvester_ where are you going to?

Annabella_ am going to eat breakfast.

Sylvester_ you were leaving without me?

Annabella_ nooo.

Sylvester_ you better not play with your life, people are watching you.

Annabella_ my life is so messed up.

Sylvester_ yes Annabella .

Annabella _ why did you kill that man?

Sylvester_ he's your enemy.

Annabella_ was he trying to abduct me?

Sylvester_ yes.

Annabella_ i can't believe this!

Sylvester_ stop crying.

Annabella _ am not safe anymore, i want to get rid of the keys.

Sylvester_ you are crazy annabella.

Annabella _ i don't know what to do anymore.

Sylvester_ be loyal annabella, always obey me and i will protect you.

Annabella_ my life is miserable !

Sylvester_ smile anna.

Annabella_ i don't want to.

Sylvester_ just smile, you can't keep on acting like this.

Annabella_ ok.

Annabella is smiling by force 🤣🤣

Sylvester_ good girl.

Annabella_ am going to eat.

Sylvester_ don't leave this hotel without my permission.

Annabella _ wherever.

Sylvester_ i like the new you.

Annabella _ i hate you.

Sylvester_ ok hater.

Annabella walk away.

Sylvester_ Zed was right, she's changing.
What's harmless up to? i can't wait to kill him.
People are very desperate for money, they'll do anything for money!

Time to go to class.🤦‍♂️🚶‍♂️

To be continued..

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Annabella - Episode 23 (Photos)
Reply #22 on: November 25, 2019, 09:06:41 AM
Annabella - Episode 23

Later that day.

Sylvester is speaking with his friends and annabella is inside the bar.

Sylvester_ you were right.

Zed_ she's behaving right?

Sylvester_ yes .

Ryan _ see fear.

Zed_ you did the right thing.

Ryan _ this is very good.

Sylvester_ fear fear girl.

Zed_ we're talking about gun.

Sylvester_ i can't stop laughing guys , she was running.

Ryan _ lol.

Sylvester_ she better obey me.

Zed_ she'll.

Sylvester_ she's still stubborn though.

Ryan _ bang her ?

Sylvester_ banging kill you there.

Ryan _ she want you.

Sylvester_ am not available.

Zed_ why are you like this?

Sylvester_ she's dating Bruce and Stanley.

Ryan _ you want to leave her for them?

Sylvester _ i don't care.

Zed_ you care bro.

Ryan _ see jealously.

Sylvester_ dodo is calling.

Zed_ ok.

Sylvester_ what's new?

Dodo_ harmless is not attacking us for now.

Sylvester _ why?

Dodo_ it's his father's order.

Sylvester_ losers.

Dodo _ should we attack them?

Sylvester_ not now.

Dodo _ ok boss.

Sylvester_ where are the others?

Dodo_ they are here with me.

Sylvester_ i want to see you tomorrow.

Dodo _ no problem boss.

Sylvester_ pass the phone to Mariah.

Dodo_ alright.

Sylvester_ Mariah.

Mariah _ yes boss.

Sylvester_ i want you to stalk harmless.

Mariah _ am on it boss.

Sylvester_ be careful.

Mariah _ ok boss.

After speaking with the men Sylvester walk into the bar.

Sylvester_ we're going home.

Annabella _ i don't want to.

Sylvester_ are you coming or not?

Annabella_ am coming.

Sylvester_ good girl.

Annabella_ prick.

Sylvester_ what did you say?

Annabella_ i said let's go.

Sylvester_ better 🙄🤦‍♂️

Back in school.

Tracy is gossiping with some of the female students.

Abigail _ crazy ladies, Women and gossip!

Nancy_ what's going on?

Tracy_ everything is fine.

Nancy_ are you done ?

Tracy _ yes sis.

Nancy_ let's go and eat something.

Tracy _ follow me.

Tracy left with Nancy.

Two days later.

Somewhere in the town.

Meet Jack, he's harmless father.

Jack is one of annabella's enemy, his father is dead and Jack won't give up on the keys. — with Mhizta Harmless.

Jack _ where are you?

Harmless_ am not coming home father.

Jack _ you are useless, my boy is dead because of your stupidity.

Harmless_ you like him more than me.

Jack _ he was a good son , he always obey you.

Harmless _ he's dead now.

Jack _ you killed him.

Harmless_ Sylvester killed him father.

Jack _ it happened because of you.

Harmless _ am not sorry father, he's my half bro.

Jack _ you want to take over my property?

Harmless _ am not that desperate father.

Jack _ am punishing you for killing your brother.

Harmless_ take heart father.

Jack is speaking with his son and his young wife is walking towards him.

Jack is shouting at her.

Jack _ what is it woman?

Victoria _ i want a divorce.

Jack _ what did you say?

Victoria _ am tired of you.

Jack _ you want to leave me?

Victoria _ i can't take your shits anymore.

Jack _ am no longer your love?

Victoria _ please give me a divorce.

Jack _ you married me because of my money.

Victoria _ who told you that?

Jack _ i gave you everything.

Victoria _ we had a great time.

Jack _ what about my child?

Victoria _ am not pregnant.

Jack _ what ?

Victoria _ i had a miscarriage two days ago.

Jack _ tell me you are joking.

Victoria _ am serious, i wanted to tell you .

Jack _ you are wicked, you want to leave after lavishing my money?

Victoria _ am tired of your lifestyle.

Jack _ you married me because am a savage.

Victoria _ i don't want to live this type of life anymore.

Jack _ are you seeing someone else?

Victoria _ no, i just want a divorce.

Jack _ am not divorcing you.

Victoria _ i don't love you anymore.

Jack _ am willing to forgive you Victoria.

Victoria _ please am tired of your lifestyle.

Jack _ you lied to me .

Victoria _ am not lieing.

Jack _ you married me because of my wealth.

Victoria _ it's not what you think.

Jack _ you really want a divorce?

Victoria _ yes.

Jack _ this is the divorce.

Victoria _ what are you doing?

Jack started stabbing Victoria and she's bleeding.

He killed her.

Jack _ i loved her, she's a gold digger, my heart is broken.
My son is dead and the woman i love was playing with my heart .

Sylvester you better watch your back because am coming for you .

Two days later.

Sylvester is testing his gun.

Sylvester_ where are you guys?

Ryan _ we're almost there.

Sylvester_ please be fast.

Ryan _ alright.

Few minutes later.

Zed arrive with dodo and Ryan.

Sylvester is speaking with them.

Dodo_ i have news .

Sylvester_ what is it?

Dodo_ the boy you killed is Jack's son.

Sylvester_ he has another son?

Dodo_ yes , i just find out about him.

Ryan _ Jack must be pissed.

Sylvester_ am waiting for him.

Dodo_ let's get rid of them once and for all.

Sylvester_ not now.

Dodo_ when?

Sylvester _ am working on something.

Dodo _ ok.

Ryan _ we think you should move out of that hotel.

Sylvester_ no way!

Ryan _ you know annabella, take her to somewhere else.

Sylvester_ she's safe with me.

Ryan _ let me find you another please.

Zed_ he's right bro.

Sylvester_ do whatever you want.

Ryan _ i will start looking for a secret place.

Sylvester_ what about the safe house?

Zed_ it's too far from school.

Sylvester_ find another place then.

Ryan _ no problem.

Sylvester_ Jack is playing with me, he'll be sorry.

Dodo _ my blood is hot!

Sylvester_ calm down.

Dodo _ am calm boss.

Sylvester_ he won't see me coming.

Ryan _ we need a plan.

Sylvester_ be safe, don't go out alone .

Dodo _ good ideal.

Sylvester_ am working on a mask.

Ryan _ what is it all about?

Sylvester_ it's a face mask, you can confuse people with the mask.

Ryan _ nice one !

Zed_ i love this.

Sylvester_ i will let you know when everything is ready.

Zed_ no problem.

Dodo _ am leaving.

Sylvester_ be careful.

Dodo _ talk to you later.

Sylvester_ alright.

Sylvester killed Jack's basterd son and he's pissed!

What will happen next?

To Be Continued...

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Annabella - Episode 24 (Photos)
Reply #23 on: November 25, 2019, 12:13:46 PM
Annabella - Episode 24

Two days later.

Annabella went out with Sylvester .

She's speaking with her parents and Sylvester is outside the bar.

After speaking with her parents she walk out of the bar.

Annabella_ where's that prick? is he gone?

Stanley _ hey beautiful.

Annabella _ how are you?

Stanley _ am good anna.

Annabella_ am glad to hear that.

Stanley _ i have something to tell you.

Annabella _ what is it?

Stanley _ i want us to date for real.

Annabella _ am not interested.

Stanley _ why?

Annabella_ don't ask me why.

Stanley _ it's ok.

Annabella_ thanks for your understanding.

Stanley _ are you still paying me ?

Annabella_ maybe.

Stanley _ are you alone? let me buy you a drink.

Annabella_ am not alone.

Stanley _ i see.

Annabella_ and i don't want a drink.

Stanley _ you are something else.

Annabella_ you better start going.

Stanley _ you don't want to see me?

Annabella_ it's not that.

Stanley _ i want you to kiss me.

Annabella_ i don't want to.

Stanley _ please baby , i won't bother you again.

Before annabella could reply him he started kissing her and annabella didn't say a word.
Annabella_ please don't do that again.

Stanley _ am sorry.

Annabella _ it's ok , we're done.

Stanley_ no more fake boyfriend?

Annabella_ no.

Stanley _ if that's what you want.

Annabella _ start going now.

Sylvester saw everything , he's walking towards Stanley.
Stanley _ what are you doing here?

Sylvester_ am going to cut off your lips.

Stanley_ what's going on with you?

Annabella_ don't start Sylvester.

Sylvester_ you are defending your boyfriend?

Stanley_ who did you think you are?

Sylvester_ let me show you who i am.

Sylvester Started beating Stanley.
Annabella is freaking out.

Annabella_ leave him alone.

Sylvester_ how dare you kiss her?

Annabella_ you are jealous.

Sylvester_ he's so dead.

Annabella_ please let him go,i kissed him.

Sylvester_ i saw everything.

Few minutes later.

Sylvester beat his ass up and annabella is walking away from him.

Sylvester_ where are you going?

Annabella_ you are tormenting me.

Sylvester_ don't leave this compound.

Annabella _ i hate you.

Sylvester_ whatever.

Annabella _ Wait!

Stanley_ is he your boyfriend?

Annabella_ something like that.

Stanley _ my nose is broken.

Annabella_ am very sorry.

Stanley _ get out of my way.

Annabella_ please don't hate me.

Stanley _ you want him to fight me again?

Annabella_ no ,i just want to apologise.

Stanley _ whatever leave me alone.

Annabella_ you want some money for treatment?

Stanley_ i don't want to see your face again.

Annabella_ you hate me?

Stanley _ enough anna , i don't want to be beaten up by your savage boyfriend.

Annabella_ you are a disgrace Stanley.

Stanley _ what are you saying?

Annabella_ you are beaten up by your fellow man.

Stanley _ he's a fucking savage.

Annabella_ let me know if you need anything.

Stanley_ just stay away from me.

Annabella_ i guess this is goodbye.

Stanley _ yes.

Annabella_ please don't tell anyone about our deal.

Stanley _ my mouth is shut.

Annabella_ take care.

Annabella is sad, Stanley is angry with her because of Sylvester.

Sylvester_ are you done petting him?

Annabella_ you prick!

Sylvester_ you want to cry ?

Annabella_ who did you think you are? why are you fighting everyone?

Sylvester_ you are so pained anna .

Annabella_ why are you doing this to me?

Sylvester_ because am your husband.

Annabella_ we're not married.

Sylvester_ i know and am still thinking about it.

Annabella_ you can't keep on fighting people.

Sylvester_ i do whatever i want.

Annabella_ you are a spoiled child.

Sylvester_ you are done?

Annabella_ i just want to kill you.

Sylvester_ you want my gun?

Annabella_ i hate you Sylvester.

Sylvester_ i have been hearing that for ages.

Annabella_ stop disturbing my life.

Sylvester_ let me know when you done.

Annabella_ am sick of your shit.

Sylvester_ i need medicine for headache.

Annabella_ are you ignoring me?

Sylvester_ let's go .

Annabella_ am not going.

Sylvester_ you want me to drag your ass?

Annabella_ why are you so wicked?

Sylvester_ you are the wicked one.

Annabella_ you are a demon.

Sylvester_ say something else.

Annabella_ i will never marry you.

Sylvester_ really?

Annabella_ yes .

Sylvester_ no problem.

Annabella_ rude man.

Sylvester_ follow me annabella.

Annabella_ am not going.

Sylvester_ stay there at least i tried.

Annabella _ what are you saying?

Sylvester_ don't move , sleep there.

Annabella_ wait for me.

Sylvester_ annoying woman!
Annabella_ what's going on with my life?

Sylvester_ you are messed up.

Annabella_ you are not perfect.

Sylvester_ i don't want to see you and Stanley together.

Annabella_ you are not my boss.

Sylvester_ you better obey me .

Annabella_ you don't control me.

Sylvester_ i will gladly kill him .

Annabella_ what?

Sylvester_ his life is in your hands.

Annabella_ don't hurt him.

Sylvester_ you are begging for your boyfriend? what a caring woman.

Annabella_ i will do as you say.

Sylvester_ now you are talking.

Annabella_ you are jealous of him.

Sylvester_ walk faster please.

Annabella_ am not machine.

Sylvester_ whatever.

To be continued...


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