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Author Topic: Interesting story: The Marriage Battle - Season 2  (Read 7907 times)

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Episode 16

One year Later, Adaobi was rushed to the hospital where she gave birth to a bouncing baby boy named Kunle and Mami was called to look after them.

After Ayo left for work leaving Adaobi under the care of Mami one fine morning, Mami walked up to her angrily in her bedroom.

Mami: ‘Come Adaobi’ she said angrily ‘am I your maid in this house that every morning, all I do is wake up and prepare food for you and your husband?

Adaobi: Good morning Mami but I thought you said that is what you will be doing till I get better since I gave birth through CS?

Mami: Are you the first woman that gave birth through CS? Is it not your mate that gave birth and are still up and doing?

Adaobi: I am sorry Mami, I promise you that I will take care of my home and husband without involving you.

Mami: You better do because I am not your maid and as such, you should treat me accordingly.

Adaobi: Yes Mami.
Mami: Good. Now go to the kitchen and prepare pounded yam and pepper soup for me.

Adaobi: What?

Mami: Are you deaf? I said go to the kitchen and prepare me pounded yam and pepper soup.

Adaobi: But Mami, I was told not to indulge in anything that will stress me, I haven’t healed properly.

Mami: Does it look to you like I care? Go to the kitchen this minute before you see the other side of me.

Adaobi: Okay, let me attend to my son first and put him to bed and then I will do what you requested for.

Mami: ‘You better hurry up’ she said and walked away.

Few minutes later, Adaobi went to the kitchen and prepared what Mami requested for while Mami was in the the sitting room watching Zeeworld for it was the station she loved so much.

Adaobi: Mami, your food is ready and is at the dinning.

Mami: Good. Now I have some dirty clothes for you to wash and they are in my room,get them washed and ironed properly.

Adaobi: I am sorry Mami, I am too tired and don’t think I will do that now, maybe tomorrow or next.

Mami: And when did this nonsense start?
Adaobi: What Nonsense?

Mami: When did you start saying you can’t do what I asked you to do?

Adaobi: I am sorry Mami but I thought you came to help in looking after me and your grandchild not the other way round?

Mami: Oh! So because I came to look after you that means that you won’t do what I asked you to do, is that it? For one week, I have been bathing, cooking for you and looking after your child while you recover, isn’t that enough?

Adaobi: and I thank you but right now is not the time for me to stress myself for I am not completing healed from my injuries. Mami, remember that I was stitched?

Mami: And so? Listen here Adaobi, I wouldn’t have allowed my son get entagled with you and just because you are his wife doesn’t mean that I will love you just the way you want me to. I am his mother and will forever be and you to me, you are Adaobi the igbo girl he should never have married.

Adaobi: With tears in her eyes said ‘ why then did you agree to come take care of me if you hate me this much?

Mami: Because I don’t want to lose my son.

Adaobi: kept quiet for a few minutes and said ‘I will go and wash your clothes Mami’ and walked away.

Later in the evening, When Ayo returned from work, Mami served him dinner and while he was eating he asked who prepared the meal.

Ayo: Wow! Mami who pounded this yam, it’s so smooth and it feels nice and who prepared this soup?

Mami: Hmmm My son, I have been so busy since you left for work.

Your wife told me she wanted to eat pounded yam and pepper soup and I thought why not prepare yours along. As I am talking to you now, my whole body is paining me because I had to pound yam twice for she said the one I prepared was too small.

Ayo: You! Mami, pounded this yam?
Mami: Yes my son,you know I cant allow her pound yam because her body is still not so strong.

Ayo: You must have been through a lot and I am sorry.

Mami: that is the reason I am here now, what are you sorry about? the only thing I want you to do is tell her that the stress of looking after her and my grandchild is too much. She shouldn’t be adding more to it.

Ayo: Sorry Mami, I will talk to her.
Mami: That is all I need.
Ayo: This food is so tasty Mami, at first, I thought it was my wife that prepared it.

Mami: Hmmmm… Prepare what? I did joor. I even cleaned the house, scrubbed the floor… hmmm, my body is aching me badly.

Ayo: ‘Sorry Mami’ he said and after he finished eating, he went to his room he shared with his wife.

Adaobi: Hope you enjoyed your dinner.
Ayo: ‘I did and I do not like what you did’ he said frowning.

Adaobi: What did I do again?

Ayo: How can you allow my mother to pound yam for you and requested she do it again, telling her that the one she made was not enough?

Adaobi: Excuse me, what did you just say?

To be continued...>>>

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Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Re: Interesting story: The Marriage Battle - Season 2
Reply #1 on: April 18, 2018, 07:43:48 AM

Episode 17

Ayo: Listen, I know you and my mother do not get along but that does not give you the liberty to treat her the way and manner you like.

Treat her just the way you will treat your mother and not the way your treat slave.

Adaobi: But sweetheart…..

Ayo: Stop please! You have no excuse for what you did and please don’t do it again for I won’t take it from you if you treat her badly.

Adaobi: it’s obvious you don’t want to listen to what I have to say.

Ayo: There is nothing there for me to listen to. I have seen the way my mother treats you and my son, it is enough for me to say that she loves you, just go out there and apologise to her.

Adaobi: alright she said for peace to reign and went to apologise to Mami who was acting all up ‘Mami, I am sorry if I have offended or wronged you in anyway, please forgive me’.

Mami: if my son had not told you to come to me and apologise, so you wouldn’t have done that?

Adaobi: ‘Mami, I am sorry again’ she said trying to control her anger.

Mami: ‘From now on, if you want to live in peace in this house, you better do as I say’ she commanded ‘You are forgiven, you can go now’.

Adaobi: Looked at the woman whom she thought she was beginning to love as a mother, shook her head and went to attend to her son.

She didn’t bother to tell her husband that she was the one that prepared the dinner he ate ‘seems Mami will lie to achieve her goal’ she said to herself.

The following day, as Adaobi was busy preparing Lunch for the family, a knock was heard at the door and she went to check who the person

Adoabi: When she opened the door, she saw Kemi smiling at her with her luggage ‘Hi Kemi’ she said and hugged her ‘please come in’.

Kemi: ‘Good day Adaobi and hey Mami’ she said as she went to her.

Mami: How are you my daughter?

Kemi: I am fine Mami and the house is so boring without you, I thought it will be nice to come and spend some time with you people here.

Adaobi: Errrm, sorry to interrupt you Kemi but why didn’t you call that you were coming?

Mami: What do you mean why didn’t she call?
Adaobi: Mami, I am sorry but I thought she is supposed to call if she is coming to my house? Look at her luggage she said as she pointed to them ‘she is coming to stay here for a very long time.

Mami: And so, what if she is staying here for a long time? Isn’t this house my son’s and her brother’s house?

Adaobi: But Mami, it is my house too. If any of my family members were to visit, they will have to let me know not just barge into my home like that.

Mami: That is your family and not us. There is a difference between us and them for this is my son’s house.

Adaobi: Mami please…..

Mami: Don’t Mami me please, she is here already and there is nothing you can do abut it.

Adaobi: Okay but Kemi, next time when you are coming to my house, do let us know before time.

Mami: ‘Adaobi you must be very stupid for uttering such nonsence to her in my presence’ she said as Adaobi looked at her again and walked away leaving mother and child in the sitting room.

Kemi: Mami! It seems the tension in this house is too much because I can feel it.

Mami: Don’t mind that stupid girl, she is trying to lord over me. Go to our room and freshen up while I ask Adaobi to get food ready for you To eat.

Kemi: ‘Yes Mami’ she said and went to her room.

Adaobi served Mami and Kemi their meal and after they finished eating, Mami called Adaobi to come clean the table and wash the dishes.

Adaobi: ‘Mami, I can believe you called me here to clear this place’ she said feeling perplexed.

Mami: and what is wrong with that?
Adaobi: Because I can’t and will not do it while Kemi is here.

Kemi: Adaobi, I do not like the way and manner you talk to my mother.

Mami: I am happy that you are seeing that for yourself my daughter,that is how she has been talking to me ever since I came to this house.

Adaobi: ‘When you are done with whatever you are doing, Kemi clear the place and wash my dishes’ she said and was about to walk away again when Kemi stopped her.

Kemi: ‘Adaobi’ she called out ‘you don’t dare walk away from my mother’.

Adaobi: ‘Kemi, this is my house and my home, I will not allow Mami rule over me here. If you or Mami are looking for who to lord over, not in my own house. I can’t be scared of you or anyone in my own house na, it is not done and never done’ she said as she looked at them boldly.

Mami: So you have the nerve to walk away the first time and want to do it again abi?

Adaobi: Mami, I don’t want to talk or say anything about you or anyone to my husband but all these things you have been doing to me lately has to stop.

Mami: ‘How dare you’ she slapped her ‘how dare you talk to me that way.

Adaobi: ‘Mami you slapped me’ she said touching her cheek..

Mami: ‘and what will you do? What will you do’ she asked standing firmly and looking straight into her eyes.

Adaobi: if not because you are my mother, God knows that I would have retaliated but I am respecting you and this should be the last time you lay your hands on me.

Kemi: Are you threatening her?

Adaobi: turning to Kemi said ‘Kemi, I can tolerate your mother doing anything to me, I won’t complain but I won’t tolerate anyone or anybody laying his or her hands on me not even if the person is family, I won’t. Turning to Mami again ‘this should be the last time you lay your hands on me for there won’t be a second time else…..

Mami: Else what? No! Complete your statement.

Adaobi: ‘I won’t say anything again until you try this stupid act of yours again then you will know what will happen’ she said and walked away.

Mami: ‘Shame on you! You were nothing when my son brought you into this house oooo, you were nothing when he married you and now you want me to worship and bow down for you, it won’t happen Adaobi and there is nothing you will do to me. You see this house, it will not contain me and you from now on; did you hear me, it won’t contain both of us and I will make sure of it. Stupid igbo girl’ she said.

Kemi: But Mami, did you have to slap her? That was too extreme.

Mami: Didn’t you see the way she was talking to me? She does not have respect or regard me as her mother in law and I will deal with her.

To be continued...

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Re: Interesting story: The Marriage Battle - Season 2
Reply #2 on: April 19, 2018, 06:55:26 AM

Episode 18

Kemi: Even at that Mami, you shoudnt have slapped her, she is a married woman for God’s sake.

Mami: And so? So I can’t bring her back to her senses?

Kemi: By slapping her? Mami it is obvious you don’t like her but she is married already to Ayo and why don’t you learn to please accept her for who she is.

Mami: Accept her for who she is? She is not a nice person oooo. she wants to eat where she has not sown.

Kemi: Mami please learn to live in peace and take her just the way she is.

Mami: Come Kemi, whose side are you on?
Kemi: I am on your side Mami but then…
Mami: Eh eh! Don’t give me any sermon just clear the table and go and wash the dishes.

Kemi: Yes Mami but please take it easy.

Mami: Take what easy? She has not seen anything yet.

Kemi: ‘Hmmmm…okay ooo. I don’t like the tension in this house’ she said as she cleared the table.

Mami: Well, what can I say but welcome on board.

When Ayo returned from work, Mami quickly went to him before he entered his room and requested for his attention.

Ayo: What happened today again Mami because I know that this one you didn’t allow me settle in, something must have happened.

Mami: talk to your wife Ayo for I will not have her disrespect me in a very rude manner while I am in my own son’s house.

Ayo: What happened today again he asked as Kemi stepped into the sitting room ‘ Ah! Kemi, when did you get here and why didn’t you tell me you were coming?

Kemi: Good day brother, sorry I didn’t inform you earlier. I thought of surprising you.

Ayo: Hahaaha…. This is your own kind of surprise abi? Anyway, welcome to my house and how is school?

Kemi: ‘School is very fine’ she said smiling.

Ayo: Good to know.Turning to Mami he said ‘Ermmm Mami, what were you saying again?

Mami: I said you should talk to your wife for she was disrespectful and rude to me.

Ayo: rude to you as in how?

Kemi: she walked away from Mami while she was talking to her.

Ayo: She didn’t do that, No! I don’t believe that.

Kemi: She did Brother because I was there when it happened.

Ayo: Hmmm, What really happened?

Kemi: ‘Nothing much except that Mami was reprimanding her and she walked away’ she said while Mami kept mute nodding her head.

Ayo: ‘I am sorry Mami and I will talk to her’ he said and went to his room.

Adaobi: Welcome honey, how was work?

Ayo: How could you be so disrespectful to my mother, how could you walk away from her while she was talking to you? What has come over you?

Adaobi: Don’t you dare scream or shout at me today Ayo, I won’t have it from you today.

Ayo: What?

Adaobi: You heard me Ayo, you heard me and I am not going to go out there and apologize for anything, I did nothing wrong.

Ayo: What has come over you? Why do you hate my mother so much?

Adaobi: Is that what she told you, that I hate her?

Ayo: It seems so to be because everytime I come home, I get news from her everyday about your behavior towards her.

Adaobi: Really? Have you ever asked me what happened? Everytime you come back from work, your mother feed you with all her lies and stories and instead of you to ask me what happened, you don’t, you side her without asking of my own side of the story.

Ayo: What are you talking about?

Adaobi: What you understand Ayo because I am really beginning to feel like we are not couples or partners.

Ayo: What do you mean? Of course we are husband and wife.

Adaobi: And are you not supposed to listen to your wife and all I have to say? Is my say or decision not important?

Ayo: I don’t understand what you are saying? You know you are important to me.

Adaobi: Then why don’t I feel like it these past days?

Ayo: What are you talking about; you are getting me confused with all these sayings of yours.

Adaobi: I feel like this our relationship does not involve only you and me, it involves your mother, me and you. Is that how it is supposed to be?

Ayo: ‘I am sorry if you are feeling that way’ he said as he walked to her and held her hands ‘you know that you are important to me and you and Kunle are the most priceless people in my life right now’.

Adaobi: Then learn to listen and ask me questions before jumping into conclusion.

Ayo: Yes! Yes! Yes! I am so sorry for that. I haven’t really been asking you what happened but you should know that my mother is all that I have got, she brought me up and made me what I am today. I don’t just like seeing her upset.

Adaobi: I know and God knows that I love her as much as you do but it shouldn’t make you turn a blind eye to her faults too.

Ayo: I know and I know that my mother can be difficult sometimes but you have to try and accept her the way she is.

Adaobi: I know that! That is why I am over looking her shortcoming.

Ayo: but you didn’t have to walk away from her while she was talking to you.

Adaobi: I know and I am very sorry but she didn’t also have to slap me the way she did.

Ayo: She did what?

Adaobi: Slapped me!

To be continued...

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Re: Interesting story: The Marriage Battle - Season 2
Reply #3 on: April 19, 2018, 07:04:01 AM

Episode 19

Ayo: but she didn’t say anything about slapping you.

Adaobi: ‘I know’ she said and smiled.
Ayo: What really happened?

Adoabi explained all that transpired and Ayo who was initially angry at his wife, left the bedroom and went to confront his mother.

Ayo: Mami how could you do such a thing? How could you slap my wife in her own house?

Mami: Errm Ayo, did she tell you what she really did and what prompted it?

Ayo: Mami no matter what she did, it does not give you the right to lay your hands on her in her own house.

Mami: But Ayo!

Ayo: Mami don’t. This is her house and as such she is at liberty to do whatever she wants to do. Turning to Adaobi who was in the sitting room while he was confronting his mother ‘Sweetheart, Whatever my mother says, never you disrespect or walk away from her and Kemi’

Kemi: Yes brother.

Ayo: My wife is like a sister to you and an elder sister for that matter, she is not your maid and on no account should you look at her like the maid of the house. Whatever she ask you to do, do it and clean up whatever mess you create yourself not allowing her to talk or allowing Mami to ask her to do it, I will not condone that in this house.

Mami: it seems she has brainwashed you, you didn believe us or you think we are lying?

Ayo: Mami please, I am not ready for any story of who did and didn’t and please Mami, never you raise your hand on her again. Infact, this should be the last time such thing is heard of in my house for I will not condone it from you or anyone is that clear?

Mami: I have heard.

Ayo: ‘Good’ turning to Adaobi he said ‘Please apologize to her’.

Adaobi: Mami I am sorry.

Mami: Of what use will that be if it is going to happen again?
Ayo: Mami please accept her apology.
Mami: Hmmm, I have heard.
Ayo: Good. Mami, apologise to Adaobi for slapping her.

Mami: ‘I am sorry too’ she said.

Ayo: ‘Good and please, I need peace in this house not a warfront’ he said and went back to his room.

The week that followed suit after the incident became worse for Mami made life unbearable for Adaobi.

Mami:’ I am hungry ooooo’ she said it out loud for Adaobi who was in the bedroom attending to Kunle to hear.

Kemi: Mami but why don’t you go to the kitchen and get something to eat or should I go and prepare something for you?

Mami: Noooo my daughter, I don’t want you close to that kitchen before they will start saying this is my kitchen and as such you cannot go in there without my conscent.

Kemi: Mami, there is soup in the fridge, I can prepare eba or semo for you to eat with the soup.

Mami: ‘Thanks but I don’t want you near that kitchen please, I am hungry ooo’ she said it out loud again.

Adaobi who was in the room attending to Kunle, put him to sleep and went to the sitting room where Mami and Kemi where and greeted Mami who ignored her for that has been the way things has been since Ayo reprimanded all of them for she has never spoken to her or said any word to her.

Adaobi: Kemi please come and prepare food for Mami for she is very hungry.

Kemi: Okay.

Mami: Hmmm some people are feeling too big to prepare food for me theirself, what wont I see?

Adaobi: Ermmm Kemi don’t worry, I will prepare it.

Kemi: Okay.

Adaobi went into the kitchen and made Mami food, set it on the table and told her that it is ready.

Mami: ‘Hmmm this food sef’ she said as she opened the meal in front of her.

Kemi: Mami what happened to the food?
Mami: this food is somehow, the semo itself doesn’t look good, and it is small.

Adaobi: who was in the sitting room listening to what she was saying said ‘Mami if you don’t like the food or want me to prepare another you should say so instead of saying negative things about the food I took my time to prepare for you.

Mami: I don’t want to say anything oooo before they will say I have started again.

Adaobi: Ignoring her comment said to Kemi ‘Why don’t you prepare whatever Mami needs since she doesn’t want my food?

Kemi: Okay! Mami what would you like to eat?
Mami: ‘Nothing ooo, I will manage this one’ she said frowning her face.

Adaobi: ‘Honey’ she said to him ‘I am thinking of inviting my brother to come spend sometime with us.

Ayo: Wow! That is good, have you told him already?

Adaobi: I want to go and see my people and spend a couple of days with them and then I tell him.

Ayo: Really! Okay, how many days do you intend spending?

Adaobi: Two weeks to be precise.

Ayo: Are you going with our son?

Adaobi: Of course I will and he needs to see his grandfather you know?

Ayo: Yes I know, just know that I will be missing you.

Adaobi: it’s just two weeks, your mother and sister will be here and so, you will do okay.

Ayo: Alright.

To be continued...

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Re: Interesting story: The Marriage Battle - Season 2
Reply #4 on: April 19, 2018, 07:34:22 AM

Episode 20

Adaobi: Sweetheart, can I get some money?
Ayo: How much do you need?

Adaobi: ‘will two hundred naira be okay’ she said as she smiled.

Ayo: ‘Okay, no probs’ he said as he grabbed her and laid her on the bed ‘Now that Kunle is asleep, it’s time we get closer than before.

Adaobi: Hahahaahaha. She smiled and kissed him. As she was about undressing Kunle stopped them with a loud cry ‘Sorry, our son needs me’ she got dressed and went to him.

Ayo: Arrrrgh…. He screamed in anger.
Adaobi: What is it and do you really have to scream like that?

Ayo: Did he really have to cry out loud when we are about to get into it? You know, sometimes I feel he is doing that intentionally.

Adaobi: Haahahaahaha…. He takes after you, you know.

Ayo: Why do you say so?

Adaobi: Because when we were still single, the way you crave for my attention is unbelievable.

Ayo: Yea…. We should start planning on getting his room ready or he be sleeping with my mother.

Adaobi: Not yet sweetheart, not yet. I still want to spend quality time with my son.

Ayo: ‘And me’ he said looking boyish.

Adaobi: okay, we will get his room ready and I will make sure he spends more time with Kemi and Mami,Is that okay?

Ayo: ‘Very very okay with me’ he said smiling.
One week later, Adaobi travelled to go see her people.

Adaobi: ‘Hi Papa’ she said as she walked into the house ‘say hi to grandfather’ she said to her son whom she is carrying and handed him to her father.

Papa: ‘hey Kunle Chinedum, how are you’ he said as he swing the baby up in the air ‘why didn’t you tell me you were coming?

Adaobi: how are you and where is chidi and chigozie, the house is too quiet.

Papa: chigozie went to school and chidi went to visit a friend.

Adaobi: How are you Papa?

Papa: I am fine and how is your husband and his people?

Adaobi: ‘they are fine and sends their regards’ as they were busy gisting and chating,Emenike entered the house ‘Hey Uncle Emenike, how are you and why are you here uncle?

Emenike: I am here because I heard you just came in, you know how news travels Fast.

Adaobi: Hia! Now now? How is everyone at home?

Emenike: fine and how are you and your husband?

Adaobi: We are fine and he sends his regards.
Emenike: did you bring anything for us here in the village?

Adaobi: Yes and they are actually outside.

Emenike: ‘Okay’ he said and went outside to check on the stuff she brought. Few minutes later, he came back again ‘I have taken what I wanted from what you brought and I took the rest of the stuff in the kitchen.

Adaobi: Okay Uncle.

Emenike: Ermm, did you come with any money for me?

Adaobi: Money for what?

Emenike: money you came with for me nah.

Adaobi: I didn’t come with money for you Uncle, I thought maybe the food items I came with is enough.

Emenike: You are married to a rich man and yet you didn’t come with money for me?

Adaobi: I don’t understand Uncle, what do you mean I didn’t come with money or has that become my responsibility?

Emenike: Hmmm, I can’t believe you are asking this question?

Adaobi: alright, I am sorry that I didn’t come with any money for you and if I did, I will let you know.

Papa: Emenike but my daughter just arrived with her child and all you care about is what she came along with, just what kind of Uncle are you?

Emenike: Why cant I ask about what she brought when she married a rich man and she doesn’t know what poverty is ever since she got married.

Papa: My daughter is not your ticket out of it and if you think she is, its better you look for another person else.

Emenike: ‘Alright then’ he said and walked away leaving them to themselves.

Adaobi: Wow! That was quiet something else. I am missing my brother chidi already and isn’t he supposed to be here already?

Papa: He will be soonest.

Adaobi: Okay Papa but how is your health and how are you coping without me being around?

Papa: I am fine just bored once in a while and my brother keeps me company sometimes when chidi or no one is around.

Adaobi: Papa don’t you want to get married again to get over this loneliness?

Papa: No! I am okay, I am too old to take a new wife now and if I wanted to do so, I would have done it long ago not now.

Adaobi: Are you sure Papa?

Papa: 100%

Adaobi: Okay Papa, if you say so. I was wondering if it would be okay to take Chidi along with me when going?

Papa: If that is what you want then I have no problem with that.

Adaobi: Papa, I mean that I want Chidi to come and live with me permanently.

Papa: have you spoken to your husband about it?

Adaobi: No I haven’t but I will when I get home ,he will understand.

To be continued...  :D  :D

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Re: Interesting story: The Marriage Battle - Season 2
Reply #5 on: April 21, 2018, 01:29:41 PM

Episode 21

Papa: If that’s your decision then I am okay with it.

After her stay in the village with her family, Adaobi returned to her home accompanied by chidi.

Mami: ‘Welcome’ she said as she opened the door for her.

Adaobi: Thank you Mami and how have you been?

Mami: As you can see, we are doing okay.
Chidi: Good day Ma.

Adaobi: Mami chidi, call her Mami for that is how we address her here.

Chidi: Good day Mami.
Mami: Good day My son and how is my grandchild doing?

Adaobi: ‘He is doing okay’ she said as he handed Kunle to her. Why is the house looking so unkept Mami?

Mami: What do you mean?

Adaobi: Everywhere is so dusty, where is Kemi?
Mami: she just went to see her friends who came to pay her a visit, off.

Adaobi: Alright. Ermmm Mami, My brother chidi will be staying with us from now on.

Mami: Really, since when did you start making such decisions?

Adaobi: I don’t understand Mami, what do you mean since when did I start making such decisions?

Mami: I am sorry, its just that I am very curious because when Kemi came to stay with us you told her to have informed you and now your brother is here, did you inform your husband before bringing him here?

Adaobi: Yes Mami because this is my home and I believe my husband won’t have a problem with it.

Mami: Okay ooooo, just asking anyway. Few minutes later, Kemi entered and on seeing Adaobi, she quickly went to the kitchen.

Adaobi: Seeing that Kemi greeted her and dashed to the kitchen went after her and what she saw made her very angry. Dirty unwashed plates that have stayed for days and the kitchen was messed up real bad, coupled with the bad smell coming from the spoilt food they left in the pot ‘Kemi, what is happeneing here and why is my kitchen so unkept, why is this house in a mess?

Kemi: Errmmm, I am sorry, I was about to clean the house this morning when my friends came visiting.

Adaobi: Knowing that her husband travelled few days ago for he called and informed her of the business meeting he will be attending stating that Kemi and Mami will take care of the house was furious at how her home has turned out without she or her husband around ‘so because I and your brother has not been around that is why you decided to turn my house into that of a pig, aren’t you ashamed of yourself that as big as you are, you cant take care or even clean the house while the owners are away’?

Kemi: ‘Ermmm…..i will get on with it right away’ she said as she started washing the dirty dishes.

Adaobi: Left Kemi and went to confront Mami ‘Haba Mami, it hasn’t been up to one week my husband went for a business trip yet this house is in a mess, couldn’t you at least talk to your daughter to clean it up after every meal? Look at how messing my sitting room and the whole house is and yet you all are comfortable in it’.

Mami: What do you want me to say Adaobi? What do you want me to say, it is your house and now that you are back, you should go ahead and put everything together.

Adaobi: shook her heads and said to Chidi ‘Chidi, come with Kunle let me show you to your room while I get the whole place clean again’ and Chidi followed her big sister who showed him where he will be staying.

Chidi: Sister Adaobi, I told you that Yoruba people are dirty people didn’t i?

Adaobi: Hahahahaha. ‘I remember you did and you better not say it for them to hear, else you will be in trouble’ she said as she unpacked his belongings.

Chidi: Wow…Sister Adaobi, your house is really big and beautiful and I have this room all to myself.

Adaobi: Yes you have this room all to yourself, Why don’t you lay Kunle on the bed while you freshen up and keep an eye on his while I go get busy. I do not like the way my house is.

Chidi: Okay sister but then I wanted to ask, are you sure Papa will be okay alone in that house, you know Chigozie hardly comes around and even if he did, it is once in a while that he comes around. How is Papa going to cope?

Adaobi: That is not a problem because I already paid for someone who will be cooking and taking care of Papa and the house while you are gone. All I need to do is pay the person monthly.

Chidi: Is Papa okay with that?
Adaobi: Yes he is since he refused coming to come and live with me for she had once asked him to come and live with her but he bluntly refused the offer.

Four days later, Ayo returned from his trip and met Chidi in the house for he wasn’t aware that he will be coming.

Chidi: ‘Good day sir and welcome back’ he said feeling a little bit uncomfortable for he hasn’t seen him except the time he came to pay her bride price and on another occasion which he cant remember at the moment.

Ayo: Good day to you Chidi and how is everyone at home including Mr Emenike your Uncle? He asked as soon as he greeted his mother and replied Kemi’s greeting.

Chidi: They are all fine.
Ayo: Good and welcome to my house.
Chidi: Yes sir and thank you sir.

Adaobi: Hello Honey, Welcome home. I have missed you so much.

Ayo: ‘Same here’ he hugged her ‘how was your trip and where is our son?

Adaobi: He is in his room and my trip was wonderful.

Ayo: How is Papa doing?
Adaobi: He is fine and sends his regards.
Ayo: ‘Okay’ and the couples went to their room holding each other’s hands and smiling.

Later in the evening while Adaobi and Ayo were about to go to bed, Adaobi told Ayo about Chidi.

Adaobi: Sweetheart, my brother will be staying with us for the mean time and I want to enroll him for an extra moral lesson till Jamb comes out.

Ayo: Really! That’s okay by me,Which do you have in mind?

To be continued...


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