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Author Topic: Interesting Story: Deep Sea Of Secrets (Episode By Episode)  (Read 8392 times)

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Deep Sea of Secrets Episode 12

Chiwedum: then why are you here if you really do not want to hear all of this?

Nnamdi: I came here because I wanted to know the truth. I wanted it not to be true.

Chiwedum: am afraid it is the truth.

Nnamdi: if that is the case, you are summoned by the village elders in two weeks. We will meet there then.

Chiwedum: for what? Why the igwe?

Nnamdi: because we need to find out if my kids will be mine or if they will belong to another.

Chiwedum: what do you mean another?

Nnamdi: ‘it’s obvious that you aren’t even aware of all that is going on, I guess you should call the woman you cheated on my father with for her to explain better to you’ he said and walked away.

For days, Nnamdi kept to himself away from his mother and his brother. He hardly stays in the family house except when he is drunk and sober that he comes home late at night shouting and crying saying all the people he loves betrayed him, the one person he taught he could call family and give his all to. This makes his mother so mad at herself that she became a shadow of herself and more withdrawn.

Obi seeing how the family has become ever since his mother told the truth felt pity for his mother and mostly his brother, decided to have a talk with him.

Obi: one morning he stood up, went over to his brother room and woke him up ‘wake up, I need us to talk please’.

Nnamdi: What do you want us to talk about or is there more secret that I need to know?

Obi: No, it’s nothing like that. I just need us to talk about something.

Nnamdi: ‘what is it’ he asked as he sat up on his bed.

Obi: sitting down close to him said ‘I am sorry for all that has happened’.

Nnamdi: for sleeping with my wife behind my back for years?

Obi: ‘yes, for having an affair with your wife for years’ he said with head bent.

Nnamdi: ‘how did you even do it’ he asked shaking his head ‘how did you do it with my wife, weren’t you feeling guilty’.

Obi: believe me I was at a time but that is not the reason why I want to talk to you.

Nnamdi: then why do you want to talk to me, to claim my children too?

Obi: no, that is not it.

Nnamdi: ‘then what is it’ he snapped.

Obi: it’s about Mama, I think you should find a place to forgive her and talk to her. She is becoming a shadow of herself and I am afraid of what it will do to her health.

Nnamdi: I don’t care whatever happens to her, she deserves it, she deserves worse.

Obi: Nnamdi I know that you are very angry at Mama but please consider forgiving her.

Nnmadi: why should I forgive her or any of you, after all what you all did to me behind my back?

Obi: I can understand it if you can’t forgive me but not your own mother.

Nnamdi: you all lied to me about my existence and everything.

Obi: we all know what we did and didn’t do but you have to try and forgive us no matter what, remember we are family.

Nnamdi: Family you say? I am not family because if I am family to you guys, you wouldn’t treat me and hurt me this way.

Obi: I am here because of Mama, she is your mother.

Nnamdi: and I said I am not forgiving her.
Obi: you know, I think I understand why she did what she did.

Nnamdi: what do you mean?

Obi: if she hasn’t done what she did, I don’t think you would have gotten the kind of life you had. She did what she did because she wanted the best for you and all of us.

Nnamdi: by marrying our father while she was still with a child?

Obi: Yes Nnamdi. As at the time when Mama decided to Marry Papa,Uncle Chiwedum was barely a farmer. Think about it and take a good look at your step brothers and sisters, how has life been with them.

Nnamdi: it is true that I was more opportune because of the decision she made, I went to the best school and it made me possible for me to work in a reputable organization plus I am also well-established but that doesn’t still justify her actions.

Obi: Yes it doesn’t but she did it because she loves you.

Nnamdi: or because she couldn’t marry an Osu.
Obi: that is also part of it.

Nnamdi: but she kept it hidden, she should have told me when I was old enough.

Obi: and you would have still felt miserable about it which she was trying to avoid.

Nnamdi: what she did was wrong.

Obi: I know but she is still our mother and deserves a second chance.

Nnamdi: ‘Hmmm’ he said looking at him ‘are you inlove with my wife?’

Obi: why are you asking?
Nnamdi: because if you are, I am never going to share her with you ever again.

Obi: I do not have a problem with that.

Nnamdi: do you still want my children?
Obi: they are my kids Nnamdi. I may not be able to claim them according to tradition or anything but they will forever remain my kids.

Nnamdi: I am their father and it will remain that way forever.

Obi: I am not here to fight with you concerning that, I just want you to forgive Mama and let by gone be by gone.

Nnamdi: I will think about it but just because she is my mother doesn’t mean things will ever remain the same again.

Obi: Understood.
Nnamdi: same goes to you too.
Obi: ‘Understood’ he said and left his room.

Few days later, Nnamdi went to Ifeoma’s house to pay her a visit.

Mama Ifeoma: ‘Yes, what can I do for you’ she asked as she opened her door to him.

Nnamdi: Mama Good day.
Mama Ifeoma: Good day to you too, what are you doing here?

Nnamdi: I came to see my wife.
Mama Ifeoma: which wife?
Nnamdi: Mama I came to see Ifeoma my wife.

To be continued...

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Deep Sea of Secrets Episode 13

Mama Ifeoma: Tukiafwa! My daughter cannot remain married to you oooo, God forbid.

Nnamdi: look Mama, I am very sorry for all that has happened to your daughter but I am here to make amends, just give me one more chance and I promise to make everything right.

Mama Ifeoma: Are you deaf, didn’t you hear what I said ‘she shouted’.

Nnamdi: Mama it’s me oooo, your son in-law. We can resolve any issues we have.

Mama Ifeoma: which son in-law, which son in-law? She shouted

Nnamdi: Mama Please, it is Nnamdi begging you he said still standing
by the door side.

Mama Ifeoma: Nnamdi or whatever you call yourself, My daughter is no longer interested in this marriage.
Nnamdi: Mama Please.

Mama Nnamdi: Don’t please me my friend, don’t you know you are an Osu and you are a slave. People like my daughter do not and will never have anything to do with you.

Nnamdi: But we are married Mama.
Mama Nnamdi: A marriage that was based on lies?

Nnamdi: she is still my wife.

Mama Ifeoma: as far as I am concerned, that marriage has ended.
Nnmadi: Mama Please.
Mama Ifeoma: Don’t you know the tradition Nnamdi, don’t you.

Nnmadi: That is just a stupid tradition and it will not hold.

Mama Ifeoma: Oh! So it is just a stupid tradition yet you brought your wife to the village for her to be disgraced ? For her to follow the tradition and custom of our land abi? Now that it is the other way round, it has become a stupid tradition. Anyway, it is that same stupid tradition you made my wife answer to, you will have to answer to too.

Nnamdi: I am sorry, I did what I did in moment of anger.

Mama Ifeoma: I am also sorry Nnamdi for what you did because it finally revealed the truth of who you really are. You wanted to disgrace my daughter but ended up disgracing you and your whole family. You can’t impregnate a woman, you mother had an affair and you are the product of that an affair with an Osu. Chei! You see yourself?

Nnamdi: Mama please let me see my wife, I am sure we can resolve anything.

Mama Ifeoma: you must be insane to think that she can come back to you. After the elders have finalized their decision, my people are coming to return back the bride price. We no do again.

Nnamdi: seeing that his mother in-law is bent on him not seeing his wife, called out to her ‘Ifeoma! Ifeoma! Ifeoma’!

Ifeoma: who was in the bedroom, let what she was dong to see Nnamdi ‘ Mama please let me talk to Nnamdi’ she pleaded.

Mama Ifeoma: ‘the better you let him know where he stands in your life, the better for all of us’ she said as she went back inside the house while she stepped out with Nnamdi.

Ifeoma: what do you want?

Nnamdi: I came to see you and to know how you are faring.

Ifeoma: I am doing okay and thank you, you should never have come here.

Nnamdi: I came to see my wife and I wanted to really know if you are okay.

Ifeoma: now that you can see I am okay, can you start going to your place now, you are not welcomed here.

Nnamdi: Yea, I can see that.

Ifeoma: Sorry, not my fault.
Nnamdi: I know. I am really sorry for all that I have done and brought to our family.

Ifeoma: is okay, I have forgiven you a long time ago. You have a lot on your plate right now.

Nnamdi: Yea I really do. You say you have forgiven me?

Ifeoma: yes I have for my own peace of mind and you should also forgive me also for not telling you the truth about our children.

Nnamdi: it’s a bitter pill to swallow but I believe that with time, I will learn to let it go.

Ifeoma: Alright and thanks.

Nnamdi: Actually Ifeoma, I know that things are rough with us but can we still be a couple again, after all this?

Ifeoma: I am sorry but I accepted the fact that things are never going to be the same with us.

Nnamdi: we can try, we can make it work.
Ifeoma: I don’t want to try or make anything work, I just want to have my life back and move on.

Nnamdi: Please Ifeoma, give me a chance to be the husband you desire.

Ifeoma: Why Nnamdi, why?

Nnamdi: because I believe in second chance.
Ifeoma: is that the real reason why you want us to be a family again?

Nnamdi: Yes.
Ifeoma: even when you know the real father of your children?
Nnamdi: Yes and I believe we can move pass that.
Ifeoma: really.
Nnamdi: yes.
Ifeoma: I am sorry, I can’t do it.
Nnamdi: you don’t want our family to be whole again?

Ifeoma: of course I really want our family to be whole again but what I do not want is to remain married to a selfish man like you.

Nnamdi: what do you mean?

Ifeoma: you think I do not know what you are trying to do Nnamdi? So because you found out that you can’t father a child and you are an Osu, you want me to come back to you?

Nnamdi: it is not that.

Ifeoma: don’t lie to me Nnamdi, don’t lie to me. If you are really sincere I may have taught about us having a second chance and moving on with our lives but when I put two and two together, I found out that you will never change. You are the most selfish man I have ever met and I am done with this marriage.

Nnamdi: Please Ifeoma, it is not what you think.
Ifeoma: Really, you are here because the judgment may not walk in your favor and you are infertile. Isn’t it?

Nnamdi: Ifeoma please, let’s work things out.
Ifeoma: like my mother said, the bride price will be returned after judgment has been passed. I am no longer interested in this marriage.

Nnamdi: we can work things out; I will be a better husband.

Ifeoma: ‘I have made up my mind and there is nothing anyone can do about it’ she said and was about walking away, Nnamdi asked.
Nnamdi: are you in love with my brother?
Ifeoma: she turned back and said ‘I think I have had enough already with your family’.

Nnamdi: I am still your husband and I will not accept the return of the bride price.

Ifeoma: ‘see you in few days for us to know what next Nnamdi’ she said and walked away.

Nnamdi: became very furious and said ‘I am still your husband Ifeoma and our Kids will remain mine no matter what you hear me, no matter what. I do not care what the final judgment will be’ he shouted.

To be continued...

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Re: Interesting Story: Deep Sea Of Secrets (Episode 14)
Reply #14 on: July 27, 2018, 12:07:47 AM

Deep Sea of Secrets Episode 14

Two days to the meeting, Chiwedum paid a visit to Mama Nnamdi to inquire about the news spreading round the village and the meeting to
be held.

Chiwedum: ‘How are you doing and why are you looking so unkempt?’

He asked as she ushered him in ‘Are you okay?’
Mama Nnamdi: ‘I am doing okay, just been a little down but I will be fine’ She said as they both sat opposite each other.

Chiwedum: ‘Nnamdi came to me a few days ago to inquire about his real identity, how did he know and what are all these rumors going

Mama Nnamdi: ‘I am afraid the rumors are true and I am sorry that he came to you before I did. I haven’t been myself lately.’

Chiwedum: ‘This must have been hard on you and it is my fault, I shouldn’t have allowed you marry him while you were carrying my child. I don’t know how I am going to tell this news to my family but I do hope they understand and accept him when the time comes.’

Mama Nnamdi: ‘You will do okay, with time they will get used to it.’

Chiwedum: ‘I hope so, how did they get to find out?’

Mama Nnamdi: ‘My son Obi was the one who made me tell the truth.

Chiwedum: ‘How did he know?’
Mama Nnamdi: ‘My late husband told him.’

Chiwedum: ‘What!! When?! How?’
Mama Nnamdi: ‘Before he died, he made it known to him.’

Chiwedum: ‘ I’m sure he must have been disappointed in me. Which means he knew all along and he said nothing to me or anyone except his son.’

Mama Nnamdi: ‘I must have made him miserable in the last days of his life. He knew all this yet he never acted cold towards me, he loved me for me despite all I have done to him.’
Chiwedum: ‘I wish there is a way I could make amends.’

Mama Nnamdi: ‘It’s something we will live with for the rest of our lives, I’m afraid.’

Chiwedum: ‘Hmmm yes it is. Where is Obi and Nnmadi by the way?’

Mama Nnamdi: ‘I don’t know where Nnamdi has been to but Obi just left to visit a friend few minutes ago.’

Chiwedum: ‘I wish I could have a talk with them, to explain everything and tell them how sorry I am that their Uncle messed up their lives.’
Mama Nnamdi: ‘If you can wait till late in the evening, I am sure that they will be back, hopefully.’

Chiwedum: ‘I have all the time in the world because time for the meeting is around at the corner.’

Later in the evening when Nnamdi and Obi returned, Uncle Chiwedum called them and told them he had a few things to say to them.

Chiwedum: ‘Errm….. Obi and Nnamdi, I called you both here because I want to talk to you both and you both should please listen attentively to me.’

Obi: ‘Yes Uncle’ He said while Nnamdi kept mute.

Chiwedum: ‘When your mother and I met, she wasn’t married to your father who was a noble man before he died. When your father came
asking for her hand in marriage, she was already pregnant with you, Nnamdi.’

Nnamdi: ‘That is not enough reason to justify both your actions!’

Chiwedum: ‘Nnamdi, you may not understand but I really do understand why she did what she did even though at that time, I couldn’t understand at first why she chose my best friend instead of me but she did what she thought was good for her and her unborn
child at that moment.’

Nnamdi: ‘Is that your excuse?’

Chiwedum: ‘Do you know what it means to be an Outcast in your own village and community? Do you know the trauma we have been
through? There was just no way your mother and I could be together even though that was what we wanted. Do you know that her family
members could have disowned her if she went away with me? We are slaves in our own land and we cannot marry any other person aside
those who are also slaves or we go to other state and get married.

That was and still is the situation even till this moment.’

Obi: ‘But my mother said she married my father because he was more established.’
Mama Ifeoma: ‘Yes, your father was more established but it was an excuse I could give at the moment.’

Nnamdi: ‘Why?’

Mama Ifeoma: ‘……..Because I couldn’t tell you to your face that your father is an Osu.’

Chiwedum: ‘Please Nnamdi and Obi, find a place in your heart to forgive your mother and I for I know you are so disappointed in us

Obi: ‘Uncle, I don’t think I am the one you should be apologizing to, it’s your son Nnamdi that you should be pleading with, not me.’

Chiwedum: Nodding his head, he said ‘Nnamdi, I am asking for forgiveness even though I know you may never forgive me but your mother and i are very sorry for hiding the truth from you for so long.’

Mama Ifeoma: ‘Nnamdi my son, Please forgive me, I never meant to hurt you. Please my son.’
Nnamdi: ‘I don’t know if I will ever get to forgive you both but please Mama, give me some time to think and put myself together. What I really need now is to take custody of my three children. I don’t want them to be taken away from me. Uncle, do you think I will have my
children considering the fact, my real identity is just made known?’

Chiwedum: ‘To be sincere with you, I am not sure. I don’t know what the outcome of the judgment will be especially when your wife doesn’t want to have anything to do with you, it makes the situation more difficult. Did you talk to her?’

Nnamdi: ‘I did and her mind is already made up.’
Mama Ifeoma: ‘Do you really want her back?’
Nnamdi: ‘Mama, that is the only way I can have my kids and I was thinking we could put our past behind us and continue but that is not
the case. She is done and done with me.’

Obi: ‘So you want her because of the kids?’
Nnamdi: ‘Yes and she is still my wife you know.’

Obi: ‘Do you really love her?’

Mama Nnamdi: Seeing that they could quarrel over Ifeoma, quickly said ‘Obi, please respect your brother for God’s sake, it’s his wife he is
talking about here.’

Obi: ‘I am sorry Mama.’

Mama Nnamdi: ‘If she doesn’t want to have anything to do with you again, we have to wait till the meeting for us to find out where you

Nnamdi: ‘Yes Mama.’
Obi: ‘Ermm Nnamdi, I am very sorry for what I did to you. I know that you probably may never forgive but I am still sorry from my heart of

Nnamdi: ‘Whatever Obi, I don’t just want you to claim my kids. I don’t want you to take them away from me ever!’

Obi: ‘But they are my kids too.’
Nnamdi: ‘They are my kids and not yours’ he shouted.

Mama Nnamdi: ‘Obi, they are your brothers children even though you are their biological father. That is the custom.’

Obi: ‘I know Mama but they are still mine.’
Nnamdi: ‘The only way I will ever forgive you is if you never say they are your kids.’

Obi: ‘Are you serious?’

Nnamdi: ‘Does it look like I am joking?’

To be continued...

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Deep Sea of Secrets Episode 15 [Final Episode]

On the day of the meeting, they all gathered at the Igwe’s palace, the Chief Priest was in attendance too.

First Elder: “Igwe, like we discussed earlier about the problem on ground, we are all here to proclaim the verdict on what should be done.”

Igwe: Nodding his head and turning to Chiwedum “Since you have not been in attendance and you are here today, are you the real father of Nnamdi?”

Chiwedum: “Yes Igwe, he is my son.”
Igwe: “In that case, Chief Priest what do you have to say about Ifeoma’s case?”

Chief Priest: “Abomination is what you committed, Ifeoma and in other to appease the gods and cleanse yourself and household, you will have to walk naked from your house to the village market on the market day three times.”

Mama Ifeoma: “She has to do all these even when she is no longer interested in the marriage?”

Chief Priest: “I have not finished my verdict woman!”

Mama Ifeoma: “Sorry, please continue.”
Chief Priest: “All these will have to be done; you will have to make provisions for 2 black goats and 3 white cocks which will be presented to the gods of our land for the cleansing.”

Igwe: “Is that all she will present if she is going for the cleansing?”

Chief Priest: “Yes my Igwe.”He said with head bowed “….except…”

Igwe: “Except what?”

Chief Priest: “Except if she is no longer interested in remaining married to Nnamdi, the bride price should be returned immediately and
there will be no need for cleansing.”

Igwe: “Ifeoma!”
Ifeoma: “Yes, my Igwe?”
Igwe: “Do you want to remain married to Nnamdi?”
Ifeoma: “No, my Igwe.”
Igwe: “Are you sure?”
Ifeoma: “Yes my Igwe.”
Igwe: “Nnamdi, what do you have to say?”

Nnamdi: “My Igwe, I would love to have my wife back but since she has made up her mind, then I have nothing else to say or do….”

Igwe: “In that case, two people have to agree and since both of you don’t agree and have decided to go your separate ways, the marriage will have to be dissolved. In two weeks Ifeoma, make sure your people return the bride price.”

Ifeoma: “Yes my Igwe.”
Igwe: “Now, Mr. Chiwedum, since you are the father of Nnamdi, what do you have to say about it Chief Priest.

Chief Priest: “The tradition will have to stand.”
Igwe: “Do you know what the tradition says Nnamdi?”

Chiwedum : “I am a slave,I don’t get to decide my fate.”

Igwe: “Exactly but the difference in this case is that your mother was not married to one so it leaves us to decide who you really are.”
Mama Nnamdi: “Please Igwe, what is the final judgment in this case?”

Igwe: “Chiwedum is an Osu and according to the tradition of our land, he is not supposed to marry anyone in our village except she is an

Nnamdi: “But my mother got married to my father who is not an Osu.”

Igwe: “Yes we know that, it leaves you to decide whether you are one or not.”

Nnamdi: “Am I one?”
Igwe: “The decision is not mine to decide but yours. However, if you decide to acknowledge the fact that you are an Osu by recognizing with them, then your children will no longer be yours.”

Nnamdi: “What do you mean Igwe?”
Igwe: “By tradition, you are not an Osu because Obi’s father also known as your father before his death, paid your mother’s bride price and that signifies that you are not an Osu for you are his son.”

Nnamdi: “Does that mean my children are not Osu too?”

Igwe: “Yes your children are not Osu too.”
Nnamdi: “Even when I am no longer married to their mother?”

Igwe: “Yes of course.”
Nnamdi: “Does that mean that they are my children?”

Igwe: “They are your children by the laws of our land.”

Nnamdi: “I will continue to be their father, I am not an Osu.”

Igwe: “In that case, all problems have been settled.”

Nnamdi: “I may have lost everything including my wife but I will always have my children. I am not an Osu” He said out loud for everyone to hear.

Third Elder: “What about the atrocity committed by Mama Nnamdi, my Igwe?”

Igwe: “Her husband is dead already, the sin she committed was done before she married him. Let her go in peace because already, she will live with the consequences of her action. Have I spoken like the true son of the soil my high priest?”

High Priest: “You have spoken the words of our gods.”

Second Elder: “What about Obi that slept with his brother’s wife while his brother is still alive?”

High Priest: “Only the gods know why they allow such things to happen for we cannot question the gods and they are all free to go.”
Mama Ifeoma: “Maybe the sins of the parents are visiting their children.”

High Priest: The gods knoweth and only them answereth.”

After the meeting, everyone having gone to their various homes, Obi stayed behind to have a talk with Ifeoma who was still waiting for the mother to finish having her discussion with the Igwe.

Obi: “I guess this is it” He said to Ifeoma.
Ifeoma: “Yes, this is it. When will you be leaving to the states?”

Obi: “In three days.”
Ifeoma: “Have a safe trip then.”
Obi: “Thank you.”

Ifeoma: “When will you be coming back to Nigeria again?”

Obi: “I don’t know but not anytime soon as there is nothing bringing me back home except of course if it is urgent.”

Ifeoma: “Hmmm. I am sorry that things turned out this way.”

Obi: “It’s not your fault….” He said, smiling “…..remember I told you that I will tell you who the woman I am in love with is when all this
come to an end?”

Ifeoma: “Yes you did….. Who is she?”
Obi: “A woman I know I can never have and that woman is you.”

Ifeoma: “ Oh,Obi”

Obi: He interrupted “I know, you don’t have to say anything and I can understand everything well. I know what your decision will be. I just
want you to have a good life and take care of our children. If you need anything, let me know and I will be ever ready to be there to help.

Don’t hesitate, I repeat, never hesitate.”

Ifeoma: “I won’t, I promise.”
Obi: “Goodbye Ifeoma.”
Ifeoma: “Good bye Obi.”

The end.

Credit: Ade Love


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