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Author Topic: Interesting Story: Deep Sea Of Secrets (Episode By Episode)  (Read 8389 times)

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Deep Sea of Secrets Episode 6

Nnamdi: because I am her son and she loves me.

Obi: of course you are her son and she loves you but that is not all there is to it.

Mama Nnamdi: What are you trying to say Obi, spill whatever you are trying to say.

Obi: You see Mama, you have really gone out of your way to paint Ifeoma as a bad person whearas you are worse than her.

Nnamdi: Watch what you say about our mother else you will hear it from me this evening.

Obi: Of course she is our mother but has she really told you her deepest secrets?

Mama Nnamdi: What secrets do you think I have, I am not like Ifeoma that is devilish.

Obi: Actually Mama, you are more devilish than she is.

Nnamdi: ‘Obi watch your tongue’ he screamed.

Third Elder: What is going on here and Obi, what are you trying to say?

Obi: My mother has gone ahead in claiming that Ifeoma is the devil, maybe it’s time she let us know her deepest secrets also.

Mama Nnamdi: I do not have any secrets as shameful as that of Ifeoma’s own, I do not have any secrets.

Nnamdi: If you have anything against my mother, why don’t you go ahead and spill it out instead of just saying rubbish.

Obi: Mama, you better let out your secrets because if you can go out of your way to castigate Ifeoma for all she has done, then its time you let us all know what you have been hiding for more than 20 years.

First Elder: Obi my son, remember you are talking about your mother, it is unwise to accuse your mother of false accusations. You know that don’t you?

Obi: My elders, I know that very much but I think it is time she let out the truth she thought she kept hidden for so long.

Nnamdi: What secrets are you talking about?
Obi: Why don’t you ask your wonderful and ever loving mother?

Nnamdi: Mama, what is it you have been hiding away from us?

Mama Nnamdi: I can’t believe you could actually believe what your brother is saying; he just wants to deviate the true reason why we are here.

Obi: You think so Mama, that I want us to move away from the reason we are here? Unbelievable.

Nnamdi: If she doesn’t want to let us know anything, why don’t you spill it out Obi?

Obi: Because she who knows the truth is here, there is no need spilling anything out.

Mama Nnamdi: I don’t have secrets and I do not know what Obi is talking about.

Obi: if you say so Mama, why do you think Papa died of heart attack?

Mama Nnamdi: What are you implying Obi, that I killed your father?

Obi: I should be asking you that question Mama.

Nnamdi: What is going on here Obi, what do you know that I don’t know?

Obi: You should ask our mother Nnamdi.

Nnamdi: Mama, what is Obi trying to say?

Mama Nnamdi: Nnamdi my son, I have no idea, I swear, I have no idea.

Nnamdi: Did you kill our father?

Mama Nnamdi: I have never and will never kill anybody.

Nnamdi: Did you in anyway have a hand in our father’s death?

Mama Nnamdi: I do not have a hand in anything.

Nnamdi: Then Obi, what are you trying to say?
Second Elder: I don’t understand what is going on here, are we here for Ifeoma’s case or are we here for another?

Third Elder: I do not understand anything anymore. Bia Obi, what is it you are trying to say?

First Elder: Please my son’s we are old men here and our time have far been spent, if there is any issue you want to resolve, I believe youvcan resolve it within yourselves. The only reason we are here is because Nnamdi told us what transpired in his home, hence this meeting. If there is any other issues, I am sure you can resolve it in your inner chambers and let us deal with that of Ifeoma and Nnamdi.

Obi: I am sorry my elders for keeping you up till this moment but you see, the reason why I am bringing up this issue is because, Mama has to tell us the truth she has been hiding for years.

Mama Nnamdi: I have not been hiding any truth. what is the meaning of all this Obi, what do you think that I have been hiding from you and your brother all these years?

Obi: You tell me.

Nnamdi: Obi, you do know that the reason we are here is because of my wife and her infidelity, if you do not have anything more to say, I guess we should go ahead to the main reason why we are here rather than exchanging words with you.

First Elder: if your mothers says she is not hiding anything, why don’t you tell us what you think she is hiding and isn’t it a family issue?

Obi: No my elders, it is no longer a family issue since we all came here to Put Ifeoma to shame, I guess it’s time we put her to shame too.

Nnamdi: Watch your tongue Obi, watch your tongue I am warning you oooo.

Obi: I have watched the way Mama favors you more than she favors me, I have watched the way she treats you more than the way she treats me. Do you think I don’t know that Mama loves you more than anything in the world?

Third Elder: isn’t it normal that a mother will always love a particular child more than the other?

Obi: Not in my own case. Isn’t it Mama?

Mama Nnamdi: Fearing that the secrets she has kept hidden all these years is about to be revealed. Oh, how she taught she was going to die with this particular secret that will not only destroy her, but destroy her son’s trust and love towards her, How did Obi my son knows and since when? I taught I have hidden everything well all this time?

Obi: ‘Mama’ he called out to her again.

Mama Nnamdi: coming back to her senses replied ‘I do not know what you are talking about Obi’ she said with her head bent for she knew that if she looks at any of her children, they will see the fear in her eyes.

Nnamdi: Mama are you sure of what you are saying?

Mama Nnamdi: Believe me my son, I don’t know what Obi is talking about.

First Elder: if your mother keeps saying she doesn’t know what you are talking about Obi, why don’t you tell us what it is you want us to know?

Second Elder: Errmm instead of telling us, why don’t you people solve your family issues within the confines of your own home?

Obi: No because what Mama has done is also what the elders needs to know so that she will go for cleansing together with her daughter in-law.

Third Elder: if that is the case, please state what is it she has been hiding.

Obi: Mama, say what it is you have been hiding please.

Mama Nnamdi: I am not hiding anything my people.

Obi: if that is the case then, who is Nnamdi’s real father?

To be continued...

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Deep Sea of Secrets Episode 7

Nnamdi: is this a joke or what Obi, what kind of question are you asking Mama?

Obi: ‘No it is no joke’ he said to Nnamdi ‘we may share the same mother but we definitely do not share the same father’ he said boldly.

Nnamdi: Mama, tell me what Obi is saying is a lie, prove him wrong please.

Mama Nnamdi: I am finished oooo. what did I do to deserve all this?
Nnamdi: Mama will you speak up biko, is what Obi saying true?

Mama Nnamdi: ‘Nnamdi my son, where do I start from’ she lamented.

Nnamdi: ‘Mama Speak up please, is what Obi saying true and who is my real father’ he shouted.

Mama Nnamdi: I thought I will go to my grave with this secret oooo.

How will I explain it to you for you to understand biko nu!

Nnamdi: So what Nnamdi is saying is true?

 Chei! I am dead. First it was my wife and now, it is my own mother. My own mother! the woman whom I could give myself for. Who is my father and you better start talking because nobody is going anywhere today oooo until you explain who my real father is and the reason why you never made it known to me.

Third Elder: Hia! What kind of family is this, from one secret to another. Mama Nnamdi, what have you got to say to us?

Mama Nnamdi: ‘I am finished oooo’ she rolled on the ground ‘I am finished oooo ‘she wailed and cried while her two sons watched her in awe.

Nnamdi: Mama will you speak up, who is my father?

Mama Nnamdi: ‘your father is Mr. Chikwedum. He is your real father’ she finally let out the secret she has kept hidden for more than 20years.

Nnamdi: Mr. Chikwedum? Papa’s bestfriend?
Mama Nnamdi: ‘Yes oooo my son’ she wailed ‘ yes oooo, he is your real father’.

First Elder: Wonder will never end. So You mean to tell each and every one of us here that Mr. Chikwedum is Nnamdi’s Father? How come?

Nnamdi: ‘No no no! I don’t believe it. Tell me it is not true Mama, tell me it is a lie Mama, Please tell me’ he said soberly.

Mama Nnamdi: Nnamdi I am sorry, I never wanted you to find out the truth. Please forgive me.

Nnamdi: Forgive you ? first it was my wife, then my brother and now, you Mother?

Mama Nnamdi: Nnamdi, it is not what you think, it is not what you think oooo.

Nnamdi: ‘What do you want me to think Mama, what do you want me to think’ he shouted. Mr. Chiwedum my father when all this while I thought my father was actually the man you married but instead it’s his best friend? Oh! How Papa will be crying in his grave right now for what you just confirmed.

Mama Nnamdi: Nnamdi it is not what you think oooo, it is not what you think ooooo she cried.

Nnamdi: I do not have to think of anything because you betrayed him. You betrayed him and everyone.

First Elder: Nnamdi calm down.

Nnamdi: Calm down you say? How can I calm down when my wife gave me three wonderful kids that are not mine, my brother happens to be their father and now, I just found out that my own mother, my own mother has lied to me all my life. The man whom I looked up to, who made me what I am today and whom I called father is actually not my real father, how do you think I feel right now?

Second Elder: Nnamdi, it is a bitter pill to swallow even me sef, I am short of words but you need to calm down and let us think things through.

Nnamdi: Looking at his mother walked away from them telling the elders present that he needs to think and the meeting should be scheduled some other time.

First Elder: I thought today will be the last day of this meeting but since a new discovery has been made, I am afraid that this meeting will hold but in three weeks.

Second Elder: Ermmm but I want to ask a question oooo.

Third Elder: Go ahead, what is it you want to ask?

Second Elder: Obi my son, why did you do it? Why did you have to disgrace your mother in this horrible manner?

Obi: My elders, it is true that she is my mother but where she has also disgraced another woman who is also a mother and her son happens to help her in doing so, isn’t it best that since she could do it this way, same thing should also apply to her?

First Elder: is that the reason why you should go ahead and open her secrets for us all?

Obi: No it isn’t but that is part of it.

Third Elder: then what really made you do this?

Obi: because I overheard her saying nothing in this world will make anyone know her secret. She said she is willing to do anything to make this secret remain hidden and ever since then, I have been afraid of my mother because if she knew that I am aware of this, I am afraid she may kill me but now that it is in the open, I am more safer.

First Elder: Are you saying or rather, are you telling us that if your mother knew you are aware of her secrets, she is likely to harm you in a way?

Obi: Hmmm, I am afraid so.

Second Elder: Your own mother?

Obi: ‘My mother’ he nodded his head.

First Elder: Why this accusation?

Obi: Because it was one of the reason why my father died of his ailment.

Third Elder: Are you saying your father knew?
Obi: Yes, he was the one that told me about it. At first, I didn’t believe him but after his death, I put two and two together and confirmed that all he said was really true.

Second Elder: and your mother never knew that he is aware of this secret?

Obi: No she doesn’t.

First Elder: if that is the case, then this case will continue in three weeks and in the meantime, Ifeoma, you are to be here because you are still family until your bride price has been returned and you too Obi, you will be there for we have a lot of unanswered question which you and your family members will have to answer to.

Mama Ifeoma: My elders, what about my grandchildren, who will be taking care of them and who should they be with at this time?

Second Elder: Where are they at the moment?

Ifeoma: Who is in shock after hearing the confession of her mother in-law answered ‘they are with a friend of mine.

First Elder: then let them continue remaining there till this issue is resolved.

Third Elder: ‘In that case, let us have a nice day’ he said as they all stood up to take their leave. Each and every one of them left in their own thought.

The few days that followed was the worst for Mama Nnamdi, her two son’s made sure they kept away from each other and none of them said a word to her even though Nnamdi has so many questions to ask but couldn’t bring himself to do so for he was still surprised at the discovery.

One evening while Mama was waiting for Nnamdi to come home for it was late and she was worried, Nnamdi walked in drunk.

Mama Nnamdi: My son, where have you been to? Where are you coming from this time of the night?

Nnamdi: ‘Don’t ask me stupid questions Mama’ he stammered and staggered towards his room.

Mama Nnamdi: Trying to hold him so that he won’t fall called out to him ‘Nnamdi, this is not you; you are not a drunkard, what happened to you.

Nnamdi: Don’t touch me filthy woman he moved away from her ‘you and my wife are filthy.

To be continued...

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Deep Sea of Secrets Episode 8

Mama Nnamdi: Nnamdi please give me a chance to explain what really happened.

Nnamdi: Explained? What is there to explain Mama, what is there to explain?

Mama Nnamdi: Atleast here my own side of the story then you will know the reason why I did what I did.

Nnamdi: I really want to hear you tell me all of it but I will be wait till the next meeting so that you will tell your shameful act to the whole world.

Mama Nnamdi: If that is what you want but atleast give me the chance to tell it to you first.

Nnamdi: Why should I Mama? Why should I?

Mama Nnamdi: Because I am your mother and I will never lie to you.

Nnamdi: did you just say you will never lie to me?

Mama Nnamdi: Yes I just did. Listen Nnamdi, I may have done so many terrible things but no matter what I do, I love you will all my heart and…

Nnamdi: Spare me all the love talk Mama, you lied to me about who I really am and what makes you think I will want to listen to all you have to say.

Mama Nnamdi: because you have the chance to and it is your right.

Nnamdi: Why Mama, why he asked soberly ‘why did you hide this from me all my life’?

Mama Nnamdi: I never wanted you to know the truth because I am afraid of this.

Nnamdi: Of what?

Mama Nnamdi: of you hating me and the truth shattering you.

Nnamdi: but I still have every right to know no matter what. All this while you have hidden what is most important to me and my life. Why Mama, why?

Mama Nnamdi: I do not have any reason to have hidden it from you but the reason I did was so that you could have and live a normal life.

Nnamdi: Whatever Mama, whatever. What you did is so wrong. You have shattered me and my existence.

Mama Nnamdi: I am sorry my son, I really am.

Nnamdi: Does Papa know that I was never his real son, that Obi was and will forever be his real son?

Mama Nnamdi: Not to my knowledge. I do not even know how your brother knew.

Nnamdi: Because Papa told him and he said it was one of the reasons Papa died the way he did.

Mama Nnamdi: ‘I am sorry Nnamdi, I am so sorry. I never knew.

Please Forgive me’ she cried.

Nnamdi: Does my real father know that I am his child?

Mama Nnamdi: Wiping the tears in her eyes said ‘yes he knows’.

Nnamdi: ‘You disgust me Mama, you really disgust me’ he said and staggered to his room.

The following day,Obi got dressed and went to pay a visit to Ifeoma who was staying with her mother pending when her case will be over.

Ifeoma: ‘Obi, what are you doing here’ she asked when she asked ushered him into their house while Mama Ifeoma was in the room still sleeping.

Obi: I came to see you and how you are faring.
Ifeoma: We are doing fine but you shouldn’t be here before tongues start wagging, I don’t want more trouble oooo.

Obi: Relax Ifoema, I didn’t come here for anything other than to know how you and everyone including my kids are doing.

Ifeoma: We are doing fine, please sit.

Obi: sat down and looked at how Untidy Ifeoma has been ‘you are not looking too good yourself’.

Ifeoma: I have been through a lot but I will survive.

Obi: I am sorry for all that you are going through because of me.

Ifeoma: it’s not really your fault; I am also to be blamed.

Obi: How are my children and when can I really see them?

Ifeoma: They are in Lagos with a friend of mine. I just want all this to be over and done with.

Obi: it will soon be and don’t worry, your lives will come back together again.

I feoma : I hope so oooo.

Obi: Errmm, where is Mama?

Ifeoma: She is still sleeping in her room.
Obi: ‘Alright’ he said and kept quiet.

Ifeoma: Can I ask you a question?
Obi: What is it?

Ifeoma: Did you really have to disgrace your mother like that?

Obi: Did the both of them also have to disgrace you like that?

Ifeoma: I can handle it but I am not sure your mother can. Why did you have to let out her secret?

Obi: I did it so that Nnamdi my brother will know the truth and to be sincere, it was high time the truth be told.

Ifeoma: For how long have you know?

Obi: for a very long time. My dad was actually the person who told me and it made him miserable. I really do not know why he never confronted her.

Ifeoma: Would it have made any difference if he had?

Obi: Yes it would have. My father knew right from the beginning that Nnamdi was never his child but why he kept it secret is a thing I never knew even till this moment and I hope that my mother will at least know.

Ifeoma: Have you asked her?

Obi: I haven’t been able to face any of them since I came home. My mother hates me for revealing her secrets and my brother on the other hand also hates me for sleeping with his wife. I am sort of the bad person here.

Ifeoma: I am sorry for your misfortune.
Obi: its okay, I can handle it.

Ifeoma: I hope you sort out issues with them for they are your family.

Obi: I will but it will take time and you are also my family too.

Ifeoma : you should do and get married oooo.
Obi: I don’t think I want another woman.
Ifeoma: What do you mean? Do you have one already?

Obi: of course I have a woman in my life.
Ifeoma: Really?

Obi: Yes.

Ifeoma: who is she and where is she from?
Obi: with time, you will know her. How are you going to cope when everything is over?

Ifeoma: I really don’t know but first thing first, I will make sure that my kids are okay wherever they are and I will put myself together and start life all over again.

Obi: in that case, when all this is over, I will let you know who my woman is.

To be continued...

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Deep Sea of Secrets Episode 9

Few days to the day the meeting will be held, Mama Nnamdi tried talking to her son again for he has kept to himself and not wanting to have anything to do with her.

Mama Nnamdi: ‘we need to talk Nnamdi’ she said to her son who was in the sitting room all alone and lost in thought.

Nnamdi: Mama please do not say anything to me until the day we have the meeting. Its a few days from now.

Mama Nnamdi: ‘is that the reason why you have refused to have anything to do with me? You have refused to eat my food and talk to me, please Nnamdi’ she begged.

Nnamdi: if you so need company Mama, I am not your only son.

Mama Nnamdi: Nnamdi please!

Nnamdi: I have said my own, I do not want to talk with you, talk more of even eating your food or saying anything to you.

Mama Nnamdi: do you hate me that much?

Nnamdi: hmmm…are you asking me that question?

Mama Nnamdi: do you hate me that much as to want to have nothing to do with me?

Nnamdi: for all the lies? Yes Mama, I hate you that much. You must be wondering why I don’t want to go back to Lagos and stay till the next meeting abi?

Mama Nnamdi: this is your home Nnamdi, it is yours and your brother.

Nnamdi: I don’t think so anymore Mama. This is Obi’s home.

Mama Nnamdi: I may have done terrible things, but my late husband your father still loved you as his son till death.

Nnamdi: ‘Did he Mama’ he asked ‘anyway, we will never know because he is nomore. And besides, when all this is done, I am going far away from here. This is not my home’ he said and left the sitting room.

Mama Nnamdi: Devastated on her failure to talk to Nnamdi, she went to Obi’s room ‘can we talk’ she said as she got into his room.

Obi: ‘Good day Mama and what do you want us to talk about’ he asked as he sat up on his bed.

Mama Nnamdi: Nnamdi is behaving badly towards me and even you.

Why don’t you want to eat any of the food I laid out to you on the dining?

Obi: Nothing Mama, I am not just hungry.

Mama Nnamdi: Obi you are my son, I know that we don’t use to get along, especially when your father died. I may not have been the best mother but that doesn’t mean I love you less.

Obi: Mother, you have not shown me the Love you shown Nnamdi even before father died. I guess this is my life and I have been dealing with it my own way.

Mama Nnamdi: is that the reason why you had to tell my story to the whole world, why didn’t you confront me in person?

Obi: because I was scared that you may do something terrible to me.

Mama Nnamdi: is that what you think of me, that I am capable of harming my own son?

Obi: Yes Mama, else why didn’t Papa confront you about this when he found out?

Mama Nnamdi: When did he reveal this secret to you and how did he find out?

Obi: I do not know how he found out but he told me few days before his death. I didn’t want to believe him but few months after his death when I came home, I overhead you talking with Chiwedum and I heard you say over your dead body will you reveal your deepest secrets to anyone and if anyone tires it, you are incapable of stopping yourself from what you will do to that person. With that said, I kept everything to myself for I was afraid of my life and what you will do to me.

Mama Nnamdi: so all these years, you have carried this secrets and why now, did you have to reveal it?

Obi: because I felt it’s now time we all know the truth and what better way than the way I did it?

Mama Nnamdi: ‘Very well then’ what do you mean that I love Nnamdi more than I love you?

Obi: because you have always shown Nnamdi affection and care and I have never seen you shown that to me.

Mama Nnamdi: it doesn’t mean that I love you less Obi.

Obi: but it does mean that he is your first fruit and the fruit of your first love isn’t it?

Mama Nnamdi: Yes it is.

On the day of the meeting, everyone was present including Ifeoma’s mother, Obi, Nnamdi and Mama Nnamdi for the meeting is usually held in the village town hall.

First Elder: Ermmm since we are all here, can we go straight to the reason why we came here. Mama Nnamdi what your son Obi said about you is it true?

Mama Nnamdi: Yes it is true.

Second Elder: who do you say the father is again, let us be cleared.

Mama Nnamdi: Chiwedum.

Third Elder: can you please tell us how come?
Mama Nnamdi: long before I married my late husband who passed away a few years ago, I was inlove with Chiwedum and we were dating secretly. I was already in-love with him before Obi’s father came to ask for my hand in marriage.

Nnamdi: before he came to ask for your hand in marriage, didn’t he know that you were going out with his best friend?

Mama Nnamdi: No he never knew because we were having a secret affair and Obi’s father lived in Lagos city while Chiwedum was in the village with me.

Nnamdi : so why didn’t you marry Chiwedum my father instead of Obi’s father?

Mama Nnamdi: because as at that time, Obi’s father was more educated and self -established. I was a young girl who was blinded by wealth and so when Obi’s father came to ask for my hand in marriage, I agreed to it.

Nnamdi: if you agreed to marry Obi’s father, how come Nnamdi is Chiwedum’s child?

Mama Nnamdi: before the marriage proper, I found out that I was already with a Child and that Child is Nnamdi.

Obi: who has been quiet spoke up ‘if you were in love with Nnamdi’s real father and carrying his child, why did you go ahead with the marriage?

Mama Nnamdi: because I saw a future with Obi’s father

Nnamdi: so my real father wasn’t good enough?
First Elder: Where is Chiwedum, isn’t he supposed to be here.

Second Elder: My elders, you know that according to our custom and tradition, it is not right for Chiwedum to stand here with us.

Third Elder: we cannot allow him to be here for that is the tradition.

First Elder: of course we all know that but where it concerns him, he has to be here.

Second Elder: and we will be going against the custom of our land.

First Elder: it is just to confirm if the allegation melted on him is true and nothing else.

Second Elder: and if the allegation is true, what else?

Third Elder: I am afraid that everything about Nnamdi and his heritage will not be what it should be.

Nnamdi: My elders, what do you mean? I don’t understand the turn this event is taking. What is it?

The three elders shook their heads.

First Elder: ‘you mean you didn’t tell him’ he asked Mama Nnamdi.

Mama Nnamdi: I haven’t had the chance to do that, he doesn’t want to listen to what I have to say or want anything to do with me.

Nnamdi: Mama, what is it you haven’t told me?
Mama Nnamdi: bending her head in shame said ‘Your real father Chiwedum is an Outcast’.

Nnamdi: What do you mean an outcast?

First Elder: Osu! He said it loud and clear for everyone to hear ‘you are an Osu and Osu do not mingle with the likes of us’.

To be continued...

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Deep Sea of Secrets Episode 10

Nnamdi: No, this cannot be true, are you saying that my father is an outcast Mama?

Mama Nnamdi: Yes he is. And we all know that outcast do not marry anyone else from the same community except there kind. I have been wanting to keep this secret away from you so that you won’t be labeled an outcast but now it is out, you now know where you belong.

Nnamdi: is that the real reason why you didn’t marry him?

Mama Nnamdi: That was the real reason Nnamdi. Even if I had allowed it, my people would have cut all ties with me and Obi’s father became my best option.

Obi: But Mother, I thought you said you married him because he had a bright future?

Mama Nnamdi: ‘that was part of it but the real reason was because I couldn’t marry Chiwedum for he is an outcast while your father’ he said to Obi ‘was not’. He was also loved by my people and he loved me in return.

Mama Ifeoma: Chei! She screamed ‘Alu! Abomination. So you mean to tell me Mama Nnamdi that my own daughter married an outcast and has Children for him? You are a wicked woman and may God almighty punish you. If you had a daughter, would you have allowed her married an outcast whereby you know the traditions of our land, would you?

First Elder: Ermm Mama Ifeoma please take it easy and let us solve this problem amicably.

Mama Ifeoma: Solve what problem, the fact that this woman here lied to every one of us? My elders, you know the tradition and the tradition states that an Osu cannot marry someone who is not an Osu if they are from the same village else they all will be called Osu. which means that my Daughter is an Osu, including her Children. Abomination!

Third Elder: ‘Wait first Mama Ifeoma, Mama Nnamdi got married to Obi’s late father who is not an Osu, which means Nnamdi is not an Osu for when the bride Price was paid on Mama Nnamdi’s head, she became his. Am I speaking your mind my elders’ he asked.

Second Elder: ‘No! You are not speaking our mind’ he said ‘Tradition is tradition. This tradition has been on, long before our ancestors before us. An Osu is an Osu whether by marriage or by blood.

Mama Ifeoma: Exactly. Whether by blood or by marriage, an Osu is an Osu. If Nnamdi is Mr. Chiwedum’s son, he is automatically an Osu.

Nnamdi: Does that mean even my children too are Osu?

Mama Ifeoma: No! Mba nu! My grand -children cannot be an Osu. For if they are, we will have nothing to do with them. We do not and cannot accept Osu into our family.

Mama Nnamdi: But they are married and traditionally they belong to Nnamdi.

Mama Ifeoma: ‘Do you think I would have allowed my daughter get married to Nnamdi if the truth had been revealed earlier’ she shouted ‘Do you think I would have come close to your family’?

Nnamdi: Chei! I am finished ‘my elders, what next, will I still be able to claim my children’.

Third Elder: as it stands now, the situation is more complicated than it should be. First it was Ifeoma, then Obi and now your mother. I think this family issue is bombarding my head that I cannot think straight.

First Elder: before anything is said again, we will need to confirm from Chiwedum if he is the father of Nnamdi.

Nnamdi: Mama is he aware that I am his son?
Mama Nnamdi: he is, he has known right from day one.

Nnamdi: I just want to know if I can still claim my children my elders.

First Elder: to be sincere with you, if what your mother says is true, I doubt if you can.

Nnamdi: What and why is that so?

Second Elder: because according to tradition, you are our slave and we cannot allow our slave to take our daughter and our children from us. Especially when the truth just revealed itself.

Nnamdi: No, you can’t do this my people, you can’t do this. I didn’t choose to be a slave. I never asked for it.

Third Elder: relax Nnamdi, we cannot say anything now until we have come to a conclusion and until that is done, Mama Ifeoma, please inform Chiwedum to be here in the next meeting.

Obi: Ermm my elders, there is a question I want to ask my mother, can I go ahead.

Third Elder: go ahead our true son.

Obi: if you were pregnant before you married my father, how come no one ever suspected anything?

Mama Nnamdi: because I was two months gone when your father married me and seven months later, I gave birth to Nnamdi. Our people taught it was a premature birth but I was due when I gave birth to him.

Obi: ‘and nobody suspected anything’ he said out loud for everyone to hear.

Mama Ifeoma: and you had the guts and effrontery to disgrace my daughter and humiliate her while yours is even worse than hers.

First Elder: Errm Ifeoma my daughter, I am sorry for all the humiliation you had to go true. We didn’t know that Nnamdi here is an Osu else we would have treated your case differently.

Nnamdi: ‘What do you mean by that’ he barked.
Second Elder: it means that those who are Osu, are not supposed to be here and they are not supposed to marry our daughter. Do you even know the traditions of our land sef?

Nnamdi: but the truth just came out and how was I supposed to know that I am the product of an outcast?

Third Elder: we are not blaming you and we are not holding you responsible for the sins of your parents but all we are saying is that, in this case, our daughter has a right over you,Including your brother.

Nnamdi: I don’t understand, what do you mean?
Second Elder: it means that if Ifeoma wants to have her Children, we the elders can say the children should go to the family and not you.

We can say that Ifeoma should have claims over the children for we do not want to have anything to do with you and your people.

Nnamdi: No! You can’t do that. I am my father’s son.

Second Elder: which of the fathers are you talking about here, your real father or your foster father?

Nnamdi: Whichever one. I want my children afterall, I paid her bride price.

Thrid Elder: that is the only way you can have full custody of the children.

Nnamdi: What way?

First Elder: If Ifeoma agrees to remain married to you.

Nmandi: why won’t she agree to remain married to me, I haven’t returned her bride price yet.

Seocond Elder: but I thought you wanted the marriage to be done and over with?

Nnamdi: I changed my mind.

Ifeoma: What for? Why did you change your mind?

Nnamdi: Because I am a man and I am still married to you.

Ifeoma: in that case, my elders I want the marriage done with as soon as possible.

Nnamdi: Sweetheart, we can talk about this Please.

Mama Ifeoma: Ehen! She clapped her hands ‘so you can finally use sweet words on her? What about the witch you use to call her’?

To be continued...

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Deep Sea of Secrets Episode 11

Nnamdi: ignoring her mother in-law said ‘Ifeoma, we can talk about this in the privacy of our own home. don’t let what happen to us affect our children and I promise to be a better man and a husband to you and our kids.’

Ifeoma: I am sorry Nnamdi, if I had known you were the product of an outcast; I wouldn’t have had anything to do with you. Now that the situation is all glaring, I want my children and I to have nothing to do with you from now on.

Nnamdi: ‘Ifeoma Please’ he pleaded.

Ifeoma: I cannot remain married to you and it is my final decision my elders.

First Elder: in that case, you all will hear the final judgment of all issues in our next meeting which will be in the igwe’s palace with the chief priest of our land.

Second Elder: Ha! Has it come to that?

First Elder: Yes it has because the matter is not only for elders to decide upon anymore since there are so many untold stories and a lot of atrocities have been committed.

Mama Nnamdi: My Elders, please do not involve our village chief priest, we as a family can solve it on our own please.

Mama Ifeoma: Oh! so now you want to make it a family meeting because your secrets is now for the world abi? When my daughter pleaded with your husband not to take the matter to the elders weren’t you against it?

Mama Nnamdi: ignoring her said ‘Please my elders, let us settle this thing amicably.

Mama Ifeoma: and I refused. Since my daughter’s case has become public affairs, all other case should also be public affairs.

Third Elder: Mama Nnamdi, even if we say we should settle the case amicably, within us. We cannot still let what you did slide. Nnamdi is an outcast, married to the daughter of the soil without anyone knowledge. If we knew all these before time, maybe, just maybe things would have been different.

Mama Ifeoma: Please my elders, I cannot cope with the shame.

First Elder: I am sorry, there is nothing anyone or anybody can do about it. The igwe will have to be informed and the chief priest will have to be invited.

They all stood and left while Mama Nnamdi wailed and cried leaving Nnamdi and Obi to console her. Ifeoma and her mother also left them there to deal with their problems.

Mama Nnamdi: ‘Nmandi I am sorry, I didn’t mean for any of these. I didn’t mean to let this shame befall our family’ she said to him as she held unto him crying.

Nnamdi: ‘Mama just stop crying before your blood pressure goes up please’ he said wiping away her tears.

Obi: Mama stop with the tears already.

Mama Nnamdi: No, until my son forgives me for hiding the truth, I need him to forgive me ooooo.

Nnamdi: ‘Mama all this is just too much for me to comprehend now, I need to think’ he said as he walked away leaving his mother and Obi.

Obi: who was speechless and didn’t know what to do or how to console his mother said ‘Mama stop crying, I will talk to Nnamdi on your behalf. I know he loves you and he will listen to me. Please just stop crying.

Mama Nnamdi: Do you think he will ever forgive me, for lying about his true identity?

Obi: He will Mama, just give him more time please.

Mama Nnamdi: I hope so Obi, I hope so.

After they came back from the meeting, Mama Ifeoma and Ifeoma went talking about what happened.

Mama Ifeoma: Wonders will never end oooo. So Nnamdi is the son of Chiwedum? Hia! If your father was here by now, I am sure he will go return the bride price immediately. No child of mine will have anything to do with an Osu.

Ifeoma: Mama the deed has been done, there is nothing anyone or anybody can do. I never knew Uncle Chiwedum is Nnamdi real father?

Mama Ifeoma: and they Osu. You cannot have anything to do with them.

Ifeoma: What about my children?

Mama Ifeoma: hmmm. My daughter, I do not know for now ooo. The elders will have to decide.

Ifeoma: but my children still belong to Nnamdi because he paid my bride price.

Mama Ifeoma: my dear, I cannot think clearly. Let the elders decide what is best for all of us.

Nnamdi: I have come to see Uncle Chiwedum for that is the way he is usually called by them.

Nneka: ‘he is sleeping’ said the little girl who opened the door to him when he knocked

Nnamdi: go wake him up and tell him it is urgent.

Nneka: ‘but he doesn’t like anyone disturbing him when he is sleeping’ she insisted.

Nnamdi: ‘tell him it is urgent or I will go in there and wake him up myself’ he shouted at the little girl.

Nneka: Okay! She went and woke him up.

Chiwedum: ‘this one you are here to see me, hope no problem’ he said as he sat close to Nnamdi who was in the sitting room, sitting and fidgeting.

Nnamdi: Are you my father?
Chiwedum: What!
Nnamdi: are you my father Uncle?
Chiwedum: Who told you that?
Nnamdi: Does it matter, just answer the question.

Chiwedum: but I thought your mother said she will never reveal anything to you?

Nnamdi: Answer the question Uncle.

Chiwedum: Errmm. You see my son, it is not what you think.

Nnamdi: you shouldn’t bother about what I think and answer me Uncle, are you my father?

Chiwedum: Yes I am and I am sorry that you are finding out the truth now. Your mother actually said she will never reveal the truth to anyone because it will change everything.

Nnamdi: so all these years, you knew that I am your son and you never said anything to me?

Chiwedum: I am sorry, my hands were tied.

Nnamdi: ‘your hands were tied’ he shouted ‘you and my mother hid the truth from me all my whole life and all you could tell me is your hands were tied?’

Chiwedum: if the truth had been revealed it wouldn’t be of good to you.

Nnamdi: why? Because you are an Osu and I am your son?

Chiwedum: you already know everything.

Nnamdi: Yes I do Uncle and in the most brutal way.

Chiwedum: I am sorry that you are finding out this now, I am really sorry.

Nnamdi: you are sorry, after you lied to me and my father?

Chiwedum: I am your real father.

Nnamdi: No you are not, my real father, the man who nurtured me and made me what I am today is dead and you will never take his place.

Chiwedum: I know this is too much for you to bear but I believe that with time, you will learn to forgive and call me your father.

Nnamdi: Don’t you dare say that to me, don’t you dare say that.

To be continued...


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