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Author Topic: Interesting Story: Deep Sea Of Secrets (Episode By Episode)  (Read 8754 times)

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Deep Sea of Secrets Episode 1

Nnamdi: My people I greet you all
Elders chorused: we greet you too.

Nnamdi: ‘you all know the reason for this meeting and I want to make it clear that on no account will I be accepting a woman who cheated on me not once, twice and neither is it thrice. I want you people, my elders to help me ask this woman’ pointing to his wife ‘who the father of the abominable children is and why did she hide it from me all these years. Why did she make me father three children that are not from my loins? Thank you’ he said and sat down close to his mother who patted him on his back.

First Elder: ‘Hmmm..Alu! Alu! What an abomination. Ifeoma our wife’ he said looking at her, you have heard all that your husband has said, now is the time to answer his questions before we the elders of Udi community. You do know that what you did is a grave offence in our land, don’t you?

Ifeoma: I do my elders.

First Elder: Then why did you do it? Why did you commit such an abomination?

Ifeoma kept mute.

Mama Nnamdi: is it not you the elders are asking questions or are you deaf that you cannot hear again?

Nnamdi: so you don’t want to answer the elders of our land abi?

Elders, you people should ask her ooo. look at me now, when I am supposed to be enjoying the fruit of my labor,I was going to take them on a surprise trip to the US when I found out that my children are actually not mine for a DNA was conducted on all three of my precious children. I am shattered my people.

Mama Nnamdi: I blame you, I blame you Nnamdi. When I told you to take a second wife you wouldn’t listen, now look at you and the situation this witch has put you through. Tell us oooo, tell us you witch! Tell us who the man you committed such an abomination with’ she said to Ifeoma.

Second Elder: Errmm Mama Nnamdi, take it easy on her, she will speak up. Turning to ifeoma who was standing in their middle said ‘My daughter, please speak up and tell us what we need to know. After everything, you will walk naked round the village three times, you will also have your bath in Udi river so that you can be cleansed of all your sins for that is the custom of our land. Please kindly speak up you hear?

Ifeoma still kept mute.

Nnamdi: you don’t want to talk abi? When you were busy committing the act I am very sure you were enjoying it without thinking that your secrets will finally come out. Don’t you know nothing stays hidden under the sun forever?

Third Elder: ifeoma my daughter, this is the third time we are calling you to spill out what you have done. If you do not say anything, we will go nowhere today and that place you are standing is where you will keep standing until you tell us all what we need to know.

Mama Nnamdi: how will she? when she is trying to protect her man, the man who committed such sins with her. You have heard all that our elders have said, me I have your time today and water or food will not be served to you until you spill out what we want to hear.

Nnamdi: ‘After you have finished confessing and doing all the cleansing, I want you to go and pack everything you have in that house including those kids of yours. I want you all out of my house and out of my life for good. My only saving grace is that I have a son from another woman. Atleast I am grateful for that and immediately all this is over Mama,I am going to Ijeoma’s people to ask for her hand in marriage. She is way more better than this thing standing right in front of me’ he said pointing at her.

Mama Nnamdi: I am happy that your secret is finally out and soon, fowl yansh don open. I knew there was something about you right from day one but I couldn’t place it. No wonder my spirit never agreed with you. Tell us who the father of those bastard children of yours and be fast with it else you will stay here till God knows when.

First Elders: My people, since ifeoma has refused to open her mouth to say who the father of her children are, I think we should give her some time to put herself together.

Mama Nnamdi: Isi gini, give who sometime? Mbanu, it will not work.

Haven’t we given her all the time she needs? We gave her time to go to her people and put herself together, what more time does she needs? My elders, we will have to force the words out of her mouth today ooo because we cannot keep coming back because of a woman who is not worthy. She must tell us everything today.

Second Elder: I agree too, I mean we have other things to do. Take a look at me now, I supposed to be in the farm but because of Ifeoma I am here. The last time the same thing too and I keep losing money because of it. I won’t be coming back here again because of Ifeoma. If she refuses to still say anything then let us take her to the shrine and let her swear by the gods of our land. If she is innocent, the gods won’t strike her but if she is not, she will die within three days since she doesn’t want to tell us anything abi?

Mama Nnamdi: I agree with you oooo. let us go to the shrine and let her swear with her life.

First Elder: Ifeoma my daughter, did you just hear what they said? She nodded her head ‘Good’. Do you want to go to the shrine because if you do not speak up, that is where we are headed to and when we hand you over to the chief priest, the matter is no longer in our hands.

If what they say about you is true, you will swear by the Gods of our land and death is inevitable. Is that what you want?

Ifeoma: No my elders.

Mama Nnamdi: Oh! So you finally said a word to us since you came here today? Ah! Oga oooo. I thought you were finally dumb.

Nnamdi: Who did you commit this atrocity with Ifeoma, who?

First Elder: Please Nnamdi, calm down. She will talk.

Nnamdi: Then let her talk. I don’t want to breathe the same air with this prostitute I call a wife. Witch!

Second Elder: Nnamdi, calm down and Ifeoma, are you ready to talk now?

Ifeoma: Yes my Elders, I will talk.

Mama Nnamdi: Talk na, what is keeping you?

Ifeoma: Errmm my elders, before anything else, I want to start from the onset.

Mama Nnamdi: You want to start what from which onset?

Ifeoma: if you really want to know who the father of my child is and what prompted me to do it, I will have to tell you my story from the beginning.

Nnamdi: What nonsense story are you talking about? All we want is for you to tell us who you did it with. Is that too heavy for you to spill out?

Mama Nnamdi: We don’t have all the time in the world and you better just spill out….

First Elder: ‘Mama Nnamdi’ he interrupted her ‘I want you please let her speak. If she wants to tell us her story, we have all the time and it is important for us to know the reason why she did what she did. If after she tells us everything and her action is not justified, she will do what needs to be done’.

Second Elder: I agree, let her tell us everything right from the beginning.

Nnamdi: Me, I am not interested in knowing anything oooo. all I want is who did she do it with?

Third Elder: Then be patient with her, let her tell us what she wants us to know.

Mama Nnamdi: Okay oooo. but it will not exceed today because me I will not want to come here because of her again. I want my son’s life to go back to normal.

First Elder: My daughter, you have all our attention. Go ahead ,tell us what you want us to know.

Ifeoma: Thank you my elders. Looking at her husband and mother in-law she shook her head and with tears in her eyes she said ‘you all know that I have been married to Nnamdi, your son. But what you really do not know was how miserable my life was when I couldn’t give birth to a child five years after my marriage.

I went from one hospital to another and after conducting series of test, I was certified okay by the doctors. Each time my husband and I become intimate, nothing happens and one day, I decided to go to another hospital for a proper check - up and the same story was told. That I am okay and there is nothing wrong with me, I should try and bring my husband along so that the same test can be conducted on him but all effort in trying to convince him to come along proved abortive.

Nnamdi: Yes! Because I am a man. Before I married you, I know how many women with whom I had an affair with had abortions for me.

What makes you think that I am not man enough to pregnant a woman?

Third Elder: Nnamdi calm down and let her finish her story please.

My daughter please continue.

Ifeoma: ‘Thank you’ she continued ‘I tried all I could to convince him to go for medical check -up but he wouldn’t listen and it was during this time that my mother in-law was threatening me, saying that a woman would soon come to my house, I will leave my matrimonial home for her.

I couldn’t and didn’t want it to happen but what can I do when the child my family needed wasn’t forth coming, I went to the doctor and explained my predicament to him but all he told me was that I should look for a way to get my husband’s sperm and when that is done, they will carry on with the test but on no account should I tell anyone what is happening, for it is not right to carry on a test without the consent of the person involved. I told him I will do it for that was the only way I could ascertain if we were really alright.

Mama Nnamdi: Ehen, what happened next?
Ifeoma: I was desperate and I bought a condom meant for women.

One morning after my husband and I made love, I took the condom to my doctor where a test was conducted and the result of the test shattered my life.

To be continued...

Source: Ade-Love

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Interesting Story: Deep Sea Of Secrets (Episode 2)
Reply #1 on: May 28, 2018, 04:15:40 AM

Deep Sea of Secrets Episode 2

Mama Nnamdi: Ehen, what was the result of the test?

Nnamdi: What do you mean shattered your life because you know I already have a son outside marriage.

Ifeoma: Yes I know Nnamdi, I know that because that was what you wanted to believe.

Nnamdi: What do you mean?

Ifeoma: While I remained married and faithful to you, you called me a barren wife. While I looked for solution to our problems, you went ahead to sleep with anything and anyone on skirt. You betrayed the trust I had in you. You and your mother made a fool of me by wanting to bring another woman into my home and when she couldn’t succeed, that was when your mistress decided to carry your child, how unbelievable.

Nnamdi: But atleast, she was and still faithful for I am the only man in her life and she has my son.

Ifeoma: ‘Oh! Poor you Nnamdi’ she smiled ‘I have no regrets having an affair with another man because by doing so, I have three wonderful kids and I am ready to leave this marriage without looking back.

Nnamdi: ‘And that is what and how it will be. I do not want to ever see your face again’ he spat at her ‘I should have married her long long ago, I should have listened to my mother’ he screamed.

Ifeoma: will you really want to marry her after you find out the truth?

Mama Nnamdi: What truth? What truth you this witch?

Ifeoma: you really want to know Mama, you want to know the truth about your son?

Nnamdi: What are you talking about?

Ifeoma: ‘the day my whole life shattered was the day the test result came out that your loving son Mama’ she said looking straight into her eyes ‘cannot father a child’.

Nnamdi: You’re lying, you’re a big liar. I have a son?

Ifeoma: Well then, take that child to the hospital and conduct a test.

If the result is positive, good for you and if it is negative, I wish you all the best in this life but know one thing, I and my children are leaving you for good either way.

Mama Nnamdi: ‘Hey! Chineke! My enemies are at it oooo, my enemies have finally succeeded in ruining my life and family ooooo.

Chineke mo! What do I do now oooo’ she wailed and cried.

Nnamdi: it’s a lie Mama, don’t believe anything this woman has said, she is evil and wicked and she will do anything to bring anyone down with her. Don’t listen to her.

Mama Nnamdi: I am finished oooo. Nnamdi what if what she says is true oooo.

Nnamdi: ‘Mama it is not true, I have had affairs with countless women and they have had abortions for me. I cannot be impotent’ he insisted.

First Elder: Mama Nnamdi, calm down and let us think of a way forward. Turning to Ifeoma he said ‘My daughter are you sure of this recent allegations you just made’?

Ifeoma: ‘My elders’ she bow her head ‘until a test is carried out on the said matter, I will not say anything anymore’.

Second Elder: What is the point doing a test when we can just go to our village spiritualist and get everything over and done with.

Nnamdi: My elders, please I would like to find out if these allegations are true and will require that this meeting be adjourned immediately.

Second Elder: ‘hmmm! Wonders will never end!’ He sighed and shook his head

First Elder: What and how do you want to find out the truth?

Nnamdi: I will have to go for a medical checkup and also do a DNA test on my son Osita.

Second Elder: you mean the child you had with your mistress?

Nnamdi: Yes!

First Elder: ‘if that is the case, then this meeting will continue in three weeks. Until all allegations has been verified and proven, there is nothing anyone or anybody will do or say. If the situation gets out of hand, we will have to invite Igwe to the matter’. The Elders came to an agreement and left the premises where the meeting is being held while Ifeoma left Nnamdi and Mama to her place.

Nnamdi: ‘Mama get up’ he said to his mother who was still crying ‘get up and let us go home’ for the meeting was been held in the village town hall.

Mama Nnamdi: Hey! Nnamdi, what is happening to us?

Nnamdi: Mama don’t worry yourself about it, I know Ifeoma is lying and not to worry, I will bring good news to you when next the meeting is held. She will be put to shame. Don’t worry yourself about anything.

Mama Ifeoma: ‘Ifeoma my daughter, what was the pronouncement on you? What did they say they will do to you eh?’ She asked her daughter when she came into the house.

Ifeoma: Pronouncement has not been made or anything till three weeks. Where is everybody in the house?

Mama Ifeoma: who else is in the house if not your aunt who went out. Why was pronouncement not made, what really happened?

Ifeoma: Nothing happened Mama, I simply told everyone the truth.

Mama Ifeoma: Truth about the man you had an affair with? Who is the man in question?

Ifeoma: Mama, i will tell you everything when the time comes but now is not the time.

Mama Ifeoma: Why is that so Ifeoma, am I not your mother? why won’t you tell me what and who the stupid man you had an affair with is ?

Ifeoma: Mama, I will tell you but not now.

Mama Ifeoma: Okay oooo. I can see you have made up your mind but also know that when this is over, I want you and your children to go back to who you started all this thing with.

Ifeoma: Mama, you do not need to worry. Once all this is over, I am going back to Lagos to continue my life with my children. I am simply waiting for the verdict of my kinsmen.

Mama Ifeoma: it seems you are not regretting your actions?

Ifeoma: Mama I have regretted enough. I cannot keep crying and wishing for death when I have my children to cater for. The only regret I have at the moment is that I should never have married Nnamdi in the first place. He has ridiculed, humiliated me in ways I cannot imagine and neither can I forgive and I am everly ready for this marriage to pack up.

Mama Ifeoma: So because he has not been an honest and faithful man, is that the reason why you will bring such shame to him and yourself? Do you know what people are saying about you?

Ifeoma: They can say what they want to say Mama, I don’t care anymore. The only good thing that came out of this marriage is my children and for them I am grateful for all the trails and tribulation.

Agreed, what I did was wrong but is anyone ever looking at the man and what he did? He defiled my marriage bed Mama, he went ahead to sleep with anything and anyone on skirt and had the guts to tell me to my face how many women has committed abortions for him. He called me barren and humiliated me so much that I became a shadow of myself.

Mama Ifeoma: Even at that….
Ifeoma: ‘Mama’ she interrupted ‘I am ready for the consequences of my actions.

Mama Ifeoma: When is the next meeting?
Ifeoma: In three weeks Mama
Mama Ifeoma: Why is that so?
Ifeoma: Because I told them Nnamdi cannot father a child.

Mama Ifeoma: What?

Mama Nnamdi: Nnamdi, I think you should call your brother who is out of the country to come home immediately.

Nnamdi: Mama, is that really necessary, I don’t want him to just fly into Nigeria when I know that soon all these will come to an end.

Mama Nnamdi: it is better he comes and sees what is happening instead of him hearing it from someone else. You both are all I have and I do not want anything to happen to you people.

Nnamdi: if you say so Mama, I will call him and inform him of everything. Let him decide if he wants to come home himself.

Mama Nnamdi: Your brother Obi is the only sibling you have in this world. I do not want to hear that both of you drifted apart even while I am gone.

Nnamdi: Mama, I don’t like the way you are sounding, you sound like you are dying the next minute. Just don’t start this your sermon of preaching about death. I know you are worried about the result of the test and you shouldn’t be. It will work in our favor you will see it. I can boldly say that I am a father to Osita.

Mama Nnamdi: What if the result is negative?
Nnamdi: it won’t be.

To be continued...

Source: Ade-Love

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Interesting Story: Deep Sea Of Secrets (Episode 3)
Reply #2 on: May 30, 2018, 09:38:38 AM

Deep Sea of Secrets Episode 3

Three (3) weeks Later

First Elder: Ehen my people, now that we are gathered here based on the event of last three weeks, Nnamdi is here to finally tell us what the result of the allegation is, if it is true or false.

Nnamdi: ‘Ermm after all the findings it was confirmed that what Ifeoma, my wife said is true’ he said with his head bent.

Second Elder: Chei! Alu! Alu! So you mean all this while, the son you thought you had was never yours?

Nnamdi: Yes.

Third Elder: What about the allegation that you can never father a child, how true is that?

Nnamdi: Shamelessly he said ‘also true’.
Mama Nnamdi: Chei! Nwam mo! My enemies have succeeded in making mockery of me oooo. Chei! What sins have I and my family committed?

First Elder: So now that the findings have been made, knowing that you cannot father a child or anything, do you still want your three children from Ifeoma?

Nnamdi: I still have to know who their father is.

First Elder: Ifeoma, since you are here, will you please tell us who the father of the children you have is?

Ifeoma: I will tell you the father of my Children my elders but I still need to conclude my story.

Second Elder: ‘Look here Ifeoma or whatever your name is’ he said angrily ‘what more do you have to say that we don’t already know, just tell us who the father of your children is and let us get this thing over and done with.

Ifeoma: I haven’t finished my story, until I get there, will I reveal who the father of my children is.

First Elder: if the young woman wants us to know everything about her personal life, then let her go on.

Mama Ifeoma: My people nde wo nuooo!

Altogether: Nde wo!

Mama Ifeoma: ‘If my daughter here wants to tell us everything about her personal life, there must be a reason and as such, we should give her a listening ear’ she said for she was angry at Nnamdi and what he has put her daughter through after her daughter told her all she has been endured in his house and decided to support her by been present in the meeting today.

Mama Nnamdi: What more secrets does she want to reveal to us, what more stories does she want to say to us? Haven’t she put my family to shame?

Mama Ifeoma: my daughter has already been through so much pain and humiliation from your family. Just because she revealed the truth about your son doesn’t mean she is a bad person. Let us all just listen to all she has to say.

Third Elder: if that is what Ifeoma wants, go ahead biko.

Ifeoma: ‘Thank you my Elders’ she bow her head and continued ‘When I found out the test result, I was devastated that the problem wasn’t actually mine but his.

I tried to sit him down and talk to him about our not having children but he wouldn’t listen and prior to that time, Mama and Nnamdi were already planning on how to chase me from my matrimonial home by getting him married to another woman.

It was during, it was confirmed that she was pregnant for his child for wedding preparation was already on the way. I decided to do the unthinkable; I decided to have an affair with another man to know if really I am the one with the problem or my husband. I decided to have an affair and within two weeks of that affair, I was confirmed pregnant.

I went to the doctor if he was sure that the test conducted on my husband is positive and he assured me that it is. What better way do I have than to say he is the one responsible for my pregnancy?

Nnamdi: and you decided to give me another man’s child?

Ifeoma: Yes Nnamdi. You would never have believed me if I told you the truth and to keep my home, I had to do it.

I had to sleep with another man. If she could lie to you that the child she is carrying is yours why won’t I do the same. I laugh at you when you say you are going to see your first son because whether you liked it or not, that child was never yours right from the beginning. All these years I kept quiet because I know what I did was shameful but on the other hand, when I did what I did, I wanted to protect my home and my family.

I wasn’t going to allow another woman come reap all the fruit of my labor. I was the happiest woman on earth when I told you that I am pregnant because from that moment, you became the husband and father I wanted. You became the man I said I do in the altar.

Mama Ifeoma: It still does not justify your actions.

Ifeoma: Yes it doesn’t, but it does to me. Mama you were the one pushing him to go marry another woman, you were the one who turned my husband against me and you were the one who introduced him to the woman whom you taught bore him a son. If you had succeeded with your plans, what would have become of me?

Mama Nnamdi: and all these while, you knew he has been fathering another woman’s child but kept quiet?

Ifeoma: Yes I did Mama.

Mama Nnamdi: ‘Why’ she asked with tears in her eyes.

Ifeoma: because I wanted it that way. Because It was what you brought upon yourselves, so carry your cross and on the other man,it will prevent my secrets from revealing.

Mama Nnamdi: Ifeoma you are a wicked woman, a very wicked woman.

Ifeoma: No Mama, you and your son made me what I am today and I have no regrets or whatsoever.

First Elder: Ermm Ifeoma, who is the father of your children?

Ifeoma: the father of my children is…..

Mama Nnamdi: she interrupted ‘Oh! Obi my son is back oooo!’ She ran and hugged him with tears in her eyes ‘Welcome my son and why did you leave London without telling us you were coming’.

Elders: Obi Nno!

Obi: ‘Good day my elders’ he bow before them.

First Elder: You are welcome my son and please have a seat.

Nnamdi: Why did you come Obi?

Obi: I came as soon as you told me what is happening about our family, I have every right to be here, It’s about time.

Nnamdi: About time for what?

Obi: ‘We will know soon’ he said smiling

Third Elder: Welcome my son. How was your trip?

Obi: it was good and we thank God.

Third Elder: I am sure that your family members have given you a heads up on what is happening that is why you are here abi?

Obi: Yes sir,that is why I am here.

Third Elder: Good. Now can we continue because Ifeoma was about to tell us who the father of her children is.

Obi: Really.

First Elder: Yes my son. Ifeoma, can you please tell us who the father of your children is?

Ifeoma: Yes sir I will but before that, I want to say that what I did with the father of my child is my sin and my sin alone. I do not want anything or anyone to harm him in any way.

First Elder: is one man responsible for the three kids?

Ifeoma: Yes sir.

First Elder: Who is he and what is his name?
Ifeoma: His name is…..

Obi: interrupting her, stood up ‘My elders, I am’.

To be continued...

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Interesting Story: Deep Sea Of Secrets (Episode 4)
Reply #3 on: May 30, 2018, 06:41:19 PM

Deep Sea of Secrets Episode 4

Elders Chorused together: Alu Eme! Alu!Abomination.

Mama Nnamdi: My People, there must be a mix up somewhere. Bia, Obi nwam, we are asking Ifeoma who the father of her three children is.

Obi: ‘and I said I am the one’ he said boldly.

Nnamdi: ‘so you mean that you have been the one sleeping with my wife in my Absence’ he rushed to Obi and punched him on his face while the three elders ran to him and held on tight to him in other for him not to fight his brother.

Mama Nnamdi: ‘What have I done oooo’ she shouted ‘what have I done to warrant all this? Chi mo! Chimo! I am finished. Why Obi, why?

Your own brother’s wife.

Nnamdi: you did idiot whom I clothe, feed and made you who you are, how could you do this to me by sleeping with my wife, how could you?

First Elder: Nnamdi calm down.

Nnamdi: ‘No my elders, leave me let me go to him and give him the beating of his life, how could he sleep with my own wife’ he struggled out of their hold while Ifeoma and her mother stood looking at the chaos around them, Confused at what to do.

Mama Nnamdi: Obi why? Why?

Third Elder : Nnamdi please put yourself together please, you know we are too old to be holding you down and if you push us roughly, we will fall and only God knows what will happen.

Second Elder: ‘won’t you talk to your son to calm down instead of wailing and crying over what has already happened and let us trash this issue amicably’ he said still trying to prevent Nnamdi from going to Obi.

Ifeoma quickly left them,she went to call three hefty men to come and hold down Nnamdi while the meeting continued.

Nnamdi: Idiot, you didn’t know who to sleep with but my wife, no wonder you haven’t married till this moment. So it was my wife you were looking at and admiring. My own wife?

Mama Nnamdi: Chei! I have suffered. Ifeoma, how could you sleep with your brother in-law, how?

First Elder: after catching his breath said ‘Obi my son, are you sure you are the father of those three children?

Obi: Still standing in his old position said ‘Yes’.

Second Elder: but why your brother’s wife when he is still alive?

Obi: I am sorry and I am willing to accept any punishment for my actions.

Nnamdi: the punishment you deserve is death, you need to die. How could you Obi, how could you?

Third Elder: this is quite a sensitive case here and we must be careful in dealing with it. Ifeoma he said turning to her ‘you are married to one and had an affair with another knowing fully well that your husband cannot father a child right?

Ifeoma: Yes sir.

Third Elder: turning to Nnamdi said ‘now that you know who the father of your child is, he is your brother, are you still willing to let them go since you can’t father any child? Remember that as long as she gave birth while married to you, they are still your children. Though not by blood but by the custom and tradition of our land. What do you want with your wife and children Nnamdi?

Nnamdi: ‘Ermm since I cannot father a child, it will be a wise decision to let my children stay but this woman is the woman I do not want to ever set my eyes on, ever again’ he said pointing to her.

First Elder: even though you know that this children are your brother’s flesh and blood?

Nnamdi: I do not care, they are my children and I will not have Obi take them away from me.

Second Elder: Ifeoma, what do you have to say?
Ifeoma: I do not also want to remain married to Nnamdi and I also do not want my children to remain with him.

Third Elder: But why do you say so, remember that you gave birth to them while married to him?

Ifeoma: I know that my elders and I also know the tradition of the land but if my children remains with him, I am not so sure of their safety.

Nnamdi: What safety are you talking about, you think I will destroy them the way you destroyed me?

Ifeoma: Knowing fully well that those children are not from your lions, I am not sure you will raise them with the love and affection you have been raising them, not while you just found out the truth.

Mama Nnamdi: who are you to say such to my son after what you did? Who are you?

Ifeoma: Mama Please, it’s for my children’s own good.

Mama Nnamdi: Will you shut up, you’re not even ashamed of the disgrace you brought to yourself and my family? You married one and slept with the other, how shameless you are. You still want to talk about who the children should be with and who the children shouldn’t be with? You are a disgrace to womanhood.

Obi: Disgrace to woman hood you say?

Mama Nnamdi: Yes disgrace to womanhood. How could you stoop so low as to sleep with your brother’s wife Obi, how could you? Did you ever think of the shame and disgrace you will bring?

Nnamdi: you are a disgrace to our family Obi, a big disgrace and I wish I am not your brother else what I would have done with you, you won’t believe it. So all these while, I have been raising your kids for you while you are there acting like a saint.

Obi: I am sorry Nnamdi, I am sorry I slept with your wife.

Nnamdi: you should not only be sorry but you should also be ashamed of yourself. So you didn’t see any woman or lady but my wife. What is it in her that you saw sef? I wished you were never my brother.

Mama Nnamdi: Nnamdi, please my son, it is okay oooo. Stop the quarrel with your brother, please my son, please!

Nnamdi: Mama how can i? When the one I took as my flash and blood is sleeping with my wife and has three children for him, how can I? What he did is unforgivable.

Mama Nnamdi: Please my son, he is the only sibling you have and please find a place in your heart to forgive him.

Nnamdi: Forgive him Mama, Forgive him you say?

Mama Nnamdi: Please my son, forgive him oooo, if not for anything but for my sake.

Nnamdi: I won’t, never! He said while the three hefty men still held on tight to him

Mama Nnamdi: ‘Hey! Obi what have you done to us, what have you done to us? Why did you choose to disgrace us like this’ she cried

‘How could you bring this kind of shame to me and our family, how could you?

Obi: Mama, please stop already, I am sorry it has to be with Ifeoma, my brother’s wife. Believe me, I am deeply sorry.

Mama Nnamdi: will you shut up your mouth there, so of all the women in the world, it has to be this shameless woman? This nothing good of a thing. What do the both of you even see in her? How could you Obi, how could you?

Obi: Mama Please…

Mama Nnamdi: how could you? Your brother’s wife. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?

Obi: Mama Please.

Mama Nnamdi: Shut up Obi, I say Shut up. Ifeoma, you have finished ruining my family abi? Hope you are satisfied and my God will definitely reward you for all this sins you have committed.

Obi: Maybe it’s even God that is rewarding you for your own sins.

Mama Nnamdi: What did you just say?
Obi: I said Maybe its God that is paying you back for your bad deeds.

Mama Nnamdi: ‘how dare you talk to me like that? ‘Tua tua’ goes two slaps across his face ‘how dare you?

Obi: Because you Mama, are just like everyone of us here, won’t you do the same if you were in her shoes?

Mama Nnamdi: if I were in her shoes, I rather walk away than bringing shame to myself.

To be continued...

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Interesting Story: Deep Sea Of Secrets (Episode 4)
Reply #4 on: May 30, 2018, 06:41:31 PM

Deep Sea of Secrets Episode 4

Elders Chorused together: Alu Eme! Alu!Abomination.

Mama Nnamdi: My People, there must be a mix up somewhere. Bia, Obi nwam, we are asking Ifeoma who the father of her three children is.

Obi: ‘and I said I am the one’ he said boldly.

Nnamdi: ‘so you mean that you have been the one sleeping with my wife in my Absence’ he rushed to Obi and punched him on his face while the three elders ran to him and held on tight to him in other for him not to fight his brother.

Mama Nnamdi: ‘What have I done oooo’ she shouted ‘what have I done to warrant all this? Chi mo! Chimo! I am finished. Why Obi, why?

Your own brother’s wife.

Nnamdi: you did idiot whom I clothe, feed and made you who you are, how could you do this to me by sleeping with my wife, how could you?

First Elder: Nnamdi calm down.

Nnamdi: ‘No my elders, leave me let me go to him and give him the beating of his life, how could he sleep with my own wife’ he struggled out of their hold while Ifeoma and her mother stood looking at the chaos around them, Confused at what to do.

Mama Nnamdi: Obi why? Why?

Third Elder : Nnamdi please put yourself together please, you know we are too old to be holding you down and if you push us roughly, we will fall and only God knows what will happen.

Second Elder: ‘won’t you talk to your son to calm down instead of wailing and crying over what has already happened and let us trash this issue amicably’ he said still trying to prevent Nnamdi from going to Obi.

Ifeoma quickly left them,she went to call three hefty men to come and hold down Nnamdi while the meeting continued.

Nnamdi: Idiot, you didn’t know who to sleep with but my wife, no wonder you haven’t married till this moment. So it was my wife you were looking at and admiring. My own wife?

Mama Nnamdi: Chei! I have suffered. Ifeoma, how could you sleep with your brother in-law, how?

First Elder: after catching his breath said ‘Obi my son, are you sure you are the father of those three children?

Obi: Still standing in his old position said ‘Yes’.

Second Elder: but why your brother’s wife when he is still alive?

Obi: I am sorry and I am willing to accept any punishment for my actions.

Nnamdi: the punishment you deserve is death, you need to die. How could you Obi, how could you?

Third Elder: this is quite a sensitive case here and we must be careful in dealing with it. Ifeoma he said turning to her ‘you are married to one and had an affair with another knowing fully well that your husband cannot father a child right?

Ifeoma: Yes sir.

Third Elder: turning to Nnamdi said ‘now that you know who the father of your child is, he is your brother, are you still willing to let them go since you can’t father any child? Remember that as long as she gave birth while married to you, they are still your children. Though not by blood but by the custom and tradition of our land. What do you want with your wife and children Nnamdi?

Nnamdi: ‘Ermm since I cannot father a child, it will be a wise decision to let my children stay but this woman is the woman I do not want to ever set my eyes on, ever again’ he said pointing to her.

First Elder: even though you know that this children are your brother’s flesh and blood?

Nnamdi: I do not care, they are my children and I will not have Obi take them away from me.

Second Elder: Ifeoma, what do you have to say?
Ifeoma: I do not also want to remain married to Nnamdi and I also do not want my children to remain with him.

Third Elder: But why do you say so, remember that you gave birth to them while married to him?

Ifeoma: I know that my elders and I also know the tradition of the land but if my children remains with him, I am not so sure of their safety.

Nnamdi: What safety are you talking about, you think I will destroy them the way you destroyed me?

Ifeoma: Knowing fully well that those children are not from your lions, I am not sure you will raise them with the love and affection you have been raising them, not while you just found out the truth.

Mama Nnamdi: who are you to say such to my son after what you did? Who are you?

Ifeoma: Mama Please, it’s for my children’s own good.

Mama Nnamdi: Will you shut up, you’re not even ashamed of the disgrace you brought to yourself and my family? You married one and slept with the other, how shameless you are. You still want to talk about who the children should be with and who the children shouldn’t be with? You are a disgrace to womanhood.

Obi: Disgrace to woman hood you say?

Mama Nnamdi: Yes disgrace to womanhood. How could you stoop so low as to sleep with your brother’s wife Obi, how could you? Did you ever think of the shame and disgrace you will bring?

Nnamdi: you are a disgrace to our family Obi, a big disgrace and I wish I am not your brother else what I would have done with you, you won’t believe it. So all these while, I have been raising your kids for you while you are there acting like a saint.

Obi: I am sorry Nnamdi, I am sorry I slept with your wife.

Nnamdi: you should not only be sorry but you should also be ashamed of yourself. So you didn’t see any woman or lady but my wife. What is it in her that you saw sef? I wished you were never my brother.

Mama Nnamdi: Nnamdi, please my son, it is okay oooo. Stop the quarrel with your brother, please my son, please!

Nnamdi: Mama how can i? When the one I took as my flash and blood is sleeping with my wife and has three children for him, how can I? What he did is unforgivable.

Mama Nnamdi: Please my son, he is the only sibling you have and please find a place in your heart to forgive him.

Nnamdi: Forgive him Mama, Forgive him you say?

Mama Nnamdi: Please my son, forgive him oooo, if not for anything but for my sake.

Nnamdi: I won’t, never! He said while the three hefty men still held on tight to him

Mama Nnamdi: ‘Hey! Obi what have you done to us, what have you done to us? Why did you choose to disgrace us like this’ she cried

‘How could you bring this kind of shame to me and our family, how could you?

Obi: Mama, please stop already, I am sorry it has to be with Ifeoma, my brother’s wife. Believe me, I am deeply sorry.

Mama Nnamdi: will you shut up your mouth there, so of all the women in the world, it has to be this shameless woman? This nothing good of a thing. What do the both of you even see in her? How could you Obi, how could you?

Obi: Mama Please…

Mama Nnamdi: how could you? Your brother’s wife. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?

Obi: Mama Please.

Mama Nnamdi: Shut up Obi, I say Shut up. Ifeoma, you have finished ruining my family abi? Hope you are satisfied and my God will definitely reward you for all this sins you have committed.

Obi: Maybe it’s even God that is rewarding you for your own sins.

Mama Nnamdi: What did you just say?
Obi: I said Maybe its God that is paying you back for your bad deeds.

Mama Nnamdi: ‘how dare you talk to me like that? ‘Tua tua’ goes two slaps across his face ‘how dare you?

Obi: Because you Mama, are just like everyone of us here, won’t you do the same if you were in her shoes?

Mama Nnamdi: if I were in her shoes, I rather walk away than bringing shame to myself.

To be continued...

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Re: Interesting Story: Deep Sea Of Secrets (Episode 5)
Reply #5 on: May 30, 2018, 06:55:19 PM

Deep Sea of Secrets Episode 5

Obi: Are you sure Mama, are you sure that you will walk away than bring shame? Are you sure of what you are saying?

Mama Nnamdi: Yes I am sure Obi, I rather die than let this kind of shame be known to the world.

Obi: Oh Mama Please, stop calling kettle black because you are no different from her.

Nnamdi: Obi, mind how you talk to our mother, watch your mouth before I do something drastic to you here.

Obi: Turning to Nnamdi ‘I am sorry that I had an affair with your wife but as the truth is out of its hiding place, I want to have custody of my kids. I don’t want them to be with you anymore Nnamdi.

Nnamdi: What? Are you out of your mind? After committing such a horrible offence, you boldly tell me to my face that you want my children? You must be insane I can see.

Obi: My Elders, please I am ready to do anything as the customs demand to take my children away from my brother. I want my children with me because they are my flesh and blood.

Third Elder: ‘Impossible, Impossible’ he screamed again ‘those three children rightly belongs to Nnamdi except Nnamdi says otherwise because Nnamdi paid her bride price fully and you are in no position to take custody of the children.

Second Elder: I am afraid that is the custom and tradition of our land Obi my son. All you have to do is get married and have your own children with your wife for you cannot claim your brothers children.

First Elder: Obi my son, how do you think that the children will be yours? Even though they came from your lions but as long as you didn’t pay her bride price, they will never be yours. Only and except Nnamdi refuses to accept them as his children.

Mama Nnamdi: Obi, why are you doing this, what kind of devil has come over you? Why do you still want to claim the children?

Obi: Because I was there when my own brother was not been faithful to his wife. I saw how you hated her for not having your children. It is true that what we did is despicable but I still want my children to be mine, now that the truth is out.

Mama Nnamdi: you are a stupid boy Obi, a very stupid boy. If not that I am the one that gave birth to you, I would have cursed the day you were born.

Ifeoma: ‘Errm my elders’ she said interrupting them for they have forgotten that the main reason they are all here is because of her ‘I want my case to continue so that I can move on with my life.

Mama Nnamdi: Which life, are you not the one that is bringing division to my family, are you not the one making brothers to fight against each other?

First Elder : it’s okay Mama Nnamdi and as for you ifeoma, since Nnamdi has decided that you will no longer be his wife, you should still make sure you go to Udi river and have a bath there so that you will be cleansed.

There is no point doing all other rituals since you are no longer going to be remain married to the man you offended by sleeping with his brother. As for your children, they belong to Nnamdi but you as their mother can be visiting them from time to time and as for you Obi, what you did is very shameful, we only pray that your brother find it in his heart to forgive you.

Nnamdi: Never, Never will I forgive any man even if he is my blood for sleeping with my wife.

First Elder: Ermm Nnamdi, he is the only blood and the only brother you have, you must find it in your heart to forgive him.

Nnamdi: ‘Never my people, Never. You see this my brother here’ he said pointing to Obi ‘he can kill. If he can sleep with my woman it means he can also kill me. Why should I forgive him, why?

Mama Ifeoma: but you can also cheat on your wife countless times and still expect her to forgive you don’t you?

Mama Nnamdi: Mama Ifeoma please do not justify your daughters action, please don’t.

Mama Ifeoma: I am not justifying anyone’s actions but if he can’t forgive his own blood brother for what he did, how then do you think my daughter has been coping with him when he was busy gallivanting around and sleeping with anything on skirt?

Mama Nnamdi: This is between two brothers and not an outsider.

Mama Ifeoma: ‘Of course it is. Now you know how my daughter felt when you were been unfaithful to her’ he said to Nnamdi.

Mama Nnamdi: Ifeoma! Ifeoma! Ifeoma! My god will punish you for all you have done to my family, you have brought shame and humiliation to us all and it is only my god that will give you back a dose of your own medicine.

 The gods of our land, I hope you are seeing what an innocent woman like me is passing through all because of a daughter in-law my son got married to, fight my battle for me my Chi, fight my battle for me oooo.

Mama Ifeoma: it is not only my daughter that committed the sin

Mama Nnamdi. If you want to lay any curse on anybody, your two sons should be involved because their eyes were wide open when they all committed it. Lay a curse on all of them and if you are not going to do that, nothing will happen to my own daughter.

Mama Nnamdi: but she was the one that started all these.

Mama Ifeoma: if you really want to go by who started all these, then you should be pointing an accusing finger on your son. Or because he is a man that is why all he did is right abi?

Mama Nnamdi: Ignoring Mama Ifeoma she looked at Ifeoma and said ‘it will never be well with you Ifeoma. For all you have done and all you have brought to my sons and myself, it will never be well with you.

Obi: Mama Enough please, what she did is wrong and we are all to blame for it not her alone.

Mama Nnamdi: you are still talking abi? Obi shame on you that after all this woman has put our family through; you still want to be on her side.

Obi: Mama this is not the matter of taking any body’s side, we all did this and we all should be reprimanded not only Ifeoma.

Nnamdi: And why shouldn’t she be the only one been reprimanded when she committed such a crime to me and my family?

Obi: Because you were the one that started it in the first place. If you had listened to your wife, I am sure she wouldn’t have looked elsewhere.

Mama Nnamdi: Shame on you Obi, shame on you. You decided to make yourself available when she came to you abi? Is that how it is?

First Elder: My people please enough of laying accusing fingers on one another, let us look for a way forward and move on.

Mama Nnamdi: How can we possibly think of moving on when Obi himself is still not agreeing that what they did is wrong?

Obi: I have said we are sorry and we are going to clean ourselves as custom demands but what I am against is you blaming only Ifeoma, it is not right.

Mama Nnamdi: You are still defending her abi, you are still defending her.

Obi: she is still the mother of my children.

Nnamdi: Which children? My children you call your children?

Obi: They are my children biologically. I may not have a right towards them now but when they are of age, they will come looking for me.

Nnamdi: May Thunder fire you there Obi, May thunder fire you.

Mama Nnamdi: Obi you are a disgrace to me.
Obi: Mama, I have been a disgrace to you for a long time. That is why you never liked me or my father.

Nnamdi: Our father you mean Obi, our father.

Obi: No, I don’t mean our father, I mean my father.

Nnamdi: ‘Our father Obi’ he shouted ‘he is not only your father’.

Obi: I said and I repeat, My father.

Nnamdi: ‘What do you mean’ he asked with eyes wide opened.

Obi: Why do you think you are the apple of our mother’s eyes? Why do you think she can go through hell for you?

To be continued...


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