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Author Topic: Interesting Story: All Men Are The Same (18+) - Complete Season 3  (Read 11698 times)

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Episode 49

Have seriously missed my baby, our
discussion later led into romantic mood
and i initiated s-x with her but for where?
Biola didn’t allow me, her reason was
that i still need to visit our family doctor
the following day to ascertain my medical
condition even when i tried to convince
her that all that have been done at benin
and at least she has the result but she
still declined, i went to bed a bit angry.
Biola went to office the following, i went
to the hospital and from there to my
office, my colleagues were so happy to
me, i had discussion with my boss and
was asked if i was fit enough to resume
on Monday which i said in affirmative
that i will God willing….I went to retrieve
my sim card on Friday, i bought a new
phone but the sim card didn’t work until
the following day on Saturday evening
We left my parent place to our house in
Egbeda on Sunday morning; Biola’s
parent came on a visit to our house, we
discussed at length about what
happened, my encounter at the
kidnappers den and how i escaped, they
left around past 12 when Biola saw them
My other friends and neighbour came to
visit us at home too, my house was like
someone that just came back from
pilgrimage, will i complain? Have wanted
to go and barb my hair since we came
into the house in the morning but visitors
wouldn’t allow me. It was me all of them
came to visit so i couldn’t leave them at
home to go out..
One visitor wouldn’t have left before
another one will come in, it was not until
around 6:30pm we stop having visitors,
Biola and I were so tired, i helped her out
in the kitchen with some place and i had
to take excuse to quickly rush to the
saloon while she prepare our dinner.
I took my clipper and off i went to the
barbing saloon, there were some sort of
people there so, i was fourth on the queue
so i had to wait, i was through with my
hair around past 8 and headed straight
home. I got to my flat and realized my
door was a bit opened “why will this
woman leave this door open like this”….
I entered and lock the door from behind, i
called her name but i didn’t hear any
response, i went to the kitchen and the
rice on fire has started burning already
“this woman left food on fire and went
out, maybe someone came to visit us and
he saw them off again” i said to myself. I
put off the gas cooker and headed
straight to the bedroom ..WHAT!!! i
Lying on our bed was my wife in her own pool
of blood with kitchen knife stuck to her lower
abdomen, i rushed to the bed, she was still
gasping for life just little by little, i removed
the knife from her stomach and tie cloth round
it in order to forestall the flow of blood, i lifted
her up straight to my car as i was shouting,
my neighbour that were in the compound
rushed down to me and help me out, in fact
they didn’t allow me to drive.
We arrived at a nearby hospital in our area
but she was rejected, we were referred to
Ayinke House (Lasuth) in Ikeja, we arrived
Ikeja by past 9 and luckily for us she was
quickly taken to the emergency world, i didn’t
even know what to do again, my neighbour
collected my phone and had to call my dad
that we were at the hospital, my mum arrived
later in the night..
Mum : what happened? What is wrong with
Me: I don’t know mum, i don’t know oo
Mum: where is she now?
Me: She’s with the doctor at the theatre, they
want to operate her
Mum: Operate ke? What happened
Me: I went to barb my hair this evening, i
came back to the house and saw her on the
bed in her own pool of blood with knife stuck
in her stomach
Mum: who stab her?
Me: I don’t know mummy
Mum: Did she commit suicide?
Me: why will she commit suicide? For what? In
fact she was cooking, i was the one that put
off the cooker when i entered the house and
heard the smell of burnt food
Mum: So, what could have happened? Abi iru
kileleyi ke…..God please come to our aid oo
Me: Am tired mum..what is all this
“we were still at the corridor discussing with
my mum when we saw someone that look like
Biola’s mum approaching, she was actually
the one, she was with Biola junior sister, i
started wondering how she knew we were at
Lasuth that night, Doctor approached us that
same time”
Doctor: Why did it take you guys so much
time before bringing her down here?
Me: we brought her immediately it happened
Doctor: well, we tried our best but its so
unfortunate that we lost her
Biola’s Mum: Lost kini? What do you mean
Doctor: Am so sorry, she gave up the ghost
during the surgery ooo
Biola’s Mum: Mo ku oooooo……ina omo jo mi
oooo…o ti pami lomo, you killed my daughter,
now you have killed her, you have killed her
abi, now its good like this, you have led me
well….where is baba biola ooooo…..am dead
ooo (she held my cloth so tight and was
dragging me)
My mother didn’t even know what to say,
every one of us was crying seriously, not quite
long they took somebody on a bed which look
like her corpse, i was still deliberating on what
next to do when Biola’s dad arrived late that
night with some policemen, “Officer, this is the
killer” said her father, “Oga, you are under
arrest for the murder of Mz Abiola, you need
to remain silent because whatever you say will
be use against you in the court of Law”…

To be continued

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Episode 50

I was taken to Area F just beside Ayinke
House there but later transferred to Criminal
Investigation department, Panti the following
day. My parent visited me and i had private
audience with them
Mum: Oko mi, please tell me the truth…what
exactly happened and how did it happened?
Me: Am not a killer mummy, you know your
son mummy, i can’t even kill a rat
Dad: We know you are not a killer, it might
have happened by mistake, did you guys had
any argument?
Me: argument ke? If not for the dinner she
was preparing, she wanted to follow me to the
saloon, i came back and met her on the bed
Dad: uhmmmmm…..this is serious, the police
are still carrying out their preliminary
investigation sha, we have been advised to get
a good lawyer for you which we are going to
do because i don’t think going to plead with
Biola’s father is an option and i don’t know if
they will be able to grant you bail
Me: Please do all within your best
daddy….please don’t let them take me to
court, am innocent, i don’t know anything
about this, i didn’t kill Biola
Mum: Don’t worry my son, we will continue to
pray for you and pray God intervened in this
Dad: And my mind doesn’t fail me, i never
wanted to support the marriage in the first
place, my mind was not in total support of it,
as if i knew another trouble is looming
Mum: we shouldn’t be talking about that
again now daddy, the next thing now should
be the solution to this issue
Dad: God will see us through…..
They left my place that afternoon, our family
lawyer came to visit me at the station, asked
series of questions to ascertain my
involvement which i explained all i knew to
him but the question that comes to mind was
who killed biola? For what motive? Did she
commit suicide? Why will she commit
suicide?..so many questions asking for
answers but there was none
I was taken to court after like a week at the
cell, the presiding judge remanded me at
Kirikiri because of the nature of my offence. It
was almost a month have been at the prison,
my lawyer and parent used to come and visit
me at the cell, it was during one of the visit
from my mum and lawyer that we had a
lengthy discussion
Lawyer: This case is seriously a dicey one and
we need to be praying for God intervention…
Me: what happened?
Lawyer: What did you do immediately when
you saw your wife on bed?
Me: I removed the knife from her stomach,
covered the place with cloth so that blood
won’t be rushing out
Lawyer: (cuts in)…That exactly was the
mistake that you did because your finger print
was the one they found on the knife and part
of her own too which to my observation shows
that maybe you guys were struggling with
each with the knife and the mistake happened,
have explained to your parent that you need
to tell us the truth if there is anything you are
hiding from us
Me:Am not hiding anything…All what have
said is the truth, i didn’t kill her
Lawyer:Did you guys have any secret or
involve in any deal that involves third party?
Do you know if she was dealing with anybody
that might have been a threat to her life
Me: None that am aware of, Biola that i know
doesn’t like trouble, she prefer to let go of
anything that might want to cause trouble for
her or anybody close to her
Lawyer: So, if you are not the one, who now
killed Biola and for what reason?
Mum: We don’t know ooo..I pray God
intervene in this matter
Me: What is Biola parent saying?
Dad: uhmmm, those ones, they said you must
also die since you killed their daughter
Mum: her father was even the worst, we have
done everything for them to drop the case but
they are adamant that the law must take it
Dad: Biola’s Dad said, as if he knew
something bad will happened that was why he
never wanted to give you her daughters hand
in marriage but his wife forced his hand into
the marriage
Mum: He is seriously blaming the Mum, i
learnt they had to involve their families before
they could settle the feud Biola’s death
Lawyer: we just have to prepare our case very
well, you need to maintain when the trial start
that you were naive that was why you touch
the knife, we have gotten across to the barber
you went to his saloon to come and testify for
you since that was where you were when the
incident happened..he also identified someone
that was at the saloon together with you that
night and for now, they are still ready to come
to court…..We just have to start preparing our
Mum: How are you coping here my Son?
Me: There is nothing like freedom, am tired of
this place oooo
My parent left kirikiri and i was taken back to
my cell, not later than a month after, my
parent came and told me that trial date has
been fixed.
Trial commenced and just as like my lawyer
instructed, i maintained my innocence that i
was not the one that killed my wife, we had no
quarrel and there was no reason for me to kill
her, my lawyer called the judge attention to
the fact that i just came in from kidnappers
then and according to police report of the
incident, i was suppose to be killed by the
kidnappers and after which they will kill my
My lawyer maintained that it might be
possible that my kidnappers might have
contracted the job out to their colleagues
prior before i was released because we were
suppose to be killed simultaneously or the fact
that the other members of the kidnap gang
that were already at large decided to take
revenge on me because the police killed three
of their members. He maintained that it most
possible that i was actually the one they came
to look for at home that night but had to take
their revenge on my wife since they didn’t
meet me at home.
He further maintained that my life was already
at threat and maybe God wanted to safe me
that was why police arrested me, going out
there still put my life at risk as anything could
still happen to me. The barber was called as a
witness and he corroborated the fact that i
was at his place that very evening to barb my
hair, he said he even teased me that it has
been long he saw me.
I was glad that one of the other guy i met at
the saloon also volunteered to give his own
side of the story at the court. He maintained
that he was the last person before i walked in
and what even make it so interesting was that
we argued about football that night as we
were looking forward to champions league
final between barca and Manchester united,
since i was a united fan, we argued about
Messi and Ronaldo on that particular night.
My lawyer closed his own case and the judge
fixed another date for the prosecuting counsel
to open their own case. My lawyer and Dad
visited me at the prison later on
Me: Thank you so much lawyer, you did a
wonderful job
Lawyer: Am only doing what have been paid
for, no need for you to thank me Mr Snakie
Me: What is the outlook now
Lawyer: Outlook is fine, we still need to
continue to pray to God for his intervention, to
the best of my knowledge, have been able to
convince them that it might have been either
way and thank God for the police from benin
that cooperated with us
Me: Who invited the benin IPO
Dad: I had to go to Benin personally to plead
with them, i have to pay the police officer
personally, lodge him in a preferred hotel just
for him to come and confirm the kidnap case
Me: Thank you so much Dad
Dad: You just have to continue praying
Lawyer: we need to look forward to the next
trying date and i believe God will perfect all he
has been doing for us
The next trial date was here already, the first
witness that was called by the prosecuting
lawyer was Biola’s Mum, we were stunned
when she told the court that her daughter
reported me to her a day before the incident
and the day the incident happened when they
visited our house.
She said, after her daughter reported to her
that i have a lady which we were both
kidnapped together and she felt there was
something between us. She said have been
having s-x with the lady and her daughter
said she should come and talk to me so that
what happened in the past won’t happen
The plan was for her to come back to our
house later that night because she has a
function to attend in our area, she had it in
mind to come and sleep at our place that
Sunday night, talk to both of us about our
future and the fact that i had to do away with
anything that will cause trouble to my life, she
said it was a surprise that she came and find
the blood of my daughter littered in my flat.
I was asked if i knew anybody called Simbiat
which i said yes, i was further asked if we ever
had s-x together which i also answered in
affirmative but told the court that it was not
something that comes from my mind as we
were threatened to do it at Gun point.
I was asked if i ever had any argument about
the issue with my wife which i said yes but
was just normal talk between married couple
as i couldn’t hide anything from my wife again
based on the incident that has been
happening to us over the past one year.
I was surprised when Biola’s mum maintained
that i threatened her daughter to forget about
the issue and not to tell anybody and the fact
that i kept it as a secret from everybody, she
said her daughter complained that she was
not feeling safe with me again as she couldn’t
trust me for now.
The prosecuting counsel maintained that the
call record on Biola’s phone shows that i was
the last person she spoke with and our
conversation that night still lead on the issue
of Simbiat that if she was the one keeping me
so late outside as barbing my hair shouldn’t
take up to an hour, they maintained that
record from the call log showed that i ended
the call abruptly.
The prosecuting counsel conclusion was that
it was possible argument ensued between us
when i got home from the barbing saloon
which led to fight between us, the fight got
out of hand, even though it might not be
intentional, we struggled together with the
knife since she was in the kitchen cooking that
night and mistakenly stabbed her.
After hearing both arguments, the presiding
judge adjourned ruling on the case till like a
week time.

To B Continued

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Episode 51

That one week was the most anticipated one
of my life, i started fasting and praying to God
for his favour on this case because with the
evidence at hand, it might go either way. My
parent and everybody close to me were not
excluded; in fact my parent told me they have
been visiting different pastors and Alfa for
Judgement day was finally here, we all arrived
at the court as early as 10am, court
proceeding started around 11am. After
listening to final submission, the judge finally
come out with the ruling and sentenced me to
eleven years imprisonment for man slaughter.
His submission was that even though there
might be an iota of truth that i wasn’t the one
that killed my wife and there are some people
out there after my life and my wife’s own, my
defence failed to proof beyond reasonable
doubt that i was not the one that killed my
wife and for the fact that my finger print was
the one on the knife found as exhibit.
He posited that the prosecuting counsel was
more convincing because they established
that there was actually a feud between me
and my wife and the fact that our call log that
day shows that we had a conversation like
argument which i later ended the call
abruptly. Evidence shows that i had something
with he person we are kidnapped together
which i didn’t deny too.
Based on the submission of both counsel, the
judge found me guilty of man slaughter rather
than murder because its very possible that the
stabbing was a mistake maybe during the
process of trying to safe myself. He advised
that my case will serve as a lesson to young
married couples to learn how to manage
differences in amicable ways as crimes
doesn’t pay.
As my parent were crying so were Biola’s
parent raised curse on me, they was jubilation
that finally justice has been served on me,
they called me all sort of names that i
couldn’t remember. It was a sad event
watching my father shed tears for the first
time, i couldn’t imagine the sort of torture
have put my parent through over the past one
year, from one trouble to the other all because
adultery, all because of 5minutes enjoyment,
all because i wanted to chance a lady i met on
the road and thought i could do hit and run
After the conviction, i discussed with my
lawyer if there would be a case for appeal
which he told me was a two way thing, he said
it will be a bit dicey, if i win the appeal, the
judge might set me free or might reduce my
sentence. We will lay claim to the fact that
since it wasn’t intentional they should give me
leniency as have never committed a crime
The sad aspect of it will be if the appeal
didn’t go our way, the judge might confirm the
sentence or even add more to it with the claim
that the judge were too lenient with me. He
explained to me that its a risky venture that
its all depend on me if i wish to pursue it or
spend 11 years which might not be more than
8 years in our normal calendar year. I gave
him the go ahead to appeal and let us risk the
Days are becoming weeks, weeks turning into
months, have already spent more than 6
months in the prison after my sentence, life in
the prison was another thing entirely which i
don’t want to talk about for now. I was so
happy when they brought the news to me that
my appeal date has been fixed, it was a
month and half to the day they told me and i
was seriously looking forward to it.
I had an unusual visitor this lovely Saturday; i
was in my cell soliloquizing about how my life
has been for the past 2 years when suddenly
the warder called me that i had a visitor
waiting for me, i followed him to the visitors
room where i saw someone in small hijab, they
told me she was the person asking of me, i
couldn’t picture the face from far until i
moved closer and realized it was Simbiat,
Simbiat: Am so sorry Snakie for all that
happened, how did it happen, you look so
Me: How do you want me to look, this is a
prison yard for crying out loud
Simbiat: Am sorry, i had to go and hide for a
while as police were so much on the case, the
guy that kidnapped you were later arrested by
the police in another case, i was so scared
they will mention my name, i had to go to our
village in Osun to stay for a while pending
when my service was through
Me: Hey yah..how is everything now
Simbiat: Am still hiding in fear oo, this is the
first time i will be in lagos since i started my
service 3 months ago, i decided i must make
sure i set my eyes on you, i make my findings
and was told you are here, i had to come and
check you
Me: You are now serving in Kano…..that is
good dear, hope you are enjoying your
Simbiat: sincerely there is nothing like being
clean, I thank God nobody know my past from
that part of the world and i don’t think i will
ever be close to Lagos or Benin again for the
years to come
Me: everything would have settled down jhoor,
whatz up with the hijab
Simbiat: This is how i disguise in this place
now not to be caught, i don’t want to leave
any chances
Me: That is good
Simbiat: So, where are you on the case now
Me: Have been sentenced to 11 years
Simbiat: Ahhhh…Eleven years ke?
Me: But have filled for appeal and a date has
been given for hearing
Simbiat: wow..that is good, am so sorry
Me: No problem dear
Simbiat: But i have something to talk to you
Me: what is that?
Simbiat: I was actually in your area when the
incident happened that day
Me: In which area?
Simbiat: Egbeda?
Me: How did you know my house?
Simbiat: Have you forgotten that we are the
one that kidnapped you?
Me: Ohhhh…
Simbiat: Well, we didn’t exchange phone
number as you don’t have a phone again that
day when i left you, i wanted to keep in touch
again, i wanted to talk to you as i couldn’t
thank you enough, i feel like talking to you
from the following day we departed
I came to your area on Sunday to come and
trace you, i first ask of you and i was told you
were not back, not quite long i left your
compound i saw you coming in with your wife,
i couldn’t walk up to you guys so i was
waiting for you to come out of the building
just to have chance to see you, i waited till
people started visiting you here and there but
you didn’t come out
At a time, i wanted to come in and ask of you
but i remembered what happened with your
wife the last time we departed, i don’t want
your wife to call attention on me, i left the
place to visit one of my old guy in Ipaja.
I came back later in the evening around
7:30pm, waited till like 15minutes but i didn’t
see you either, time was going, i decided i was
going to call Biola since i still have her
number and requested to speak to you and
fake that i was one of your colleague from the
office, my major aim was to mention my name
once she give you the phone, i will greet you
and tell you to get my number from her
I checked my phone and i didn’t have enough
credit on it, i decided to walk down to the next
street to get a card, i dialled Biola’s number
when the recharge card seller was still looking
for change, all i could hear when she picked
my call was get out of my house, get out of
my house before i shout thief on you, i
thought network diverted it to a wrong
number, i called the number again but she
wasn’t picking and the number was ringing.
I started trekking back to your street to come
and knock on your door no matter how it will
be, its late already and i knew hardly will
anything happened, i was close to your house
when i saw someone drove out in a rush, i
sensed something might be wrong..
I waited for like 10minutes after the car left
after which i entered your compound, the place
was a bit deserted, i walked straight to your
flat your door was opened, i walked in and
saw blood all over the place. I even walked to
your bedroom and saw your bed filled up with
blood, i started moving out immediately but
something caught my attention on my way
outside, i saw this phone (Showed me my wife
Samsung phone)

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Episode 52

Me: This is Biola’s Phone
Simbiat: The screen is broken, it has been off
all this while though as i don’t even have
money to repair the phone as all the engineers
i gave it to said the screen is not yet available
in Nigeria except we will order for it from
Me: Who was the person in my house before
my arrival then
Simbiat: I still have the phone conversation on
my phone and i don’t know if this phone can
be repaired maybe there might be some clue
of the person that came to the house there
Me: definitely, thanks so much dear, you are a
darling..can you help me take this phone to
my lawyer?
Simbiat: Where is his office?
Me: This place, just give him the phone and
explained to him your understanding
Simbiat: But you know i might not be able to
come to court as a witness
Me: No problem dear, just help me drop your
number for the lawyer too so that we can
always contact you
We discussed about some other things most
especially about life and the way she should
be going forward. I teased her if she now has
a relationship, she said she has a corper
friend that she was seeing as at then, i asked
her to keep it cool and never engaged in
something that will put her life in danger
again. Simbiat didn’t leave without dropping
something for the warden, which is what they
enjoyed most about my visitors as they
always drop tip for them which in turn make
them to give me preferential treatment
whenever i have a visitor.
Its been more than a month Simbiat visited
me, i didn’t hear anything from the lawyer,
even my mum that came to visit me twice only
told me that the lawyer said he was working
on new evidence with the police. She said he
assured them that everything will be alright
based on the new available evidence.
I was taken to the court on the fixed date,
everybody in the court including me was
stunned when my lawyer requested the court
of appeal to order retrial of my case. He based
his submission on the fact that there was
another lead by the police on the actual
person that murdered my wife.
He posited that new evidence showed that the
actual killer of my wife has been apprehended
by the police and in fact, police have actually
concluded their investigation o the matter.
Police was called to ascertain the claim of my
lawyer which they confirmed that they have
apprehended a new suspect based on some
evidence available to them and they are ready
to charge the person to court for trial.
In a unanimous judgement, appeal court
granted our prayer and instructed the police
to re-arraigned me for new trial based on their
submission that a new lead has been
establish. He struct out the decision of the
high court sentencing me to 11 years
imprisonment and ask them to go ahead with
the new trial without further delay. I was
asked to be remanded in the prison pending
the determination of my case by the high
court over the new trial. It was a joyful
moment that my appeal was finally granted
and i feel relieved seriously but i still need an
explanation from my lawyer about this new

I was taken back to the prison, some of the
wardens were happy with me that at least
there was still a little bit of hope. Lawyer and
my dad visited me the following day, i
couldn’t hold my joy when i saw them in the
visitors room
Me: Thank you so much Lawyer, thanks for
Lawyer: You are welcome….we are here to ask
you some things
Me: okay sir…
Lawyer: Who is Simbiat?
Me: She was the lady from the kidnappers
den….i sent her to you with Biola’s phone
Lawyer: well, it was her coming that actually
help the case
Dad: we fixed Biola’s phone, i searched
through her phone thoroughly and found some
incriminating documents that led to the new
Lawyer: yes..that was the situation
Me: Who was the person arrested by the
Lawyer: His name was Emmanuel
Me: Emmanuel? Tall….dark?
Dad: You know him too….
Me: yes of course, he used to be Biola’s
neighbour in Ajao estate, we used to be a bit
Lawyer: Well, it seems he has something
together with Biola
Me: something like what?
Lawyer: like they are dating…
Me:Lailai..that is impossible
Lawyer: Well, not only dating but having s-x
together to the fact that Biola was pregnant
for him
Me: pregnant for him? When? How?
Lawyer: Well, from their whatsapp chat from
when we see it from the beginning till that day
that she died, nude pictures shared by them,
the chat shows they have been having s-x
together not just once or twice, she was
pregnant as at that day, Emma was always
threatening her in other to have s-x with her
Me: I can’t believe this
Dad: you better believe, i told you that i was
not in total support of your marriage to the
lady again
Lawyer: well, her call log for that day shows
that they talked to each other more than 3
times that very day, their chat shows him
telling her he will be coming to your house
and Biola pleading to him not to come
Me: This is serious……
Lawyer: Well, have gotten the full script of
their conversation from the service provider
too, all we are waiting is for the court to give
us trial date
Dad: am trying to talk to people so that the
case can be fast track, we just have to
continue praying for God to complete what he
“we heard people shouting from outside”
Lawyer: Why the noise? What is happening
Me: They have brought new inmate here….we
always pray to God that the people they will
bring should be influential people
Lawyer: we just have to start preparing our
Me: God will guide us true….thank you so
much Lawyer
My Dad tip the warden that was with us as
usual as they left the place, i have been
removed from the convicted trial cell to those
of awaiting trial, that was based on the last
judgement and not that alone but based on
the fact that my people are a bit good to the
warden. i headed to my cell after my Dad left
and it was a big surprise the sight of our new

To be continued

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Episode 53

Emmanuel has been brought to the prison
Me: na your face be this oga Emma..welcome
to our new home
“He didn’t answer me”
Me: I said welcome to our new home..you no
dey hear word? (i shouted on top my voice)
Sparko: oga, wetyn happen now..why you dey
disturb us with your noise now
Me: No vex oga sparko, na this mother furker
carry me enter this place ni
Sparko: How?
Me: He was the one that killed my wife
Sparko: You know mean am? All the same, no
be now you suppose dey shout for the guy,
give am some time, make hin settle down for
new house before you start questioning
him….dis place still dey strange to him, just
keep am cool before you commit another
murder because i never see you to be this
aggressive before.
I stepped out of the place because the sight of
Emma was infuriating me. It has been almost
a week Emma was brought to the prison, even
though we slept in the same room but we
never uttered one single word to each other.
I was outside the prison room this lovely
afternoon thinking about my life and
everything when suddenly someone tapped me
from behind, it was sparko, the don of our
room in company of Emma, he said Emma
came to him that he needed to talk to me but
does not know how to go about it. He wanted
him to interfere in it
Emma: Please am very sorry Snakie, i have to
come and seek for your forgiveness so that
God can forgive me too maybe i will get a soft
Me: My forgiveness on what? How will i
forgive you when i don’t know your offence?
Emma: You know my offence and am very
sorry, it was all a mistake
Me: Mistake? How..how did it happen? Well i
can only forgive you if you are ready to say
the truth from the beginning till the end in the
presence of the chief warden
Emma: i will do anything if that is what you
“We all walk straight down to the warden
office and that was made possible because of
my interaction with them, fortunately for us
the boss was around and we went to his
Oga: Ehn..ehn, how may i help you, they said
you guys want to see me
Me: Yes Ma, Emma said he wanted to talk to
me based on what brought both of us here
and i want you to be a witness to our
Oga: Oh oh..is that true Emma
Emma: Yes Oga, i just need him to forgive me
so that Biola’s spirit can also forgive me, it
was all a mistake
Oga: Okay..we are listening, what happened
Me: You have to start from the beginning from
how you met my wife.
Emma: Well, Biola was my neighbour, i met
her when she moved to the BQ in our
compound, I was so happy when i realized she
was still single as i saw that as opportunity to
mingle together.
When she first came in, for like a whole month
i didn’t see any guy visiting him neither does
he go out, her movement is always from office
to work, she was always at home during the
weekend too.
I was so nice to her, trying to always keep her
company, she was not a novice so she got the
body language and always try as much as
possible to excuse herself from me but i still
manage to always say hello to her. I will call
her at regular interval to know how she was
doing and all sort.
It all happened this particular Friday evening;
i went to her flat to check on her, her mood
was so different from what have been seeing
over the past one month. I enquire on the
mood change, after series of pestering; she
told me she was promoted in her office. I told
her that called for celebration, i went back to
my room, came back with a full bottle of
alcoholic drink and before she knew what was
happening, i purposely got her drunk and she
started mentioning your name even though
have not met you there, she talked about how
she loved you and you disappointed her..
I realized that was an advantage for me so i
took her inside her bedroom and have s-x
with her.
Me: without her knowledge?
Emma: I don’t know but she was crazy during
the s-x, she was aware but i guess she was
seeing someone else in me, it was not until
the following morning she woke up, found
both of us naked on her bed and chased me
out of her flat after she started crying.
I thought i was sharp because i took enough
of her naked picture that very day and even
used my phone to cover the s-x scene so that
i can always use it against her in other for me
to have access to her again.
Biola stop talking to me since that day and it
was not quite long after that incident i saw
you with her and she introduced you to me as
her fiancée, if you could remember, i purposely
wanted to be your friend so that she will have
the fear in mind that i can leak our secret to
you which in turn will always make me to have
my way.
Biola definitely against my thought was a
strong character, she called my bluff but i was
waiting for the right time to show her the
nude pictures of her that i have in my
possession. Biola stop coming to the house
all of a sudden was i was still yarning to have
a taste of her even if for the last time

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Episode 54

There was this day she came in late in the
night, i guess she only came in to pick one or
two things, immediately i saw her entered her
flat, i followed her inside as she was not
expecting me, she wanted to walk me out but i
talk to her as if i wanted to plead with her
until i showed her all her naked pictures i
have with me..She asked what i wanted, it it
was money as she was ready to give me any
amount, i told her i don’t want anything and
all i wanted was to have a taste of her.
I said to her that failure of her to cooperate
with me will definitely lead to me leaking her
secret out just as the video of kay and mary
was leaked online by me after i copied it from
her phone
Me: so, you were the one that loaded the
video online
Emma: Yes of course because kay was a devil,
there was a business transaction we had
together which he betrayed me
Me: So, you use that against him to the
detriment of other people
Oga: Something is seriously happening
Emma: She had no option than to give in to
my demand, in fact i had to tore her cloth
when she was delaying and i sexed her to my
satisfaction that night after which i left her in
the room, it was a total miss that i didn’t
sleep in her flat that night as you came in very
early the following morning
Me: Uhmmm…now i understand, that was the
night Biola said there was robbery in your
Emma: Roberry ke? There was nothing like
robbery in my area oooo
Me: So, Biola lied to me…
Emma: What do you expect, she needed to
safe her marriage, i always threaten her on
phone and all sort, i was surprised one
particular evening when she bumped into my
house to plead to me on what i wanted for me
to forget about her and let have a peaceful
marriage, she told me she has gone through
enough in other for both of you to be
After pleading for like two hours, i guess that
day was like some days to your wedding, i told
her have heard her and ready to let her have
peace of mind but we must do the last one
just like a final round to cap it all…
Initially she didn’t want to give in because she
claimed she was on her period but i didn’t
believed her, i walked her out when she was
crying on me, she later gave in and went
inside my room to laid on my bed, i make sure
i strip her totally naked in the room, it was
not until that i realized she was only lying to
me about the period thing, i did like 3 rounds
even though she never responded to the s-x
All my bed and her body was stained with
blood, i went to clean up myself in the visitors
toilet while she make use of my bedroom toilet,
her phone started ringing in the sitting room,
which i wanted to help her to pick in her bag, i
mistakenly brought out a paper and check
through it, it was a doctor’s report which
shows she was pregnant.
She came out but was stunned when she
found the paper with me, i confronted her that
the pregnancy was mine but she declined, i
told her to tell me the truth as she must not
abort my pregnancy because we have a deity
in our house that whoever aborted our
pregnancy will die.
She was scared and started begging me, it
was then i realized the pregnancy was mine,
she asked what could be done for her to abort
the pregnancy and i told her nothing and am
accepting the pregnancy then she flares up.
At the end of it, i didn’t allow her to go home
that night, she slept at my place and our final
conclusion was that she can have the baby
even though i have the mind that i will allow
her to abort it at my own time before it got
three month….We had s-x to my satisfaction
that very night
Me: What happened that night Biola Died
Emma: Well, before that night, we thought you
were dead, in fact i guess it was because of
me she agreed to go and stay at your parent
place, i was a bit happy when i heard you
guys have returned home. My purpose of visit
was to tell her that she can abort the
pregnancy if she has not done that already.
Since i never suspected any foul play, i know
even if you see me you think it was just a
friendly visit but i was surprised when she
opened the door and she was the only one in,
the sight of what i saw was beauty to behold,
i couldn’t control my libido, i sensed there
was no one at home except her, she only put
on a chiffon top and a short track.
Immediately she set her eyes on me, she
started shouting what i was looking for and
that i should get out of the house, i moved
closer to her then she pushed me away, i
started struggling with her and in the process
tore her top, i tried to drag her short down but
she was a bit strong for me, she managed to
push me away and ran inside the bedroom but
i followed her immediately
She was not able to close the door on me, she
picked up a knife immediately she entered the
room, i held her hand because i wanted to
collect the knife from her but she struggled
with me, during the process of our struggling
together, the knife mistakenly struck her
stomach and she started grasping for her life, i
had to run out immediately as i must not be
Am very sorry snakie, Biola’s death wasn’t
Oga: You are wicked soul Emma, you are not
suppose to be living among human, you don’t
need any forgiveness from him, your
forgiveness is in God’s hand, do you know
what your action have caused? All because of
5 minutes enjoyment. Was his wife the only
girl on this earth? Don’t worry, you will meet
your judgement in court and if you don’t know,
have recorded all what you said
Emma: Ahhhhh…..


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