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Author Topic: Watch Hellbound Season 2 – Korean Movie Review | Netflix Drama  (Read 3588 times)

Offline Mr. Babatunde

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HELLBOUND Season 2 can finally be watched on Netflix now. The genre series from South Korea (org. title: Jiok) premiered in November of 2021, so it’s been nearly three long years. Maybe it feels even longer because Season 1 ended on a cliffhanger.

I found a recap before watching this second season, but episode 1 does begin with a recap, so Netflix got you covered. Do not skip this unless you’ve recently watched season 1 or have a very good memory.

At the end of Hellbound Season 1, we saw a victim of being “hellbound” come back to life. Her burned skeletal remains caught fire and she was resurrected. Presumably, she went to hell and now came back.

Also, there was another key scene at the end of the first season, which is where Season 2 begins. We get to see Jung Jinsu (leader of The New Truth organization) experience his own “demonstration”.

We learned at the end of season 1, that Jung Jinsu was warned about this (got his “decree”) decades prior. Usually, people only get days to prepare. Jung Jinsu got much longer and started an organization claiming only sinners would be sent to Hell.

He knew this not to be true but started The New Truth to prevent full-blown anarchy.

If you’ve watched the amazing (and extremely brutal) movie The Sadness, it’s a pretty good indication of what could happen if people realized they couldn’t prevent being sent to Hell. No matter how good and pious they were in life.

After seeing Jung Jinsu being dragged to Hell, there’s a time jump. Be warned, there are several time jumps and they are not chronological, so pay attention. By episode 2, you’ll have a sense of how this can work.

However, the first time jump comes only after we see what happens to Jung Jinsu when those three monstrous creatures have sent him to Hell. Oh yeah, in season 2 of Hellbound, we see what the supposedly hellbound people experience.

I think it’s fair to say that you go through your own very personal Hell. It’s a cruel and intense experience, but then Jung Jinsu is also brought back to life.

And not a second too soon, as years have passed in our world which has not evolved in a good way. Arrowhead – who has a very different approach to the demonstrations than The New Truth – is about to take over political power in the country.

Arrowhead is essentially a cult labeling everything a sin and stating that you must repent to have a chance of some sort. If you’ve watched any documentaries about cults, you’ll know that South Korea has been virtually riddled with religious cults over the years.

Park Jungja, who was convinced to have her “demonstration” on a live broadcast in season 1, and was resurrected at the end of season 1, is now in the custody of The New Truth.

Unfortunately, the New Truth Church has not been successful in holding on to power without Chairman Jung Jinsu. Officially, he disappeared, but the new chairman knows the truth. Jung Jinsu told him to help him continue the work.

Fighting The New Truth for power is the unruly Arrowhead cult. They use propaganda and public trials to wield their power. And it’s getting very dangerous as they’re going for actual political power in the upcoming election.

That’s why the government tasks The New Truth with establishing a new order by using the resurrected Park Jungja. This happens by declaring that Park Jungja has been resurrected and the New Truth will soon come out with a “New Will”. Yes, it’s quite a “New Testament”-move.

Then Chairman Jung Jinsu is suddenly also resurrected. However, as he returns from Hell, Sodo – a group that vows to protect the innocent – wants Jung Jinsu to help them prevent further chaos.

Speaking of chaos, at the beginning of episode 2, my favorite character plays a large role. I’m talking about Min Hyejin (played by the brilliant Kim Hyun-joo). She was the person walking away with the infant who survived a decree because her parents shielded her tiny body and sacrificed themselves.

In any case, Hyejin is back in a wild action scene. First, there’s a cool fight, then the most amazing car chase scene, and then she kicks everyone’s butt again. It reminds me exactly why I adored her in the first season.

Also, yes, we will find out what happened to the infant girl who survived. After a five-year time jump in episode 2.

Watch Season 2 of Hellbound on Netflix now!
When season 1 came out, Hellbound won Best Horror Series in the 2021 Golden Tomato Awards. It was also in the Top 10 in 93 countries just ten days after its release. Clearly, it was a huge hit, but this second season has been a long time coming.

The main trailer for season 2 highlighted Jung Jinsu and Park Jungja, but we will also get new characters in this second season. Cheon Sehyeong (Im Seong-jae) is the first person to meet the resurrected Jung Jinsu. Lee Sugyeong (Moon So-ri) is a political affairs secretary who wants to use the New Truth and Park Jungja to restore order.

Overall, Season 2 of Hellbound shows us a world in chaos, where everyone tries to figure out how to deal with the sudden resurrections of Chairman Jung Jinsu and Hellbound poster-girl Park Jungja. Together, they’re known as “The Resurrected Ones”.

But will the Resurrected Ones be able to make people hope for a better world or is it simply the beginning of another Hell that will result in even more chaos?! Watch Season 2 to find out as Hellbound unfolds once again.

Hellbound season 2 is out with six new episodes on October 25, 2024.



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