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Author Topic: Super Story: Karma’s Romance (Complete Episode)  (Read 9917 times)

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Re: Super Story: Karma’s Romance (Episode 13)
Reply #12 on: August 04, 2018, 10:26:11 AM

(Episode 13) - Karma's Romance

Make sure all the neighbours knew that he had done something wrong.

The crazy woman could create drama and disaster out of a simple matter. He couldn’t believe he had managed to remain married to her for the past 12 years. At the time he met her, she had been 16 years old, hot, young and beautiful. She had also being a virgin and he hadn’t been able to help himself from her. It hadn’t mattered that he was almost 14 years older than her.

Before he could say Jack Robinson, the brainless air head was pregnant and her parents had gone about reporting him to everyone. His parents had been desperate to save themselves from shame and had insisted he marry her or they would cut him off permanently. Since he wasn’t working then and had no intention of going to get a job, he had agreed and married her.

Of course it turned out to be a mistake almost from the beginning. He could immediately tell she had no home training, she was very dirty and could not take care of anything, she also liked to gossip a lot. Within their first 4 years of marriage, they had fought huge fights and she had moved out almost 6 times. His parents always brought her back though because of the mere fact that she was always pregnant every time.

12 years of marriage and they had 6 children already. He could barely remember a time when she wasn’t pregnant. The things that had made him marry her, her hot sexy body, her firm, young breasts, her supple buttocks and her tight vagina had all been eviscerated by her constant pregnancy and childbirth.

At this point, she had stopped caring about looking good or being classy. She had no training or real education and she was just one more tacky, wrapper-tieing, children carrying housewife. He didn’t care anymore and she didn’t matter to him. The only things that he enjoyed about his marriage were his children and the happiness that those children brought to his parents.

He knew it was the existence of these children that made his parents continue to finance his lifestyle so he could at least appreciate something about the crazy woman he had married. Of course, with the healthy allowance he received from his parents, he was able to keep a few other women who would attend to the needs that his always pregnant wife could not fulfil.

Juwon : “Aren’t the children supposed to be in bed at this time?” He asked when his youngest child, 6 months old Abigail poured her fruit juice on the couch where she sat. Her older ones were all scattered all over the sitting room in one trouble causing position or the other.

Biodun : “What is your own? Please, watch your TV and leave my children alone. They are in their father’s house, if you don’t like it, go to your father’s house!”

Juwon : “Isn’t this what I’m always complaining about? You don’t have the brains God gave a chicken!!” He shouted, startling his children who quickly huddled together like they always did when their parents fought.

Biodun : “Don’t shout at me oh! I’m not your child, mad man!”

Juwon held his nose with thumb and fore finger and tried to calm down. Biodun was created to drive him mad, he was very sure. He decided to drop the issue before the fight would distract him. With her, there was no winning, she was always ready for a fight, no matter what. He needed to be composed or this would drag out longer than it needed to.

He hissed and concentrated on the TV gain. He had brought home 10 million naira he had managed to siphon from his father’s company with the help of his father’s accountant. He had to divide the money 70:30 and he couldn’t trust anyone else with the job.

If he continued to fight with Biodun, she would manage to lengthen the conversation and if he left her impatiently, she would follow him about until she found out exactly what he was up to. So, he kept quiet and waited for her madness to run its course. That money was meant to be his insurance for whenever his father decided to carry out his promise to stop funding him and his family.

They were all still downstairs 30 minutes later when they heard a knock at the door. Their maid, Kudi quickly ran to get the door.

 Immediately she opened the door, there was a scream followed by a muffled sound and then 7 men dressed all in black from their boots to their face masks and caps, holding heavy guns burst into the sitting room.

Robber 1: “Down on your face, now!! Now!!” They shouted as Juwon, his wife and children dropped to their faces on the floor except his youngest Abigail, who fearlessly looked at the men.

Robber 2: “Where is the money? Where is it?” When Juwon didn’t answer, one of them dragged him up to face his scary face.

Robber 3: “Where is the money?” The one Juwon felt was the Leader asked him
Juwon : He shook his head quickly, hoping to bluff his way through this. He had no intention of dropping his hard earned money for anyone. “I don’t…. I swear I don’t…..no money, please”.
Robber 4:“Where is the money, madam?”From the floor, his wife screamed as he slapped her on the butt.

Biodun : “Sir, we don’t have money, I swear! Please believe us!” She cried, her voice muffled by the floor.

Leader/ Robber 3: “Eh ehn? You think we are here for play, right? They think say na play we come for! Burger, fire away!” He ordered one of them holding a gun.

Juwon wasn’t sure if they were trying to scare him with that order but before he could decide either way, he saw the guy who was called Burger level his gun and fire away.

His wife and children screamed when the gunshot sounded and he turned around to see where the bullet had gone. He saw then what was apparently the remains of his daughter, Abigail, half her head blown off. He screamed. His wife heard the scream and looked up, only to see her daughter’s body and she started screaming.

When the men tried to calm her down and she refused to stop screaming or be consoled, they fired another shot, this time at their 7 year old son. His wife stopped screaming immediately and crawled as she grabbed her son.

Biodun : “Ire! Ire!” She screamed as she cradled her son to her chest, his blood seeping into her clothes. His other children started crying.
Juwon was dazed and in shock. He couldn’t believe they could shoot two of his children dead over money.

Leader: “Where is the money?
Biodun : “You evil men! We have no money! You killed my children for nothing! God will punish you!!”

Leader: “I will shoot another person.” He said to Juwon over Biodun’s ranting. “Tell me where the money is.”

Biodun : “We have…..”
Juwon : “It’s in the garage! Please, don’t shoot again, it’s in the garage! Inside the trunk of my old car in the garage!” He begged, tears leaking from his eyes.

Biodun : “So, you had money in this house?!” She screamed as she dropped her dead son and grabbed his head. “You bastard, you killed my children!! Mo gbe oh, Juwon ti pami!!”
Leader: “Stop it! You…”he pointed with his gun at Juwon “……follow them and get the money out.”

Juwon pushed the crying Biodun from himself and in shock, led the two robbers to the garage where he opened the trunk of the old chevy he put there and gave them the 10 million naira stored in two bags. When the men got back to the sitting room, they opened the bags and after agreeing that the moneywas indeed how it should be, they nodded to their boss.

Leader: “You know say you be bastard like your wife talk?” He said to Juwon. “You get the money, you con dey waste our time? Guys, finish this guy children, make we go.” He told his cohorts as he left the house carrying one bag.

His wife screamed as the rest of them started shooting his family. They left immediately they were done and he rushed over to his eldest child who was still groaning from the gunshot in his belly. He started crying as he grabbed his phone and tried to dial the police. His hands were shaking and his bloody fingers slid off his touch screen phone.

When he finally managed to dial the number, his voice shook so badly, he could not answer the dispatcher when they asked him what his address was. “Help….please…..God, please, p…….please help, us!”
Nelson walked out of the church angry and upset. How could the Pastor tell him that? How could the Pastor treat him like he was sinner or something? He had made all his money legally! He had never scammed anybody in his life and he was not a criminal. How dare that ridiculous Pastor tell him that he saw a revelation from God telling him that he, Nelson had done something evil to another person in his past.

He stood for a minute in front of the church looking for his wife and children who had come outside over an hour ago when the service had ended while he waited to see the Pastor. As he stood, he saw some people eyeing him in funny ways, refusing to approach him for their usual sycophantic greetings.

Of course, he realised the reason. His circumstances had changed. He, who used to come to church with different cars every Sunday could now be seen walking into the church premises. He had sold all 3 of his cars and the 2 cars his wife used to pay back a bank loan he wouldn’t have collected in the first place if he had an inkling about how things were going to turn out.

He picked his phone out of his pocket to call his wife but he realised as he dialled the number that he didn’t have any credit. He hissed in anger as he stared around the church grounds. He saw them then, standing by the gate waiting for him. He quickly walked in their direction.

Seun: “Where have you been? We have been standing in the sun waiting for you!” She cried.
Nelson: “Didn’t I tell you the Pastor said he wanted to see me? That’s where I’ve been.” He said as he scooped up Evans into his hands. “Lets go!”

Seun: “Erm, what did Pastor say? Did he pray for you?”

Nelson: “No, he told me bull crap. That’s all he said!”

Seun: “Haha! Pastor Jim??! That doesn’t sound like him at all oh!”

Nelson: “Would I lie against him?” He asked as they got on the road and he hailed a keke Napep.

Seun: “But, Nelson, Pastor Jim is a man of God, I believe whatever he said is revealed from God most high. He works with the Holy Spirit.”
Nelson: “I used to think so too but the Holy Spirit isn’t always right, is it?”

Seun: “Nelson, that’s blasphemy! What exactly did he say?”

Nelson: “He said God told him I did something evil in my past.”

Seun: “What? Pastor Jim said that?”
Nelson: “Oh oooooo! Didn’t I tell you?”
Seun: “But…..when did he say you did this evil?”
Nelson: “Who knows for him and his holy spirit?”

Seun kept quiet till they got home. She spent the whole afternoon ruminating. She cooked, served, cleaned, ironed and prepared for the new week but she couldn’t let go off what her husband had told her after the service. She had known Pastor Jim for 9 years and in all that time, she had never heard that he gave any false revelations so she was inclined to believe whatever he said was true.

When she met her husband at the former church they had being going 16 years ago, she had known there were some things he was working on at the time. He was a struggling Christian who still womanised, drank heavily and went to clubs. With help and prayers, he had finally let go off those bad things and become the exclusively serious and dedicated husband that he was.

What if he had done something wrong that time when he was in the world and didn’t remember? She made up her mind that she was going to visit Pastor Jim during the week and inquire from him what he told her husband.

To be continued...

Story by: Adelove


Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Re: Super Story: Karma’s Romance (Episode 14)
Reply #13 on: August 04, 2018, 10:35:16 AM

(Episode 14) - Karma's Romance

Kachi let himself be dragged out from solitary confinement and pushed down to the hall designed for visitors on death row. He wondered briefly who was here to see him. His sentence was due to be carried out tomorrow and at this point, he had accepted faith and was no longer looking for a miracle.

When the verdict of death had been read out by the Judge after his trial, he couldn’t say he was surprised. At that point, it was safe to say everyone who seemed to matter had wanted him dead for killing his wife and children so gruesomely. His wife’s family in particular had championed the cause.
His lawyer had told him to appeal on the grounds that the Judge had been swayed by popular opinion but he hadn’t had any money for a protracted appeal case he was sure he would never win. He was already very tired of the whole process and he had hoped before his sentence was carried out, the realkiller would come forward but apparently, the killer had no conscience.

At this point, he was no longer angry or depressed, mostly he was scared of what death held for him but he had leftthe real culprit into the hands of God, he knew God would avenge him yet.

He veered out of the corner that led into the waiting room and dint recognise the big hairy guy sitting at a table, waiting for him. And then he did.

Kachi : “Biggie!! Biggie!!” He shouted as he ran towards his friend, forgetting for a second that he wasn’t allowed to hug his visitors. It took the Guard’s loud clearing of throat for him to remember himself. Just another one of the privileges of life that were taken from him, he thought as quiet tears slipped out of his eyes.

Biggie: “Hey, hey! Don’t cry, guy. Abeg.” He said rubbing his friend’s orange scrub clad shoulders.

Kachi : “How won’t I cry? My life is messed up, you have no idea!”
Biggie: “I know, I know.” He said as they both sat down opposite each other.
Kachi : “I’m going to die tomorrow……and for a crime I didn’t commit.” He sighed out.

Biggie: “That’s not how it’s been reported.”

Kachi : “I know what peeps are saying but I didn’t kill her, I swear to you, please believe me.”

Biggie: “How come you were caught with their bodies?”

Kachi : “I explained that…..” he grumbled “….and my explanation was the truth!”
Biggie: “Really?!” He was shocked but he believed his friend. “Who do you think did it?”

Kachi : “I don’t know but I hoped whoever it was would come forward when they knew an innocent man would die but they haven’t. I pray God will punish that person.”

Biggie: “Really?”
Kachi : “Yes really! This is tantamount to killing someone!! I believe God is watching and he won’t sleep. He would deal with them!”
Biggie: “Like he is dealing with you?” he asked gently.
Kachi : “What?”
Biggie: “I said will God deal with them like he’s dealing with you?”

Kachi : “I….dont….un…derstand…..”
Biggie: “Ada? Do you remember her? “
Kachi : “I…yes…..i, yes….i do.” He said moping sweat off his brows.

Biggie: “They found her body 8 months ago where she was buried.”
Kachi : “Oh God!! O, my God!! Do they know what happened to her??”
Biggie: “No, not yet. She has been buried though.

Kachi : “I killed her…….. me.”
Biggie: “I don’t believe that! You know what happened but Anslem probably did it…”

Kachi : “No! It was me!! I killed her!!”
Biggie: “Stop shouting!” He whispered aggressively, sending glances at the security guards and camera. “You were part of those who killed her?”
Kachi : “Yes, but it was me. Just me. I stabbed her!!”
Biggie: “Kachi!! Why?! How could you do that?”

Kachi : “I was young, I was stupid! I felt invisible, but believe me I’ve never killed anybody else. I am not the same person I was all those years ago. I have changed.”
Biggie: “Oh, Kachi, why? Why did you go with them that day?” he suddenly felt very old.

Kachi : “We all raped her that night….” He started crying
Biggie: “All of you?” Biggie was shocked, he didn’t ever think anyone besides Anslem had done that to her. “Including you? And then you still killed her?”
Kachi : “Yes.” He nodded miserably. “Oh, indeed, God is punishing me, I’m suffering for my past. Oh, Goooood!!” He began to weep.

Biggie: “What do I say to you now? She’s gone and you can never take that back. Just ask God for forgiveness and mercy. I checked on Anslem and I found out he lost everything to a divorce with his wife, then he had an accident and now, I don’t know where he is. Nobody does. Juwon was robbed recently and all his children were killed, it’s all over the news back in Nigeria!”

Kachi : “Oh my God!! Oh, our pasts have caught up with us. Oh, God please forgive us. I beg you!” He laid his face on the table and mourned the family he had worked to build, for the life he hadn’t lived enough, for the young girl whose life he had ended without giving her a chance.
They were all gathered in the sitting room of Juwon’s big house. Juwon’s mother and Biodun’s mother were crying as they tried to hold on to the inconsolable Biodun.

Biodun : “Haaaa, aiye me oh!! Jesu!! Omo mi oh!!” She cried, devastated. “God, why me?”

The women just held her for none could tell her to stop crying. The loss of a child was bad enough but to lose five children in one night was obviously driving the woman crazy. Only their fourth child, Simileoluwa had survived the incident and she had to have 2 surgeries before she was totally safe. As it was, she was still in the hospital, recovering and would be discharged in a few days.

Biodun : “Haaa, my life has spoilt, aiye mi baje!! Mo gbe oh!! Ha!! Ni bo ni mo ma gbe gba? Olorun, shanu mi!! haaa!” She cried, holding unto her head and rolling on the chair amidst the women holding her.

Her husband watched her from his seat opposite. Juwon’s head was full. What was he to do now? Was he not responsible for what had happened to his family? He had killed his children as surely as if he had fired the bullet. Why did he steal that money? Why did he take that money? Now, he couldn’t even finger the accountant because then his father would know he stole his money.

When the police asked, he hadn’t told them that it was 10 million that he brought home because then his father would know where he got it from. He had reduced the amount marginally and told them it was a bank loan. Fortunately, the police weren’t very competent and they never went to the bank to check his claims.

He wished he hadn’t taken that money. He had just been so scared that his father would truly stop sponsoring him. What would he do then? he had never had to work in his life, how would he take care of 6 children and his forever pregnant wife, what was he to do now? He had ruined his life with his own hands.

Ha, to never hear the laughter of his sons again, to never be able to see his precious Abigail, to not watch his first daughter grow into the beautiful terror she was becoming. Oh God, why me? Is this the punishment for greed or something else? Even as he asked, he remembered.

That memory of the night when he had been less than human. When he did something that human beings didn’t do. When he had joined a group of boys to shame, kill and bury another person. He shook his head to push the memory back to where he had since buried it.

He wasn’t that person anymore. He had changed. After that incident, he had stayed far away from those guys and never gone near them again. When that hadn’t even brought him comfort, he had followed Ufoma and Kosi’s example and withdrawn from school to start somewhere else.

He wasn’t that person anymore, he had changed, and even God knew that. He was a changed person. He didn’t deserve to have his children killed that way, God knows. They hadn’t even had a chance to start living their lives. Neither did Ada, a voice whispered and brought tears to his eyes. Tears of guilt, shame and regret.
Biodun : “Why are you crying, you bastard?” Juwon was startled at his wife’s voice. “Wasn’t it you who allowed them kill my children?”

Juwon : “Me, what are you saying?”
Biodun : “Was it not your fault?”
Juwon’s mother : “Biodun, don’t say that please! Blame the robbers, not your innocent husband!”

Biodun : “Innocent! Mummy! Juwon is not innocent, rara!! He was playing with those men even when they threatened to kill my children!! He knew he had money at home yet he denied it.”

Biodun’s mother: “Biodun, oko mi, that’s a normal reaction. If he knew they would shoot the children, he wouldn’t have said he didn’t have money at home.”

Biodun : “Mummy, iro ni!! It’s a lie. Juwon lo pa mi lo mo!! Juwon killed my children. See his face, can he talk?” She pointed at her husband’s grief stricken face.

Suddenly, she stood up, pushing away her mother and mother-in-law’s hands and ran into the kitchen. Her mother stood up and followed her to see what she was up to. Before she could get there, Biodun ran out again, this time holding a knife.

Biodun’s mother: “Biodun!! Biodun!!”
She ran straight for her husband whose eyes were downcast. He raised shocked eyes and barely registered the knife before it was plunged into his chest.

Juwon : “Haaaa!” He screamed, grabbing the knife as Biodun pulled it out and plunged it into him again.

His father and brother grabbed her while her mother wrested the knife from her hands.

Juwon’s father: “Biodun!! Biodun!!”

Biodun : “Oya, go and join my children and take care of them!!” She told him with crazed eyes as he bled over the chair.

Juwon’s mother ; “Biodun, o ti pa mi lomo oh. You have killed my child oh!”
Biodun : “Yes!! Just the way he killed my children. 50,50, God no go vex!!” She laughed as Juwon’s brother and father carried his bleeding body to the car. He never made it to the hospital.
James was all but crawling as he made his way to the office of Prophet Agadu. He was desperate now. The Doctor had just told him if he did not raise his money complete in the next 2 weeks, he would not make it to the end of month and now he was taking an option he couldn’t believe he could ever have taken. He was going to Egypt for help.

When his friend, Hudson had told him about Prophet Agadu months ago, he hadn’t been interested then. Now, however, after being told he had barely a few weeks left to live, he had agreed to come and see the man. He could feel his life source draining out of him and he couldn’t afford to wait for God any longer.

They walked into up to the 2nd floor of a huge office complex and as he stepped into the surprisingly well decorated office with Hudson holding his hands, he saw the thin frail man sitting behind a huge desk, wearing an outfit better suited to a Shaman. He urged them forward with his hands and Hudson dragged him further into the room.

Hudson : “Good afternoon, Prophet.” He said, genuflecting.

Prophet: “How are you, my son? Please, have your seats.” He motioned to the chairs in front of his huge desk. And they sat down.

Hudson : “Thank you, sir. This is my friend, James. He had end stage Kidney problems. He has need for a surgery in India and he hasn’t been able to raise the money for the surgery. When I remembered all the good works you’ve done for other people, I decided to bring him to you. The doctors say he only had about a few weeks to live and we need your help urgently, Prophet.”

Prophet: “(To James) is that true? Do you want to live to see your children’s children?”

James: “Yes, yes, yes sir, I don’t want to die yet! You see, sir…..I have a lot still inside me and I believe God still wants me to manifest glory.”

Prophet: “Very good answer!! Yes, young man, you have given me the perfect answer!! Give me your right palm.”

James: (Stretches his right palm across the table to the prophet)

Prophet: “Hmmm, hmmmm, I see. Young man, I see that you still have a lot of living to do before you die. (Nodding his head and staring intently at James’ palm) you don’t have children yet, do you?”
James: “No, sir.”

Prophet: “Hahaahhhha, it never fails! It has been revealed to me, you will have 3 children after this. The woman is just around the corner.”

James :“Really? Prophet? Could it be real?”

Prophet: “I do not do anything fake here! If I tell you something, take it as the word directly from above. You will have 2 boys and a girl after all this.”

James: “Oh, thank God, I have lost hope that I could have children. Thank God.”
Prophet: “Now, I will make a treatment for you…..” (Consulting the big book on his table) “Hmm, yes, your case is peculiar but it isn’t beyond what I can do.”

James: “Thank God!” He sighed.
Prophet: “For this concoction, we will need a horse, a pregnant goat, 12 chickens from the same mother, an albino dog…..”

James: “Ha, prophet!! Where will I get all these? They are too much oh.”
Prophet: “Keep quiet!! Have I finished? Won’t you let me……”

James: “I’m sorry sir, it won’t happen again.”

Prophet: “……the intestines of a pig, the Kidney of a cow and the …….That’s all we need for your treatment and you will be whole again.”

James: (trying to hide his dismay) “But, but, Prophet, I can’t get all these things. You can see my friend brought me here, I cannot walk.”

Hudson : “James, don’t worry your head, Prophet has an alternative. My sister’s husband also had the same problem, it was Prophet that healed him so just cool down.”

Prophet: “If you can’t get it, I will get it for you, it isn’t expensive at all. Everything plus the work and special prayers I will do, will cost you one million, five hundred thousand.”

James: “Ha!!! Prophet!! Do you want to kill me? Where will I find that money?”
Hudson : “James, wetin they do you? Will you tell me you don’t have that money?”
Prophet: “Me? Have I ever had two hundred thousand naira not to talk of one million!!! Me!!”

Hudson : “This is your life oh! You can’t afford to play with it!”

James: “Hudson, I no get that kain money!! For where??”

Hudson : Whispering to him as the prophet busied himself, seemingly uninterested in their conversation) “What about the money church raised for your surgery? Can’t you use it? I remember they raised almost 5 million that time!!”
James: “Since when? Right now, it’s not even up to one point six million now. I’ve used almost all on drugs and dialysis!!”
Hudson : “Really? That’s serious oh! Oya, you know what? Bring one point three million, I will help you with the rest.”
James: “Hudson, that’s too much. What if it doesn’t work, I will now be back to square one. I don’t think I can afford this….”

Hudson : “James, I don’t like what you’re doing! I brought you somewhere so you can get better now you’re saying you can’t afford it. With this treatment, you won’t need anything again. I dey tell you!! I cannot count on my hands how many people this guy has healed, seriously.”
James: “But Hudson, the money is plenty!! Most of the men of God I met did not collect a dime…”
Hudson : “Ehn,

To be continued...
Story by: Adelove

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Re: Super Story: Karma’s Romance (Episode 15)
Reply #14 on: August 04, 2018, 10:42:29 AM

(Episode 15) - Karma's Romance

Seun: “No, it can’t.”

Nelson: “Okay, what is the problem?” He asked, sitting up.

Seun: “Hmmm, I went to see Pastor Jim today…”

Nelson: “What? Why? Why would you do that?”
Seun: “You think I don’t want all these problems to end? My life is at stake too oh. My children’s lives are also at stake so I want to know exactly what is happening to us. I thought it was a test, a trial but I realised it was more serious when you refused to tell me exactly what Pastor Jim said.”

Nelson: “So you went behind my back to see him?!”

Seun: “Behind your back as how? Did I use to tell you whenever I go to see him before?”
Nelson fumed impotently. What could that man have told her? She was looking at him so seriously, he was worried about what she had heard. Hopefully, the man didn’t tell her everything.

Seun: “Pastor Jim told me everything. He told me how you came to him for prayers and how he prayed and told you what the Holy Spirit revealed to him. But you refused to heed what he said and have decided to do this your own way.”

Nelson: “What does he mean by the Holy Spirit? Why are you so gullible? Is it everyone who says Jesus, Jesus that is working with the Holy Spirit?”

Seun: “What are you saying now? Suddenly, Pastor Jim is not a man of God abi? After all the answered prayers and divine revelations abi? Now that he has told you the truth, He’s no longer a man of God. Nelson, listen to me.

 Pastor Jim said he saw a sword coated with blood upon your head. He said the blood of a young girl is crying against you seriously. He says you must make restitution as quickly as possible.”

Nelson: “How can he tell you that? Doesn’t he respect privacy?”

Seun: “I am your wife, there is no privacy between us. I need to know these things. What if the sword hanging over you moves to me or my children?”

Nelson: “Eh ehen? So that’s your own concern with all of it, right? And now, they are your children, abi? The bible says it’s for better for worse, for richer or poorer, till…..”

Seun: “No! Not when you’re hiding secrets from me! Who did you kill? And why won’t you make restitution?”

Nelson: “I didn’t kill anybody!! And it doesn’t matter!!”

Seun: “It matters! It matters! Look at our lives right now! It matters!!”

Nelson: “The bible says that if a man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things have passed away and all things have become new! Christ has taken away the ordinances written against us and nailed it…..”

Seun: “Nelson, are you okay? Do you think giving your life to Christ automatically negates wrongdoing of the past?”

Nelson: “Yes, it does!!”
Seun: “You must confess your sins and make restitution!!”

Nelson: “You want me to find a family after over 20 years and tell them nonsense about their daughter? What do you think they will do? Hug me and tell me thank you?”

Seun: “Why don’t you try it first, Nelson?” She started crying. “Pastor Jim said it is the solution for us.”

Nelson: “Will it be a solution for you when I am in Prison?”

Seun: “If you truly have given your life to Christ, he would watch out for you and give you peace for those people.”

Nelson: “If Christ wanted to do anything, he would have cleared my slate when I gave my life to him. Just leave me with my life, Seun!”

Seun: “Okay, continue oh!! Continue your actions!! When you know death is the next bus stop abi? You want to make me a widow, right?”

Nelson: “Seun, see, I won’t die, okay? Look at this……” He brought out a rosary wrapped around his neck. “You see it? Nothing will happen to me as long as I have this.”

SEUN : “What is that?” She asked.
Nelson: “I got it from an Alfa that my Aunty took me to.”

Seun: “Ha!! Oooooooooo, Nelson! Now, you’re meeting an Alfa? You want to kill me? I will report you to your mother!!”

Nelson: “Don’t you dare go to my mother!! That day you’ll go back to your own mother!!” Seeing her hurt expression, he said “It’s just a backup. If Jesus fails, Allah will not!”

Seun: “Nelson, you’re making yourself more of object for the devil! This man oh!! You’ll kill me oh!!” She cried louder.

Nelson: “Stop, Seun. It is fine. I promise you.” He hugged her, hoping to comfort her.

However, Seun could not stop the sense of foreboding that held her bound. She knew that her husband was merely a sitting duck now. She would have to intercede for him and for her children to not bear the evil load of their father.
The man that got out of the Honda looked old and very frail. Holding him up was the Head Pastor of his Church and the Assistant Pastor. They were flanked by two other pastors and the wife of the Head Pastor.

Head Pastor : “Oya, hold him up, don’t let him slip. Brother James, look up and tell us, is this the office you came to?”

James: feeling very weak, whispered, “Yes sir, it is.”

Head Pastor : “Which office exactly?”
James: “It….its 3rd office…… on the….second floor sir.”
Head Pastor : “Pastor Jimi and Pastor Unubun, please go to the second floor, the 3rd office like he said and ask for Prophet…..prophet what, Brother James?”
James: “Prophet Agadi….Agadu…”
Head Pastor : “Did you hear?”
Pastor Jimi : “Yes sir.”
Head Pastor : “Quickly please…..”
The two young Pastors hurried into the building and up the flight of stairs.

Head Pastor : “Erm, Pastor Oluwanishola, please take Brother James phone and call his friend, Hudson again.”

Pastor Oluwanishola : “Okay sir.” He said as he collected the phone and begins to dial for the 38 th time. He listens and smiles when he hears the phone ringing. “Pastor, Pastor, it is ringing oh!!”

Head PASTOR: “Really?? Very good!! Give it to me, please.” He collects the phone but is disappointed when the call isn’t picked.

Just then, the other two pastors come downstairs followed by a man wearing a guard uniform.

Pastor Unubun: “Pastor, we didn’t see the prophet but the security man has something to tell us.”

Head Pastor : “Yes? Good afternoon sir. Please can you help us? We are from the Christ Evangelical Outreach Ministry and we are here on behalf of our brother.” He points at James who leans weakly against the car. “We need to see prophet Agadi”

Security man : “Sir, when I see the 2 man here go upstairs, I know say something don happen.

 See, make I no lie you, that man fake. No be only una don come here oh, plenty people don come say because of scam. Them don take my Oga wey get our building go Police station say na him bring the guy come…”

Pastor Mrs: “Sir, please back up. Are you telling us this prophet does not exist??!!”
Security man: “Madam, na so I dey talk!! Na 419 him be!!”

James: “Ha! I am finished!! My life is finished!!”
Security man : “Oga, no talk like so! As long as life dey, you fit overcome.”

Head Pastor : “Young man, this prophet scammed this brother of the money he was supposed to take to India for a kidney transplant. How do you think we can get him??”
Security man : “Ewo oh!!” He shouted as he put his hands over his head. “How you go do am?”

Head pastor : “That’s our question!! Is it possible to see this your boss and see if we can get this guy?”

Security man : “Ha! My oga don dey for Police. Some people say the man thief the money for their land!! The money reach 42million and they come take my Oga!! Plenty people don come. Some say na rent he take from them, some say na car, plenty things, oga.”

Pastor Mrs: “Oh God, what do we do?”

Head Pastor : “We call his friend….dial him on my phone instead of Bro James’ phone….”
The Assistant Pastor quickly dials the number on the senior Pastor’s phone. After a few rings, he picks up and the phone is passed to James who is already weeping.

James: “Hudson!! Hudson!! What’s up? Can you…hear me?”

Hudson : “Yes, who is this?”
James: “Its James now…”
Hudson : “James, how far?”

James: “Hudson, I’m at the prophet’s office oh…..they…I wasn’t feeling better so I came but….they say he’s a scamme….they say he has stolen several…..”
Hudson : “Okay, what can I do?”

James: “Hudson now! You brought me to this guy, you said…..”

Hudson : “Wait, do you want to pin this on me?”
James: “Hudson, please help me out, I beg you! Don’t treat me like this. It’s been 3 weeks and I am dying.” He cried desperately.

Hudson : “So you no wan die? Guy leave matter abeg! I no force you pay money!”

James: “Hudson!! You t……t…..ol…d me…how the….prophet healed people ….you …know, that’s…..what you said.”

Hudson : Ehn so what? Guy, I don’t have money for you. Prophet don go oh!

James: “Hudson, did you plan with the prophet to scam me? You sound like you don’t pity me…”

Hudson : “Pity you?? Hahahhah! You, James!! So, that’s how your memory is short?!”
James: “Hudson, please don’t let me die, abeg.” He started crying.“I beg you, don’t back stab me like this.”

Hudson : “Make I hear!! You never stab anybody for back before? Why are you forming? As if it’s not you I knew in University!!”

James: “I’ve changed, I swear!! Hudson please, I’m not ready to die! Help me!”

Hudson : “You have changed right? You are a fool!! A bastard!! How dare you tell me about change? Did you forget you raped my cousin?? You might have forgotten but I didn’t……”

James: “Hudson, no please!! You said I should forget it, that…….” He was seized by a fit of coughing!! The Head Pastor collected the phone from him.

HP : “Mr Hudson, we believe that you are aware of the prophet who scammed your friend. It’s in your interest and that of Brother James to provide him as quickly as possible.”
Hudson : “I’m sorry sir. That cannot happen. I’ve taken my own share of the money and gone far away.”

HP : “Mr Hudson!!” He was aghast. “How can you do that to someone you call your friend?”

Hudson : “Which friend?? Please sir, leave that talk, James no be person. Ask him, does he think I forgot, he and his gang raped my cousin in school and they thought I had forgotten! Ask him about Ebube!! Ask him about the girl he and his gang raped that got him expelled!!! I was his friend and he did that to me!! The girl that committed suicide 11 years ago because she couldn’t cope. That’s why I looked for him and became his friend again. Only for revenge!! Revenge is a dish best eaten cold and I am enjoying my own…”

HP : “Sir, the bible says that money gained by deceit is………… Sir!! Mr Hudson!!” All he got was a dial tone. “Ah!! Brother James, your friend is your down fall. He has cheated you!!”

James: “Oh God!! Oh God!! Help me!! Oh, please God, I don’t want to die.” James cried, resting his weary head against the car as tears poured out of his eyes. The pastor’s wife came and patted his back in comfort.

They loaded themselves into the car and back to church. In church, The Head Pastor called James to his office and told him what his friend said about a girl named Ebube. James remembered Ebube. The last rape that got him expelled.

He remembered Jennifer, the first girl, who had been from the state University, and then Ebun, and then Ada, the one they had killed and then Onome and then Ebube, the last in school. After school, there had been others. Girls, women whose names he hadn’t remembered or asked for. He nodded at the Pastor with glassy eyes and left the office.

As he was assisted to the tiny room that was given him in church, he wondered why he had never seen that Hudson was out for his blood. Despite everything with Ebube, Hudson had gone out of his way to maintain a friendship with him and remain his friend. He realised now that the guy had probably been planning his revenge for the past 19 years. And revenge it was for James could not think of anything worse that anyone could do to him.

In his room, he laughed as he took in the various bottles of potions that the prophet had made for him, wondering idly what was in it. He had wanted to live, to correct his errors, work passionately for God, enjoy marital bliss and have a few children to call his own. He realised now he wasn’t entitled to that now. Nemesis had come for him.

In the tiny room, he would end his life. No wife, no children, no mourners, no one to say he had lived a good life. A beggar. A sick man. He wished now that he had done things right. He wished he could go back and change a lot of things he did. But time had run out on him. He closed his eyes and let the tears squeeze out.
He didn’t die until three days later. Not only did his kidney give out, his heart did too.

To be continued...
Story by: Adelove

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Re: Super Story: Karma’s Romance (Episode 16)
Reply #15 on: August 04, 2018, 10:48:56 AM

(Episode 16) - Karma's Romance

Nelson was just having his bath in the morning when he heard his phone ringing. He rushed out of the bathroom and picked the call before it cut, full of expectation. He didn’t recognise the number.

Nelson: “Good morning…..”
Man’s voice : “Good morning, Mr Igwebuike……. How was your night?”
Nelson: “Very fine, sir. Please, who is this?”
Man’s voice : “I am Yunusa Safid, Managing Director, Apex Bank of Nigeria…”
Nelson: “Really??!” He screamed, excited.

Mr Safid : “Yes sir. Your loan of 139 million which you took and invested in the Fembrigbe oil exploration had just been returned by the company to our bank. So, it is my pleasure to tell you that you aren’t only debt free but you also have a total of 12 million with us which is the amount you have paid to service the loan so far. We have removed the original interest on the loan.”

Nelson: “Oh, thank you sir. God bless you! Thank you so much!!”

Mr Safid : “We will expect you in our office before 10 am so you can sign a few papers.”
Nelson: “Thank you sir!!”

Mr Safid : “Congratulations, Mr Igwebuike!”
Nelson: “Thanks!” He said as he rounded off the call, grabbed his shirt and trousers and ran to his wife’s shop attached to their house.

 “Seun!! Seun!! Seun!! Guess what?” He asked her as she came out of the shop.

Seun: “What?” She asked excited. Things hadn’t been the same between them since her confrontation with him over 2 weeks ago. He had been angry and she was resentful. These days, they were barely talking so she was excited that he was happy.

Nelson: “They just called me at the bank, my loan has been settled!!”

Seun: “Oh! Praise the Lord!! God is good!!”

Nelson: “I know!!” He laughed as his children, who had now been going to a very cheap school came out of the shop to know what happened. “Children, guess what?? You will go back to your old school soon!”

“Yaaay!!” Susan and Evan shouted
Seun: “Old school ke? Noooo! This school they are going isn’t bad now.”

Nelson: “For my children? It is terrible!”
Seun: “Which money will take them back? Did repaying a loan mean that we now have excess money?”

Nelson: “They gave me the 12 million out of the money I have used to service the loan so far!”

Seun: “12 million!!! Eh ehn!! Their old fees is still there, about 4 million, add that to new fees they will now pay, are we not talking about close to 8 million? When we spend 8 million on school fees out of 12 million, what remains?”
Nelson: “Why are you so pessimistic?!”

Seun: “I am being realistic!!”

Nelson: “You know me!! Do you think I cannot double that 4 million in a week? Don’t you know me?”

Seun: “Know you? No I don’t! Have you done what the Pastor told you? Ehn? That you now think you’re a money doubler.”

Nelson: “Did I do it before my loan was repaid? Did I do it?? Restitution is useless, God has forgiven me!! So stop your nonsense theatrics and acknowledge I have more sense in this family.”

Seun: “Okay!” She said, feeling deeply hurt that her husband refused to listen to her. “Alright, do whatever you like. I trust God to do whatever he likes too.”

Nelson: “Please, mind your business! You have spoilt my mood. I’m going to the bank.”
Seun: “I’m sorry, forgive me.”

Nelson: “Whatever!!” He said as he left the house passing through her shop to the street.
Tony: “Mummy, I agree with you. Our school fee is too much. I don’t hate this new school, we will adjust.”

Seun: “Thank you dear, God bless you. God keep all of you for me.”

At the bank, Nelson met Mr Safid and signed the papers that transferred the money into his account. He was glad for this reprieve and was already making plans on how to recoup the money he had lost. It took him a while to decide if he should keep Seun as his next of kin.

Recently, her attitude had been knowing and condescending as if she thought she was better than him, all because of what that Pastor had told her. He decided to forgive her since she had always been faithful and left her as his next of kin.

He was glad this loan issue had been settled. He couldn’t wait to go back and laugh in the face of Pastor Jim when he bought another car and took it to church. Restitution ko, restoration ni. It wasn’t that he didn’t regret what he did but he had asked for forgiveness from God.

Restitution was overkill in his opinion. Wisdom was profitable and approaching some people that you were part of those who killed their child years ago was not wisdom in his opinion.

He reached into his shirt to palm the rosary he never took off since the day he got it and panicked when he didn’t feel it against his chest. He remembered removing it when he shaved the hair on his chest in the morning and he never wore it back. He had rushed out after the call and never bothered to go back inside.

His heart beat nervously in his chest and he made his way out of the bank. He felt like calling Seun to bring the rosary to meet him at the bank but he knew she wouldn’t touch it. He tried her number anyway but she didn’t pick up.
He called a taxi and went home all the while begging Ada’s spirit not to visit him that day.

He was in the taxi, scared and jumpy. The driver looked in the mirror often to see if something was wrong with him. On challenge road, the Taxi waited for the traffic light. They were there barely 20 seconds when a huge trailer bearing a container came barrelling out to make a turn in front of them.

He saw it and screamed for the taxi to make a reverse, the man tried but there were cars behind them. Nelson saw the heavy container wobbling and tilting in their direction.

Nelson: “Ada, Ada, please, I beg you!! Pleas, I will do the res……” Those were his last words to the ghost he believed was chasing him as the container crashed on their cab flattening the car and everything in it. Including the innocent driver and the guilty passenger.
Rita came out of the bus with the help of Reverend Father Paulinus as she made her way to where Ada’s parents stood, waiting for her.

After her surgery and physical therapy, she was able to walk now but with assistance. In a short while, she would be able to walk by herself. She had managed to get through to them through Ada’s uncle who lived in their house in Lagos when they were abroad. When Ada’s mother saw her, she burst into tears of joy.

Chidindu: “Oh Rita, Rita, Rita, how are you dear?” She asked as she hugged the now limping Rita.

Rita’s guilt and fear of what she was about to confess did not allow her the joy of embracing totally a woman who had always treated her like another child.

Rita: “I’m fine, ma.”

Chidindu: “O dear, Father Paulinus mentioned your accident when he called us a few weeks ago. Hope you’re better?”

Rita: “Yes ma.” She nodded as she saw Ada’s father come forward. He held her hand tightly in a handshake that conveyed his mixed joy at seeing her again. “How is Sochi?”

Chidindu: “Oh, Sochi is wonderful. Enjoying motherhood the second time around. Her daughter Ada is already 7 months now. Come inside, I’ve pictures!!”

They went inside, her mother chatting all the way in about her grandchildren. As guilty as Rita felt, she was delighted to know that their family had something to cheer them up. After they sat down, drinks were offered and declined, Rita bolstered herself for the tough discussion ahead.

Mr Chineme : “Rita, we are sorry we seemed to forget after everything with Ada. Our grief was just too great to bear at the time.”

Chidindu: “Yes, we are sorry we left you alone. I am glad to see you made all your dreams come through despite all the opposition against you. I’m so proud of you!!”

Rita: “Oh, please Sir, Ma….im not…”
Chidindu: “Oh, Rita! You were always so modest. I know you were avery good friend to Ada, may God bless you for….”

Rita: “No! Please no ma!! She cried out as she burst into tears. “I wasn’t a good friend to Ada!! I wasn’t!! I failed her!!”

Mr Chineme : “No, Rita, don’t say that. If that’s the case, we all failed her, it’s not your fault what….”

Father Paulinus : “Please, Mr and Mrs Chineme, Rita has something to share with you over the phone like I told you before. Kindly listen to her.”

Chidindu: “Oh?? Okay dear, speak please.”

Rita: “You see ma………” She started and told them about the fight and the dream and everything that happened afterward including Kosi’s withdrawal from school.

Chidindu: “Why didn’t you say anything when we looked for her, Rita?” she asked as she wiped tears from her eyes with the sleeve of her blouse.

Rita: “I don’t know why ma. Fear, selfishness, I don’t know. Please forgive me.” She begged as she tried to get on her kneels.

Mr Chineme : “It is fine Rita. We forgive you. I wish you had spoken earlier so we could even have closure on this. After 20 years, how do we hope to find the people involved now??”

Father Paulinus : “We could hire a private detective to find them.”

Mr Chineme : “Hmmm, should we?” He asked his wife.

Chidindu: “I don’t know, i want to know what exactly happened to her. Even if it will hurt me again, I need to know what happened. But I have forgiven the person who killed her. I just want to know how she died. I am sure Sochi will also want to know.”

Mr Chineme : “Okay, we will ask Sochi and then we will do it before we go back to London.”
Rita: “Thank you sir.”

Chidindu: “Rita, we forgive you and I know Ada would have forgiven you too. She loved you so. Please, don’t doubt it.” She went to where Rita sat and embraced her.

Rita felt again the pang of years gone by. She would give anything to go back and never have fought with Ada. The reasons now seemed so childish and juvenile. Ada had been a genuinely good person who hadn’t deserved a back stabber for a friend. Now, she knew she would always have her limp as a reminder of how stupidly she betrayed her friend.

To be continued...
Story by: Adelove

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Karma’s Romance (Last Episode)
Reply #16 on: August 04, 2018, 10:56:41 AM

(Final Episode) - Karma's Romance

Kosi let the breeze blow over her face as Biggie took her through the scenic views of Lagos. It had been a while since she had been here. In fact, it had been over 20 years since she last stepped her foot in Lagos. After the disappearance of Ada, she had run away to Asaba where she had gotten married barely 5 months later.

The marriage had lasted 5 years. 5 years of horror and pain. Elo, her husband had turned out to be an animal in human clothing. He had abused her physically, emotionally, sexually and financially. Seven miscarriages, plenty of beatings, sexually transmitted infections and in-Law mistreatment had not even been enough to make her run.

Not until the day the other woman caught her on the street and beat her up did she wake up and realise she had to take a stand. Living with her in laws made everything unbearable for her.

 Elo at 29 had notbeen prepared to work or take responsibility for the woman he married, leaving her to feed him and his brothers who often came to their room in the BQ to eat up whatever they could find. It was horrible forher.

After the beating by one of Elo’s mistresses and his family had taken his side, she had decided to leave and wasn’t surprised when no one had begged her to stay.

She left and moved to Port Harcourt where she had worked as a prostitute and call girl for over 15 years. Recently however, when her manic depression had taken over her, when the regrets had become overwhelming, when she couldn’t sleep at night without drugs of some kind, she had decided to reach out for help but she didn’t know from whom.

Quite accidentally, she had logged on to Facebook, a platform where she had never registered and had found Debo being celebrated. She was shocked to find that Debo had married Biggie, her long time boyfriend and had recently had twins and was also living a life of affluence in Lagos. She had opened an account to say hi but was surprised that Debo had been very concerned about her.

She had taken her phone number and they had spoken severally before she confessed her health challenges to Debo who through Biggie had helped her find a Psychologist who had immediately offered to treat her. Biggie had paid for her treatments. After that, her self-esteem had gone up and she realised what kind of mess she had made of her life. She had left her agency and stayed at a rehabilitation centre recommended by the Doctor.

Now, the wonderful couple had offered to let her come to Lagos and stay with them so she could rebuild her life all over again. She was so grateful for all their help, she couldn’t thank them enough. The funny thing was through all this, she hadn’t even seen Debo yet. Biggie had come to Port Harcourt to see her but Debo hadn’t come because of her new babies. Now, she was very excited to see her.

Biggie had come to pick her at the Airport and he was telling her of all the developments that had happened in Lagos in the past 20 years.

 Kosi was surprised at how much different Lagos was. As they passed the Ojuelegba part of Lagos, she saw a man dancing, trousers and shirt torn with long dirty hair in his eyes and falling all over his face.

In his hands were covers of pots and he slammed them together and made music and then danced, his feet moving rhythmically to a beat different from the one he was making. He was a talented dancer and reminded Kosi of someone who danced that way too.

Biggie saw her smiling out of the window and smirked.

Biggie: “That’s Uncle Johnny. He dances like crazy.”

Kosi : “Hahahha, he reminds me of someone.” She said as she focused intently on him.
Biggie: “Who?” He asked, a bit focused on moving the car away from the crazy danfo driver behind him.

Kosi : “Oh, my God!!” She screamed. “It’s Ufoma!!”
Biggie: “What??”
Kosi : “Do you remember Ufoma? From Uni?”
Biggie: “Ufoma? Ufoma?? The dancing boy that followed the guys everywhere?”
Kosi : “Yes!! Yes! that’s him!!”

Biggie: “No way!!” he stared intently at the guy.
Kosi : “I swear!! Look at him!!”
Biggie looked harder and suddenly he saw the resemblance between the handsome 18 year old and the torn dirty dancing man and he felt sadness clog his throat.

Biggie: “Oh God!! I see this guy all the time and I didn’t know it was him!”

Kosi was already crying. “He was so young, so optimistic.”
Biggie parked in front of a shop and they got out and walked towards the dancing guy.
Kosi : “Ufoma!”She called out when they were close by.

Ufoma : He turned around and smiled through black teeth in a very dirtyface. “Kosi?? Biggie??” He made a dash for them, arms outstretched and they both shrunk from him before he stopped and looked at them, face unhappy yet full of memory.

Kosi : “Oh Ufoma, what happened to you?”she cried.
Ufoma : “I go crazy.” He said simply.

Biggie: “How come?”

Kosi : “I remember he wasn’t the same after the incident with Ada. He left school before I did. He was sick and started talking to himself!”
Biggie: “Was he part of them too?” He asked, shocked.

Kosi : “Yes, he dropped us and went back to join the other guys that night.”
Biggie: “Oh, my God. Let’s go, Kosi. We will come back to see him” He said when he noticed that evil was about to befall his car at the hands of Lagos drivers.

Kosi : “What of Ufoma?”
Biggie: “I don’t know yet but he will be here tomorrow.” They left and went home where Debo was thrilled to see kosi. That night, Biggie told Kosi and Debo of his findings and left the women crying.

James died a few weeks ago from Kidney failure, Kachi was hung for a crime he didn’t commit. After his hanging, the police realised it was his wife’s brother who had killed her and the children. Nelson also died a few weeks ago, a container crashed down on the cab he was in.

 Lanke died almost months ago now, she committed suicide. Anslem had his legs amputated and has just been released to go home with his mother.

Kosi : “Amputated??!”
Biggie: “Yes! Juwon’s wife stabbed him 3 months ago after 5 of their children were killed in…..”

Debo : “5 children?? Oh my God.”
Biggie: “Yes, five. The woman has been released on bail. His family doesn’t even want her tried because she is pregnant again. And today, we discovered that Ufoma is Uncle Johnny in Ojuelegba.”

Kosi : “If this has happened to all the others, what about me? Will I also die or go mad?”
Biggie: “I don’t know, Kosi. I think you should go and talk to Ada’s family. Tell them the truth of what happened.”

Kosi : “I don’t know what happened after I left her. Until you told me, I didn’t know they all raped her.”

Biggie: “Tell them whatever you know, I will tell them what I know. They deserve to know what happened to their child.”
Kosi : “You want me to go and see them? I don’t know where they are.”

Biggie: “I do. I found out so I could tell them all that Kachi told me. Now, you are here, why don’t we go and see them together?”

Kosi : “What if they arrest us?”
Biggie: “We won’t know until we go, will we? Anyway, if they arrest us, I will get us out. Okay? Debo, what do you think?”
Debo : “I think you should go so it will give you peace of mind.”
Kosi : “Alright then. I will do it. Thank you, Biggie. I will go.”

Biggie: “I spoke to Doctor Martins, he said they will arrange a bus to pick Ufoma up tomorrow and take him to the psychiatric hospital.”
Kosi : “Oh, Biggie, God bless you!!” She said with tears in her eyes.

So they went and Ada’s parents cried tears of gratitude that they came. When they heard what happened to Ada, they cried even more. They were relieved to hear the truth though and were even more than surprised at the fate that had befallen everyone who had a hand in what happened to their child. They prayed for Kosi and Biggie and let them go in peace.
Sochi : “Oh mummy, this sounds incredible. You mean they told you all these??”

Chidindu: “Everything, my dear!! The truth just came to us like that before we even got the Private Detectives” She scooped 8 months old Ada who was sitting at her mother’s feet into her lap.

They were in Sochi’s house. A huge stone estate in Birmingham, Uk. They left Nigeria a week ago and were only now reporting to Sochi everything that happened back home.

Sochi : “It’s just too unreal, how would you describe what happened to all those people who hurt Ada?”

Chidindu: “My daughter’s chi did not sleep. It stood up and fought for her.”

Sochi : “Muuuumy!! You know I don’t believe in all those things!”

Chidindu: “Believe or not, God rose and fought for my daughter!”

Sochi : “Or it was just a coincidence……”
Chidindu: “If that’s what you believe oh, Sochi.”
Sochi : “No, that’s not what I believe, Mummy. I believe Karma paid them a visit.”

Chidindu: “Me too. I am glad they didn’t go unpunished. Now, my daughter can rest in peace and me too I can sleep well.”

Sochi : “And Daddy too.” She said, pointing to her father who was kicking a ball with his grandson and son-in-law on the huge field in their estate.

Chidindu: “Your father is very relieved at knowing the truth. He says he forgives all those men and has even said a prayer for God to forgive them too and grant them grace to enter heaven.”

Sochi : “What about you? Did you pray for them?” She laughed when her mother gave her a dirty look. “Oh mummy!! I just hope wherever she is, Ada can smile and rest now.”

Chidindu: “Me too, my child, me too.”
Resting her head on her grandmother’s breast, Ada smiled.

The End!

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Story by: Adelove


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