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Author Topic: True Story: Women's Are Evil - Episode By Episode  (Read 10646 times)

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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True Story: Women's Are Evil - Episode 7
Reply #6 on: January 24, 2018, 03:03:27 AM

Episodes 7

Sephia: she said Brielle and her own blood don't equal or match.

Hayden: if her blood and Brielle blood doesn't equal or coordinate, for what reason didn't she ask me for dig and for what reason did she say she would give her blood in the event that she definitely knew their blood doesn't coordinate?

Sephia: I don't know father. Must their blood coordinate before they give blood?

Hayden: Yes Sephia. On the off chance that it doesn't, it is extremely unlikely blood can be given.

Sephia: Okay Dad, You should ask her at that point.

Hayden: 'Yes I will' he kissed her goodnight and rested for tomorrow; he will find a solution to the motivation behind why she went to purchase blood as opposed to requesting that he give his.

The next day, Hayden and Sephia stuffed all Danica and Brielle will require in the healing facility. They headed to the healing center and met Brielle a little superior to anything they had abandoned her while Danica was occupied with perusing a novel while sitting by Brielle.

Hayden: Hello Sweetheart, seek the night was not unpleasant after you.

Danica: 'No it wasn't regardless of whether it was, do I have a decision' she said grinning.

Hayden: Came forward and planted a kiss on her temple. Swinging to Brielle he said 'Hi battling lady! Ponder lady! How are you?

Brielle: 'I am fine Dad and great morning' she said grimacing her face as he likewise came and planted a kiss on her brow.

Sephia: How are you Brielle and Good morning Mom.

Danica: 'Great morning my dear' she attracted her near her and influenced her to sit on her lap 'Expectation you were not feeling desolate the previous evening?'

Sephia: I wasn't Mom,I laid down with Dad.

Danica: Good.

Hayden: Young woman, you recognize what you did that brought about you being here wasn't right?

Brielle: Yes Dad and I am exceptionally sad. I guarantee it won't occur once more.

Danica: It better not rehash itself else you will have me to fight with. Imagine a scenario where you kicked the bucket or that one of your organ was devastated. simultaneously, what might we have done?

Brielle: I am sad mother.

Hayden: You are extremely fortunate that it was just blood that was transfused into your body else I ponder what might have happened.

Brielle: I say thanks to God nothing awful happened to her. Coincidentally sweetheart, her vital came to determine the status of her, including the guardians of the young lady that wounded her.

Hayden: What did they say?

Brielle: What else will they say other than they are sad and disciplinary moves will be made on the young lady.

Hayden: What truly Happened Brielle?

Brielle: Dad, the young lady's name is Amaka. I woke up to discover that she took my pail of water the earlier night to shower without supplanting it, I approached her affably to send for another or generously supplant it however she said I was discourteous to her with the way I talked and will do no such thing.

We began trading words; before I recognized what was occurring, she slapped me and I slapped her back. She at that point utilized the blade which was close by to wound me.

Danica: I thought cut was a stash, why it was in your inn?

Brielle: Students more often than not conceal those sort of things when they need to check in, that is the means by which it got to the lodging.

Danica: gee. I didn't ask your primary this inquiries since I knew I was not going to like the appropriate response. At any rate sweetheart, they said they would assume responsibility of the considerable number of costs made and pay off all her clinic bills. They even said they will get a kick out of the chance to see you to apologize actually.

Hayden: If my little girl had passed on, will they have the capacity to take her back to life?

Danica: I simply say thanks to God that nothing awful happened else I wouldn't recognize what I would have done.

Hayden: After this is finished, I will pull back every one of my youngsters from that school. No offspring of mine will stay in a domain where they can't be ensured.

Danica: But sweetheart, it was only a misstep between two young people. You shouldn't take such a cruel exchange so quick.

Hayden: 'I have talked' he requested. Coincidentally, for what reason didn't you tell me you went to another doctor's facility to purchase blood and for what reason did you likewise say you will give her your blood when you realized that your blood don't Equal or coordinate?

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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True Story: Women's Are Evil - Episode 8
Reply #7 on: January 24, 2018, 03:11:03 AM

Episodes 8

Danica: was stunned when she was made that inquiry however rapidly recouped. 'Ermm sweetheart, you see I didn't need you to trouble about giving blood to her when you know you work hard every day and you require your quality. It was better we purchase'.

Hayden: You ought to have let me know and not mislead me about it. I would have taken a gander at it from your point of view.

Danica: on the off chance that I had disclosed to you reality, you would have still proceeded in giving your own particular blood. You figure I don't have any acquaintance with you once more? Keep in mind we have been hitched for over 10 years.

Hayden: Alright! You win however kindly, don't mislead me once more. On the off chance that anything is irritating you concerning my kids, you can simply converse with me affirm.

Danica: alright and I am sad for not been honest.

Hayden: Apology acknowledged.

Brielle: Dad, Mom, am I excused? What's more, they both chorused together No!

Brielle: But Dad?

Hayden: 'Don't Daddy me young woman. We will discuss you when you are at last released from here' he said and gave his better half a kiss on her lips. 'I need to keep running along to work for I am late' he said and surged out the entryway.

On out, he chanced upon the doctor who was en route to her ward.

Hayden: Hello Doctor, hello.

Doctor: Good Morning, how's it hanging with you?

Hayden: I am fine and thank you to such an extent.

Doctor: No issue. I was really going to your youngster's ward to tell your significant other that we just utilized one 16 ounces of blood for your girl, she can come and gather the other one in the event that she so wants.

Hayden: Oh the blood! That is really my blood gathering, A Positive isn't that so? You can offer it to anybody needing it.

Doctor: Am sad you said what?

Hayden: You can offer it to any individual who needs it since we have no utilization of it.

Doctor: I heard that part. The part where you said your blood aggregate is what once more?

Hayden: My blood aggregate is A Positive, would anything say anything is the issue?

Doctor: No, nothing is the issue please. Ermm would we be able to please talk in my office?

Hayden: 'beyond any doubt' he said as the Doctor drove the route into his office and shut the entryway behind him. 'Doctor, is everything OK with my little girl? Expectation there is no issue' he said freezing.

Doctor: Relax Please. There is positively no issue with Brielle.

Hayden: Then what is it? for what reason did you request that I accompany you to your office?

Doctor: what is your significant other blood gathering?

Hayden: B Positive, why?

Doctor: I think there is a misunderstanding some place. I don't know since I am confounded as of now.

Hayden: Confused about what doctor? What isn't right?

Doctor: Are you extremely beyond any doubt your significant other is B Positive?

Hayden: hundred percent beyond any doubt Doctor.

Doctor: Alright. In the event that you are A Positive and your better half is B Positive at that point why Brielle is O Negative?

Hayden: I don't comprehend doctor. What do you mean by why?

Doctor: your little girl Brielle has an alternate Blood bunch from her guardians which ought not be so.

Hayden: Really. What does it involves therapeutically ?

Doctor: I don't know but rather before I say anything further, I will counsel you complete a DNA test.

Hayden: Are you saying that I may not be the father of Brielle?

Doctor: I am perplexed so.

Hayden: No, it can't be. I am her dad and she is my girl, you aren't right doctor.

Doctor: That is the reason I said a DNA test ought to be done in the event that you truly need no doubt. That is my recommendation in any case.

Hayden: Ah God! Doctor, would you say you are extremely sure of what you just said?

Doctor: Listen Sir, I realize this may sound irregular to you yet in the event that you also, the mother's blood don't coordinate at that point therapeutically you may not be her organic father but rather to be exceptionally sure, do the DNA test.

Hayden: You are incorrect Doctor.

Doctor: Really, at that point disclose it to me. Why you are A Positive furthermore, your Wife is B Positive while your youngster is O Negative.

Hayden: Maybe there is a mistake some place in the outcome that was led.

Doctor: There wasn't on the grounds that I directed the test myself.

Hayden: Panting and sweating 'are you certain of what you are saying on the grounds that if in the wake of everything the test is negative I will hold you mindful'.

Doctor: I am not saying something besides the way that you ought to lead a DNA test on the off chance that you truly need to be erring on the side of caution.

Hayden: Arrrrgh! God, I am done. Affirm fine, lead the test and kindly help me out, keep this data from my significant other.

Doctor: 'You have no issue with it, please accompany' me he said what's more, he took after drowsily imploring in his heart that the outcome be negative to demonstrate the doctor off-base.

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Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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True Story: Women's Are Evil - Episode 9
Reply #8 on: January 24, 2018, 03:27:08 AM

Episodes 9

Hayden left the hospital or doctor's facility to his office, he couldn't focus on his work. He was eager and stressed because of what happened in the doctor's facility.

He was stressed at the possibility that his better half may have swindled on him and the aftereffect of the wicked wrongdoing is the little girl whom he adores with everything that is in him.

He dialed Mason number instructing him to come to his office quickly for it is earnest. Scarcely any minutes after the fact, Mason arrived his office and was introduced.

Manson: What happened? For what reason did you need to call me so early, telling me to go to your office? Is everything okay with Brielle?

Hayden: 'Brielle my little girl is doing fine and dandy. I called you for something unique please' take a load off he taught him.

Mason: ' what happened' he asked as he sat down.

Hayden: I am in a profound chaos as I talk with you.

Mason: Deep chaos, what was the deal? Did you get victimized?

Hayden: Arrrggh! You won't comprehend my companion.

Artisan: what is it?

Hayden: it is convoluted oooo. I don't know how to clarify it.

Artisan: What is it Hayden? In the event that you would prefer not to share your issues with me then for what reason did you call me to come?

Hayden: I don't think Brielle is my little girl.

Mason: what do you mean you don't think Brielle is your girl? I am not understanding what you just said.

Hayden: disclosed everything to Mason. I don't realize what to do at this minute.

Mason: what would you be able to do however to pause. To what extent will the test take?

Hayden: I don't know however I told the specialist I will seek the outcome in the following one week.

Mason: Good. I am as stunned as you are and I know you have one thousand and one things to ask however satisfy you must be cautious about what you do starting now and into the foreseeable future.

Hayden: What do you mean?

Mason: What I mean is that you must be exceptionally cautious and don't blame your significant other for anything until the point that reality at long last uncovers itself.

Hayden: What do you imply that I ought not charge my significant other when

there is a probability that Brielle may not be my little girl.

Mason: Thank God you said it, may not be your little girl. You don't need to state anything until the point that the outcomes turn out.

Hayden: Really!

Mason: Yes.

Hayden: How am I even beyond any doubt that whatever is left of my youngsters are truly mine sef.

Mason: on the off chance that you ask me, na who I go inquire.

Hayden: I may need to complete a DNA Test on every one of them.

Manson: How would you be able to haul that out without your wife knowing?

Hayden: That isn't an issue. Since Brielle and Sephia are in the doctor's facility, I could simply advise the specialists to discover a way and gather that of Sephia's blood since getting Brielle is never again an issue.

Manson: Laken and Parker nko?

Hayden: I should converse with the specialist about it.

Manson: And what about your significant other?

Hayden: How about her, she won't know.

Manson: How will you haul this one out?

Hayden: Do not stress, I will deal with it without her knowing. You try not to need to stress yourself over her.

Manson: gee. Be extremely watchful ooo. You can just blame her when the outcomes turn out.

Hayden: I recognize what I am doing. Try not to stress yourself over it yet in the interim, how about we go and get my children from school.

Manson: You mean Parker and Laken.

Hayden: Yes I mean them.

Manson: For what na.

Hayden: For a DNA test and I am pulling back them from that school

Manson: Alright. Expectation you will give me reasons why you are taking such radical measure

Hayden: 'No issue, come gives up' he said as they proceeded to get Parker and Laken. Together, they both left to get Laken and Parker from school. At the point when they arrived the school they met the principal of the school who apologized to them about the end result for Brielle.

Principal: I am so sad about the end result for Brielle and we will take disciplinary activities on the understudy that caused this demonstration.

Hayden: There is no need apologizing about the end result for my little girl, the deed has just been finished.

Principal: wh need to for we are additionally to be faulted.

Hayden: It is okay Madame

Principal: Thank you so in particular. Is there anything you will like us to improve the situation you sir?

Hayden: I came to pull back my child's from this school.

Principal: Why? in any case, I felt that we have apologized to you as of now?

Manson: Yes you have yet you see Madame, we can't keep on have our youngsters in this school, we have come to take them home.

Principal: 'Please sir' she said swinging to Hayden, we are profoundly sad furthermore, guarantee you that episode like this will never happen again. If you don't mind excuse us for our heedlessness.

Hayden: we have excused you however I have to remove them from here. My heart is no longer very still with them here.

Principal: Please Mr. Hayden.

Manson: Our choice is final or do you need us to take fundamental activities against your school?

Stay online for the next Episode

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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True Story: Women's Are Evil - Episode 10
Reply #9 on: January 25, 2018, 03:27:28 AM

Episodes 10

Parker and Laken were effectively pulled back from school while Hayden took them straight to the doctor's facility where his significant other and youngsters were.

Laken: 'Hi Mom' he yelled as he located her.

Danica: 'Astounded that his two young men went to the clinic with their father' she immediately embraced them.

Parker: 'Mother, Dad has pulled back us from school' he said cheerfully.

Revealed to you I don't care for that school isn't that right?

Danica: You have been what?

Laken: Withdrawn Mom.

Danica: Turning to Hayden and said 'you didn't reveal to me that you would do that, I pondered it.

Hayden: Sweetheart, I cannot chance my youngsters been in that school one minute

Danica: But it was just an error caused by two young people. They as of now said they will take disciplinary activities.

Hayden: I can't chance them been there, I am excessively worn out, making it impossible to discuss this.

Promptly, the doctor entered their ward with a medical caretaker close by.

Danica: Yes Doctor, is there any issue?

Doctor: No Madame. I simply need to gather their blood for a trial of the three of your children.

Danica: what sort of test in the event that I may ask and with whose authorization?

Doctor: for Malaria and Typhoid, your significant other instructed me to do it.

Danica: What is going ahead here Hayden? For what reason will you do this without getting some information about it first?

Hayden: What isn't right with you and for what reason do you look so terrified? It is only a test. I need my youngsters to be sheltered and sound at unsurpassed and I need to take any preventive measure against it.

Danica: But you ought to have educated me regarding it on time.

Hayden: sorry sweetheart. I neglected to inform you concerning it when I cleared out prior.

Mason: it's only a blood test Danica. Why are you squirming?

Danica: And who says I am squirming? 'Satisfy you can go ahead with the test' she requested the doctor

The doctor proceeded, gathered an example of their blood and went ahead to direct the test.

Hayden furtively obliged the doctor and disclosed to him all things ought to be directed without the spouse's notice and he will come for the outcome in one week. This should give the doctor enough time to lead the test. The doctor consented to all they arranged.

Later that night, Brielle was released and the entire family went home while Mason allowed to his place to sit unbothered. Advising Hayden not to do anything dumb to himself and family while he is away. He just needs to be tolerant till the outcome is out and left.

When they returned home, Danica arranged supper for the family. As the family sat at the round table to eat up the extravagant feast. Danica needed to know whether the spouse will go to the doctor's facility to gather the test outcome.

Danica: Honey, when will you gather the test outcome, I thought you should beware of it before we cleared out.

Hayden: 'Will do that on my approach to work tomorrow' he stated, eating up his sustenance.

Danica: you don't have to stress yourself over the test outcome, I could go and gather it tomorrow on the off chance that you need.

Hayden: What! I figured you don't care for healing facility? Why you need No energetically go there once more?

Danica: Errrmmm. It is only that since you will work and I am here in solitude with the children, it will take me nothing to simply breeze in also, breeze out.

Hayden: 'Alright,you can go and gather the test outcome in the event that you so wish' he said impassively and proceeded with his nourishment.

Amid evening time while they lay on their marital bed, Hayden was anxious, he couldn't rest. He continued turning and turning till his significant other seen it and inquired.

Danica: Sweetheart, is everything okay?

Hayden: Yes, for what reason do you inquire?

Danica: You have been anxious, Like you are so awkward.

Hayden: 'Yes I am, I was simply contemplating a companion of mine who just discovered his better half has been undermining him' he lied.

Danica: What? How could he discover?

Hayden: He caught them in the act in his marital bed. I ponder what I will do in the event that I am in his shoes.

Danica: God restrict terrible thing, the way individuals are occupied with undermining their accomplices today is mind boggling. How might she undermine his bed in her wedding bed?

Hayden: I ponder and before you recognize what is going on , he will begin fathering another Man's youngster. Jesus, I can't consider it.

Danica: ponder will never end. Who is that companion of yours sef?

Hayden: A companion I met those occasions when I use to movement. He called me while I was in the workplace today to disclose his issue to me. You don't have any acquaintance with him.

Danica: well. He should take heart, such a pity.

Hayden: I ponder what I will do if that transpires. Let me know, have you ever misled me?

Danica: What do you mean have I ever misled you? Misled you about imagine a scenario in which I may inquire.

Hayden: About anything.

Danica: yes I have misled you.

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True Story: Women's Are Evil - Episode 11
Reply #10 on: January 25, 2018, 03:32:29 AM

Episodes 11

Hayden: 'truly' he sat up from bed 'About imagine a scenario in which I may inquire.

Danica: about the way that I instructed you to go home when I could have revealed to you reality that I can purchase blood for our tyke.

Hayden: Oh! That, I thought it was something different.

Danica: Were you anticipating that me should disclose to you something different?

Hayden: No sweetheart. It is safe to say that you are certain?

Danica: what sort of question is that and why this inquiries this night?

Hayden: Nothing sweetheart. I simply needed to make certain that you have never deceived me.

Danica: featured straight at him and grasped his hands into hers 'I have never deceived you, I have never been unfaithful to you in all the a long time we have been hitched.

Hayden: 'I realize that and I believe you so much' he kissed her on her lips. 'I cherish you and our youngsters so much, never you overlook that'.

Danica: 'Expresses gratitude toward Honey. A debt of gratitude is in order for been a superb father and child to our kids and I, you are the best' she said and embraced him firmly.

Hayden: 'you excessively Honey' and they went, making it impossible to bed.

The next day, Danica left to the healing center promptly her husband left for work to gather the consequence of the test. When she got to the doctor's facility, she met the doctor and enquired on the consequence of the test.

Danica: Is the test outcome prepared?

Doctor:' Yes it is, Please give me a moment let me get it for you' and ventured out. Following couple of minutes, he returned with the outcome and given it to her.

Danica: she gathered it and experienced it and said Errmmm Doctor, is there anything my better half let you know?

Doctor: Something like what Madame?

Danica: Anything aside this test outcome?

Doctor: No Madame, what would he be able to conceivably have let me know?

Danica: ' Doctor see, I have enough cash' she brought out heap of cash and indicated him. 'What amount did he pay you, I will pay you twofold. Simply let me know whether he revealed to you anything'.

Doctor: Madame, What are you discussing?

Danica: Ermm. Did my better half converse with you about anything?

Doctor: About what specifically?

Danica: Anything strange.

Doctor: No he didn't. 'But in the event that you might need to indicate what he may have conversed with me about.

Danica: Never mind doctor, a debt of gratitude is in order for the outcome. I will move now.

Doctor: 'Okay Madame, do deal with yourself' she stood and let the clinic premises asking why her better half was asking her

addresses the previous evening for she didn't rest soundly in light of the fact that she was stressed

that he may have discovered.

Danica: 'Possibly I am simply being neurotic over nothing, he adores his

kids so much and I have not given him anything for him to think

generally about them. He should never discover reality about the

paternity of his kids regardless' she said to herself and called

a taxi to take her home.

Instantly she cleared out the healing facility, the doctor called Hayden and

educated him about what simply occurred amongst himself and his better half

what's more, Hayden said thanks to him for staying up with the latest however never inquired as to whether

the test outcome was prepared for he wasn't prepared to discover reality

about his youngsters.

After he finished the call, he shook his head and was so irate at what

he learnt. He revealed to Mason who was with him in the workplace what the

doctor let him know.

Mason: I can't accept what you just let me know. 'No, it isn't valid' he

shook his head

Hayden: 'You better trust each word that just left my

mouth, It is genuine ooo' he said and chuckled.

Mason: Why are you chuckling, is this amusing?

Hayden: I feel like life is playing an extreme diversion with me; as far back as I

hitched Danica, I have never taken a gander at a lady twice. How would she be able to

do this to me?

Mason: Take heart my companion yet with what you are letting me know and

what is transpiring right now; to be genuine, I fear ladies.

Hayden: I inquired as to whether she has ever deceived me and could

you accept what she said?

Mason: What did she say?

Hayden: She looked at me straight without flinching that she has never deceived

me and neither has she been unfaithful to me.

Mason: She said that?

Hayden: She said it strongly; If not for what I simply discovered, I would

have trusted her.

Mason: That lady can murder, she is underhanded.

Hayden: calm 'where did I truly turn out badly in my marriage that I am

been rebuffed in the most insidious way' he said with tears in his eyes.

Where did I truly turn out badly? Arrggh! I am done.

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True Story: Women's Are Evil - Episode 12
Reply #11 on: January 26, 2018, 03:13:26 AM

Episodes 12

Mason: Take heart my companion, don't stress you will pull through this.

Hayden: I am not entirely certain about this, it will chase me for whatever remains of my life that the tyke I thought is dig is really for another person.

Mason: Do not bounce into conclusion yet before the outcome is out. By the way, for what reason didn't you inquire as to whether the test outcome is prepared?

Hayden: I would prefer not to do that now, I need to take as much time as is needed and make sense of things first and I disclosed to him I will come to take it in a week. I require time to make sense of myself before time.

Mason: Alright yet don't do anything inept, hold up till the outcome is' out he forewarned.

Hayden: Alright.

Danica saw there has been an adjustment in her husband yet he never changed his conduct towards his kids . Truth be told, he has permitted the kids remain with him generally and showering them his adoration and friendship that they never again discuss backpedaling to class. She was stressed over the difference in conduct yet rather, chose to do nothing about it other than be the great and faithful wife.

When the youngsters went to their different rooms to have their break, she went to sit by her husband's side who was in the sitting room.

Danica: Sweetheart, we haven't generally discussed selecting the children in school.

Hayden: Oh that, we will discuss it later, I am not prepared for that now.

Danica: why? What was the deal? Why not have any desire to discuss it presently? What is the issue?

Hayden: Because I would prefer not to enlist them until the point that I sense that it.

Danica: What isn't right dear?

Hayden: what do you mean what isn't right?

Danica: what isn't right with us discussing it and for what reason do I feel like you are concealing something from me.

Hayden: I am concealing nothing.

Danica: Are you irate with me about something?

Hayden: Nope I am most certainly not.

Danica: Then what isn't right? For what reason do I feel like you watch my each move in this house? You don't use to take a gander at me the way you use to some time recently.

Hayden: You are simply making an imbecilic allegation and in the event that I have not taken a gander at you the way I use to before perhaps this is on account of I have been extremely occupied.

Danica: Alright on the off chance that you say as much yet when last have you had intercourse to me?

Hayden: 'Truly Danica, would you extremely like to discuss that now' He asked looking at her without flinching.

Danica: What isn't right with us discussing our adoration life? On the off chance that I make a move to touch you, you act like I am chafing you. What isn't right or don't you discover me alluring any longer?

Hayden: It isn't care for that Danica,It is only that I some of the time feel like been without anyone else.

Danica: That to touch your wife is currently an issue?

Hayden: I am sad, I guarantee it won't occur once more. The instance of that my companion is burdening me.

Danica: which case?

Hayden: the one that I disclosed to you he got his wife with another lady. I am simply envisioning how his life is at the present time.

Danica: it isn't you na. for what reason do you convey it like you are the one it happened to ?

Hayden: Nothing, I am pondering what I would have done on the off chance that it was me it happened to.

Danica: What might you have done if you somehow managed to be in his shoes?

Hayden: Hmmm. Let us not discuss it since I don't know I will do until the point when it happens. 'In addition, it can't transpire in light of the fact that I am hitched to the best lady in the entire world' he said taking a gander at her articulation 'She is ever loyal deeply and can never undermine me,I believe her with my entire heart.

Danica: Are you saying this since you realize that you have been liable?

Hayden: 'Liable ke? I am sad na' he touched her on her cheek 'Excuse me for my deficiencies.

Danica: You are excused.

Hayden: Tell me any of my other inadequacies beside this one.

Danica: None I can recall.

Hayden: Even from the time we got hitched recently?

Danica: 'let me think' She thought for a couple of minutes and said 'you do not have any deficiencies aside from that you are hot headed now and then and extremely determined'.

Hayden: is that all? Have I at any point effectively resentful you as a husband? Have I at any point bombed in my obligation as a husband?

Danica: No you haven't, you have done are as yet doing brilliantly well and God favor the day we said I do in the modify.

Hayden: Thanks Darling he smiled.

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