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Author Topic: True Story: Women's Are Evil - Episode By Episode  (Read 10651 times)

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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True Story: Women's Are Evil - Episode 13
Reply #12 on: January 26, 2018, 03:19:00 AM

Episodes 13

After one week, Hayden was at home terrifying and jittering. He couldn't remain in a specific place. He was stressed for that is the day he told the doctor he will come to gather the aftereffect of the test he improved the situation his kids.

Danica: Sweetheart, what is it?

Hayden: Do you cherish me so in particular?

Danica: Yes I do, What isn't right?

Hayden: Am I the father of our youngsters?

Danica: Was stunned when he made the inquiry however rapidly gotten it together. What sort of question is that?

Hayden: I have to know reality Danica. Are our children extremely mine?

Danica: Gave his a sounding slap at the inquiry he asked 'How set out you Hayden, how could you inquire as to whether our kids are yours? After how

numerous times of marriage you set out make such inquiry?

Hayden: touching his cheek asked 'Is that why you slapped me'?

Danica: 'and I will do it again and again. Take the case anyplace what's more, nothing will happen. You set out solicit me who the father from our youngsters is? Disgrace on you Hayden! Disgrace on you! In the event that you don't trust me and need to complete a DNA test on them, I am everly prepared you

hear' she said indignantly.

Hayden: I am sad, I simply feel so terrible today. It would be ideal if you pardon me for inquiring.

Danica: quieted down and asked 'what isn't right with you and why this sudden inquiry? You are starting to terrify the life out of me'.

Hayden: I have recently been having harsh time at work that is all.

Danica: is that why you inquired as to whether you are the natural father of our

kids, don't you believe me any longer?

Hayden: I do and I am exceptionally sad, Please discover it in your heart to

pardon me. I adore you and our youngsters so in particular.

Danica: 'I realize that and I am additionally extremely sad for raising my hands on

you, I was exceptionally irate when you doubted my unwaveringness' she embraced him.

Hayden went to his office and called Mason to go with him to the healing facility. When he arrived, he met the doctor who gave an envelope to him went he introduced into his office and instructed them to take a seat.

Hayden: 'what does the outcome say doctor' he asked when it was given to him.

Doctor: Open it and see it for yourself.

Hayden: Doctor, please reveal to me what I have to know before I fall here.

Mason: took the envelope from him, tore it open and read the substance in it.

Hayden: Mason, what does it say?

Mason: shook his head and said 'not an uplifting news my companion'.

Hayden: grabbed the paper from his hand and read the substance 'No!

No! No!' he shouted with tears in his eyes he said 'I have four great youngsters and I am the natural father to just a single of

them… 'No ! No! No! Arrgh God I am done' he shouted.

Mason: 'I am sad my companion' he congratulated him please put yourself together and discover a route forward.

Hayden: 'Mason I am done' he shouted 'Who have I annoyed in this life that is paying me so much detestable'.

Doctor: relax please Sir.

Hayden: 'take what simple? Take what simple' he shouted 'with tears in his eyes he said 'I was there when they were conceived; when they called me Dad, when they said their first universes; slithered, ventured out.

I was there with them in their first day at school; They are the inside of my life and euphoria. As far back as they were pretty much nothing, I have indicated them so

much love and friendship. Gracious God! I didn't realize that I was fathering another man's youngster. Not maybe a couple but rather them three. What was

my cr… .ime… .? he asked crying and howling. What did I do wro… .ng? haven't I been the best husband up until this point?

Mason: Hayden, set up yourself together.

Hayden: 'I didn't realize that I was leaving with the fallen angel all these a long time. Mason Please disclose to me this is a fantasy, how could the lady that I have cherished this years do these to me? Reveal to me I am envisioning

Please' he held his companion by his shirt.

Mason: this is no fantasy my companion, you need to get a hold of yourself.

Hayden: subsequent to weeping for a couple of minutes which appear like 60 minutes, he wiped his eyes and took a gander at his companion once more 'I figure I need to acknowledge my destiny'.

Mason: What will you do now?

Hayden: he took a gander at his companion again and grinned, I don't realize what I will do until the point when I meet the fiend up close and personal.

Mason: C'mon, she is your wife, don't call her that.

Hayden: No she isn't, she stopped to be my wife from this minute.

Mason: shouldn't something be said about the children, since Laken is your lone organic child, what will you do to the rest?

Hayden: They are as yet my kids. I won't permit anybody or anyone remove them from me.

Mason: Are you certain?

Hayden: I am certain about my children yet I am not entirely certain about my wife.

Mason: What do you mean? trust you are not wanting to do anything awful to her.

Hayden: The awful thing I would have love to do is murder her yet I won't be that evil to do that to her. What she will experience is going to be more awful than death.

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True Story: Women's Are Evil - Episode 14
Reply #13 on: January 28, 2018, 12:18:45 AM
Episodes 14

Hayden expressed gratitude toward the doctor for everything and he thus exhorted him to deal with everything with alert. He cleared out the healing facility with Mason and together they went to his office.

Mason: Hayden. Why are we back to your office? I thought you needed to go home to stand up to your wife.

Hayden: Yes I will however before I see her, I need you to please help me get somebody you can trust to please go to my home and gather my youngsters. I will call her to permit the individual approach them.

Mason: to where in the event that I may inquire?

Hayden: Anywhere, I don't simply need my children in the house when I and

Danica are having a showdown.

Mason: Alright, Let me call my sister to go to your home and get the children. I will advise her to advise the mother that you need to go and ruin them a bit.

Hayden: That is fine by me.

Mason put a call through to his sister and trained her on what to do. Scarcely any minutes after the fact Hayden called Danica and instructed him to permit Mason's sister have the children for he needs to remove them from which Danica permitted and she exited with them

Hayden: now that my youngsters are off the beaten path, I require some help from you.

Mason: Anything man, simply name it.

Hayden: I should have one of your visitor rooms in your prevalent inn one of nowadays for I and my children. I would prefer not to remain in that house any more.

Mason: shouldn't something be said about your different houses?

Hayden: I have sold every one of my homes, Lands and properties. Indeed, even as I talk with you now, I have given away this office.

Mason: When and why? For what reason will you give away all your well deserved speculations?

Hayden: you ought not stress over it. I have speculations outside the nation. Since I learnt what Danica had done, I began anticipating leaving the nation with my children if the outcome turned out positive.

Mason: shouldn't something be said about your children?

Hayden: should prepare the greater part of their visas as quickly as time permits. I am leaving the nation and failing to come back.

Mason: what will you educate the children regarding their mom?

Hayden: will reveal to them she is dead until further notice. Be that as it may, I won't give them the awful news until the point that we have settled down.

Mason: Don't you figure they will discover reality when they fall off age?

Hayden: grinned fiendishly 'They will and by at that point, I won't need to stow away reality from them any longer. Whatever they choose to do will be their choice to make and not dig but rather until further notice, I will influence Danica to pay for every one of the untruths and treachery.

Mason: since it is your choice, why should I question?

Hayden: all the business I opened for her stops to be hers from now on.

Mason: whatever mehn! Express gratitude toward God you never did any court wedding else it would have been tragic for you.

Hayden: 'I figure I am fortunate, am I not' he grinned.

Mason: Hmmm. What next at this point?

Hayden: time to confront the fiend yet give me a couple of minutes, there is somebody I am anticipating?

Mason: Who is that in the event that I may inquire?

Hayden: The individual who I need to pitch this organization to

Hayden: Alright.

Hardly any minutes after the fact, the new proprietor of the organization accompanied his legal advisor while Hayden's legal counselor was available too. They experienced all the important course of action and reached a last conclusion however the papers were not marked that day, giving Hayden and his legal advisor a couple more days to finish everything.

From that point forward, they headed to his home where Danica was caught up with perusing.

Danica: 'Hi Honey, Hello Mason welcome. If it's not too much trouble make yourself agreeable she said' as she went to embrace her husband who pushed her away generally. What is the importance of this?

Hayden: Who is the father of our youngsters?

Danica: 'I pondered this, today? Why are you bringing it up again and before a more unusual' she took a gander at Mason.

Mason: 'Arrmmm, possibly I ought to go ahead' he said as he made a move to go out.

Hayden: 'you are not going anyplace Mason,you won't leave this house' he requested.

Danica: what has come over you Hayden?

Hayden: strolled towards her and said 'who is the father, who is the organic father of our youngsters'?

Danica: how might you make such an inquiry? You obviously, you are the fa… . She got a deafening slap on her correct check.

Hayden: 'who is the father of our youngsters' he shouted at her while she twisted her head, holding her cheek for in the twelve years of Marriage, Hayden has never raised his hands on her 'Who is the father of our kids' he asked again yet this time, he didn't sit tight for any answer and slapped her again to her left side cheek and again to her right side cheek without giving her an opportunity to answer his inquiry or hold her both cheeks.

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Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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True Story: Women's Are Evil - Episode 15
Reply #14 on: January 28, 2018, 12:25:46 AM
Episodes 15

Danica: immediately moved far from him and fell on the floor crying

'what have I done to merit such an evil treatment from you' she said crying

Hayden: Who is the father of our youngsters?

Danica: 'you are their dad' she shouted 'You are their dad'.

Hayden: you need to proceed with this lies of yours isn't that right? He tossed the envelope at her.

Danica: opened the envelope with her heart throbbing and read it. She was stunned in the meantime feeble for she has been gotten.

Hayden: who is the father of our youngsters?

Danica: kept quiet.

Hayden: 'you won't talk abi' he raised his hands to hit her again when she shouted.

Danica: Please I will talk, I will talk oooo. Try not to hit me again if it's not too much trouble I will talk.

Hayden: Good, oya Talk he requested.

Danica: while we were arranging our wedding, I took part in an extramarital entanglements with Dennis.

Hayden: who is Dennis?

Danica: The man I was dating before you came to request my deliver marriage. He was my first love and since I would state farewell to him, I engaged in sexual relations with him for the last time and the item is Brielle.

Hayden: and you said the youngster you were conveying was mine, Is that the reason you influenced me to lay down with you before our wedding?

Danica: Yes!

Hayden: stunned, drained and anxious he asked 'shouldn't something be said about Parker and Sephia'?

Danica: Errrmmm, Ermmmm

Hayden: I won't ask once more 'Shouldn't something be said about Parker and Sephia'?

Danica: They have a place with Okon.

Hayden: Who is Okon once more?

Danica: Okon our, our… …

Hayden: 'will you talk up' he requested.

Danica: Okon our previous gateman

Mason and Hayden: What? Mason featured at his companion with feel sorry for in his eyes 'Danica, you are mischievous as well as an improper lady.

How would you be able to stoop so low to lay down with your own particular gateman? Tukiakwa! cursed thing!

Hayden: feeble, worn out, befuddled, furious took a gander at her with contempt in his eyes and solicited 'Do any from this individuals realize that they are the organic father to our kids'?

Danica: No! I didn't tell any of them. Hayden Please she caught her hands together, Please excuse me I implore you, It was the de… .. She gotten another slap, trailed by punches. Mason attempted his best to prevent him from beating his wife however he proved unable. For Hayden was distraught with rage. He kept beating and punching her till his companion got hold of him and pushed him aside while she laid on the floor crying also, requesting absolution

Mason: Do you need to slaughter her, Haba! That is so awful of you. By what means can you hit a lady like that?

Hayden: 'I haven't completed with 'Her compose should be six feet under the ground' he said gasping.

Mason: Hayden, Enough Jare. I won't permit you hit her once more. Don't you realize that it is a wrongdoing?

Hayden: it is additionally a wrongdoing for this she demon to walk the substance of the earth.

Mason: Enough Please.

Hayden: approve, yet before I open my eyes, hold yourself out of my house this moment he said to his wife

Danica: as yet crying and asking 'If you don't mind where do I go to? Beat me

furthermore, rebuff me however don't send me back to my folks' home Please' she said with blood spouting out of her mouth

Hayden: goodness so you need me to at present beat you abi? Mason, I need this

lady out of my home. I picked you from the drains and brushed you up, I made you your identity yet you sold out the trust and love I had for you. Our marriage is over from this minute. Mason he

shouted, 'I don't need this lady here'.

Mason: rapidly advised Danica to leave however she denied and he conveyed her while she battled with him and took her outside, locking the entryway behind.

Danica remained crying and thumping on the door however with the request of

Hayden the proprietor who trained the inhabitant not to permit her into

the compound and they obeyed till she saw that no one is prepared to go to her guide, she went to the following compound and asked for a few money which she was given, there she boarded an auto to her town.

Danica clarified all that happened amongst Hayden and herself. Her

guardians were baffled in her and was thinking about how they could

go to Hayden with such a major disgrace, rather they advised her to backpedal

to her husband's home and apologized to them for they couldn't confront

him with such sort of disgrace. She asked that she be permitted to remain

two or three weeks to recuperate before backpedaling to request absolution and

by at that point, his psyche would have mellow and they concurred.

After three weeks, Danica went to her home and thumped at the door soliciting to see her husband from which she was told he never again lives there with his children.

 She attempted everything she could, went to Mason's home to get data of the whereabouts of her husband and kids and was informed that he has migrated to the U.S with the children. Crushed, stranded she admired the sky and longed for Death.



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