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Author Topic: Super Story: Springs Of Fire - [Episode By Episode]  (Read 7314 times)

Offline Mr. Babatunde

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Super Story: Springs Of Fire - [Episode 7]
Reply #6 on: December 14, 2018, 02:20:21 AM


She threw her phone on the bed and sat dejectedly, why had Gavin abandoned her? She had not asked him for a date, he had been the one to suggest it, why had he forgotten her now?
Ore felt slightly foolish as she stared at the clothes sprawled at the foot of her wardrobe. She had tried on different clothes, tossing each aside after staring at her mirror. She had wanted to look her best for him, after trying out ten dresses she had settled for something simple.
She paired her black skirt with a peach chiffon blouse. She packed her long black hair in a bun and wore a pair of gold earrings. She wore nude lipstick a touch of eyeshadow and mascara.
She hummed a song as she stared at her ceiling; it was happening all over again.
Tears splashed in her eyes as she remembered the evening that her ex had dumped her. She thought of the vision of him she had earlier in school…she straightened up immediately as she heard a knock on the door, the thought of Paul vanishing from her mind immediately.
‘Who’s there?’ She waited for an answer before pulling open her door.
‘It’s me…Gavin.’
She couldn’t hide the excitement that coursed through her the moment she set her eyes on him. He had not abandoned her after all!
‘Um, come on in…’ her palms suddenly felt wet, as they did whenever she was nervous or anxious about something.
Her breathing became fast as he walked closer to her, no man had ever made her feel this way.
‘I am sorry Ore…’ Gavin stood just a stone throw away from her.
Her heart fluttered as he apologized, no man had ever apologized to her, not even her ex Paul. She swallowed and took a deep breath, not knowing how to respond, so she simply smiled.
‘Thank you.’
‘You have a beautiful place.’ Gavin’s eyes roamed the cosy and warm apartment, it was small but neat and well arranged.
A picture caught his eyes, it was on her centre table.
‘Looks familiar…’ he pointed at the photo.
‘Really? Those are my classmates; we took a group picture once.’ Ore replied, the smile she wore fading slowly from her face as she remembered how she had been treated as an outcast back in school.
Some of the girls knew she came from the orphanage and they knew how girls from the orphanage always got raped and sexually abused, she had confided in one of the girls, sharing the pain she experienced on daily basis, only for the girl to share her secrets with others.
From her secret grew lies and rumours, one that spread through the whole school.
‘Cute picture,’ Gavin remarked, the uniform of the pupils seemed quite familiar but he soon lost interest. All he wanted was to get to a fancy place, drink some wine and eat good food with Ore close to him.
‘Are you ready to go now?’ He asked.
‘Yes. Yes.’ She nodded, her excitement returning soon after.
Julia was highly prudent in her job. She decided to meet up with the other master as directed by The Phoenix, there was no point of waiting. Time was a luxury, that she could not afford.
Gavin Adediran intrigued her, how could a man withstand ten assassins before her? What was so special about this man? She couldn’t wait to place her finger on that mirage.
She had waited at the Dania Central Park as directed, hoping to see the new master that would give her instructions.
She took in the clean smell of the air, loving the way the breeze danced with her hair. It was night, so the sun had divorced the clouds, sending the moon to do battle with the stars that multiplied each minute.
A smile curled her beautiful lips as he basked in the gloriousness of nature…
‘Dania with the beautiful sky,’ She murmured and closed her eyes.
Dania Republic was just as beautiful as she remembered. It was less industrialized than Carida, the people were much more friendly and it’s cities were not as heavily populated as Carida’s.
Julia missed her home. She missed the sister, whose reflection she had flushed down the toilet earlier.
She felt sorry for her actions, for shutting her lover Delilah out, but it was important for her to make those sacrifices, all she wanted was a special place at the Phoenix and she knew how she could gain that spot.
Killing Gavin would make her a hero, it would make her the most successful assassin that ever lived and she wanted that more than anything. It was not like she enjoyed killing people, but she had been trained to do so from an early age. Blood was the language she understood. Death was her culture. Taking lives was her pleasure. Guns were her gods and she worshipped them with her heart.
Her skin tingled, the hairs on her nape arose as she felt a presence. Julia reached out for her pistol immediately, knowing that she was no longer alone.
‘You can put your gun now Julia…relax.’ an unfamiliar baritone announced.
She rose to her feet immediately and swirled round to face him.
He was a tall and dark man. He was handsome too but his eyes were cold and held no humour, not that she needed it, but she felt uncomfortable with him. She didn’t like him one bit.
‘Master…’ she bowed her head immediately as she recognized the tattoo of a phoenix on his neck.
‘Rise…’ The master said to her.
‘I know that I am supposed to tell you more about Gavin Adediran, that would be another day. There is a project I am working on…’ he paused and looked towards his car.
‘What project master?’ Julia bowed her head.
‘Come with me.’
Julia fell behind his shadow as he led them towards his convertible.
The master pulled open his car immediately, Julia felt shocked as he spotted a teenage girl whose hands and feet were tied up. She wore nothing but her panties and her bra…
‘Is this the project?’ Julia swallowed, feeling sympathy for the girl, she was even surprised at her own project.
‘Yes, her name is Bella and I want to train her to be like you’ The master grinned wickedly.
‘Oh…’ Julia arched her brow.
‘It is called Operation wild the dove. Ten girls are selected, raped and tortured. The strongest that survive are trained into assassins, but they would be more ruthless and dangerous than your type.’ The master winked.
His description of what was done to these girls already weakened her, but she tried so much not to show this.
‘They will be better assassins because their tongue would be cut off; they will live underground for the rest of their lives; stepping out of the establishment of the Phoenix only when they have to assassinate someone.’ The master explained.
Julia felt sick as she stared at the innocent eyes of the girl. Her body was covered with wounds and scratches and her lips were swollen.
Julia dragged her eyes away from the girl and settled it on the ground.
‘The reason we want Gavin Adediran dead is because of a prophecy he made some months back.’ The master replied.
Gavin had stood in his altar prophesying about an evil organisation that would make use of young girls to wreck havoc to the whole world.
‘So killing him would also kill this prophecy?’ Julia pondered.
‘Yes…you must go now Julia…the lovers must have reached the restaurant now.’ The master said.
Julia bowed, she had a spying job to do.
‘Make sure you get as close as possible. I want to hear about everything being discussed.’ The master gave her further instructions.
‘Yes master.’ Julia nodded.
‘You may call me Paul, I have not yet reached the level of master. I am aiming towards it.’

To be continued…

Offline Mr. Babatunde

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Super Story: Springs Of Fire - [Episode 8]
Reply #7 on: December 15, 2018, 03:09:45 AM


Dania Republic…
Ore and Gavin had talked about a lot of things on their way to the restaurant. She got to know his favourite colours and the food that he liked most. Gavin was such an interesting person and it baffled her that the media would leave this part of him and focus on spreading rumours and fictitious details about his lifestyle.
‘Look, I’m sorry I have been talking about myself Ore, tell me a little about.’ Gavin apologized. He had been carried away and had ended up talking about himself for more than five minutes. He was not eccentric or an egomaniac, he was simply thrilled that she would show interest in him.
Ore bit her lips and fiddled her fingers not knowing where to begin. Her heart broke into a wild dance as she remembered her past. No way! She couldn’t tell him about her past life, she couldn’t let him in, she was ashamed of her past and it had to stay buried in her mind.
‘I…I have nothing much to say.’ She blinked away the tears that had gathered in her eyes.
‘Hmm’ Gavin felt a barrier, like something was preventing her from speaking up about herself. He had noticed that same barrier the first time he had set eyes on her. Ore seemed to be carrying a burden that was too heavy for her delicate shoulders. He understood from her body chemistry, that he was not comfortable talking about herself, he’d met a lot of people like that, so he let it slide.
‘There’s nothing much to tell, I’m just a teacher.’ She laughed, but her voice sounded strange to her ears. It was a nervous crackle.
They were silent for the first time since they left the house.
Gavin pondered on the vision he had after shaking hands with his newest staff Irene. He thought of the beautiful lady his mother had come home with from the Island of Carida.
Ore knew her behaviour had forced him into silence, he was probably regretting hanging out with her in the first place. She had to say something; she had to win his attention one more time.
‘I had a vision! A bad one.’ She shifted uncomfortably. She was not just sharing it to get his attention, but because it troubled her.
‘Really?’ Gavin drove towards the Car Park of the restaurant.
‘Yes…I saw a man. His eyes were dark and gloomy. He had a puckish smile and the face of a murderer. It was really gruesome.’ She pressed her hands against her laps, hoping she would never see a vision like that again.
Gavin brought the car to a halt and pulled out the key from the ignition. From the tone of her voice, this vision was quite serious. He could sense her fear; he wanted to be a part of it. He wanted to help her through it.
He’d wanted to tell her about his own vision about the strange man that had introduced himself as “Paul,” but he had decided to keep it to himself till the Holy Spirit made things really clear. He was not the sort of man to interpret dreams and visions through the witnessing of the flesh.
‘Have you seen this man before?’ He inquired.
Ore bit her lip, if she told Gavin his name and the relationship she shared with the man, it would make their date awkward.
‘Um…’ she stuttered, not knowing what to say next.
‘Why don’t we talk about it when we are more relaxed?’ Gavin asked.
‘Yes. Yes, that would be nice.’ She nodded.
He stepped out of the car first, then turned to her side and helped her out. She felt loved, she felt like a queen and she imagined briefly what being this man’s wife would look like.
‘You’re so beautiful tonight, God took his time while creating you.’ Gavin adulated her.
‘Thanks.’ Ore smiled, she knew she was beautiful on the outside, but would he still be this nice to her? This caring? When she finally opened up to him about her past?


Julia was still weak from Paul’s revelation. It was quite clear that she was working for an insane organization. The swollen eyes and split lip of the teenage girl she had seen in his car haunted her mind. She fought desperately to overcome the stagnant image, but it wouldn’t leave her.
‘Not now, not now.’ She whispered as she got out of a cab.
If she were home, she would have taken some drugs to lift her spirits, but she wasn’t. Besides, she never took drugs or alcohol whenever she was on a spying mission, she liked to get accurate facts and details which she would pursue later.
‘There you are…’ A smile curled on her lips as she stared at the car she had seen earlier at the office. It was Gavin’s car.
She grabbed her phone and snapped the number plate for evidence.
He was here, this would make her job easier.
She marched into the fancy restaurant with confident strides, Gavin Adediran was her greatest challenge. How he escaped other assassins intrigued her, but she reminded herself that she was different. She had never messed up a job before and she wouldn’t now.
She slid on her shades before reaching the door, she still needed to protect her identity.
‘Welcome to La Sleligar’ A woman smiled and pulled open the door.
Julia strolled in without a second glance at the woman, she raised her head and scanned the faces of the people in restaurant, in a sharp moment, her eyes found him sitting close to a blazingly attractive young woman, her blood began to boil.
‘I will feed your head to the birds.’ She mumbled and marched towards a table that was just after theirs.
‘What would you like to have?’ A waiter came up with two menus and handed it over to the customers.
Ore’s eyes were on the menu, but her heart was somewhere else, her thoughts were on the vision. She liked Gavin’s company, but she didn’t want to ruin their date by bringing up Paul.
Oh lord, please help me. What am I to do?
‘I would have what she is having.’ Gavin offered the waiter a polite smile.
‘Nutmeg bread.’ Ore blurted out.
‘And?’ The waiter asked.
‘You could serve us fish sauce and a bottle of red wine with very low alcoholic content.’ Gavin took over.
‘It shall be done.’ The waiter bowed and walked away.
Gavin noticed she was absent minded. He didn’t like the energy that she exuded, wasn’t she happy to be around him? Had he said anything to offend her?
‘Ore…’ he leaned closer and grabbed her arms.
‘I am sorry I ordered for Nutmeg bread, I’ve never eaten it. I just ordered!’
‘Hey, Nutmeg bread and cakes is a special food of the Caridans, I’ve tasted it once and I enjoyed it. It’s cool.’ He grabbed her hands and gave them a squeeze.
His touch started a fire that she never knew existed. She was forced to look into his dark eyes, which were warm and welcoming.
‘You’ve been jittery all evening, can you tell me what the problem is? The thing about problems is this, it does not go away. You need to share with someone and I am here for you. Or have I said or done something that has upset you in any way at all?’
This was her only chance to talk about the vision, the only chance to tell him of the man who had dumped her after two years of courting.
She was going to take it.
Julia could hear their conversation very clearly from where she sat, she had been trained in eavesdropping on the faintest of conversations, so she had no problem listening to Gavin and his lover.
‘Ore…’ she muttered, but pushed the thoughts aside. This was work and she needed to keep feelings out of it.
‘The vision I had was about a man I once dated. His name is Paul…he looked really dangerous and different from the man I knew. I don’t know what this means. I’m really scared.’ Ore said to Gavin.
‘Did you say Paul?’ Gavin asked.
‘Yes, you know him?’ Ore was watching his face now.
Gavin felt the Holy Spirit stir his insides, his feet and arms tingled as God’s spirit welled up in him. He closed his eyes and waited for the spirit to speak.
‘I am listening.’ Gavin whispered in his mind.
‘Leave the restaurant immediately. You are being followed.’
His eyes snapped open and he grabbed Ore’s hand, ‘I am sorry, but we must leave now.’

To be continued…

Offline Mr. Babatunde

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Super Story: Springs Of Fire - [Episode 9]
Reply #8 on: December 15, 2018, 03:12:57 AM


Delilah spent the night in Gavin’s sister’s room. She liked Lily immediately, who wouldn’t? She was friendly and nice and she was a very open minded person.
Lily enjoyed Delilah’s company, she seemed like the type of woman her brother would welcome. Delilah was well versed in the bible, she had exposure and she came from a wealthy home.
‘You and Gabriel would make a power couple.’ Lily teased.
‘You think?’ Delilah liked the sound of that.
‘Who is this girl?’ Delilah had been watching Lily’s old photos. She noticed an ebony skinned beauty whose eyes reminded her of Julia, her ex lover.
‘Ore, she was the school whore’ Lily remarked dryly.
‘Oh…too bad.’ Delilah opened another page in the album and continued feeding her eyes with the pictures.

Dania Republic….
Ore was hesitant at first, wanting an explanation for their sudden leaving, but one look at his stern face shut down that part of her that had wanted to argue. Gavin dropped some money on the table and called the waiter’s attention to it, then rushed out of the restaurant with Ore close to his side.
He was not the type of pastor that argued with the Holy Spirit or took his warning lightly, before the lord had spoken to him, his spirit must have sensed something dangerous lurking around.
‘I am sorry for this, but I have a good reason.’ He pulled open the car door and helped her in.
Ore had waited for his explanation, was he ill or something? Or didn’t he enjoy her company?
Her insides squirmed as she remembered she had mentioned her ex. Paul! She had ruined this date with her own hands, if she had known she would not have mentioned him, but what about the dreadful vision she had about the man?
‘I am sorry I upset you Gavin…I didn’t mean to bring up my ex.’ She licked her lips nervously, ready to say more. She just couldn’t let Gavin dump her, Paul had already broken her heart, somehow she had come to accept his absence, but Gavin? Gavin was a good man and she knew deep down that she did not deserve him.
‘Upset me?’ His brows came together in confusion, what was she talking about?
‘I was not upset about your trance, we left because the Holy Spirit asked me to. Something was not right in that restaurant and I had to leave. It is not good to disobey his voice, disobedience comes with consequences.’ Gavin explained patiently.
Respite washed over her as she realized their leaving was in no way connected to Paul. But what about the revelation she had about him? Didn’t that mean anything?
As if reading her thoughts, ‘You know it’s quite strange that I had a vision today at the office, A man came to me and introduced his name as Paul.’
Gavin had prayed about this vision but he was yet to receive answers.
Her heart was pounding fast now, her breath was ragged. Was Paul trying to jeopardize her friendship with Gavin? What was he up to?
‘Don’t worry Ore, on our knees, we’ll get to the bottom of this.’ He noticed she was worried.
‘Okay.’ She mumbled.
He didn’t mean to pry, but he had to ask her questions about her ex, he guessed the lord was trying to lead him somewhere.
‘How did you guys break up?’ He blurted out.
Ore sighed not knowing how to begin.
Before Paul, other men had come and gone, but they never loved her else they would have been patient with her. She was mostly depressed and suffered mood swings, all these were after effects of her constant abuse at the hands of the men that lived with them in the orphanage.
Her eyes watered as she remembered her first sex. She had only been ten years old when it happened. She had gone out to urinate since they had no toilets within the hostels, one of the gatemen covered her mouth with his rough hands and pulled down her clothes.
“No!” Her screams were muffled by the width and thickness of his palms. Tears poured down her cheeks like a river, but the death of night swallowed her shouts for help. It didn’t take long before he plunged his penis into her…this singular incident signalled the cycle of sexual abuse in her life.
‘Are you okay?’ Gavin noticed she was crying. He felt bad for asking her about her ex, from her reaction, it was obvious that the break up had been messy.
‘Look Ore, you don’t need to talk about him. I’m sorry I asked, I just wanted to be sure we’re both safe.’ He hated seeing people cry, this one was an angel and it hurt him that he’d made her cry.
She was living a lie if she thought a man like Gavin would accept her and love her. She was damaged goods, a tough bundle to be with.
‘Stop the car.’ She wiped her face.
‘What?’ Gavin was astonished by the tone of her voice which had receded to a biting cold.
‘Stop the car!’ She snapped at him, irritation embraced her as images of the past hurts and rejection flooded her mind.
Gavin obeyed and pulled over at once, she grabbed her purse and jumped out of the car at once, running into the emptiness, loneliness and eerie silence of the unknown street.
‘Wait! Ore!’ Gavin got out of the car, he had wanted to follow her, but stopped as she began running, what was wrong with her.
He returned to the car, set to chase after her. He had made the mistake by letting her go, something was not right with Ore and he felt she needed him more than ever.
He was about to start the car when a white envelope caught his eye, he was sure he had not brought that along with him.
‘Definitely not mine…’ he lowered himself and raised it closer to his orbs, so he could have a better view.
When he opened it, he found a black and white picture of two little girls, one of them he recognized instantly as Ore, while the other one had piercing eyes which were pregnant with familiarity.
He had a strong feeling he had seen the other girl somewhere….
“Go Home.” The Spirit of God whispered to him.
‘I can’t just go home Lord, I can’t leave her there. She is hurting because of me, I shouldn’t have asked her any question. Please don’t tell me to go home.’ Gavin had to argue with the Spirit for the first time.
There was silence for two full minutes…
“She is not hurting because of you…”
‘Then why is she hurting? Tell me…please.’ He spoke to the spirit through his mind.
“Can you handle it?” The Holy Spirit asked.
Gavin was about to ask another question when he felt the urge to look up, he took in a deep breath and stared into the streets…he saw a team of twelve angels holding placards that read: “Go home, you cannot handle it!”
The sight of their fiery blue eyes and their pristine wings scared him at first, their swords were sheath but the scabbards were still fiery. He knew he had no option but to obey.
But he was eager to know what Ore was keeping from him, he wanted her to trust him with her secret, her life.

To be continued…

Offline Mr. Babatunde

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Super Story: Springs Of Fire - [Episode 10]
Reply #9 on: December 15, 2018, 03:14:49 AM

Julia had noticed their sudden movement from the restaurant, she was no fool. Somehow she had a feeling that Gavin knew he was being monitored, this was the reason he had left with his girlfriend, but his sudden exit did not deter Julia from following him.
‘Shit.’ She clenched her fist as she saw his car move away the minute she arrived the strange street.
She had planned to shoot him there and then as Gavin seemed evasive, this could be the closest she would ever get to him.
‘Fuck, he’s gone…’ she felt her pocket for her revolver which was still intact.
She closed her eyes and took in the stale air of the dirty street, how could she fail on her first mission? No, she had to do something, she had to chase after him.
If her new master Paul called for some info, what would she tell him? The Phoenix accepted no excuses, it was either you delivered or you failed to deliver.
Julia drew out a pack of Marlboro sticks and pulled one out, her heart sank as she realized she had not come with a lighter.
‘Everything is shit down here!’ She tossed the cigarette on the floor and watched the stars that stalked her with.
‘I miss this…’ a small smile played on her lips as she remembered the times she used to spend with her older sister before she was taken by the Phoenix. Immediately the memory flashed, she forced it out of her mind, this was not the time to focus on past meetings with the people that she loved.
This was the time to find Gavin Adediran and kill him for good.
She had managed to get some pieces of their small talk, her heart skipped as she remembered they had made mention of her new master, Paul, but she had not been able to get more as more people had flocked into the restaurant.
‘I have to find my way through this…’ Julia licked her lips anxiously thinking of a plan. What if she tried to seduce Gavin at the office? Maybe he would slip and tell her all what she needed to know.
That sounded nice to her, but what if it failed? She could lose her job, and that would push her farther away from him and the mission.
‘Fuck.’ She cursed.
Suddenly, the hairs on her neck trembled as a gentle wind of a human presence rocked them. She felt for her gun and held it tightly as she realized someone was behind her.
She waited for a voice or a message but when there was none, she pulled out her gun and swirled round.
‘Please don’t kill me!’ Ore screamed.
She was done crying and feeling sorry for herself, she regretted running out of Gavin’s car like that, she needed to call him and apologize for her behaviour.
Julia recognized her at once as the lady that had been with Gavin, this was it! She was the key to everything!
‘Please…don’t…I’ll give you my phone, my money, anything you want.’ Ore fell on her knees.
Her attacker was strikingly beautiful, she had the perfect physique and soft facial features, she reminded her of Oye, her younger sister who was fondly called, “Oyibo pepper.”
But this was not Oye, her sister if she were still alive would not be a criminal. Ore was terrified of this lady as her eyes were unusually calm and unreadable. She couldn’t tell if she were happy or sad, if she would show her pity or if she would pull the trigger.
Julia was drawn to the woman’s eyes, she was natural yet very attractive, and she found it difficult to utter any word as she was lost in her eyes.
She wanted to ask her about Gavin, then shoot her afterwards. She wanted to ask how they knew Paul too, but when she opened her mouth, no words came out.
Was this some kind of magic? She was Julia! She killed without thinking, blood and bullets were the only language she understood.
‘Please …’ Ore begged, she was so terrified of the gun.
But Julia wouldn’t listen to her pleas, since she couldn’t ask the questions, she had no other option but to kill her as she had already seen her face.
She pulled the trigger and released it. A loud scream broke the silence of the night.
Gavin had not slept much at night, he couldn’t stop himself from thinking about Ore, so he was the first to wake.
After saying some prayers, he moved straight to the kitchen and made himself a cup of coffee, he had a lot of business meetings to attend and he needed all the energy he could get.
‘You look more handsome without your shirt on.’
Gavin froze as he realized there was a visitor in the house, he had totally forgotten about Delilah because of the events of the night.
‘Delilah…’ he turned round and faced her, he swallowed as he saw through her transparent and lacy night gown, he quickly pulled his eyes away and focused on the ceiling.
‘What kept you out so late?’ She asked.
‘I…I had some engagement.’ He stuttered.
‘Gavin! I may not come to work today, Irene our newest worker would fill in my space, what do you think?’ Lily called to her brother, but stopped the moment she found him and Delilah alone in the kitchen.
‘Oops.’ Lily rolled her eyes and retreated.
‘Can I come to the office with you?’ Delilah asked.


‘Um… if you want to.’ Gavin stuttered, trying hard not to stare at her body. He hadn’t expected her to approach him this way. He had not known her for long, but he had expected her to carry herself like a virtuous woman. His mother had introduced her as a lady from one of the most serious Christian families in the Island of Carida. Right before him stood a seductress, one that had desperation smeared all over her features, he resented her at once.
‘I want to Gavin…but I need to know if you really want me there.’ She sauntered towards him, knowing the power that her well carved body wielded.
Right from the moment she saw his picture, she was attracted to him. Gavin was the only man that she had truly admired, the one that she desired more strongly than her former lover Julia, who was yet to call her.
‘It’s going to be a busy day for me Delilah, I don’t want it to look like I am ignoring you. I have a lot of meetings to attend, you heard what my sister Lily said.’ He was not lying about the meeting, he was only trying to get himself far away from her.
One thing was certain, his mother had chosen the wrong bride for him, Delilah was not suitable to be his wife, the Holy Spirit didn’t have need to tell him this, he had already made up his mind that his mother would not choose a bride for him.
‘Okay then…I will just do something else. ’She was not happy about his busy schedule but she wouldn’t give up on him just yet, she had come to Dania republic for Gavin and she was not going to leave without him.
‘Very well then, have this for a successful day.’ She leaned forward, her chest almost meeting his’
Gavin held his breath, he felt trapped and cornered and there was no way of escape.
Delilah considered his well of dark eyes, then dropped her lips lightly on the side of his face. Her breath was hot against his skin, she smelt of lust, perversion and wanton desire and he didn’t want to have anything to do with such a woman.
‘I have to go back to bed, sleep calls.’ She patted his chin and moved out of the kitchen.
‘Have a beautiful day too, Delilah’. He called after her.

To be continued……

Offline Mr. Babatunde

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Super Story: Springs Of Fire - [Episode11]
Reply #10 on: December 15, 2018, 03:17:06 AM


He was greatly relieved that she was gone; he could now focus on other things.
His mind rested on Ore, he wondered where she was and how she was faring. He was eager to learn about her pain and what had driven her into the night.
“Can you handle it?” He remembered the question the Holy Spirit had posed.
He was a pastor, he had heard a lot of confessions; stories of regret; the darkest and dirtiest of secrets, he was sure he could handle anything. He would not let the Spirit be, he needed to know Ore’s pain; he wanted to be a part of it.
However, concerning the strange vision of the unfamiliar man whose name was Paul, he felt he had his answers. Since he had been Ore’s ex, he may still have interest in her.
‘You don’t like her do you?’ Lily strolled into the kitchen.
‘Like who?’ Gavin lifted his eyes from the mug he held and glared at his younger sister.
‘Come on bro, don’t play dumb with me. We both know the person in question.’ She crossed her arms against her chest and leaned on the tall gas cylinder.
She liked Delilah for her elder brother, she felt he mother had made the right choice but it seemed her brother’s mind was somewhere else. Gavin and herself were close, the only secrets he kept from her were the secrets revealed to him by the Holy Spirit or the secrets of his church members, aside these, they were one in blood and in flesh.
‘It’s too early to assume, I think Delilah is a beautiful soul.’ He knew his sister and his mother were taken by her false charms, but he was not swayed by it.
Lily moved away from the cylinder and moved to where he stood.
‘Tell me Gavin, are you seeing someone? Who did you hang out with last night?’ She winked and rubbed her palms together, eager for some news.
‘I already told you baby sis, it was a business dinner, what more do you want to hear from me?’ He gulped what remained of the brown liquid then dropped the mug into the sink.
‘Okay then…’she seemed to believe him, ‘I just came to tell you that mum is really excited about you two, she cannot wait for the big day!’
Gavin laughed inside of him, but appeared cool on the outside.
‘Well, in the end, God’s will, must prevail.’ He winked and strode out of the kitchen so he could prepare for work. He decided to give Ore some space, whenever she was ready to talk to him, she had his phone number.
Now, he had to focus on the meeting he had the next day.
To kill Gavin Adediran would be the hardest job she would ever do, but she was not scared. Julia feared no one, no child of the phoenix threaded the path of fear. She had seen death face-to-face, she had been caged by darkness, she had swum in the river of blood, but she had come out victorious.
There were many ways to kill man, the first way was to poison him.
‘And if this does not work…’ she stared at the poisonous substance in the little emerald vials he held in one hand…
‘This will…’ she raised the bright red lipstick and drew an arc on her lips. If he escaped her seduction, he would not escape the poison. Every man had a price, everyman had a weakness. To pull down the stronghold, one needed an entrance to the inside.
She wore a short skirt that revealed her sleek and creamy laps, a lacy top that showed just lovely boobs.
‘How long do you intend to keep me here? I have done nothing to you, you should release me.’ Ore struggled to break free from the metallic cords that bound her to a wooden chair.
Julia ignored her and focused on her make –up.
‘The Police would find the guy that you killed, they will trace him to you. If I were you, I’d flee town never to return.’ Ore was angry at the stranger who held her against her will.
Julia bit her lip and glared at the woman whose mouth ran like a damaged tap. She cursed herself for not ending her life the night before. She had pointed the gun at Ore, but someone else had showed up in the street, a drunken man who had also seen her face, she had no option but to end his life and flee the scene with Ore.
Anger burned her cheeks bright red, she dropped her lipstick and walked towards her captive. Before Ore could utter any other word, Julia released her hand and struck her across the face.
‘Don’t you ever threaten me…don’t you ever threaten a child of the phoenix. You know nothing about me, you know nothing about my journey in life. I am the shadow, I am death. I choose who lives and who dies, so you should be thankful that I spared your life.’
The sting of her slap silenced Ore for just a minute.
‘You lie! You didn’t spare my life, the lord Jesus whom I serve, spared my life. Death has no power over me because I serve the resurrection and the life.’ Ore would not let her situation weigh her down. She had faith in the lord, she had faith that he would deliver her from the hands of this mad woman.
Her only ache was the way she had treated Gavin…Julia had seized her phone and other properties that belonged to her, no one would know her whereabouts. She was in a fix!
Julia hated the words that she spewed, those words tormented her. She realized there was something odd about this lady, whenever the urge to kill her crossed her mind, something else would come up.
‘I’ll be back for you; I’ll send you to heaven to see that your Jesus.’ Julia hissed angrily, then fetched some pieces of cloth on her bed and stuffed it into Ore’s mouth.

She returned to the dresser to apply another coat of powder on her face when the Phoenix called. She froze, took a deep breath, ‘Master Paul.’
‘There’s been a murder in Walstreet Odoja, the style is like yours, do you have anything to do with it?’ The master asked.
Julia turned around and stared at her captive, who was gasping for breath with tears streaming down her face.
‘I had to kill him, he saw my face when I was about to shoot Gavin Adediran.’ She lied, she could not tell the master about Ore, or else he would call for her instant assassination, which she was not ready to carry out.’
‘You followed him…’ The master said.
‘Yes, I almost had him but he slipped through my fingers.’ She returned.
‘Good. You should make another attempt.’ The master suggested.
‘Yes, today. I plan to give him the swift death.’ Julia was confident that this would work.
‘I will be expecting the result. Play safe Julia.’
‘Thank you Master.’

To be continued……

Offline Mr. Babatunde

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Super Story: Springs Of Fire - [Episode 12]
Reply #11 on: December 16, 2018, 02:02:41 AM


‘I will be expecting the result. Play safe Julia.’

‘Thank you, Master.’

The conference hall was already occupied with people, who waited for the arrival of their boss. Just in time, Gavin swaggered into the hall in a maroon suit and milky white shoes, all murmuring ceased and everyone rose to acknowledge the entrance of the boss.

‘Good morning everyone, sorry I had a rough night.’ He took his seat.

“Good morning sir.” The board members chorused.

He took out some files from his briefcase and skimmed through them.

‘Where is Mr Arongwa?’ Gavin asked after the head of the board.

Silence stepped into the room.

He noticed a sad look on the faces of most of the board members.

‘Sir…his only son was murdered last night, as we speak, Wal street Odoja is under lock by the Police,’ Another board member dropped the morning’s paper, “Davina’s Daily,” In front of Gavin.

His heart missed a bit, he recognized the street at once, Ore had jumped out of the car into these streets.

‘No.’ He muttered, then rose to his feet. He needed to find Ore.

You are reading Davina Diaries Fiction: Springs of fire EP12

She didn’t like the coldness in Gavin’s eyes when he’d walked out of the house, without waving at her or saying anything sweet. She hated being put in that position, she hated being ignored. This made her quiet throughout breakfast.

‘What’s wrong honey? Aren’t you enjoying the nutmeg bread? Your mother made me understand that these were your favourite foods.’ Mrs Adediran pointed at the ceramic plates on the glass table, which contained assorted pastries and nuts.

‘I am sorry Ma, I just don’t feel hungry.’ Delilah replied.

Lily who’d been fiddling with her phone, dropped it and focused on the other two women. She had not joined her brother Gavin at the office, in fact, she didn’t plan to work today since her new worker, Irene was available.

She didn’t like the look on Delilah’s face, she had a feeling Gavin was not attracted to her, which was insane, considering, how beautiful and homely Delilah was.

‘Are you ill? I am sorry Delilah, the weather over here in Dania is different from that chilly Island feel. You just need to adapt…soon, you’ll officially become a Danian, what would you do then?’ Mrs Adediran leaned forward and rubbed her temple.

She closed her eyes as the older woman stroked her forehead.

‘Um, I just don’t feel wanted here.’ Delilah confessed.

She liked Gavin, from the moment she set eyes on him, a fire had started in her bones and she was not going to deny what she felt for him. When she had approached him in the kitchen, she had done so with purpose. She’d wanted to feel his lips, she had wanted to feel his hands all over her body, but she had met a resistance. A strong one. A powerful one that would not be broken easily…

But she had to break it, she needed to shatter it into pieces. She had given up on her ex-woman lover Julia, she couldn’t give up on Gavin too. Gavin was meant to feel the void that Julia’s exit had left in her life and she would not return to the Island of Carida without her man by her side.

‘Good gracious! Why would you utter such words?’ Mrs Adediran pulled her hands away from Delilah’s face and rose to her feet, she glared at her daughter Lily, her eyes burning with accusation. She was sure her daughter had done something to hurt Delilah.

Lily felt her mother’s heated gaze directed at her.

‘I am not the one who is making her feel unwanted and unloved. Don’t look at me that way mother.’ She came to her defence.

‘Then who? I can’t believe you guys will jeopardize my efforts. I know the pains I went through to get Delilah here. It took a lot of convincing, not just from her, but her parents. Nobody can destroy my plans.’ The woman was enraged.

‘It’s okay mother, have a seat, I shouldn’t have told you if I had known it will upset you this much.’ Delilah tried to calm her down, but Gavin’s mother wouldn’t have any of it.

‘Mum…I think you should talk to Gavin. He is the one playing ignorant. He knows what to do; he is the pilot of this plane. If he does not start it, then we are not going anywhere.’ Lily was still convinced that her brother was keeping secrets from her.

‘What’s that supposed to mean? Gavin knows that I want the best for him, I love him as my son and I have the right to choose whom he wants to be with.’ The woman was starting to see things clearer than before.

‘Does he? He’s acting like he is being forced to be with Delilah. But we all know that she is the perfect woman for him.’ Lily returned.

Delilah felt pleased to hear those praises, pouring out from their lips. She felt glorified. She loved that his mother and his sister were already on her side, but that was not enough to make her relaxed. She still needed to stand up for what she cherished, she needed to fight for this love.

‘I think he has a woman.’ She blurted out.

Well, that had to explain the resistance she felt in the morning. Most men had orgasm by just staring into her eyes, but Gavin? He made no move to touch her; there was no longing in his eyes.

Lily scoffed and avoided her mother’s eyes, she had thought the same thing too but since she had no evidence, she didn’t pursue the matter.

‘Is this true Lily? Is Gavin seeing another woman?’ Mrs Adediran directed the question to her daughter.

‘I think so mum, I have harboured that thought for a long time.’ Lily replied.

‘Do you know of this woman? Do you know her personally?’ The woman inquired.

‘No’ Lily shook her head.

‘I know you want what’s best for your brother, I know you love him as much as you do. Please, Lily, do whatever you can to help us. Gavin needs to be with the woman that I have chosen for him. I want you to find this other woman and bring me every detail, don’t leave anything out.’

Lily was as determined as her mother, she liked Delilah for her brother and she would do anything and everything to see that dream blossom into reality.

‘I will do as you have said mother.’

‘Good, I must go for my run now, have a lovely day you two.’ She waved at the girls.
‘Bye mother!’ They both waved back.

Once she was out, Lily moved out of her chair, she pulled one closest to Delilah and settled in.

‘My brother once mentioned a certain Ore…’

‘Ore? Can I see her picture?’ Delilah’s heart wrenched as she imagined Gavin being with another woman.

‘No, I do not have her picture, but I promise you, Delilah, I will find everything I can. I am on your side.’

‘Thank you, Lily.’ Delilah replied.

‘Keep the change.’ She murmured to the taxi driver before strolling into the massive structure that belonged to Gavin Adediran. Julia had never felt this confident, she stroked the bag that contained the poison that was meant for him.

‘Today is the day.’

The sun flashed in her eyes, the wind came to play with her hair, a call of a strange bird distracted her before reaching the entrance, when she looked up, she found a dove on a Bentley, close to where she stood.

Its eyes were dark and haunting. An ominous bird it was.

For some reason, staring into the eyes of the delicate yet strange looking bird stirred a well of anxiety and restlessness in her.

It took her great courage to tear her eyes away from the dove, ‘It’s just a fucking bird.’ She cursed under her breath and marched into the building.

She felt her phone buzz as she reached her office, her boss was calling, Lily.
‘Good morning Madam.’ Julia said.

‘Irene…morning, how do you do today?’

‘I am fine Madam.’ Julia replied.

‘Good. I will not be working today and you know there’s a lot of work to be done. You’ll be briefed by Mr Ette. I want you to stick closely to Gavin today, and help him out with all that he needs. Can you do that?’ Lily asked.

‘Yes, yes I can.’ Julia’s joy was boundless, it was indescribable. Lily was delivering Gavin directly into her hands and she couldn’t miss out on this opportunity. Now, she had to make a choice.

How would she kill him?

‘Nah…’ she shook her head, she never liked the idea of seducing him, what if he rejected her advances? That would mean her losing her job, which would take her farther away from him and that was not a good thing.

‘There’s always a plan B.’ she unzipped her bag and fetched the emerald vial that contained the deadliest of poisons, just one drop was enough.

To be continued……


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