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Author Topic: Super Story: Springs Of Fire - [Episode By Episode]  (Read 7302 times)

Offline Mr. Babatunde

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Super Story: Springs Of Fire - [Episode 13]
Reply #12 on: December 16, 2018, 02:07:43 AM


Julia laughed hysterically, her eyes danced as she envisioned him bleeding through all orifices on his body. She would be the first woman to break that record in the Phoenix. She would be the first to kill Gavin Adediran, a man that had been escaped the Phoenix for years.
She stopped laughing the moment she heard a knock on her door, ‘Um, come in.’
The door was pushed open and Gavin’s secretary walked in, ‘Good morning Ms. Irene, the boss would love to see you in his office.’ The girl announced with a polite smile.
Julia returned her smile, ‘Thank you Amara. I will be there in a few minutes.’ The secretary flashed a bright smile once more before leaving.

She quickly pulled out a mirror from her bag, focused on her reflection.
‘You can do this Julia, all of your life, you have wanted honour and glory from the phoenix. This is the time to get that which you have desperately sought after for many years.’ She knew what this would mean for her if the job was smooth. She would get a promotion from the Phoenix, more money, more trips and this in turn, would facilitate other plans she had for herself and her lover Delilah.
Tears welled up in her eyes as she thought about her lover, she missed Delilah but she couldn’t be with her right now at Carida, the Phoenix came before other things.
She dropped the mirror and held on to the vial, just a few drops and Gavin would be gone.
As she walked past other offices, she heard hushed voices and sobbing, something was going on, something she was not aware of.
‘Hey, Amara, is there something going on?’ She marched to the secretary’s desk.
‘Yes Ma. Mr. Arongwa lost his only son.’ Amara replied.
‘Geez, that’s bad.’ Julia rolled her eyes, not she cared.
‘Yes, he was shot the night before by an unknown person at Walstreet Odoja, the police are investigating as we speak. The news is everywhere, I am surprised you didn’t hear.’
Julia grinned, ‘I am sorry dear, not all of us are current. I must see the boss.’ She was about leaving when she noticed a tray of steaming coffee on Amara’s desk.
‘Um, do you mind if I take that in? I guess it’s meant for the boss.’ Julia’s heart was pounding fast against her chest, she hoped the coffee was meant for Gavin, else the girl would be suspicious.
‘Um, he returned it. The death of Mr Arongwa’s son has affected him badly.’ Amara explained that Gavin had refused to take his morning coffee and the snacks it accompanied.
No, this couldn’t stop her. This was the only chance she had to take Gavin down and she was not going to miss it.
‘Well, some people are more persuasive than others. The boss needs to eat something, so he could have the energy to run about the day’s activities, don’t you think?’ Julia grinned and scooped the tray into her hands without permission.
‘True, the boss is an emotional person,’ Amara supplied extra information.
‘That’s nice to know, I will see him now.’ Julia winked before moving to the door.
‘Thanks Ms. Irene.’

His eyes were on the lord. He yearned for the presence of the spirit, he sought to inquire of the lord on Ore’s whereabouts. He was so broken on the inside, he wept for Mr. Arongwa’s son who was murdered, he was hurt that Ore would turn off her phone so he wouldn’t be able to contact him.
‘Lord please speak to me.’ He prayed.
He missed Ore, he wanted to be a part of the pain that she was going through. He felt worse that she had built a wall around her heart, a wall that had prevented him from reaching out.
A still small voice called out to him. His eyes opened sharply, they fell to the wall where he saw a bright light glittering. Bright sparks danced upon each other, there was a strong angelic presence in the office.
Gavin wiped his face, so he could see clearly. He stared at the angel who appeared on the glittering wall. He wore a long and golden garment that dropped on his knees. His hair was raven black reaching to his back, neatly packed and bound together by a milky band. He carried a sword in a hand and a goblet in the other.
His eyes were a wild raging sea.
“Gavin…” The angel called again.
‘Yes…’ Gavin moved closer to the wall.
“I am Daran, the Angel of Preservation, a servant of Yahweh, the God of the Hebrews; A servant of his son, Jesus and a servant of the comforter, the Holy Spirit take, drink.” He offered the goblet to Gavin.
Gavin was hesitant at first, ‘I am sorry Angel of the Most High God, what’s in it?’
The being was silent, he said nothing but held out the goblet closer to Gavin.
‘Okay.’ Gavin nodded, took the goblet and emptied the contents into his mouth. His tongue cringed at the bitter taste, he immediately rushed towards his refrigerator for some water, but stopped as he remembered the Angel whose wild eyes were still on him.
“Father says you should be careful. There’s a conspiracy in the country against you. Watch and pray lest you fall into temptation.”
‘What sort of temptation?’ Gavin was eager to know this answer.
“The type that walks in with a black dress and an emerald vial. Goodbye Gavin.” With these, the being faded into the glitter, when he was completely swallowed by it, everything became normal.
‘Thank you, Jesus.’ Gavin whispered, but he was still unsatisfied with the Angel’s visit, why wasn’t Angel Daran more specific? Gavin understood that he had to be patient, all will be revealed when the lord was ready to tell him everything that he needed to know.
‘I will wait for you Lord.’ He repeated this prayer in his heart till he was satisfied in his Spirit. Gavin strolled to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water, he was ready to drink when he noticed that the bitter taste was gone.
‘Knock, Knock.’
‘Come in.’ He returned the bottle and waited to see the visitor.
Surprisingly, his newest employee who had come highly recommended by Lily strolled into his office with a very revealing dress and a tray that contained the coffee he had rejected.
‘I brought your coffee sir. You must take it to regain your lost strength.’ She fetched the cup and offered it to Gavin.
He wanted to reject it the second time, but he decided to take it, ‘Thanks Ms. Irene.’ He grabbed the cup and emptied the dark brown liquid into his mouth.

To be continued…

Offline Mr. Babatunde

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Super Story: Springs Of Fire - [Episode 14]
Reply #13 on: December 18, 2018, 12:51:40 AM


Dania Republic
His tummy rumbled as he had not had anything for breakfast, once he finished, he replaced the mug on the saucer and smiled at her, ‘Thank you Ms. Irene, I feel better now.’ Gavin caressed his chest lightly as a sharp pain pierced into him.
Irene returned his smile, while closely scrutinizing him, she had faith in the potency of the poison she had slipped into his drink. She knew it would work in a short while, within two days, Gavin Adediran would be dead and that would earn her a promotion in the Phoenix.
‘Are you alright sir?’ She asked in a concerned voice as he winced.

The pain seemed to spread to his belly, then his legs, what was happening to him?
‘Um, I am fine Irene, no need to bother.’ He clenched his teeth and wobbled back to his seat. Gavin knew something was wrong somewhere, he had never had this experience. He tried to think of the meal he had eaten the night before, he realized he had not really taken anything.
‘But you don’t look fine…’ she rejoiced inwardly, she had not expected this sort of reaction, the poison was legit! Julia couldn’t wait to return home, she couldn’t wait to sniff in some coke to celebrate her victory. It was only a matter of time, before Gavin would drop dead and she would return to Carida Island where she would resume her affair with Delilah whom she had not called for some time now.
Gavin shut his eyes to the present, the pain fed on his strength and an unusual weakness came upon me. His heart spiraled in a wave of anxiety and fear, what if the angel that had visited him was a demon? The angel had given him something to drink, what if that had been a poisonous substance?
‘Lord, help me…I hope I have not made any mistake.’ Gavin wheezed, then started to cough as his chest tightened.
He had tested the Angel, he had called on the name of the lord Jesus, and the Angel had acknowledged the authority of that name. What then was the problem?
‘I am fine Irene, there’s something you must do for me.’ He fought with this pain, he was determined to find a solution.
He wouldn’t let whatever he was feeling to interfere in his work at the office or the other meetings he had. He still had to find Ore somehow and talk to her, he missed her.
‘What could that be sir?’ Julia asked sweetly, she just couldn’t wait to return home.
‘Um, my sister wouldn’t be coming to the office today, she is swamped. So she asked you to stand if for her and she believes you are capable…’ he paused, he groaned, it seemed his fingers were being hit by something really heavy.
‘Sir?’ She raised a brow, seeing him in pain could almost turn her on.
‘Yes…um, just take these files and work on them, thanks.’ Gavin grunted, he struggled to breathe, he felt very uncomfortable in the office.
She collected the files gingerly and polished her demeanor better, the fire in her eyes dimmed as she let in some moisture, she needed him to believe that she really cared.
‘Sir, I am sorry about the way you’re feeling, what if I call someone? Or a doctor?’
He saw the tears that had welled up in her eyes, but he wouldn’t have an employee weeping on his behalf, ‘I am fine Ms. Irene, just get on with your work, thanks.’ He nodded.
She watched as he struggled to breathe, she saw the perspiration that had blossomed on his forehead and dribbled down the side of his face.
‘If you insist, have a nice day sir.’ She flashed him a smile before turning her back towards the door.
‘You too…’ he murmured.
He knew his condition was not ordinary, he had been fine before drinking that potion from the Angel, but, that was an Angel of the Most High God.
‘I am sure my work is not yet finished on earth, you cannot just take me home, not now.’ He reached into his mind and cried out to the Spirit of God, which seemed to have abandoned him at this critical moment.
“You’ll be fine. I knew this was coming and that was the reason I sent Angel Daran to save you. Stand still and see the Salvation of the Lord, the lord is mighty to save, he is mighty to deliver. He turns the wisdom of they that plot in darkness into foolishness. Arise and walk…you are healed son.” The Holy Spirit whispered in a still small voice which was followed by the entrance of a gentle breeze, that cooled Gavin’s skin which had begun to feel somehow warm.

His eyes were still closed when the wind danced in, it took just a minute and his system was returned to normal.
Gavin snapped out of his mind and parted his lips as he sucked in fresh air. He felt his feet. The pain was gone. He was alright.
‘The pain is gone! Thank you lord,’ He fell on his knees and began to adore the Spirit in the tongue not known to men, in the tongue not known to Angels.
He had been on the floor for close to thirty minutes when his phone buzzed and he had to cut his thanksgiving short.
Now he was alright, he needed to find Ore, so they could go over the events of the night before. He had begged the Spirit to reveal what the problem was, but, he had not received any revelation. This meant that, he had to use his discretion.
But one thing was for sure, whatever secret Ore was keeping from him, he could handle it.
‘Hello,’ he pressed the landline against his ears, this was a business call, he guessed it was the one he had been expecting.
Some foreign investors had shown interest in partnering with him, to create a branch of his company in the Island of Carida. He had planned to discuss it with the board of executives, but walking into a hall decked with petals of sorrow, faces adorned with gloominess, he had no option but to give Mr. Arongwa the respect he deserved. But he was willing to listen to what these foreigners had to say as they had first contacted his sister, Lily.
‘Hello, I believe I am speaking with Mr. Gavin Adediran…’
‘Yes, Good Morning to you, who am I speaking with please?’
‘My name is Amusat Paul, I represent the Phoenix, the multimillion baby care company that wants to partner with you. I contacted your sister months ago, she said you will call.’
From the tone of his voice, Gavin realized this man was really interested in partnering with his company.
‘Um, can I send one of my people over to get a glimpse of your company? It’s not that I do not trust you, I just want us to take time and know each other well before the first meeting.’ Gavin drummed the table with his thumb, now that Lily was busy with Delilah, he needed someone to handle this.

‘I will agree to this, if you will let me send someone from our company over to yours. Deal?’
‘Yes, deal. I’ll start the process tomorrow.’ Gavin had already made up his mind on who to delegate.
‘Have a nice day Mr. Amusat, I hope we will be able to work together and bring something new to the people of Carida.’
‘We will, I have faith in you, in us.’ The man beamed.
‘Thank you.’ Gavin’s lips curled into a smile as he dropped the phone on the receiver.
Things were happening too fast, he couldn’t focus on work. He decided he would leave a message with his secretary, while leaving to check on Ore, as she had refused to take his calls.
‘Sir.’ She scurried into the office.
‘I need you to do something for me, do a little research on “The Phoenix.” It’s a Caridan brand, they produce and distribute baby products and are interested in partnering with us, because they want us to help them produce baby monitors and toys for kids with special needs. We have the technology, they have the brand name, so you see why this is important for me?’ He needed her to understand just how delicate and important this job was.
She affirmed with a nod, ‘Yes sir.’
‘Find all that you can and when you are done, contact my sister. I need someone to go over to the Island of Carida tomorrow, if she is not free, let her suggest one of her staff. Is that clear?
‘Yes sir.’
‘Good.’ He grabbed his briefcase and stormed out of the office. He couldn’t wait to set eyes on his Ore again, he had missed her.

To be continued……

Offline Mr. Babatunde

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Super Story: Springs Of Fire - [Episode 15]
Reply #14 on: December 18, 2018, 12:55:37 AM


Hours had passed since her attacker had left the house, she had succeeded in pushing out the piece of cloth that her kidnapper had gagged her with. Her mouth felt bitter, her throat was parched and her tongue burned as she had not anything to eat or drink since she was abducted.

She had cried enough, she had wept till her shoulders sagged and head throbbed, obviously, tears were not enough to get her freedom. She had seen the anger that burned in the kidnaper’s eyes. She looked crazy, and she had wild eyes like she was possessed by a demon.
Ore was grossly terrified of what would happen next, what would the lady do to her on her return?
‘I caused all of this, I shouldn’t have left him.’ She murmured, if she had not run out of the car, she would have been safely home now, tucked in her bed with her teddy bear next to her.
She had no friends, no family, no one except Gavin, that is, if he cared enough to check on her after the way she had treated him.
‘The school…’ her voice was faint, yes, the school where she worked could notice something odd about her disappearance as she was not like some of the teachers who had joy in staying back from work.
She had enjoyed teaching those kids. It was her passion, it was her job and she took it seriously.
Her wrists and ankles had been bound by the finest or ropes, she couldn’t run, she had tried, but she couldn’t…
‘Please save me, Lord Please…’ she began to cry afresh.
Yes, she had always wanted to end her life in the past. She had contemplated suicide on three occasions, but since the day she met Gavin at the bar, after Paul had broken up with her, her life began to have a meaning…a purpose and she was not about letting that go.
‘I need you now more than ever…’ her voice croaked, her heart was broken.
If only she would be given a second chance at life, she would work on the hurt, the hatred and rancor she had harbored inside of her all these years.
She was about to say another prayer, when the door flew wide open and she staggered in.
‘How is my darling prisoner doing?’ Julia grinned, then shut the door of her hotel room very quickly.
Ore felt like raining curses on her, she felt like telling how cruel she was to tie an innocent woman up and to kill an innocent man.

‘Oh don’t look at me like that, I am not your enemy…’ Ore threw her bag on the bed, unzipped it and fetched a bag of Potato chips accompanied by a chilled bottle of yoghurt.
‘I got this for you, I know you are hungry, sorry I didn’t feed you before leaving, my bad.’ She pressed a hand against her chest and bowed her head.
Ore couldn’t believe this, ‘Feed me? I am not your pet you psycho. You need to get me out of these ropes else I will scream until people come down here…’
Julia ignored her and kept digging things from her bag, ‘I got Marlboro Cigs, a bottle of Squadron, um…I got a new sex toy, I haven’t had sex for a long time and I miss my girlfriend…’ she tossed the items aside and crashed on her back into the bed cushion.
‘Jesus…’ Ore was horrified as she stared at the items, her eyes narrowed as she saw a plastic envelop full of white powder. That had to be drugs, there was no argument, she was dealing with a crazy woman.
She licked her lips nervously as she stared at the sex toy, was she going to rape her or something?
‘Lord Please…’ her lips shivered, she couldn’t take any more pain.
Julia’s head spun from too much drinking, but who could blame her? She was celebrating her victory over Gavin Adediran whom she gave a two days’ ultimatum to die.
‘I am not going to rape you…’ she had heard Ore praying.
‘I don’t do ugly people, I will show you my girlfriend’s picture was I take a bath, her name is Delilah and she is really pretty.’ Julia dragged herself lazily from the bed.
It had been a tough day at the office, but she needed to get cleaned up and prepare herself, because once Gavin was dead, she was going back to Carida.
‘I don’t want to see her, you freak of nature! I don’t want to see anyone! Just let me go, I have done nothing to you…’ Ore cried, then begged, ‘Please…whoever you are, I know deep down that you are a good person, just help me.’
Julia was stunned by Ore’s use of words, no one had ever told her that she was a good person. She was a born killer. She created widows, orphaned children, she was the definition of unrest.
‘Hey, stop talking, it’s either you eat your Potato or you shut the fuck up.’ Ore’s words made her feel different, she imagined herself as a good person but when she remembered the consequences of betraying the Phoenix, she had to let her guards up.
She worked her face into a frown, then marched straight into the bathroom with the Squadron and the plastic envelop that contained her coke. It was time to get high.
Ore was deeply confused and distraught. It seemed her kidnapper had no plans for her. She didn’t want to let her go and she didn’t want to kill her. What did this lady want from her?
“Love…she needs Love.” The Holy Spirit knocked on the door of her mind.
Ore almost sneered at him, but she held herself, ‘But I don’t have any love to give. I am just a broken woman who is trying to find her path in life.’ Ore’s mind whispered to the faceless spirit.
“I know, but some are broken while others are more broken. She is in darkness, you are the only one that can lead her out. She is the answer to the only thing you have always looked for.” The Spirit whispered in her ears.
‘No, you don’t understand her. She is a woman lover! A drug addict! A drunk! A killer! How am I supposed to love that? Surely Lord, light has no relationship with darkness.’
“I know Ore, but I am light and the world is darkness. I gave my light to darkness, the light of my son. This is the reason some are saved and some are not. You have to show her love because I first loved you…’
Ore rolled her eyes, the Spirit never understood the ways of men. He always asked her to do difficult things.
She was about to tell him that she would disobey for the first time, she was ready to bear the consequence of her disobedience but she stopped when the bathroom door opened and Julia strolled out.
‘Who were you talking to?’ She asked Ore, her face was white as sheet and her eyes were terribly swollen and reddish.
Ore was afraid to speak, for her captor held a gun.

To be continued…

Offline Mr. Babatunde

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Super Story: Springs Of Fire - [Episode 16]
Reply #15 on: December 18, 2018, 12:57:58 AM


He had gone to her house but had not found her or any of her neighbors, so he had turned back dejectedly. He guessed she was still not ready to see him, he decided to give her space till she was ready to talk. The Police had described the death of Mr Arongwa’s son as a revenge attack by a rival cult, so that had calmed his fears. He guessed Ore was okay wherever she was, she was not just ready to speak to him.
Gavin was reading an inspirational book when his sister walked in without knocking.

‘Hello bro.’ she smiled.
‘Lily…’ his eyes left the pages of his book and settled on her face, she seemed excited about something.
‘Did Amara deliver my message?’ His eyes returned to the book.
‘Yes, but I didn’t come here to talk about work, I need your phone to do something…’ Lily asked.
‘What exactly?’ He raised a brow, she had this prankish look on her face. He knew Lily could be naughty at times, but he didn’t know what to expect.
‘Um, there is a Gospel song I’d like to get.’ She replied.
‘Okay, you can have it. It’s on that table…’
She could swear that she had heard Gavin’s girlfriend talking to someone, but there was no one else in the room except herself.
‘I…I wasn’t talking to anyone.’ Ore held her breath as she stared at her captor’s hazy features. She was high on coke; her face had paled and her eyes had changed from the light brown shade she knew to a dim cinnabar.
‘Okay, you’ve not eaten…’ Julia dropped the gun on the bed and stared at the potato chips she had gotten for her.
Ore’s mouth felt dry, she didn’t know what to say in return. Why was this lady so nice to her? What did she want?
‘Not hungry.’ Her reply was curt and swift, as if the words flowing from her lips would bite her.

She tore her eyes away from her captor’s face and stared at her toes, trying to figure out the best way out of this situation, because she was not ready to show this woman any form of love. She was prepared to go against the wishes of the Spirit this time around.
‘I guess you’re afraid I’d kill you…’ Julia chuckled, she was in good spirits as she never conversed with her captives.
‘I am not afraid to die.’ Ore fired bitterly, she had enough of being kept in one position. Her heart yearned for freedom, her heart yearned for Gavin Adediran.
Julia sauntered towards her and grabbed her chin fiercely, prodding it upwards so she could stare at Ore’s face properly.
‘Tell me your name…’ Julia asked, she was suddenly curious about this lady.
‘Don’t you already know that?’ Ore wouldn’t give her another chance.
‘I hate repeating myself.’ Julia smiled and lowered her face, so that her captive’s face was just an inch apart from hers.
Ore felt uneasy as Julia’s alcoholic tinted breath waded past her nostrils, it was obvious she was drunk.
‘Well…since you wouldn’t tell me your name, let me tell you mine…’ she released Ore’s face and jumped on the bed, giggling and clapping her hands. She seemed greatly excited about something, but Ore couldn’t tell.
‘My name is Ore, satisfied now?’ Ore snapped.
Julia quieted at once, the drug resurrected the memories she had buried inside of her the moment she became a daughter of the Phoenix.
Ore watched as Julia’s eyes softened, she had not seen this side of Julia before…this was yet another proof that she had a soft side.
Julia remembered the name, “Oreoluwa…,” that was her sister’s name, the sister she had been torn away from…
‘Are you okay?’ Ore sensed she was not totally steel and rocks, a part of her was broken, a part of her needed healing.
Julia quickly shut the door of her mind, she buried all memories and focused in the present.
‘You have a beautiful name…’ She sighed and rubbed her temple. Her head was throbbing and her feet were tired from working all day at the office.
Ore loved that they were conversing; maybe the Spirit wasn’t wrong to ask her t show love to her captor. After all, the Bible encouraged people to love and forgive their enemies.
‘Um…can I know your name?’ Ore asked.
She knew she was taking a risk by asking that question. This woman was a criminal and wouldn’t dare to reveal her real name. She walked in the shadows and whenever she stepped into the sunlight, she wore a mask. Ore regretted asking the question in the first place, because she knew the lady wouldn’t tell her the truth.
Julia was quiet for some minutes as she pondered on Ore’s question.
She battled with flashbacks at the massive structure where all assassins were trained. They had kept her in a dark room for seventy-one days, till they were able to break her mind and her will. They had crushed her stubborn spirit and made her one of them.
On one of those days, a master had walked in with a thick red scarf that was meant to serve as a blindfold. He had covered her eyes with it and had begun to poke her mind to see how far she had accepted the Phoenix into her life.
“Who are you? What is your Identity?” The Master asked.
“Oye…” She replied stubbornly, each wrong answer earning her a thunderous slap.
However, like the others who had been more unwilling just like she was at the start, she later gave up and got broken.
She had a lot of names, and each name was for a new mission.
When she killed a Governor in Carida, she was Elenora. When she had killed a C.E.O that competed with one of the masters in the Phoenix, she was Adaku. Now, she had come to Dania Republic for Gavin, she was Irene…
When she was with Delilah, she was known as Julia…
‘I am sorry I asked, I don’t know what came over me.’ Ore quickly apologized, in order not to get her peeved.
The effect of the drug was starting to wear off, ‘No, it’s fine. I love people that ask questions.’
Ore felt better, she really wanted to know more about her captor.
‘So tell me, what is your name?’ Ore asked a second time.
Julia wondered why her captive was so eager to know more about her, she decided to tell her the truth.
‘I have no name.’
Her phone rang immediately and she left to take it from the bathroom where she’d been before Ore’s muttering with an unseen person pulled her out.
‘Sorry Ore, I have to get that call…’
‘She has no name’ Ore rolled her eyes, what was that supposed to mean?

To be continued……

Offline Mr. Babatunde

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Super Story: Springs Of Fire - [Episode 17]
Reply #16 on: December 19, 2018, 02:22:34 AM


Master Paul was calling her and she needed to put herself together before taking the call.
Julia placed the buzzing phone in the trouser of her jean and rushed towards the tub, where she turned on the tap and splashed some cold water on her face.
‘I hope that works.’ She murmured, before taking the call.
‘Master…Good evening.’
‘Julia, how do you do? ‘
‘Fine sir.’
‘If you had heard the news concerning last night’s murder, you’d see that we were able to handle everything. With our connections at the top, the Police now have a new story concerning the boy’s murder. So the air is clear, focus on your job with Gavin.’
Julia’s heart pumped with pride; little did her Master know what she had planned for him.
‘Not to worry, I already poisoned his drink; he will be dead in two days.’ She bragged.
The Master was quiet as no one had ever tried this fit, ‘Is this some kind of joke?’
‘No. I swear it, I poisoned him today.’
‘That’s strange, when I called him earlier, he sounded fine.’ Master Paul observed.
Her heart skipped, why had the Master contacted Gavin without telling her? Was there something he was hiding from her?
‘Sir…you called Gavin?’
‘That’s none of your business, now get back to work and pray that poison works because that bastard deserves to die.’
‘Okay sir…thank you.’
When the call ended, she had a lot to think about. First, why had Master Paul contacted Gavin Adediran?
‘What are you looking at?’ Delilah had walked into Lily’s room without knocking. She noticed the way Lily’s eyes were glued to her laptop screen; Delilah guessed that she was working on something very important.
‘Is it work related?’ She asked Lily.
Lily closed her eyes and opened them again; she didn’t know the best answer to Delilah’s question. She had gotten Gavin’s phone for just one purpose: to go through his cal history and his messages. She knew that her brother was seeing someone, and she had just gotten a name.
‘No,’ Lily lied, not wanting to hurt Delilah’s feelings.
In these few weeks they had spent with each other, she had grown fond of Delilah, and she saw her as the sister she never had. Delilah was fun to be with. She was well informed about other countries, celebrities, foods, and fashion, she met Lily’s taste and this was the reason they were able to get along.
Delilah’s beauty was rare, she could beat a thousand girls hands down in a contest. This was the perfect woman for her brother and no one else, not even this Ore girl, whose name was all over his phone.
‘That’s a lie.’ Delilah observed Lily had avoided her eyes while answering her question.
She rose to her feet and moved to the table where the computer was being placed, ‘What is it Lily? What is bothering you?’ Delilah placed a hand on her shoulder.
Lily was confused, she was torn between the truth and lies. It was a good thing to tell the truth, but could Delilah handle it? What if she told Delilah that her brother was in love with another woman, wouldn’t that push her away?
‘Is something wrong with Gavin? Is this why I haven’t set eyes on him today?’ Delilah’s heart raced, blood pumped in her ears. She had lost a lover once, one who cared less about her, she couldn’t lose Gavin.
Lily jumped to her feet and grabbed Delilah by the hand, ‘It’s okay, my brother is fine. But there is something you should know.’ Lily swallowed the heavy lump that clogged her throat.
Once she let Delilah into this path, there was no going back. Delilah could change her mind about being with Gavin, and her mother would blame her for this. On the other hand, they could come together and fight their common enemy, which was Ore.
‘Go on.’ Delilah relaxed, knowing that Gavin was alright.
‘I think Gavin has someone in his life. I just went through his phone and I saw a lot of things. But please, don’t let him go, love doesn’t come easy. My mother and I are on your side, we want you for Gavin, please…’
Delilah had seen this coming; she now knew for sure why Gavin had rejected her advances. Delilah was perfect, her beauty was mythical, yet he had turned her down. Gavin had been the first man that had resisted her charms.
‘I saw this coming…’ Delilah pulled her hands away from Lily and rushed to the bed, her eyes brimming with burning tears.
She loved Gavin. Yes, she didn’t know him well, but she knew he was hers right from the first day she set eyes on his picture in Carida.
‘Delilah please don’t change your mind about my brother. I could never forgive myself should you walk away…’ Lily joined her on the bed. She knew what loving a man who didn’t feel the same way was.
‘Who is she?’ Delilah held the tears in their place, this was no time to cry. This was the time to show strength, to prepare herself for the worst.
‘I don’t know her, but I know her name is Ore.’ Lily answered swiftly.
Delilah was determined to win Gavin’s love, they were destined for each other and nothing could tear them apart.
‘Please don’t leave Gavin, he is the perfect man for you, he just doesn’t see that.’ Lily begged.
Delilah’s mind was made up, she would be in Dania republic, until her wedding with Gavin was fixed, and there was no turning back now.
‘I wasn’t planning on leaving.’ She wiped her face with her palms. She had to come up with something; she had to think fast before it was too late.
She rose to her feet and moved towards the table where Gavin’s phone was placed. It wasn’t difficult to find the Phone number that belonged to the wretch who wanted to take her man away.
‘That wouldn’t work, I have been calling her repeatedly, but she isn’t taking her calls.’ Lily watched as Delilah fetched her own phone, and tried dialling Ore from her android.
That was tough, Delilah thought. She dropped Gavin’s phone and thought of a plan.
‘People you may know.’ She muttered.
Lily heard her, ‘What’s that?’
Delilah briefly explained: ‘Um, if someone is on Facebook and you have that person’s contact, there is a 90% chance that his or her profile would pop on the “People you may know” column.’
‘Sounds nice, so…’ Lily was still lost.
‘I will add Ore’s number to my contact list, then find her on Facebook. It’s as simple as that. Once we get her, we’ll know what next to do.’ Delilah’s fingers worked on her device, she couldn’t wait to see the face of the woman that had taken Gavin’s heart away from her.

To be continued…

Offline Mr. Babatunde

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Super Story: Springs Of Fire - [Episode 18]
Reply #17 on: December 19, 2018, 02:24:37 AM


‘Done.’ She logged into her Facebook account and waited for ten minutes.
She thought of all the nasty things she would tell this woman once she saw her face. She would warn her sternly to stay away from Gavin, but if she refused, she would make her life miserable.
‘I think Gavin is coming here.’ Lily rushed and grabbed his phone, as she heard some footsteps towards her room.
All of a sudden, the door to her room was pushed open, and an angry looking Gavin strolled in.
He was surprised to meet Delilah in his sister’s room; he had come to discuss work related matters with her.
‘Um, I am sorry, bad timing.’ He made to leave, but Delilah welcomed him with a seductive smile.
He found it difficult to take his eyes of her clean set of white teeth and her dimples. She was dressed simply, in a green palazzo pants and a pink cashmere top. Her hair was let loose; the curls tumbled upon each other.
‘Hello Delilah, how are you today?’ He quelled the thoughts of her beauty once he remembered that his Ore was still missing.
‘I am fine darling, how about you?’ She sauntered towards him.
‘Fine, can I speak to you for ten minutes outside?’ He avoided her eyes and turned towards his sister who was busy admiring the prospective couple.
‘Sure, anything for you bro.’ Lily moved briskly to the door.
‘I am sorry that I hardly have time for you in Dania, I will take you to my office one of these days and show you round.’ He smiled at Delilah.
Gavin had encountered women like her before; women that were possessed by the spirit of seduction. By the special Grace of the Holy Spirit, he had overcome a lot of them who knew they had this evil nature and were ready to use it, to bring down ministers of the Gospel.
He sensed strongly that she had seductive powers, though she was unaware. He would tread carefully with her.
‘Wow…’ Delilah was all smiles when she heard this. Being with Gavin in his office meant a lot of things.
First, it meant that he was ready to be with her, why else would he take her to his office?
‘What if I come tomorrow?’ She asked sweetly.
He did a mental check on his activities on the next day, ‘I am having a meeting with a baby care company from your country, and it’s going to be hectic.’
‘I don’t mind, I can always tag along. I can offer you some ideas on how to run your business.’ She wanted him to see that she was intelligent and smart. She equally ran her family’s business; she had the experience to work with him.
‘Cool, tomorrow then, let me steal my sister for a while. She’ll be back in a jiffy.’ He winked and spun on his heel, leaving her ogling at his behind.
‘Sexy man.’ She licked her lips; she couldn’t wait to make Gavin her man.
She shut the lusty imaginations that welled up in her mind, and focused on her Facebook app which displayed a list of people that she knew.
‘There you are…’ Delilah’s eyes grew wide as she clicked on the profile of “Ore Martins.” There was something familiar about her smile, and the way her eyes glittered under the sunlight.
‘I’ve seen her before…’ Delilah looked puzzled.
Ore noticed a sad look in Julia’s eyes after the phone call. The once arrogant and hardened criminal looked very sober and afraid.
‘Are you alright?’ Ore asked.
She couldn’t disobey the Spirit now. The Holy Spirit had given her a great responsibility, and she had to handle it well.
‘Yes.’ Julia tossed the phone on the bed and walked towards the bathroom for another dose of cocaine. The powder always made her to forget her problems; it made her feel in total control of her life.
She was a hundred percent sure that her poison would work on Gavin, this was the reason she decided to stay at home the next day, so she wouldn’t be there when the announcement of his death would be made.
‘That’s not going to help you.’ Ore stuttered. She felt a prickly sensation cover her whole body; she knew the Holy Spirit had come to her.
“Call her by her name…” The Spirit pealed in a name into her ears. He always came to her in a still small voice, but he was loud today.
She was afraid of getting Julia upset, but she had no choice, she had to do the bidding of the father.
Julia ignored her captive and continued strolling towards the bathroom. She was bothered by Master Paul’s last statement. What relationship did Master Paul have with Gavin? Why had he not told her that he would call Gavin?
She realized something about the organization that she worked for; they knew everything about her, but she didn’t know much about them.
‘Just mind your business.’ Julia hissed.
‘You are my business Julia!’ Ore’ yelled.
She froze when Julia paused, swirled and marched towards her with an angry face.
‘I told you, I told you I didn’t want to be a part of this…’ Ore whispered in her mind to the Holy Spirit, who had been the one to start the conversation.
“You did the right thing, calling her by one of her names, would draw her closer to you…” The Spirit whispered.
‘What if “Julia” is not her name, she would rip my head off!’ Ore squirmed in the chair where she was being tied.
Ore tried to get the Spirit to say something. She searched deep within her soul, but she couldn’t find him. He had gone silent on her again.
‘What did you call me?’ Julia was terrified of this woman. She had never told anyone in Dania republic her name, how then had Ore come by it?
Ore ran her tongue over lips. She was in a fix! And the Spirit was not there with her.
‘Julia. Your name is Julia. I know you are in much pain, I can help you.’ Ore couldn’t believe her ears, she had not planned to say those words, but they just flew out of her mouth.
Julia froze, was this some kind of magic?
‘Who the hell are you?’ She pulled out a gun from her pocket, nobody knew her name, and this was a mystery.
Usually, the sight of a gun would terrify Ore, but she felt more confident than ever before.
‘You are free to shoot. Yahweh is the resurrection and the life.’ Ore flashed her smile but her smile faded when she noticed Julia’s hands were shaking.
The Holy Spirit had been right; Julia was running away from something. She had to help her out of it.
‘This is good news brother; partnership with the baby product company is a good thing to do. What’s their name again?’ Lily asked.
‘The Phoenix, they produce pampers, napkins, baby wipes and other stuff. I have a meeting with their boss tomorrow, I’d like for you to be there with me.’ Gavin replied.
This made Lily very excited, ‘I love being part of new things.’
‘Delilah would be coming too; I guess she is tired of staying at home.’ He quickly added.
‘That is wonderful news; you too would make a wonderful couple.’ Lily winked.
‘One more thing Lily, you must be very careful when you come to the office tomorrow. Someone tried to poison me, but the Spirit is yet to reveal who it was.’ He warned.

To be continued……


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