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Author Topic: Super Story: Let’s Play Hard Full Episodes - By Miriam Edem  (Read 18173 times)

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Episode 1
Story: Miriam Edem

Getting into the new apartment with her luggage, her roommates welcomed her as they showed her space,
“Its beautiful, Jennifer said.

“Yea it is, you’re welcome once again, Annabel said.
“Thank you, Jennifer replied and looked through the window to see a guy jogging and she scoffed.

“Exercise should be done early in the morning and not by this time, what’s he feeling like? Jennifer asked and her room mates quickly got who she was referring to.

“Oh You mean him? But its still early, Treasure said.
“Early? Excuse me its past 7 a.m and this isn’t exercise anymore to me but a show up, Jennifer replied.

“Don’t you know him? Annabel asked..
“Know him? Why should I? Jennifer asked.

“Well he’s popular there in school and am surprised you don’t know him, Annabel replied.
“Not too quick, remember she just got admitted, Treasure came in.

“Oh pardon me i forgot, and also he is every girl crush here and even in school, but sadly he doesn’t look at our faces, Annabel added and Jennifer laughed.

“Sorry sorry I see that funny, so you mean you two are crushing on the same guy huh? Jennifer asked.
“Yea that’s no big deal for me, but it looks like none of us stand a better chance for the kind of girl he want, Treasure replied.

“Well thats good for you two, I am not here for all this love stunt. I withdrew from the other university I attended to start a fresh programme here which I won’t need any distraction, Jennifer said bringing out her stuffs.

“Care to share why? Annabel asked.
“No please, Jenny replied.

“Okay, so have you eaten? Annabel asked.
“Yea I did though it was snacks but I’m good thanks, Jennifer replied………………..

Minutes later they got into school together and Jennifer just kept staring around, ‘it looks good right? Treasure asked.
“Yea not bad, its just like my former, Jenny replied.

“Well it won’t be difficult to cope when you have a first hand experience. You’ll just go over there and ask of your department, Annabel said pointing at a building.
“Yea sure thanks, Jenny said.

“Don’t forget to give me a call when you’re done, see ya, they shouted.
“I will bye, Jenny replied and her phone began to ring.

“Hello mom, sorry I forgot to call but I was having that in mind, Jenny said.
“That’s no problem, you’re in school right? Her mom asked.

“Yea I’m just about approaching a building now, can we talk later please? Jenny asked.
“Of course, just be careful and make sure you don’t repeat the same mistake. Bye, her mom said and dropped the call and Jenny countenance dropped.

“Excuse me please, where can I see SC room 13? She quickly stopped someone.
“Over there, go to the left, she replied..

“Thank you, Jenny said and hurried there but met the lecture already on.
She stood outside with her hand up, “good morning sir, sorry to disturb can I please come in? She asked.

“Thanks for interrupting, can you now come in? The lecturer replied and she nodded going on.
“Jennifer Mark right? The lecturer asked.

“Correct sir, she replied.
“See to it that you’ll graduate here unlike your former, the lecturer said and she nodded sitting down.

She heaved at that trying to free up her mood and get ready for the lecture…………..

Minutes later the class was over and she hurriedly took her stuff and left the building saying a word to no one. Fiddling her phone to call Annabel she bashed on someone and the phone fell from her hand,
“Oh my God! What’s this can’t you look? She shouted at whoever it was.

“I should ask you that, you bashed on me rather and you got what you deserve, a voice replied and she raised her head to see who it was but was surprised to see the guy that was jogging earlier.

“Is that the best way to apologize? Look you just spoilt my phone and this is all you can say right?, Jennifer asked and he rolled his eyes.
“Just tell me you need money and stop beating around, he said bringing out some notes and gave it to her.

“Use that to get your phone fixed and get out on my way, he said but she surprisedly tore the notes throwing the pieces on his face,
“Use that to get your miserable attitude fixed rather, she replied, took up her phone and left as he stood shocked.

“Mhen did a girl just do that to you Theodore? His friend asked as he looked around to see the students gathered who viewed the drama.
“Let’s get out from here, Theodore said.

“Who’s that girl? She got nerves, Theodore angrily said as he walked fast with his friend.
“Can you please just slow down a bit? After all no one here knew what just happened, his friend said and stopped tired.

“I have never been this embarrassed before, imagine she threw the notes on me in public… Gosh! Theodore shouted cleaning his face.
“But you were rude as you’ve always been rude to girls. To me I think you’ve met your match, you two will make an awesome couple, Daniel said in a mockery way.

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that but she’ll surely get it from me, Theodore said.
“And how are you going to do that? Daniel asked.

“I’m not sure yet but I must surely get back at her, Theodore replied and Daniel laughed.
“Can you just forget it after all you started it first, you bashed on her and destroyed her screen, to add to it you were rude and she responded to your attitude so let it go. Let’s talk about how hot and beautiful she is, Daniel said winking at him..

“Hot? Beautiful? Gosh I can’t believe this. She’s the most ugliest person I’ve ever seen, Theodore replied.
“I know you don’t mean what you just said, tell me you are joking, Daniel said.

“Read my lips, she is damn ugly, Theodore replied and walked away while Daniel cleaned his eyes surprised………………

Jennifer got home and met her roommates worried, “where on earth did you go to switching off your phone? Treasure asked.
“Sorry about that. Your crush boyfriend damaged my phone, I had to look for a way to get it fixed, Jennifer replied.

“Crush boyfriend? You mean Theodore? Treasure asked.
“Oh my God did you meet Theodore? What did he say? Annabel asked holding Jennifer excitedly and Jenny sighed.

“I can’t imagine me crushing on someone terrible like that, that’s pathetic, Jenny replied and sat Down.
“What happened? Annabel asked calming down..

“Gosh he’s so rude! He bashed on me and damaged my phone, not even a sorry I could get but irritating words from him. He’s just a jerk, Jenny replied and they rolled their eyes and started laughing.

“Why that? Jennifer asked confused.
“Well you see Theodore, he is so difficult for any girl to get. And we are beginning to wonder the kind of planet and world that lucky girl will come from, Treasure replied.

“You call her lucky girl? I tell you there is no good thing in him to make her lucky trust me, Jennifer said.
“You want to try? Annabel asked.

“Try what? Jennifer asked.
“To see if there is no good in him, Annabel replied and Jenny smiled.

“Are you trying to say I should make him fall for me? Jenny asked.
“If he will, I mean you two just had an encounter the probability here is unsure, Treasure replied.

“Girls I didn’t come here for that, I just need to graduate here as soon as possible, Jennifer replied.
“Well if you say so, did You get the phone fixed? Annabel asked.

“Yea I did, oh I need to call my mom Now, Jennifer replied dialing her mom number……………..

To Be Continued...

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Let’s Play Hard Episode 2 - By Miriam Edem
Reply #1 on: January 12, 2021, 03:40:45 AM

Episode 2
Story: Miriam Edem

That evening the ladies went out for a stroll, going on the road people just kept staring,
“Babe you’re getting admires already in few hours, Annabel winked at Jennifer.

“Absolute rubbish, all of that doesn’t move me, Jenny replied.
“Is there anything you’re not telling us? Treasure asked.

“Oh please don’t start, there’s no nothing to tell you just that none of this things move me, Jennifer replied.

A car drove by and Treasure smiled “our crush just passed, She said hitting Jennifer who just shook her head.

“Isn’t that the girl that embarrassed you earlier? Daniel asked.
“Yea she is, little wonder she stays around here, Theodore replied.

“Yes she stays in your area isn’t that good? Daniel replied winking at him.
“What exactly is your problem? You really think I will fall for a girl like her huh? Theodore asked.

“Yea I feel that in my spirit, she gat the vibes that fits you well. I mean no girl in this area or in school can do that to you, not the handsome Theodore all the girls trips for. Think about it, Daniel said and he smiled.

“You think so? I can make her not different from every other girl there in college, Theodore said.

“I’ll like to see you try, because to me that girl will be a tough one after what you did to her, Daniel replied.

“You think so? But you know i can prove you wrong, Theodore said.
“Prove me wrong? Can you use 1 week to do that? Look guy I bet you, you will surely fall in love with her, Daniel said and Theodore burst out laughing.

“When did you become a comedian? You’re getting crazy, Theodore said.
“Fine let’s do a Bet. When I just saw her at first, I felt something different and I know you’ll be connected somehow in it, Daniel said and Theodore just looked at him smiling.

“Wait a minute, are you trying to say we two can be in love…like be a campus couple huh? Do you realize I am in my finals and soon I’ll be gone? Theodore asked.
“That’s why you should make It quick before you leave, 1 week, just 1 one week make her yours let’s see if she is different from other girls, Daniel said and Theodore shook his head.

“I can’t do that, I can’t stand so low for her, I mean what for? He asked.
“Well I’ll just take it as you can’t do it and its so obvious, maybe you’re afraid of her or something, Daniel replied.

“Whatever, that is Game for kids, Theodore said.
“But you said you wanted to get back at her, can’t you use the chance? Daniel asked and he rolled his eyes.

“Aren’t you going to stop? Theodore asked.
“OK fine fine let’s end it, but she’s so hot I can see the guys staring, Daniel said with a smirk.

“One more word from you, I’ll drop you off here. Enough with this girl talk, Theodore said.
“OK fine, lips sealed, Daniel said putting his head through the window………………

The next day Jennifer dressed up on a handless top, with a short and snickers with her headphones on.
“Where are you going to this early? Annabel asked.

“For exercise, Jenny replied checking out her snickers.
“At past 5a.m? Treasure asked.

“Yup, best time for it. See you before 6.30, bye, Jenny replied putting on her headphones and left while her friends looked speechless.

Theodore was already up that early doing his Gymnastics outside his house.
Suddenly he saw her passed and was surprised as he went closer to the Gate to be sure.

“She do this too? I mean no lady here can do this and not this early, he said to himself and nodded impressed with what he saw.
He went back to his exercise waving the thought aside and Daniel coughed.

“What are you doing here dressed like this? He asked.
“Well I wanted to join you in the exercise but I just saw a more interesting one. I’ll love to join her, bye, Daniel said and opened the gate waving at Theodore as he ran after Jennifer.

“Hey… Hey please wait! He kept shouting and waving at her after running for so long trying to meet up with her.
Jennifer heard some whispers and turned round to see someone coming behind her, she took off her headphones and stopped.

“Oh thank Goodness you stopped. I’m Daniel, he said giving his hand for a shake breathing hard.
“Okay you’re Daniel so? Jennifer asked ignoring his hand.

“Won’t I at least know your name? Daniel asked.
“Is this why I stopped? Sorry I don’t give out my name to strangers, she said bringing out a plastic water to drink.

“But we are neighbours, he insisted..
“Still doesn’t make a difference, bye, Jennifer said and took off again..

“Hey at least wait for me, Daniel said but she put on her headphones again without looking back.
“Urghhh this should be Theodore’s match and I must see them together no matter what, Daniel said smiling…………………..

Daniel weakly walked in and met Theodore eating his breakfast, “no jogging today? Daniel asked.
“Nop i don’t feel like doing it today. So how was the exercise? He asked.

“God it was hell. That girl is so bad in running, she ran for long meters without getting tired or stopping. When she finally stopped I went to have a chat with her but she shunned me. She bluntly refused to tell me her name and I was like, what kind of girl is she? Daniel said and Theodore only nodded humming some unknown songs while eating.

“Yea I know you want to laugh, but I know that girl fits you a lot, Daniel continued.
“Fits me? As in how? Theodore asked.

“You two fit a lot and you know it, I mean your ways are almost alike, Daniel said and Theodore gently got up with his plate of food.
“I think I’ll enjoy this food outside, go wash off the sweats from your body because you stink, Theodore said.

“Yea thanks, and don’t forget to fix your miserable attitude, Daniel replied and burst out laughing while Theodore attempted to throw the plate on him as he ran inside………………

Jennifer walked into the class and sat down quietly while waiting for the lecturer. Having any acquaintance was the last thing on her mind as experience taught her to be a loner, but the gazes she got was what she didn’t understand.

A young girl walked in and sat beside her, she waved at her which Jenny did same.
“Sorry, is there anything on my face? Jenny couldn’t help but ask her.

“No, she replied.
“Thank you, Jenny replied.

“But I think I know why you are asking that. There’s this Instagram video where you embarrassed Theodore, the reactions wasn’t too good, She continued.
“What did you just say? Jennifer asked surprised and the lecturer walked in.

“Almost everyone watched the video and the lecturer is his father, the girl whispered to Jennifer who suddenly got scared.
“What is going to happen now? Jenny asked.

“Who knows, the ladies are angry with you especially a starter like you. Thats not too good I must say, The girl said and concentrated on the lecturer.
“Oh Jennifer not again, she said in her heart scared to look at the lecturer face……………………


Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Let’s Play Hard Full Episodes 3 - By Miriam Edem
Reply #2 on: January 12, 2021, 03:44:21 AM

Episode 3
Story: Miriam Edem

vJennifer returned back to her senses after being lost in thought without knowing.

“Yes sir, Jenny said on her feet.
“What was my last sentence? He asked but she just looked around.

“Sorry sir I have no idea, she replied.
“You must be the new student here right? He asked and she nodded.

“Is this how you always stay lost in class in your previous school? He asked.
“Sorry sir it wont happen again, she replied.

“Of course it won’t. For your punishment I want to see you in the Chemistry lab after this lecture, sit down, the man said and concentrated on the class while Jennifer heaved.

Few minutes later the class was over and Jennifer bowed her head,
“Hi why are you troubled? The girl beside her asked.

“No I’m not, just that…… Never mind. Where can I locate the chemistry lab? Jenny asked.
“Will you mind if I take you there? The girl asked and she nodded taking her bag.

“I’m Joy Peters by name, the girl said as they left the class.
“Jennifer Mark, Jenny replied as the stares from the student continued.

“Who the hell is this Theodore guy and what’s so important about him everyone is so interested of? Jenny asked.
“Well he is the most intelligent guy in school in his session, handsome as you can, filthy rich and talented. Have you heard him sing before? His voice is so captivating and he has a lot of fans because of that, Joy replied.

“Just that? I wonder what kind of punishment his dad will have me do, Jenny said.
“I am sure it will be mild, he can’t punish you harshly after all you’re not a kid anymore, Joy replied.

“How old are You? jenny asked.
“Well I’ll be 18 next month, will you come for my birthday party? Joy asked and Jenny smiled.

“Sure and thanks for the invitation, She replied.
“Thank you, and here we are, that’s the laboratory, Joy said pointing at it.

“Oh thanks, see ya, Jenny said and walked into it.
She met the lecturer opening a file and went closer to him,

“You asked to see me sir, she said.
“I didn’t ask to see you, you are here for your punishment, he replied not looking at her.

“Right sir, so here I am, what’s the punishment? She asked and he looked at her.
“What made you absent minded in class? He asked.

“No idea sir, probably the teaching was boring…. Sorry… I mean maybe erm the teaching was strange to me and I couldn’t meet up, Jenny said breathing hard as the man eyes was fixed on her.

“You mean to say my teaching was boring like I can’t lecture or what? He asked.
“No sir, that’s not what I mean. I’m so sorry I said that, it wasn’t intentional please, Jenny quickly said.

“Its fine don’t bother to explain. An experiment was just finished here minutes ago, I want every apparatus to be tidied up and arranged before i get back. And be careful, none should be broken, he said and she nodded dropping her back on the chair she saw.

“What is the first thing you should do? He asked.
“Get my safety wears, she replied.

“At least you were taught well there, the man said and left and Jenny sighed packing her hair in a pony tail……………….

“Just take a look at this, Daniel said showing Theodore his phone.
“Can’t you see I am driving, Theodore said pushing the phone away.

“You need to see this Theo, its an Instagram video of you and that girl of yesterday. 9,000 views already with 2.5k comments, you know what that means right? Daniel asked and Theodore quickly parked the car and got the phone from him.

“Who did this? Theo asked after watching the video.
“Natacha but she wasn’t there, Someone must have done this and sent this to her. Gosh this is bad, Daniel said and Theo was filled with anger as he drove off again.

He arrived school with a mood that gave no one the guts to go near him, “where to now? Daniel asked and he breathed in.
“I’ll go to the lab, there’s an experiment I am observing then I’ll meet you in class, Theo replied.

“OK but hey, don’t say a word to anybody, just let it go, Daniel said tapping him on his shoulder and left.

Theodore got into the lab and saw Jennifer rinsing the pipette and he wondered why as he walked gently behind her.
She noticed someone presence in the lab and turned to see him coming behind her.

“So how are you feeling? He asked her.
“Feeling like what? She asked back.

“You must feel famous and happy I know, you’re the talk of the school now and that’s impressive, he replied.
“Well if that’s what you think, such feelings sucks knowing you’re the cause for that. I rather get famous for something better, by the way who do you think you are? She asked.

“Who is to answer that? Well congratulations on your new fame, he said as she sat down concentrating with what she was doing.
“Can you now leave, as you can see I am busy, she replied him.

“Maybe you should first get out from where I sit, i have something more important to take out of the locker there, Theodore said and she shook her head getting up from there.

“I couldn’t believe that myself, imagine the way she threw the notes on him, two young girls walked into the lab talking and was surprised to see them.

“Hello good morning, thank God I saw you Theo, can you help with this problem please? One of the girls asked bringing out a book.
“I am busy right now, he replied.

“Oh no please I’ve been looking for You and I need to submit this soon, The girl insisted with a sad look.
“If you don’t mind can I help with it? Jennifer asked and they looked at her.

“What can a rude girl do about this? By the way I wasn’t asking for your help, the girl replied and Jenny swallowed nodding while Theodore just smiled.
“If she want to help why not give her a try, I’ll do some corrections if there are any, Theo said to her.

“Are you sure about that? She asked not knowing how to approach Jennifer anymore but he got the book from her.
“OK miss can you help me with this, he said keeping the note on the table for her.

“I don’t want to do it anymore, Jenny replied.
“Oh common, don’t tell me little words like that can get to you. Just get that done okay, he said to her and left to his seat while Jenny just looked at him.

“So are they going to just stand there while I solve? How are they going to learn? Jenny asked and the girls slowly approached her.

Jennifer heaved and taught them as Theodore couldn’t help but get interested in her teachings.
“So that’s the final answer, cleared now? Jenny asked and the girls nodded and Theodore clapped without him knowing which they looked at him.

“Impressive, he said getting up to meet them.
“Alright thank you, bye Theodore, the girls said waving at them and left while Jennifer took her bag ready to leave too.

“Take care of the lab and make sure you don’t break anything, Jenny said to him and left while he just kept smiling at her saying nothing………………… there


Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Let’s Play Hard Full Episodes 4 - By Miriam Edem
Reply #3 on: January 12, 2021, 03:46:03 AM

Episode 4
Story: Miriam Edem

Jennifer hurried to the hall where she is to attend her other lecture and saw Joy who beckoned on her to where she sat, “so how was it? Joy asked when Jennifer settled down beside her.

“It wasn’t too bad, I was just asked to tidy up some apparatus there, Jenny replied.
“So miss…….. “Jennifer rather, Jenny cuts in.

“Sorry Jennifer, your action was quite funny, I mean you’re barely 2 days here and you’ve put up quite a show and already insulted our icon. What were you thinking? A guy asked sitting next to her.

“Well I am so sorry I didn’t realise he was your Darling icon, but I think an icon to me should be friendly, loving and………. “What gives you the mentality that he isn’t? Some group of student shouted interrupting her.

“That was what he proved to me and I know you know the truth also but you’re just blinded with his looks whatever. So what are you guys gonna do? Beat me up huh? Jennifer angrily asked.
“Are you this tough or trying to be one? Will you stand the heat or do you need an eye pick? One guy asked coming from behind approaching Jennifer.

“Oh please pardon her, I’ll say it was an act of ignorance and she wasn’t aware. Can we just pardon her for today? I am very sure it won’t repeat itself again, Joy came in getting on her feet.
“stay out of this, if she wants to prove tough then we’ll show her the stuff we are made of, The guy said and Jenny smiled.

“I can’t believe you’re fighting for a guy your different girlfriends are crushing on. So you’ll know, at any opportunity they have they wish they will hold him tight in their bosom, so pathetic, Jennifer said and they gasped looking among themselves

“You all need apologies right? Fine I’m sorry, it won’t happen again okay, Jennifer continued and removed her headphones and put it on while they just looked at her not knowing what to say………………….

Theodore checked his time and saw he was running late for his lecture, “shit! He said returning his experiment back and hurried out of the laboratory.
“Hello handsome, rushing somewhere? Natasha asked stopping him.

“What do you want? He asked.
“We can’t greet friendly again or what? Common Theo don’t be this way always, She said.

“After what you did? I mean what was that for? What image were you trying to create huh! Theo shouted.
“Calm down its not what you’re thinking, she said.

“Then tell me what I and the whole students are thinking. That was an embarrassing moment and all you could do was post it on Instagram to put shame on my face or what? He asked.
“It was just for fun darling, anyway who is that girl? She asked.

“Get out of my sight! Theo said and walked away.
“I’m sorry okay, I’ll get it deleted right away, Natasha said but he didn’t look back………………

Done with Lectures, Jenny and Joy walked out of the building together, “it was really a long day today, Jenny said.
“Yea it was, please what happened back there wasn’t a joke. you need to be careful Jennifer, you just came and you’re already shaking foundations, Joy replied and she rolled her eyes.

“What do you want me to do? Keep shut and swallow their rubbish? Look I am no novice, I was suppose to be in my finals and here i am starting all over again. I am no ordinary fresher, I’ve been in this system before and nothing is new to me, just relax okay I’m cool, Jenny said touching her shoulder while Joy looked at her surprised.

“What happened? I mean why did you leave? Joy asked.
“Nah I don’t want to dig it out, see ya tomorrow, Jenny said waving at her and walked away.

She stopped at an ice cream stand and requested for a strawberry flavour, “thank you, she said paying the man and walked away with her ice cream..

Going a few mile away from the ice cream stand she saw some group of ladies approached her with a stern look.
That wasn’t her business as she enjoyably licked her ice cream and wanted passing them but one of the girls dragged her back making the ice cream fall from her hand.

“Excuse me, what’s that for? Jennifer asked.
“That’s for passing us like we were not noticed. I saw your little show on the first day you arrived school, what a bold fresher you must be, Natasha replied and Jenny scoffed.

“Are everyone this jobless and gullible here? I mean what’s so important about my show? With the popularity I am getting from it I think I should do more of it often, what do You think? Jenny asked.

“Don’t be stupid, I won’t bloody care if it was done with another person but stay clear from Theodore, take your joke far from him, Natasha said and She smiled.

“With that jerk? Don’t worry I will gladly stay clear from him, in fact I can’t imagine my self with such a being. I can’t believe I lost my sweet ice cream for some nonsense talk and let this be the first and last time you will do this, Excuse me, Jennifer said and walked away while the girls looked at themselves surprised.

“what are we going to do with her? One of them asked.
“Let her be for now and let’s watch her fly more wings, Natacha replied looking at Jennifer……………….

Jennifer arrived home and met her roommates with a packet of Pizza, “you look tired what’s wrong? Annabel asked.
“Girls your school is just filled with mad people, Jenny replied taking a slice of it.

“Wait, so you mean to say we are equally mad? Treasure asked and Jennifer laughed.
“That’s not what I mean, she replied.

“Lest I forget, I saw you on a video today. Why didn’t you tell us you encountered such an ordeal with Theodore yesterday? Annabel asked and Jenny sighed lying on the bed with her eyes tightly closed.

“Jennifer I am talking to you, Annabel called out again and Jenny opened her eyes.
“What should I say and what should i do now? Isn’t it great, Jennifer Mark is popular and trending on Instagram barely 2 days of her stay in school. Girls please i am so tired, she said getting up to the fridge to get a chill water to drink.

“I can’t believe this. Stop stirring this wave Jennifer, it won’t be good, Treasure said.
“No matter the wave, Jennifer is strong to sail through, join in her spirit too so You won’t crash, Jenny replied smiling.

“That wasn’t funny Jenny, we are damn serious here, Treasure said but Jennifer was less concerned……………….

The next day the lecture was to be held in different classroom Jennifer couldn’t locate,
“Excuse me, where is room Sc4 please? She stopped someone.

“Go straight and make a left turn, the guy replied.
“Thank you, Jennifer said and left and the guy laughed at her together with his friends.

She got there and noticed there were no classrooms but offices, “shit did I lost the way or something? She asked herself confused and she saw Theodore coming out from one of the rooms.

She removed her gaze from him with a worried look as she stood wondering if to go back or not,
“And what is she doing here? Theodore asked with his hand placed on the wall looking at her.

“I think I’ve lost my way, I was actually looking for Room Sc4 and i was directed here, she replied immediately and he smiled.
“When you act tough make sure you’re also not ignorant so you won’t be made a fool. Such a room isn’t here, you passed it already, he replied and her eyes bulged out.

“What! She shouted.
“Excuse me, Theo said and was about to walk away.

“But where can i find it please? You can’t just leave me here stranded, Jenny said.
“Last i checked I don’t know you and i don’t know why i should help a brat like you or why you should need help from a guy with a miserable character. Why not go back to whoever gave you this direction, he said with a smirk and walked away while Jennifer stood angrily breathing hard.

“I hate you! She said under her breath.


Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Let’s Play Hard Full Episodes 5 - By Miriam Edem
Reply #4 on: January 12, 2021, 03:48:19 AM

Episode 5
Story: Miriam Edem

Jennifer saw another student and asked about the class room which she directed her, she hurried back and noticed the said classroom was just opposite where she asked the guy who directed her wrongly.
She stood outside with an angry look and the lecturer turned to her,

“Can I help you young lady? He asked.
“yes sir, can I come in please? She asked and she sighted the guy who gave her the wrong direction smiling.

“Sorry ma, everyone is expected to be seated before I come in. You have to wait for the next class, can you please excuse us, the man said and she nodded and stood by the side with her heart swelling.

Minutes later the class was over and the students began to leave in their numbers, “Jennifer why did you come late? Sorry I forgot to tell you no one comes late to his class, Joy said but she was only silent looking at the door.

The guy came out talking with his friends and she stood in front of him, “what’s this? The guy asked.
“You dare ask me that? If you didn’t want to tell me the direction you shouldn’t have bothered replying me in the first place rather than acting like a coward, Jennifer replied.

“Watch your tongue, he said.
“But you’re a coward, a frustrated and miserable coward thats what you are! Jennifer shouted and he attempted to slap her but she held his hand up.

“Not even in your next life will you try to raise your hand on me again else you’ll not live to tell the story. Bastard! Jennifer said and walked away while everyone stood surprised.
“Where on earth is that girl from? Someone asked and Joy ran after Jennifer.

“Jennifer wait, common are you mad at me too? Joy asked and she stopped.
“Honestly what is wrong with you guys because I just don’t get it. I have always wanted my stay here to be peaceful but what I am seeing is not funny at all, I am getting fed up already, Jenny blurred out.

“Calm down please, Joy pleaded.
“No I won’t, its getting out of hand and the adminstration must know about this, Jenny replied.

“Just let it go please, they will be tired of it am sure of that. Let’s go to the next class please, Joy said holding her hand.
“No I won’t, I just want to cool my head, Jenny replied.

“OK can we go the cafeteria? Don’t worry bills will be on me, Joy said dragging her along.
“You have to give me your number because I don’t want this to repeat itself again, Jenny said.

“Sure I’ll do that when we get there, Joy replied.

They arrived and sat down on an empty desk, “so what will you like to eat? Joy asked.
“Its too early, but I’ll take coffee, Jenny replied.

“Alright I’ll be back, Joy said and left.
“Uhmmm who do we have here, Jenny heard a voice and turned to see Theodore smiling at her holding a bottle of soda.

“What do you want? Do you own this Place? She replied.
“Are we fighting? He asked and she got up.

“You don’t need to ask, now if you don’t mind get out of my sight, Jenny replied.
“Are you out of your senses? By way who do you think you are? You’re just a dumb fucken fresher here feeling like she’s on top of the world when you’re absolutely nothing, read my lips asshole, you are nothing! Theodore shouted on her as the students attention was already on them and Jenny smiled.

“Guys look, your adorable and stunning Theodore approached a girl like me just to say I am nothing, funny right? But if I am truly nothing why did you leave your seat to meet me here, me of all people. Am that girl you know won’t fall cheaply for a jerk like you as others are doing, is that why you’re mad at yourself huh? She asked and Theo scoffed.

“You really think I can fall for a slut like you? Oh sorry I go for class, Theo replied and Joy arrived with the coffee.
“What’s going on here? Please Theodore we don’t need trouble, Joy said to him.

“No no its fine, I am enjoying the show here, Jenny said getting the cup of coffee from her and threw it on the face of Theodore.
“Now that’s what slut do a miserable jerk like you, now get out of my sight! Jennifer shouted on him as the student gasped.

“Jennifer! Oh my God I apologize on her behalf, Joy said to Theo trying to clean him up as he stood shocked watching the coffee dropped on him but Jennifer left the cafeteria.

Going outside she met with Natasha who stared at her with a deadly look, “oh I see you’re here already, tell your jerk of a boyfriend to leave me alone, Jenny faced her.

“What did you do this time? Natasha asked.
“Oh that? I just spilled him a cup of coffee, he needed that anyway, Jenny replied.

“You did what? You bitch! Natasha shouted and attempted to hold Jennifer on her hair which a serious fight issued between them.
The noise outside alerted the students in the cafe and they ran out to see Natasha on the floor as Jennifer was seriously giving her the beatings of her life.

They got separated and Jennifer carried her bag as the student looked at her confused, “enough of this madness all of you, I come here in peace but I am so sorry I won’t tolerate any rubbish from any of you, Jennifer said and left.
“It’s not over yet, Natasha said inside of her as she watched angrily.

“Jennifer, Joy called out looking at her sadly and she stopped.
“I am very sorry, I have to go home now, Jenny replied.

“I know, but you’ve forgotten my number, Joy replied.
“Oh yea, please call the digits, Jenny said bringing out her phone. ………………..

Theo friends used the opportunity of the fight to smuggle him out as he was filled with shame, “I don’t understand, why is it always war between you and that girl? Daniel asked him when they got home.

“Please just let me be, Theo weakly said.
“But you know I’ll tell you the truth, you started it, Daniel said and he looked at him with anger.

“I agree with that, you started it. It feels so good to me seeing a girl who is acting differently from the others, I enjoy it I must confess, Theo father walked in.
“Dad that was embarrassing, Theo turned to him.

“Sure I am watching the video anyway and I can see it was embarrassing, his father replied smiling.

“Dad the video? Theo asked surprised and he nodded.

“Yea everything now is global even the fight between Natasha and Jennifer, his dad replied.

“Jennifer? Is that the b***h’s name? Theo asked.

“Yea and you know i am beginning to like that b***h. People like that turns out to be good friends in the end, his dad replied and Theo scoffed.

“Not in this life will I get close to her ever again, that will never happen, Theo said.

“Uhmmmm good for you then but it’ll be bad I’ll miss my videos. Anyway put yourself together, it was just a cup of coffee, His dad said and laughed leaving the room and Theo looked at Daniel.

“He’s acting different, Theo said.
“Yea unlike him, he just said he’s beginning to like the Jennifer of a girl, Daniel replied.

“That can not be, he can’t like someone like her never, Theo replied.

“Thats for you, soon the whole school will be talking about Jennifer and she will be everyone favorite just like you. I am very sure your dad Is aware of this, and I know you’ll be fond of her someday too, Daniel said and left the room while Theodore took his shirt looking at the stain of the coffee.

“How can i ever like someone like that? Gosh she can kill someone if she has a chance, and how can i ever come close to someone who hates me already? By the way why am i thinking about this? I can never bring myself to like her no matter what! Theo said in his heart and threw the shirt on the floor angrily………..


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Super Story: Let’s Play Hard Full Episodes 6 - By Miriam Edem
Reply #5 on: January 12, 2021, 03:50:10 AM

Episode 6
Story: Miriam Edem

Jennifer was just about opening her door when her phone began to ring with a strange number calling, “hello, she picked up inserting the key in her door.

“Jennifer Mark on phone right? A male voice came on phone.
“Yes, she replied.

“I’m calling from the school, I need to see you right now in my office, the voice said.
“Sorry who is speaking? Jenny asked.

“The school authority, don’t keep me waiting, The man said and dropped the call while Jennie heaved and locked the door back.
She hurried back to school and located the administrative office.

“Sorry I’m here…… “Jennifer Marks right? The secretary asked interrupting her.
“Sure yes, Jennie replied.

“Go in, she said and she went in to see Natasha, Theodore and some people she has no idea about.
“Good morning all, she greeted holding the handle of the door.

“Can you give me one good reason why you kept us waiting for you Jennifer? A man asked which she recognised his voice as the one who called her.
“Sorry sir I went home already, I had to come back immediately I got the call, she replied.

“You went home already too quick because you know what you did right? The man asked.
“I’m still yet to know what I did, and am sorry if I arrived late, Jenny replied.

‘Sit down, the man said pointing at an empty seat just beside Theodore which she sat down without looking at him.

“I hope you know why you’re here right? The man asked.
“I wish I do but actually I was planning of coming here myself, Jenny replied.

“You wanted coming here? For what actually? The man asked keeping his pen looking at her.
“The uncalled behavior in the school, it was getting too much which I wanted letting you know about it, Jenny replied.

“Shut that trap of yours there! You can’t be molesting students and act innocently, a woman said angrily.
“Molesting students? Like seriously? Jenny asked back.

“Enough! Jennifer what happened today? This is the second video of you and Theodore in just your 3 days in school. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself? The man asked.
“Ashamed of myself? I see no reason for that sir. Last I checked, he is always the one pissing me off, Jenny replied.

“Theodore is that true? The man asked.
“Honestly sir I don’t know what to say, how did I piss you off? He asked.

“You’re asking me that huh? She asked facing him..
“OK here it is, on my first day in school after I was done with lectures, I was fiddling my phone to call my mom when he bashed on me disfiguring my phone. I couldn’t get a sorry or a calming word from him but only irritating words and some miserable notes I tore on his face.

Now today I was just at the cafe when he came all by himself and called me names like i’m nothing, a****le, b***h and the list continues. So I showed him how a b***h should behave, is that my fault? Jennifer asked them.

“Theodore is this true? The man asked.
“Sir you don’t need to believe the trash she just said, it holds no fact at all, Natasha came in..

“Oh is it? Fine, did you hit my phone or not? She asked facing Theo.
“I did, he replied.

“Good, didn’t you approach me in the cafe to call me names? Jenny asked.
“You called for it when you acted rudely commanding me to get out of your sight! Theo shouted.

“And you caused it when you left me stranded this morning looking for a classroom when you know I was running late. You said you didn’t know me just when I needed your help, now why won’t I ask you to get out of my sight? You are Barbaric! Jenny shouted.

“Enough! Does that give you the right to disrespect him that way and beat Natasha up the way you did? Were you not trained in your former school? With this attitude of yours here in just few days, I now understand why you were expelled in your finals. Here you are shamelessly behaving like a kid with no remorse, what kind of a girl are you! The man shouted.

“With due respect sir, you have no idea why I was expelled and i see no reason why you should bring it up here. I wasn’t acting childishly but unfortunately your students are all insane. The video that was posted between I and this dude made all the students hate me without cause, were you expecting me to keep calm?

This morning I asked for direction to locate a classroom only to be purposely directed wrongly so I can miss the class. This dude met me and after knowing my problem he walked out of me leaving me stranded, and yes I had to approach the guy when I saw him seated in the same class receiving lecture while I was outside. How is that fair?

Now about Natasha or whatever she is called, I don’t know her from anywhere. But just yesterday she and her gang approached me hitting the ice cream I held just to warn me to stay clear from her boyfriend. And when she heard what happened to her boyfriend today, she held my hair first which I retaliated and it led to the fight.

If you should ask me, your school isn’t organized and it sucks, Jennifer seriously said with tears piled up in her eyes as the room was silent to the core and Theodore father coughed.

“Is there anything you two want to say? He asked referring to Natasha and Theodore.
“She’s lying, why would I approach her? Natasha asked.

“Why won’t you? when its you that started this whole mess because you posted the video on Instagram, or didn’t you? Jennifer asked immediately.
“I wasn’t talking to you, Natasha shouted.

“Oh shut up, Jennifer shouted back.
“Jennifer, please can you excuse us? The man said.

“With all pleasure sir, she replied and left immediately.
“Did you just see that? That girl is just a spoilt brat and a bunch of trouble to this institution. I think she should be laid off too, A woman spoke up.

“Expel? We don’t know who is saying the truth here yet and that will be too quick to carry out such a decision, Theo father came in.
“Excuse me, do you realize it is my daughter that was beaten up this way? The woman asked.

“And my son was equally embarrassed and posted on Instagram by your daughter, did I kill anybody? By the way don’t Natasha have a gang? It is very possible what the young girl said is true, Theo father said.

“Why are you covering up for this girl? You’re beginning to sound like a betrayer. Remember my daughter is in this mess because of your son,the woman said.

“Oh really? I am standing on nobody side here ma’am, in case you’ve forgotten my loving son is here and he’s part of this case too which I am sure he didn’t begged your daughter to be part of it, Theo father replied.

“Please its okay, I’ve heard the both of you and have made my decision. We have to give Jennifer another chance again in this institution but If she messes up again, we will have to let her go. She can’t afford to hurt anybody again, The administrator came in..

“Oh i see, so what should be done to my daughter? The woman asked and the man heaved and made a call.
“Let her in, he said and dropped the call.

Jennifer who went outside tried not to cry but she couldn’t help but get scared wondering what their decision will be.
She feared for her mom who will be so disappointed she’ll be dropped again in the second university.

She thought about all of that with her eyes closed and she heard her name, “Jennifer you can go in, the secretary said and she nodded trying to put herself together…………………………



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