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Author Topic: Super Story: Human Trafficking - By Blessedgist (Photos)  (Read 20157 times)

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Human Trafficking - Episode 7
Reply #6 on: December 12, 2019, 08:06:59 PM

Human Trafficking - Episode 7

Bella is sitting with Johnny, she's not drinking.
Few minutes later.

Bella left and Johnny is looking at her waist.

Johnny _ what a beautiful woman, how did she find out about the poison?

Bella is very smart, i wish she's mine.

Johnny _ that idiot is too stupid, he couldn't poison one woman.

I will teach him the lesson of his life.

Johnny walk closer to the bar owner.

Johnny _ where's your boy?

Bar owner _ he's not here, what do you want?

Johnny _ you don't talk to me like that.

Bar owner _ who are you?

Johnny _ you don't know me.

Bar owner _ good and i don't want to know you.

Johnny _ your boy is owning me money, where is he?

Bar owner _ you are disturbing my customers.

Johnny _ fuck you and your customers!

Before he could reply him, Johnny started beating his ass.

Johnny _ you want more?

Bar owner _ you fucking weirdo.

Johnny _ you are so dead tonight.

Bar owner _ leave me alone, the police are coming over.

Johnny _ you think am scared? i will be back.

Bar owner _ loser!

Back to yara.

The next evening.

Mara is walking in a silent road , Justin stopped her.

Mara_ what are you doing?

Justin _ you are the reason why am not fucking yara.
You always interfere in our relationship.
Justin started shouting and insulting Mara.
Mara_ don't blame me for your stupidity.

Justin _ you are responsible for everything and i hate you.

Mara_ i hate you too Justin.

Justin _ am betraying her because of you.
Mara_ what's he talking about?

Justin_ you'll never see her again.

Mara_ what are you planning?

Justin _ am not telling you bitch.

Mara_ am leaving.

Justin _ don't even think about it.
Mara_ omg, what are you doing with a knife?

Justin _ am going to kill you.

Mara_ you hate me that much?

Just _ yes.

Mara_ can't i joke with you?

Justin _ it's too late for jokes.

Mara_ you deserve to bang yara, i will talk to her.

Justin _ i don't want to her anymore.

Mara_ please don't do this.

Justin _ don't even think of running mara.

Mara_ please let me go, i will mind my business from now on.

Justin _ it's too late for that .

Justin started stabbing her neck.
Justin _ mind your business in your next life .

You are like a worm, you always tell her what to do , you never liked me.

Justin kill mara.

He walk away from her corpse.

Few hours after mara's death.

Back to Petra, she's calling yara.

Petra _ where are you daughter?

Yara_ am close to the house.

Petra _ good .

Yara_ see you in a minute.
Petra _ this daughter of mine is something else.
I will keep praying for her, what a troublesome teenager.

A minutes later.

Yara arrive.

She heard about mara's death.

Yara walk into her the house and someone is stalking her .

Petra is walking towards her, she's sad.

Yara_ mother.

Petra _ i heard what happened child.

Yara_ my Mara is gone mother.

Petra _ am very sorry, am glad you are home.

Yara_ am going to their house.

Petra _ not tonight , she was stabbed to death.

Yara_ omg!

Petra_ don't leave the house please.

Yara_ she was stabbed?

Petra_ yes child.

Yara_ who's responsible for this?

Petra_ nobody knows.

Yara started walking away from her mother.
Petra _ good girl, please don't leave this house.

Yara_ you won mother.

Petra _ we must be very careful.

Yara_ ok mother.

Petra _ am going to work tonight.

Yara_ am scared mother.

Petra _ call Justin, i must work .

Yara_ i hate your job mother.

Petra _ me too but i don't have any choice, am a doctor and i must save life's.

Yara_ Justin is not around, he travelled.

Petra_ once i leave the house, i want you to lock all the doors and stay in your room.

Yara_ i will do that.

Petra_ nobody is coming for you but we must be careful , trust no one.

Yara_ i heard you mother.

Few minutes later.

Petra left for work and yara is home alone.

An hour later.
Justin is calling yara.

Yara_ babe.

Justin _ where are you?

Yara_ am home.

Justin _ how's your mother?

Yara_ she's fine, she's not home.

Justin_ you are home alone?

Yara_ yes babe.
Justin _ am back from holiday.

Yara_ when did you arrive?

Justin _ an hour ago sweetheart.

Yara_ you want to come over to my house?

Justin _ what's going on? You are sad.

Yara_ Mara is dead.

Justin _ what did you say?

Yara_ she's gone babe.
Justin _ you are joking.

Yara_ joking with someone's life?

Justin _ i don't believe you babe.

Yara_ am serious.

Justin _ omg!

Yara_ please come over, am so sad right now.

Justin_ am on my way.

Yara_ thank you.

Justin _ don't mention, what about Amelia?

Yara_ she's on holiday with her parents.

Justin_ poor thing , no wonder you are alone.

Yara_ Mara was like a sister to me.

Justin _ i know baby, she was nice.

Yara_ yes babe.

Justin _ don't go anywhere, am already on my way.

Yara_ see you soon.

Justin _ i love you baby.

Yara_ i love you too.

Justin is coming over and yara already told her mother that Justin travelled.

Yara is not aware of Justin's secret, the police are looking for mara's killer.

Justin is leaving the country because of his crime, his brother is helping him.

Is yara safe?

What will happen next?


Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Human Trafficking - Episode 8
Reply #7 on: December 12, 2019, 08:15:35 PM
Human Trafficking - Episode 8

An hour later.

Justin arrive.

Justin _ my poor baby.

Yara_ you are here.

Justin _ am sorry about mara.

Yara_ she's gone.

Justin_ i can't still believe this .

Yara_ she was murdered.

Justin _ people are wicked.

Yara_ yes, she was nice and innocent.

Justin _ you can say that again.

Justin _ i pity her parents.

Yara_ please stay with me.

Justin _ of course baby.

Yara_ what's wrong with you?

Justin _ nothing, why did you ask?

Yara_ you are acting strange.

Justin _ am leaving the country.

Yara_ what?

Justin _ we can't continue this relationship yara.

Yara_ where are you going ?

Justin _ to my brother.

Yara_ you are joking.

Justin _ am not , am leaving tomorrow.

Yara_ you don't want to attend mara's burial?

Justin _ i can't beautiful.

Yara_ i can't believe you are telling me now!

Justin _ i will miss you beautiful.

Yara_ you are a terrible person Justin.

Justin _ i would like us to bang before i go .

Yara_ are you here because of banging?

Justin _ calm down, am joking.

Yara_ you never loved me.

Justin _ who told you that?

Yara_ enough, leave.

Justin _ what?

Yara_ i said leave my house.

Justin _ you are joking.

Yara_ am serious Justin, i don't want you in my life.

Justin_ goodbye yara.

Yara_ i don't want to see your face again.

Justin _ am leaving anyway.

Justin walk out of the house.

The next morning.
Justin is calling yara's stalker.
Justin _ am very sad about this.

Stalker _ where's she?

Justin _ she's going out later in the evening.

Stalker _ good.

Justin _ please don't hurt her.

Stalker _ bye.

That same day.
Yara is studying.

Few minutes later.

She visit her father's grave.
Yara is crying and complaining to her father's grave.

Yara_ when are you coming back father? my best friend is dead.
My life is miserable since you left us, i don't think i can do this anymore.

After crying, yara went to the library.
She's walking and someone is following her.

Few hours later.

She's back from the library.

Petra is hugging her.
Petra _ am going to work.

Yara_ ok mother.

Petra _ don't go anywhere.

Yara_ i won't mother.

Petra _ get something to eat.
Yara_ am not hungry.

Petra _ you look skinny, please go and eat.

Yara_ am not skinny.

Petra _ you are.

Yara_ you won .

Petra _ i love you so much daughter.

Yara_ i love you too mother.

Petra_ see you tomorrow morning.

Yara_ ok, be careful.

Petra _ i will.

Petra left for work.

Yara is bored, she started playing her guitar.
Few minutes later.

Her phone started ringing.

She's speaking with Amelia.
Amelia _ babe .

Yara_ how are you?

Amelia _ am good sis , am back from vacation.

Yara_ you wonna have dinner with me tonight?

Amelia _ yes .

Yara_ come to my house.

Amelia _ no problem.

Yara_ am happy now.

Amelia _ me too, see you later.

Yara_ ok.
Yara_ yah! she's coming over.
I really need some company, i will bribe her to stay with me till tomorrow.

Amelia is coming over and yara is happy.


Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Human Trafficking - Episode 9
Reply #8 on: December 12, 2019, 08:28:52 PM
Human Trafficking - Episode 9

Few hours later.

Yara got a message from Amelia.

Amelia _ babe am close to your house , please come out.

Yara_ what's wrong?

Amelia _ i saw an old friend he's here with me.

Yara_ where are you?

Amelia _ at the forth lane.

Yara_ am coming.

Amelia _ thank you.

Yara walk out of her house, she started walking.

Suddenly, her stalker walk out of the Bush.
Yara is scard ,she started shouting.

The man is pointing his gun at her .

Stalker _ stop shouting or I'll shoot you .

Yara_ please don't shoot me.

Stalker _ behave yourself.

Yara_ who are you?

Stalker _ what a question.
Yara_ please let me go, am looking for my friend.

Stalker _ mara is already abducted by my friend.

Yara_ no way!

Stalker _ her phone is with me, i sent you those messages.

Yara_ what do you want?

Stalker _ you are so hot, it's a pity i can't fuck you.

Yara_ what?

Stalker _ what a beautiful face .

The man started touching her face and breasts.

Yara kick him on his balls and the man is pissed.

Stalker _ you little hoe!

Yara_ my face!

Stalker _ you are very lucky bitch.

Yara_ stay away from me!

Stalker _ you'll never see your family again.
Before yara could think, the man wipe her face with a strange liquid.

Yara fell on the ground , she was abducted that night.

She was transported to another country and yara is still unconscious.

The next day.

Yara is sleeping, she don't know what's going on.

Stacy is calling her husband.

Few minutes later.

Johnny arrive.

Johnny_ she's finally here.

Stacy _ yes .

Johnny_ she's a stubborn girl.

Stacy _ they told me what she did.

Johnny_ she better behave herself.

Stacy _ she'll baby , they are all like her.

Johnny_ yes.

Stacy_ what about her friend?

Johnny _ she's already sold.

Stacy _ this one is special.

Johnny_ yes, she's a virgin .

Stacy _ are we keeping her here?

Johnny_ I don't know yet, Smith might buy her.

Stacy _ i want him to buy her .

Johnny _ let's see how it goes baby.

Stacy _ she's moving.

Johnny_ welcome to your new home.

Yara_ what? Who are you people?

Johnny _ your boss .

Yara_ you stupid man!

Johnny hit her face with his gun.

Stacy _ how dare you?

Johnny_ leave her to me.

Yara_ i want to go home.

Stacy _ story.

Johnny_ your customer will be here soon.

Yara_ what are you talking about?

Johnny_ you are here to work for me.

Yara_ no, i want to go home, my mother will cry.

Johnny _ i don't care.

Stacy _ she's such a drama queen.

Johnny_ yes baby.

Stacy _ you are here work with your body.

Johnny_ someone already paid for your virginity.

Yara_ am not a virgin.

Johnny_ you want me to check?

Yara_ noooo.

Johnny_ good.

Yara_ this is not right.

Johnny_ take care of here baby, am going to speak with Smith.

Stacy _ ok baby.

Johnny left and yara is pissed and scared.
Yara_ please i want to go home.

Stacy _ sorry i can't help you.

Yara_ you all are going to jail.

Stacy _ say something else.

Yara_ you are very wicked.

Stacy _ shut up.

Yara_ how about you shut me up?

Stacy _ really?

Yara_ i want to go homeeeeee!

Stacy _ be quite!!!!

Stacy give her a hot slap.
Yara_ did you just slap me?

Stacy _ i will slap you over and over again.

Yara_ please let me go.

Stacy _ nobody is coming for you.

Yara_ my mother will find me.

Stacy _ you are no longer in your country.

Yara_ she won't give up on me.

Stacy _ be quite please.

Yara_ somebody help me!

Stacy give her another slap and yara is really mad.

Yara give her the slap of her life and Stacy is shouting!
Stacy _ did you just slapped me?

Yara_ you asked for it, am not your slave.

Stacy _ you'll die tonight.

Josh_ don't do anything stupid Stacy, Smith will be angry.

Stacy _ did you see what she did?

Josh_ yes and am sorry.

Stacy started walking towards Josh.

She started slapping Josh.

Josh_ Best idea.

Stacy _ i will kill her.

Josh_ you don't want to piss Smith off.

Stacy _ let's see what Johnny has to say about this!

Josh_ calm down.

Stacy _ i want you to beat her up Bryan.

Bryan _ sorry i can't do that, boss will kill me.

Stacy _ you two are useless.

Josh_ someone already paid for her virginity, you want to kill her?
Boss will be angry with us Stacy.

Bryan _ go and speak with your man.

Stacy _ fucking idiots.

Josh_ i only take orders from my boss.

Bryan _ me too.

Stacy walk out of the underground, she's looking for Johnny.


Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Human Trafficking - Episode 10
Reply #9 on: December 13, 2019, 11:02:46 PM
Human Trafficking - Episode 10

Stacy is angry and Johnny is starring at her.
Stacy _ you are here!

Johnny_ yes , what is it?

Stacy _ i hate you right now!

Johnny_ why? talk to me.

Stacy _ i want her dead.

Johnny_ who?

Stacy _ the new girl.

Johnny_ what happened between you two?

Stacy _ she crossed the line.

Johnny_ am sorry baby.

Stacy _ sorry? that's not enough!

Johnny_ what do you want me to do now?
Stacy _ kill her.

Johnny_ sorry i can't do that.

Stacy _ you are the boss .

Johnny_ i know but someone already paid for her virginity, he want her alive.

Stacy _ you are disrespecting me because of money?

Johnny_ calm down baby.

Stacy _ you don't care about me.
Johnny_ i can't kill her because she's hot and i want money from her.

Stacy _ she's hot? are you falling for her?

Johnny_ this woman.

Stacy _ what are you thinking?

Johnny_ i don't know what to say to you right.

Stacy _ you don't love me.

Johnny_ i love you Stacy!

Stacy _ then kill her!

Johnny _ i will punish her when Smith is done with her.

Stacy _ i can't believe you are treating me this way Johnny.

Johnny_ you really want her dead?

Stacy _ yes baby.

Johnny_ give me 60 million dollars and i will get rid of her.

Stacy _ are you serious now?

Johnny_ she'll give us alot of money baby, please forgive her.
Stacy _ no , no , no.

Johnny_ i can't kill her, i want the money.

Stacy _ i hate you.

Johnny_ i love you too.

Stacy _ am leaving you.

Johnny _ you are so annoying, i can't kill her .

Stacy _ i know you like her.

Johnny_ no way!

Stacy _ you said she's hot.

Johnny_ i don't play with my job baby, she's hot but am not interested in her.

Stacy _ prove it!

Johnny walk closer to Stacy, he grab her to himself.

Johnny_ my baby is jealous.

Stacy _ am not your baby.

Johnny_ you are , do you want some money?

Stacy _ i don't want your money.

Johnny_ you are so beautiful.

Stacy _ stop!

Johnny_ i will punish her, you know i can't kill her.

Stacy _ i will never accept her.

Johnny_ calm down beautiful.

Before Stacy could reply him, he started kissing her and Stacy is calm.

They are kissing, Stacy is no longer angry with him.

Johnny_ am going to take a nap.

Stacy _ i still hate you.

Johnny_ no problem.

Stacy _ that bitch will be sorry.

Johnny_ don't do anything stupid sweetheart.

Stacy _ she'll never have peace in this house.

Johnny_ do whatever you want but don't kill or spoil her face.

Stacy _ we shall see.

Johnny_ this woman won't shut up.

Stacy _ what did you say?
Johnny_ i said you are the only woman for me.

Stacy _ better!

Johnny_ that yara is really bold, i will teach her some manners.

Stacy want yara dead and Johnny is defending her

Johnny walk to his room after arguing with Stacy.

Back in the underground.

Josh is gossiping with Bryan.
Josh_ that yara is really hot.

Bryan _ and bold.

Josh_ yes , Stacy will kill her.

Bryan _ let's wait and see.

Bryan _ i think boss is falling for her.

Josh_ don't let Stacy hear you.

Bryan _ she's upstairs.

Josh_ boss is only defending her because she's special.

Bryan _ no way, Mia was a virgin but boss sent her to the brothel.

Josh_ i don't know what to think anymore.

Bryan _ believe me bro.

Josh_ boss said no banging his girls.

Bryan _ yara is different, boss will bang her.

Josh_ no way, he don't bang his ladies.

Bryan _ we shall see.

Josh_ enough for now, go to your quater.

Bryan _ alright.

They started hugging each other.

Bryan walk out of the underground.

Josh_ yara is beautiful, is boss falling for her? what will happen to Stacy?

I don't believe Bryan, boss don't bang his workers.

that's why they are scared of him, he's different from other gang leaders.

The next day.

Yara is still crying, the underground has alot of doors.

She's trying to open the door but it's not working.

Few minutes later.

Ella walk into the kitchen, yara is starring at her.
Ella _ hi , am Ella.

Yara_ what do you want front me?

Ella_ am just like you.

Yara_ what is this place?

Ella_ we're in the underground.

Yara_ what?

Ella_ welcome to your new home.

Yara_ this is not my home.

Ella _ goodluck finding your home.

Ella walk away from her and yara is broken.

She saw another door, yara decided to check it out.

She's found herself in the dinner hall.

Yara started crying and regreating her actions.

Everywhere is secured and well taken care of.
Yara is not giving up, she's thinking .
A moment later.

Maria is back from work , she walk into the kitchen.

Maria _ they are right, you are cute.

Yara_ i can't believe this.

Maria _ you are so special, who bought you this dress?

Yara_ are you done?

Maria _ sorry for my behaviour, am maria.

Yara_ i want to go home.

Maria _ this is your home now.
Yara_ enough, you all are evil.

Maria _ am just another helpless girl.

Yara_ you are happy, i don't believe you.

Maria _ i had no choice than to embrace my new life.

Yara_ you just give up like that?

Maria _ you don't know what you are talking about, there's no going back.

Yara_ i will never work for them.

Maria _ do you want to stay alive?

Yara_ what type of question is that?

Maria _ behave yourself girl.
Yara_ why are they doing this to me.

Maria _ they want money.

Yara_ they are going to jail.

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Maria _ just accept your new life.

Yara_ i will never do that.

Maria started laughing, yara don't know what's waiting for her.
Maria _ i was once like you.

Yara_ how long have you been here?

Maria _ 2 years.

Yara_ what?

Maria _ there are others.

Yara_ are you serious?

Maria _ yes , you better behave yourself .

Yara is scared, she started running away from maria.

She walk into the washroom and started talking to the mirror.
Yara_ mother where are you? you must be sad right now.
i was stubborn and disobedient, please forgive me.
i don't know how to get out of this, i don't know what to do right now, i need you mother, please don't give up on me , i promise to dress decently.
am abducted because of my dressing, Amelia is gone , i don't know what they did with her .

What should i do now? are you seeing this father?

What will happen to yara?

Is Johnny falling for her?


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Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Human Trafficking - Episode 11
Reply #10 on: December 14, 2019, 08:51:58 PM
Human Trafficking - Episode 11

The next day.

In the evening, yara is lock in a room with Smith.

The radio is on and Smith is ready to have her.

Smith is impatient, yara is running in the room.

Smith _ you can't keep running baby.

Yara_ stay away from me.

Smith _ super story.

Smith started chasing and laughing at her.

As she was about to run to the other side of the room , Smith started beating her.

He beat the hell out of yara.

Smith _ you want more?

Yara_ no please.

Smith _ pull your clothes now!

Yara_ please don't do this.

Smith _ i already paid for your virginity, you are mine tonight.

Yara_ am not a virgin.

Smith _ i don't want to be hard on you.

Yara_ please sir .

Smith _ i can see you want it the hard way!

Yara_ no please!

Smith _ respect yourself then!

Yara started crying, she had no choice than to obey Smith.

Smith push her to the wall, he bend her over and started having fun with her.💔

Smith _ are you enjoying me?

Yara_ you'll die in jail.

Smith _ say yes!

Yara_ leave me alone.

Smith _ no baby, you are too sweet.

Yara_ it hurt ! Please stop.

Smith _ am training you baby .

Smith is banging her roughly and yara is crying.

Few minutes later.

He's done with yara.

Smith _ i really enjoyed you , sleep.

Yara_ i don't want to.

Smith _ am no longer interested in you, go on don't be scared.

Yara_ am fine here.

Smith _ you want more?

Yara_ no please.

Smith _ then obey me.

Yara_ ok.

Yara lie on the bed, she's not sleeping.

Few minutes later.
Smith is calling Johnny.
Smith _ am done with her.

Johnny_ how was it?

Smith _ i enjoyed her, she was a virgin.

Johnny_ i told you.

Smith _ am leaving tonight.

Johnny_ you don't want to buy her?

Smith _ no , she's too stubborn , i might kill her.

Johnny_ no problem.

After molesting yara, Smith left Johnny's house that night.

Few minutes later.

Johnny walk into the room, he's starring at yara's body.

In Johnny's thought.

Damm! she's a goddess! what was i thinking? i should've saved her for myself!

Well, it's too late now , i just want my money.

Johnny_ did you enjoy Smith?

Yara_ let me go please.

Johnny_ answer my question!

Yara_ i didn't enjoy him!

Johnny _ whatever, get ready.

Yara_ for what?

Johnny_ you have 4 more costumers to serve tonight.

Yara_ what?

Johnny _ what a cry baby!

Yara started crying and Johnny is laughing.
Yara_ why are you doing this to me?

Johnny_ put on your clothes please.

Yara_ i have pains.

Johnny_ it will go away.

Yara_ i need a doctor please.

Johnny_ doc my feet, you better obey me!

Yara walk away from him.

A moment later.

She's done.

Johnny_ you are not going with that dress.

Yara_ but why?

Johnny_ follow me.

Yara_ i don't want another clothes.

Johnny_ this gown belongs to Smith, you can't have it.

Yara_ please!

Johnny is pissed, he started walking towards yara.

Johnny_ you are very stubborn.

Yara_ please leave me alone.

Johnny started touching her face .

Suddenly, yara hit him hard on his belly.

Johnny screamed in pain, he's very angry.

Johnny_ you are so dead, the door is locked.

Yara_ don't come closer please.

Johnny_ how dare you?

Johnny _ how dare you hit me?

Yara_ please, let go of my neck.

Johnny_ i will kill you for nothing.

Yara_ am sorry!
Johnny_ you will do as i say.

Yara_ ok sir, i promise to obey you.

Johnny _ you are very lucky i want more money from you!

Yara_ thank you.

Johnny_ fucking hoe!

Johnny finally let go of her and yara is gasping for air.

Johnny_ you'll work for me as a spy , you'll also work with your body.

Yara_ a spy?

Johnny_ are you disobeying me?

Yara_ no sir!

Johnny_ you better listen carefully.

Yara_ am listening.

Johnny_ you are very beautiful and stubborn, you are the right slave for this job.

Yara_ i might die sir.

Johnny_ you think i don't know that?

Yara_ just kill me please.

Johnny_ you really want to die?

Yara_ yes please, end my life.

Johnny_ i will do that later but you must work for now.

Yara_ i hate you !

Johnny_ i don't care yara .

Yara_ kill me please, i can't continue like this!

Johnny_ let's go.

Yara_ i should have listen to my mother.

Johnny_ yeah, whatever.

Yara_ am responsible for this.

Johnny_ you don't know how to shut up?

Yara_ what happened to my friend?

Johnny_ Amelia is dead.

Yara_ what?

Johnny_ her boss killed her , you don't know how lucky you are yara.
You slapped my wife, you hit me , you should be dead by now .

Yara _ what are you waiting for? kill me !

Johnny_ follow me and stop talking!

That same night.

Yara was molested by another 4 men .


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Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Human Trafficking - Episode 12
Reply #11 on: December 15, 2019, 12:36:49 AM
Human Trafficking - Episode 12

Back to Petra.

She's speaking with the police.
Petra_ what are you people doing?

Police _ we're doing our best ma'am.

Petra_ my only child is missing for fuck sake!

Police _ we know, please be patient.

Petra_ you people are useless.

Police _ talk to you tomorrow ma'am.

Petra started shouting and crying.
She don't know what to do anymore, the police are doing their best to find yara and Amelia.
Petra _ what am i going to tell her father's family? that i couldn't watch over their daughter?
Yara where are you? Please come home!

Petra _ you are not missing, please come home to me !
i failed as a mother, my child is missing and i can't do anything to help her!

Petra is not giving up on her daughter, she's crying every day and night.

Petra hardly sleep and eat, yara's disappearance is affecting her health.

Few days later.

One faithful afternoon.

Sylvester went out for a drink.

Bar woman _ what do you want to drink ?

Sylvester_ really?

Sylvester_ an old woman? wonder shall never end.

Bar woman _ hello!

Sylvester_ how old are you ma'am?

Bar woman _ 68.

Sylvester_ you are more than 68, you don't have children?

Bar woman _ yes.

Sylvester_ what are they doing?

Bar woman _ they don't care about me.

Sylvester_ they need some manners, i feel bad right now.

Bar woman _ don't feel bad for me .

The old woman started mixing a drink.
Bar woman _ there you go.

Sylvester_ i can't drink it.

Bar woman _ are you scared?

Sylvester_ no ma'am.

Bar woman _ then drink.

Sylvester_ you can't continue like this ma'am.

Bar woman _ i love what am doing.

Sylvester_ i want you to stop working.

Bar woman _ but i don't have money for food and rent.

Sylvester_ give me your house address.

Bar woman _ why?

Sylvester_ i want to help you.

Bar woman _ really?

Sylvester_ yes , you are too old for this.

Bar woman _ thank you very much.

Sylvester_ don't thank me.

The old woman couldn't believe her ears, Sylvester is going to take care of her responsibilities.

Few minutes later.

Sylvester is felling strange.

Some men walk into the bar.

Some of them are wearing police uniform .

Sylvester_ shit! Get down everyone!

Sylvester Started running.

Before they could think, Sylvester Started shooting at them.

Sylvester_ bunch of idiots.

Everyone is scared of Sylvester.

Sylvester is searching everywhere for more assassins.

The old woman and the others run out of the bar.

Few minutes later.

the assassins are dead, Sylvester walk towards the old woman.

Bar woman _ are you ok?

Sylvester_ am fine , here's my number ,i must leave now.

Bar woman _ i can't call you, you are dangerous.

Sylvester_ let me know when you tired of working your ass off!

Sylvester left the bar in a hurry and the old woman is still in shock.

She's starring at Sylvester🤣

Later that night.

Sylvester walk into his father's room .
Sylvester _ everywhere is so quiet, father people are trying to kill me , am going to disobey you , i will be bad from now on.

Wait a minute, what's that?

Sylvester _ a book? what's in here?

Sylvester decided to read the book.

Oliver _ how are you today son? i hope you're not fighting anyone? you are reading this book because am dead.

This book was written 5 years ago when i finally accept your mother's decision.

Your mother is a good woman, she sacrificed her happiness for both of us, i couldn't protect her from Phil, she married Phil because of you.

I didn't tell you the truth because i was scared, you are very stubborn and i didn't want you to live like your mother.

Am very sorry for lieing to you , i hope you can forgive me.

Son , be strong, please forgive Bella, she's your mother and follow your heart.

I love you son.

Your father Oliver.

Sylvester walk into his room, he's started crying again.
Sylvester_ i love you father, thank you for everything.
Am not angry with you and am willing to forgive mom.

Later that night.

Sylvester is sleeping.

He heard his father's voice.

Oliver _ wake up son! you are not safe !

Sylvester_ father!

Oliver _ get up son.

Sylvester_ father!!!

Sylvester is awake.

Sylvester_ it's just a dream ! what's going on?

Sylvester heard movements in the house.

Sylvester _ shit!

Someone is in the house!

Sylvester lock his door before going to bed that night.
Sylvester is calm, he quickly put on his clothes.

The assassin couldn't open his door and Sylvester already jump through his window.

Assassin _ where is this idiot? ! i must kill him tonight!

The assassin is busy checking every room for Sylvester.

Sylvester is outside the house, he's still thinking about his father's words .

He started tracking the assassin.



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