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Author Topic: Super Story: Human Trafficking - By Blessedgist (Photos)  (Read 20050 times)

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Human Trafficking - Episode 37
Reply #36 on: December 28, 2019, 03:27:23 PM

Human Trafficking - Episode 37

The next day, Johnny found out about Josh's death, he's sad and angry.

Back to Petra.

She's shouting and insulting the policemen..

One of the police walk closer to her .
Petra_ where's my daughter?

David _ calm down ma'am.

Petra_ are you married ?

David _ yes ma'am.

Petra_ you have children?

David _ not yet ma'am .

Petra_ you will soon understand my pains!
David _ something is fishy about the detective.

Petra_ are you serious?

David _ yes, don't go out alone with him.

Petra_ why are you telling me this?

David _ am trying to help you.
Petra_ my daughter is missing, where are you yara?

David _ we'll find her , don't lose hope.

Petra_ i will never do that!

David _ Everything is going to alright.

Petra_ you guys are useless!
Petra started shouting again and the officer is trying to calm her down.
David _ easy ma'am.

Petra_ i can't stay here anymore.

David _ you have to.

Petra_ am going to my husband's house, my daughter will find me there.

David _ ma'am we can't risk your life !

Petra _ am done!

David _ let me speak with my partners.

Petra_ talk fast !

David walk away from her, petra is broken.

She has no idea what her daughter is going through.

Few days later.

Back to justin.

His brother is not picking his calls, he decided to call Johnny.
Johnny _ who's this?

Justin _ it's me .

Johnny_ i don't know you and how did you get this number?

Justin _ i took the number from my brother.

Johnny_ who's your brother?

Justin _ Josh, where's he?

Johnny_ oh , it's you.
Justin _ Josh is not picking my calls.

Johnny_ he's busy.

Justin _ busy for how many days?

Johnny_ do you know who are you talking to?

Justin _ i don't give a fuck , tell my brother to call me.
Johnny_ where are you?

Justin _ why do you care?

Johnny_ we need to talk.

Justin _ fuck off.

Johnny_ let me know when you are ready to talk.

Justin _ am not interested in your shits.

Johnny_ you don't speak to me like that!

Justin _ stay away from me or you'll be sorry.

Johnny_ are you threatening me?

Justin _ it's a promise!

Justin _ what's going on with you Josh, did i do something wrong? Why are you not picking my calls?
That Johnny is hiding something, i don't trust him at all.

Justin decided to text his brother again.

Justin _ bro , what's going on? did i do something wrong ? am sorry please pick my call.

Justin _ what is going on? is he alright? should i go to Johnny's house?

My brother always pick my call. it's been days and he's still not replying me!

Let me wait till tomorrow!

The next day.

In the evening.

Justin went out for a drink, he's no longer happy.

Johnny paid someone to assassinate Justin because he might go to the police when he found out about Josh's death.

Johnny will do anything to protect his business and his reputation.
Justin walk into the bar , his head is messed up.
Justin _ give me my favourite wine.

Bar owner _ coming up sir.

Justin _ am not happy.

Bar owner _ why? what's going on?

Justin _ it's family matter.

Bar owner _ do you want to talk about it?
Justin _ i don't want to.

Bar owner _ just take things easy.

Justin _ this country is messed up.

Bar owner _ welcome to America.

Justin _ i don't think i can live here.

Bar owner _ i was once like you , this place is great.

Justin _ you think so?

Bar owner _ yes .

Justin _ let's see how it goes.

Bar owner _ you want another cup?

Justin _ yes, keep it coming.

Bar owner _ you are one of my favourite customer.

Justin _ really?

Bar owner _ yes , don't pay for the drink.

Justin _ you don't want money?

Bar owner _ it's free .

Justin _ this is wonderful, thank you very much.

Bar owner _ don't mention.

Justin _ i must leave now.

Bar owner _ take care of yourself.

Justin _ i will!

Justin walk out of the bar and the woman is watching him.

Few minutes later.

Justin started feeling strange.

Justin _ wtf is going on with me? i feel terrible and broken.

Few minutes later.

His body is collapsing, Justin is poisoned by the bar woman.
Justin started peeing on himself .

Justin _ someone help me ! Anybody there? i think am dying!

My stomach hurts alot, i don't want to die please.

A moment later.

Justin is in pain, he couldn't take it anymore.

Justin _ where are you brother? am i dying? please help me!
Is this it? Someone help me please!

Yara am sorry for betraying you , Mara am sorry for what i did to you!

Brother i can't take it anymore, take care of yourself.

Justin fell on the ground, he's dead .

Johnny killed him because he might talk.

Meanwhile, gio sneak out of the house, she want to speak with yara.

She's going back to America and Alex is busy with work.

He don't know what she's up to.

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Human Trafficking - Episode 38
Reply #37 on: December 29, 2019, 05:21:37 AM
Human Trafficking - Episode 38

Few minutes later.
Two old women saw his body , they are freaking out.

They decided to call the cops .
His body was later carried to the morgue , the police started investigating his death.

Johnny killed the bar woman that same night , he don't want the police to find out the truth about Justin's death.

The next day.

David started monitoring his partners , he's suspecting the detective.
Bruno _ hey David.

David _ what is it?

Bruno _ are we fighting?

David _ maybe .

Bruno _ whatever, you want to go out for dinner?

David_ am not hungry.
Bruno _ you can still follow me though.

David _ am not interested Bruno.

Bruno _ no problem.

David _ what are you still doing here?

Bruno _ am going later.

David _ am sorry for my behaviour, am just pissed.

Bruno _ it's ok.
David _ let's go out tomorrow?

Bruno _ am always ready.

David _ good .

Bruno _ this job is stressful.

David _ are you complaining?

Bruno _ yes , i might quit soon.
David _ but why?

Bruno _ am moving to America.

David _ goodluck.

Bruno _ am tired of this life .

David _ it's your life , do whatever you want.

Bruno _ am going to take some fresh air.

David _ no problem.

Later that night.
Bruno is speaking with Johnny, David walk into the house.
Bruno _ i will call you later .

Johnny _ go somewhere quite please!

Bruno _ ok.

David _ what is wrong?

Bruno_ i thought you are sleeping.

David _ no am not , i was outside the house.

Bruno_ are you hot?

David _ no , why did you ask?

Bruno_ am hot , am sweating.

David _ go outside.

Bruno_ that's what am doing now.

Bruno walk out of the house and David is spying on him.

Few minutes later.

Bruno started speaking with Johnny and David is recording his voice.
David _ i knew it! Bruno is the rat ! no wonder!

He's giving the trafficker our informations!
Bruno_ what did you do to justin?

Johnny_ he's dead .

Bruno_ why did you kill him? Josh will be sad.

Johnny_ i did it for everyone.

Bruno_ i disagree with you Johnny.

Johnny_ whatever, he's already dead.
Bruno _ am not coming to America.

Johnny_ why?

Bruno_ it's because of personal reasons.

Johnny_ are you tired of your job?

Bruno_ yes Johnny am tired !

Johnny _ get rid of Petra before you quit.

Bruno_ am not working alone , the others are always with her.

Johnny_ can't you kill them?

Bruno_ you think it's easy?

Johnny _ i know you can do it.

Bruno_ i can't Johnny

Johnny_ whatever , stay a little longer.

Bruno_ please think of a new plan.

Johnny_ am thinking.

Bruno_ think harder .

Johnny _ goodnight.

Bruno_ goodnight.

David walk out of the house, he's pissed.
David _ who are you talking to?

Bruno_ are you my boss?

David_ you are under arrest.

Bruno_ what a joker !
David _ am not joking Bruno.

Bruno _ get out of my sight.

David _ you don't want to cooperate with me?

Bruno_ you think you can scare me?
David _ am not alone Bruno, you want it the hard way?

Bruno_ what are you arresting me for?

David_ you are the rat !

Bruno _ i don't get you.
David _ stop pretending Bruno.

Bruno _ am a fucking detective hope you know that?

David_ you are going to jail.

Bruno_ you don't scare me, let's forget about this.
David_ it's not happening.

Bruno_ what did you hear?

David_ you finally agree?

Bruno_ am paying you 10 million, forget about everything.

David_ you can't buy me.

Bruno_ then you gave me no choice.

David_ don't move , let me see your hands!

Bruno_ don't point your gun at me!

David_ Bruno cooperate with me!

Bruno_ am sorry i can't do that, am not going to jail.

David_ don't make me do this!

Bruno wanted to shoot David, David had no choice than to kill him.
David_ you gave me no choice Bruno, am sorry.

Now let's check your phone and contact !

David walk closer to his body , he's sad but not sorry .
His body was taken to the mortuary and the police has Johnny's information.

Johnny is in trouble, he left his house to another place.

He's not giving up and he want gio dead.

Johnny started selling his girls and children in a cheaper rate , he want to quit the business for some time because of the police and he's not ready to go to jail.

Sylvester and his mother heard the news, Yara is happy and she's planing to murder Smith when she get out Sylvester's house.

Lucas is travelling to America and Alessandro is pissed because gio left the house.

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Human Trafficking - Episode 39
Reply #38 on: December 29, 2019, 05:33:50 AM
Human Trafficking - Episode 39

Back to Johnny's hideout.

Johnny also buy and sell kids for child labour .
These set just arrive and they are terrified, they are terrible and weak.
The children are complaining to the older ones.
The teenager's are trying to cheer them up.
Johnny and some of his men walk into the underground.
The children started shouting and crying.

Johnny _ get rid of them.

Bruce _ ok boss.

Johnny_ we must hide for now!

Bruce _ i understand sir!

Johnny is sad , he walk out of the underground , he lost his best man and his business is falling apart.
The men walk into the cell , they started killing the innocent kids .

The teenager's are crying and shouting.
Kids _ what are they doing?

Teen _ we don't have hope kids, they are going to kill us.

Bruce _ shut up your mouth.

Kid_ please don't kill me .

They are beating up the teenagers.
Few minutes later.

They are done , their bodies was set on fire and Johnny went into hiding with his men.

Back to Sylvester.

After thinking about Gio's word , he decided to invite her over .
Sylvester _ hello gio.

Gio_ who's this?

Sylvester _ it's Sylvester.

Gio_ you finally call.

Sylvester_ where are you now?

Gio_ am in America.

Sylvester_ you want to see yara right?

Gio_ yes , where's she?

Sylvester _ where are you?

Gio_ am with someone.

Sylvester_ send me the address.

Gio_ i will do that now.
Sylvester_ good , am coming to get you.

Gio_ i will be waiting for you.

Sylvester _ alright.
Sylvester_ i can't believe am doing this, yara is a pain in the ass.

I want her gone .

Yara is upstairs, she's thinking about her mother .
Sylvester is walking towards her.

Sylvester_ what is wrong?

Yara_ i miss my mother.

Sylvester _ this will soon be over.

Yara_ you think so?

Sylvester _ yes yara.
Yara_ i don't know what to think anymore.

Sylvester_ gio is coming over.

Yara_ really?

Sylvester _ yes .

Yara_ am finally going home.

Sylvester_ you are not going anywhere.
Yara_ what are you saying?

Sylvester_ she's not safe !

Yara_ i just want to go home.

Sylvester_ you'll go at the right time.

Yara_ but****

Sylvester_ there's no but, am going to bring her .

Yara_ ok.

Sylvester left the house and yara is sad .

An hour later .

Gio arrive , Sylvester decided to give them some space.

Gio_ Yara!

Yara_ gio! it's really you!

Gio_ yes it's me!

Yara_ am so happy.

Gio_ me too yara .
They started talking and laughing.
Few minutes later.

Gio is ready to question her .
Gio_ what happened to you?

Yara_ i was abducted by a wicked man.

Gio_ you know Amelia's whereabouts?

Yara_ i don't know gio.
Gio_ did you run away?

Yara_ no, i was rescued by Sylvester.

Gio_ i see.

Yara_ Johnny is a very wicked man, he sell and buy people.

Gio_ am happy you are alive .
Yara_ did you see my mother?

Gio_ i saw her like 2 months ago.

Yara_ i miss her .

Gio_ i understand your point but my sister is still missing.

Yara_ Johnny said she's dead .

Gio_ what did you say?
Yara_ am very sorry.

Gio_ you believe his words?

Yara_ i don't know what to believe gio.

Gio_ my sister is not dead.

Yara_ where are you going?

Gio_ am going back to my hotel.

Yara_ am coming with you.

Gio_ no way yara!

Yara_ why?

Gio_ am here because of my sister and am not ready to face Sylvester.

Yara_ you don't want to take me with you because of him?

Gio_ we're done here.

Yara_ please stay with me for some time.
Gio_ i must look for Amelia.

Yara_ what about me?

Gio_ i will come back for you.

Yara_ Johnny said she's dead.

Gio_ Johnny is a liar yara !

Yara_ you know him?

Gio_ i don't know him .

Yara_ please don't leave me.
Gio didn't listen to her, she left.

Yara started crying and talking to herself.

Yara_ she hates me , i couldn't protect Amelia, i was hopeless and helpless!

What should i do now? am i going to stay here forever? Why's Sylvester doing this? my mother must be broken by now !

Poor Amelia, is she really dead? i don't know what to think anymore!

When is this going to end? am responsible for everything!

You warned me mother but i didn't listen , this is all my fault!

Am sorry mother please forgive me !

What will happen next?


Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Human Trafficking - Episode 40
Reply #39 on: December 29, 2019, 02:59:20 PM
Human Trafficking - Episode 40

**** previously on human trafficking ***

Johnny started selling his ladies, he moved out of his house to another secret place.
Stacy heard what happened to Josh, she decided to call Johnny.
Johnny_ who's this?

Stacy _ it's your ex wife.

Johnny_ baby !!!

Stacy _ am not your baby .

Johnny _ then , why are you calling me?

Stacy _ i heard what happened to your man.
Johnny_ everything is falling apart, i want you baby .

Stacy _ i don't want you.

Johnny _ am sorry for everything baby .

Stacy _ you want me back?

Johnny_ yes baby, please give me a second chance.

Stacy _ where are you now?

Johnny_ am hiding from the police.
Stacy _ i feel bad for you.

Johnny_ please come to my place, i need you.

Stacy _ you want to get me arrested?

Johnny_ no baby, i need you please.

Stacy _ am willing to forgive you.

Johnny_ thank you very much.

Stacy _ don't mention, am sending you my location.

Johnny_ ok baby.

A moment later.

Johnny is calling one of his men.

Johnny_ Pete.

Pete_ yes boss.

Johnny_ come to my room.

Pete_ ok boss.

Pete walk into the room.
Pete_ what's wrong?

Johnny_ check your messages for my ex wife's location , go and bring her to the house.

Pete_ are you sure about this?

Johnny_ am sure pete.

Pete _ ok boss.
Johnny_ make sure she's alone .

Pete_ am on it boss.

Pete left .

An hour later.

Stacy arrive, Johnny is asleep.
Stacy _ John .

Johnny_ baby, you are here.

Stacy _ what did you do?

Johnny_ i did nothing baby .

Stacy _ you left me because of another woman.

Johnny_ no baby .

Stacy_ stop lieing!

Johnny_ you got me.

Stacy _ now you want me back? where's she?

Johnny_ she's fake.
Stacy is shouting and insulting Johnny.
Johnny_ are you done?

Stacy _ i feel like killing you right now.

Johnny_ are you here to judge me?

Stacy _ i hate you !

Johnny_ and you are here with me?

Johnny walk closer to her .

Johnny_ i was stupid baby , please forgive me.

Stacy _ you are forgiven.

Johnny_ i don't believe you.

Stacy _ you want me to prove it to you?

Johnny _ yes baby.

Stacy _ kiss me .

Johnny_ i believe you now .

They started kissing and romacing.

Stacy is here to murder Johnny.

Johnny is busy kissing her and Stacy bring out a knife.
Stacy_ I love you so much.

Johnny_ me too baby.

Stacy _ are you ready to give me a baby now?

Johnny_ yes , let's start all over again.

Stacy _ am very happy to here that.

Stacy_ but it's too late !

Johnny _ what are you doing?

Stacy _ you good for nothing man!

Johnny _ stop please.

Stacy _ i can't, i came because of this !

Stacy started stabbing him and Johnny is bleeding heavily.

Stacy killed Johnny.
Stacy_ you dare treat me bad because of a woman like me !

You think you are untouchable? You were using me , you refused to impregnate me and am glad you didn't.

Pete is standing outside the door.
Pete _ boss is crazy, what has gotten into him?

He's still after Stacy, is he banging her? i better get of here !

A moment later.

Stacy walk out of the room but she didn't make it out of the house.

Bryan_ you bitch!

Stacy _ go ahead , kill me!

Bryan _ what did you do?

Stacy _ i killed your boss.

Bryan _ you are not leaving here alive .

Bryan shoot Stacy, he went to Johnny's room.

The others are watching over her body.

Few minutes later.

In Bryan's thought.

Boss has a box of money , i must get rid of the others.
I want the money , i don't want to share it with anyone!
am going to a far away country tonight.

The others don't know what Bryan is planing, they are looking for a way to get rid of Johnny and Stacy's bodies.

They want to share the money and go their separate ways since their leader is gone .

Johnny has no kids, nobody will take over his business.

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Human Trafficking - Episode 41
Reply #40 on: December 29, 2019, 11:27:11 PM
Human Trafficking - Episode 41

Bryan started shooting his fellow men with a silent gun.
He's too greedy to share the money with the others.

Robbie _ what are you doing?

Bryan _ don't move .

Robbie _ you traitor!

Bryan _ i don't want to share the money with anyone.

Robbie _ the others are dead, you are free to take the money.

Bryan _ i know you'll come for me.

Robbie _ am not interested in the money , please don't shoot me.

Bryan _ am sorry Robbie.

Robbie _ please, am begging you!

Bryan didn't listen to him , he must finish what he started.
Everyone is dead expect him .

Lucas arrive, he's in Johnny's room.

Bryan _ someone is in the house.

Who's there?

Bryan is looking everywhere , he didn't find Lucas.

Bryan _ who's that? that person is fast , i must get rid of him / her.

Bryan walk out of the house.

Lucas walk out of his hiding place, he kick his gun away.

Bryan _ what are you?

Lucas_ who killed Johnny?

Bryan _ his ex wife!

Lucas_ where's Amelia?

Bryan _ she's dead!

Lucas_ i don't believe you!
Bryan_ am telling you the truth .

Lucas_ where's her body?

Bryan _ i don't know, please let me go.

Lucas_ it's not happening!

Bryan _ i have money .

Lucas_ i don't want your money!

Bryan _ please don't kill me .

Lucas didn't listen to him, he killed him .
Lucas walk into the house , he found some important information.

Lucas left after calling the police with Johnny's phone.

The police found some important informations , they started arresting Johnny's contacts.

Later that night.

Lucas is speaking with Alessandro.

Lucas_ hey bro.

Alessandro _ what's new?

Lucas_ they are dead .
Alessandro _ everyone?

Lucas_ yes, Stacy killed Johnny.

Alessandro _ who's that?

Lucas_ his ex wife!

Alessandro_ what about his men?

Lucas _ they are dead .

Alessandro _ what's next ?

Lucas_ smith is next.
Alessandro _ who's that?

Lucas_ another stupid trafficker.

Alessandro _ you want to kill him?

Lucas_ yes Alex.

Alessandro _ be careful bro.

Lucas_ am always careful.
Alessandro _ did you find Amelia?

Lucas_ she's dead , tell your woman the truth.

Alessandro _ this is very bad .

Lucas_ you can't keep it from her forever, Amelia is dead .

Alessandro _ am sad right now .

Lucas_ just tell Gio.
Alessandro _ i will tell her tomorrow.

Lucas_ good .

Alessandro_ am going to sleep now.

Lucas_ goodnight lazy ass.

Alessandro_ goodnight.

Back to smith's house .

Smith has a 13 years old daughter and a wife .

Meet Rebecca , she's very young and beautiful.

Smith always lock her in the house , she don't have friends.

Rebecca has everything and she's spolied by Smith and Elizabeth.
Rebecca is speaking with her cousin .
Rebecca _ sis.

Susan _ hey my favourite cousin, are you coming to my birthday party?

Rebecca _ i must ask my father.

Susan _ do that fast .

Rebecca _ i will get back to you.

Susan _ no problem.

A moment later.

Elizabeth walk into her room , she's Rebecca's mother.
Rebecca _ mother.

Elizabeth _ how are you princess?

Rebbeca _ am fine mother .

Elizabeth _ where's your father?

Rebbeca _ he's in the workout hall .

Elizabeth _ ok.
Rebecca _ i want to go to Susan's party.

Elizabeth _ go and tell your father.

Rebecca _ can't you speak to him ? he's your husband.

Elizabeth _ your father is pissed.

Rebecca _ why?

Elizabeth _ i don't know daughter.
Rebecca _ please talk to him.

Elizabeth _ i can't princess, you know your father.

Rebecca _ why is he doing this to me?

Elizabeth _ you have everything, what are you talking about?

Rebbeca _ this is terrible, it's my cousin's party for fuck sake.

Elizabeth _ go and talk to your father.

Rebecca _ are you helping me or not?

Elizabeth _ am not princess.

Rebbeca _ whatever, i will tell him later.

Smith _ what's going on here?

Smith walk into the room , he's acting strange.
Elizabeth _ tell him.

Smith _ tell me what?

Rebecca _ daddy!

Smith _ what do you want?

Rebecca _ am going to Susan's party.

Smith _ you are not going.

Rebecca _ she's my cousin dad.
Smith _ am not stupid Rebecca.

Rebecca _ please father.

Smith _ i have spoken.

Elizabeth _let her go baby.

Smith _ are you crazy?

Elizabeth _ Susan want to see her.

Smith _ don't leave this house Rebecca.

Rebecca _ this is getting out of hand .

Smith _ am only protecting you.

Rebecca _ am not a bad person, i don't have any enemy.

Smith _ you are still a kid, you don't know what's going on.

Smith walk out of the room and Rebecca is confused.

Rebecca _ i don't get it!

Elizabeth _ your father has spoken.

Rebecca _ why's he hiding me in the house?

Elizabeth _ he's protecting you.

Rebecca _ from what?

Elizabeth _ from boys.

Rebecca _ am not thinking about boys mother.

Elizabeth _ just listen to your father.

Rebecca _ am sad mother.

Elizabeth _ don't be sad baby .

Rebecca _ i can't wait to grow up.

Elizabeth _ everything is going to be alright.

Rebecca _ ok mother.

Elizabeth _ am going to prepare dinner.

Rebecca _ am coming with you.

Elizabeth _ no princess.

Rebecca _ why?

Elizabeth _ i don't want you to hurt yourself.

Rebecca _ am not a baby , i want to learn how to cook.

Elizabeth _ i don't want to fight with your father.

Rebecca _ alright!

Elizabeth _ do your assignment.

Rebecca _ ok mother.

Elizabeth walk out of the room and Rebecca is pissed.

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Human Trafficking - Episode 42
Reply #41 on: December 29, 2019, 11:38:32 PM
Human Trafficking - Episode 42

Few minutes later.

Dinner is ready, they started eating.
Rebecca _ father.

Smith _ what is it?

Rebecca _ what's wrong with you?

Smith _ am fine .

Elizabeth _ you are not fine .

Smith _ can we eat without talking?

Rebecca _ am worried for you father.

Smith_ don't worry about me.
Rebecca _ i really want to attend Susan's party.

Smith _ i don't want to hear it Rebecca.

Rebecca _ this is not right.

Elizabeth _ eat and stop talking.

Smith _ teach her some manners!

Elizabeth _ am sorry baby.

Smith _ whatever.

Few minutes later.

Elizabeth is done with her food, she left the table.
Smith _ what's going on with Johnny? he's selling his girls.

That Gio is responsible for everything, she's a demon.

Am going on vacation with my family, everywhere is hot and i don't want to get in trouble.

Smith _ my daughter has everything , she's still complaining.

What's wrong with her? people want me dead, they might abduct her , she's not leaving this house .

Few minutes later.

Rebecca is done with her food, she decided to wash the plates.

Elizabeth _ what are you doing?

Rebecca _ am washing the plates mother.

Elizabeth _ what did i tell you about plates?

Rebecca _ am a woman mother.

Elizabeth _ you are a child!

Rebecca _ this is terrible!
Elizabeth _ just eat , sleep and study hard.

Rebecca _ am tired of this life .

Elizabeth _ don't talk like that child.

Rebecca _ i can't wait to grow up!

Elizabeth _ you'll grow princess.
Rebecca _ i can't play with other children, i don't have friends.

I can't even attend my cousin's party!

Elizabeth _ am going to bed princess.

Rebecca _ just go!

Elizabeth _ goodnight princess.

Rebecca _ goodnight.

Elizabeth went to bed and Rebecca is still trying to convince her father about the party.

Few minutes later.

Lucas arrive.

Rebecca walk out of her room , she couldn't sleep.
Rebecca _ daddy.

Smith _ what are you doing here?

Rebecca _ i couldn't sleep father.

Smith _ are you ok?

Rebecca _ am not ok father.
Smith _ is this about the party?

Rebecca _ no father.

Smith _ you are not going, stop wasting your time.

Rebecca _ please father.

Smith _ am going to bed , go to your room now!

Rebecca _ i don't want to!

Smith _ Rebecca.

Rebecca _ i don't want to sleep please.

Smith _ are you disobeying me?.

Lucas_ hello Smith.

Rebecca _ who's that?

Smith _ stay where you are princess.

Lucas_ listen to your daddy .

Smith _ who are you?

Lucas_ your end , don't do anything stupid or I'll shoot her !

Smith _ don't hurt her please.

Lucas_ where's Amelia?

Smith _ not in front of the kid.

Lucas_ you don't want your daughter to know your evil ways?

Rebecca _ what's going on?

Smith _ sit down princess.

Lucas_ listen to your father cutie.

Smith _ stay away from her , you want money?

Lucas_ am not like you , what did you do to Amelia? talk or i will kill her.

Smith _ she's dead.

Lucas_ where's her body?

Smith _ she has no body, we thrown her into the sea.

Lucas_ you wicked man!

Smith _ please don't kill me.

Lucas_ goodnight Smith.

Lucas_ am sorry princess, daddy must die .

Smith _ no please .

Rebecca _ don't hurt him please.

Lucas_ daddy is a bad man Rebecca.

Smith _ please .

Lucas_ goodbye!

Smith is dead, Rebecca is terrified.
She started running away from Lucas.
Rebecca is crying , Lucas walk closer to her.

Rebecca _ stay away from me please.

Lucas_ how old are you?

Rebecca _ am 13!

Lucas_ poor kid.

Rebecca _ are you going to kill me too?

Lucas_ am not wicked like your father.

Rebecca _ my father is not wicked.

Lucas_ your father is a human trafficker , he sell and buy people.

Rebecca _ i don't believe you.

Lucas_ like father like daughter.

Rebecca _ why did you kill him?

Lucas_ the police will be here any moment from now , goodbye princess.

Rebecca is starring at her father's body.

Lucas walk out of the house after calling the police.
Rebecca _ why did he killed him? father is not evil!

Mother! wake up , daddy is dead !

Lucas _ she's damm pretty but young , she's very lucky .

How did he father such beauty? my work here is done.
Lucas_ am not going back to Italy today, i must get laid.

Lucas travelled back to Italy the following day.

That same night.

The police arrive at smith's house .

Elizabeth_ am very sorry princess.

Rebecca _ he killed him mother.

Elizabeth _ we'll find him.

Rebecca _ i want him arrested and jailed for life .

Officer_ your father is a trafficker miss.

Elizabeth _ what are you talking about?

Officer_ he's one of the gang leaders, we found some children and teenagers in his hideout.

Elizabeth _ i don't believe you!

Officer_ you don't know your husband's work?

Elizabeth _ i don't know .

Officer _ you are lieing madam!

Rebecca _ what's he saying mother?

Officer_ you are coming to the station with us madam.

Rebecca _ am so scared mother!

Elizabeth _ me too princess but don't worry, am here for you.

Officer _ we're going to close this house madam.

Elizabeth _ why?

Officer_ your husband got his money from innocent people.

Rebecca _ i can't believe this!

Elizabeth _ don't listen to them princess.

Rebecca _ are they telling me the truth?

Elizabeth _ i don't know, your father is a good man .

Rebecca _ i want to be alone.

Elizabeth _ am sorry princess!

Rebecca _ don't call me princess!

Elizabeth _ you are my princess.

Rebecca _ my father lied to me !

Elizabeth _ we don't know yet.

Officer _ you are not helping madam.

Elizabeth _ can i speak with my daughter alone?

Officer_ of course madam.

Elizabeth _ thank you .

Rebecca _ what's going on?

Elizabeth _ don't believe them .

Rebecca _ i believe them.

Elizabeth _ what?

Rebecca _ now i understand everything, i don't have friends, he always lock me in the house!

Elizabeth _ he was protecting.

Rebecca _ from his enimes!

Elizabeth _ no daughter!

Rebecca _ you are just like father, am going back to school and i don't want to see your face again.

Elizabeth _ what did you say?

Rebecca _ you are a bad mother!

Elizabeth _ don't talk to me like that.

Officer _ enough!

Rebecca _ i don't want to see her face again.

Officer _ approved!

Elizabeth _ you can't do this to me!

Rebecca _ goodbye Elizabeth!

Elizabeth _ you can't live without your mother!

Rebecca _ i can , am 13 !

Elizabeth _ we did everything for you.

Rebecca _ by buying and abducting people's children? You are very wicked !

I can't believe i came out of your body!

Elizabeth _ am sorry princess.

Rebecca _ am not a princess or your daughter!


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