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Author Topic: Super Story: Goddess Of The Sun (Adaora Part 2)  (Read 16338 times)

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Goddess Of The Sun (Adaora Part 2) - Episode 7
Reply #6 on: December 11, 2019, 12:45:07 AM

Goddess Of The Sun (Adaora Part 2) - Episode 7

Goddess Of The Sun (Adaora Part 2) - Episode 7

The time seemed to crawl at first, or maybe it was the fact that she was in a new environment. The king had refused to take his eyes off of her. Adaora felt sick as his perverted eyes raked her feminine body but she managed a smile. Being in Amabara wasn’t what she dreamt of. But she needed to comply else Chiemelie could kill her. She could read his aura properly now. Princess Uli was the only just royal but her mother, Efuru and her brothers, the King were black hearted.

Chiemiele had been in a meeting with his elders-in-council. The palace was a large hut and structured in a way that there was ample space. The moon virgin had been placed far away from the place of meeting, so he could watch her face while he conversed with his men.
“You have done well by bringing the daughter of the moon and sun to us!” The first elder praised. Amanze was a man of a few words, but he was particularly excited today. Like every indigene of Amabara, he had a deep hatred for the King of Ezeudo and all those who came from Ezeudo.

He had spoken the mind of the other elders. They were proud of their young King and vowed to continue their support.
“Thank you wise ones, I thank Igwekala most especially for standing on my side. We shall carry out the marriage ceremony as soon as possible. I cannot wait for the moon virgin to be mine!” He chuckled. The King’s laughter was like a ceremony, it invited more laughter.

Adaora stole a glance at the men once in a while. They were speaking in hushed tones, marked by secrecy and sacredness. Before them was a huge calabash of kolanuts, dry alligator pepper and bitter kola. They were talking about her. She wondered why the gods couldn’t save her from this predicament. Her heart didn’t belong here, it belonged somewhere else…

Just then, the face of the handsome stranger appeared in her mind but she couldn’t think about him now. Coming to Amabara was for a reason and she would discover it. Tired of being ogled, Adaora dared the king and rose to her feet. She marched fearlessly towards the opening that served as both entrance and exit. At first, the guards meant to block her way, but when they exchanged glances with the king and recalled the lightning that had struck when Adaora was brought to the palace; they quickly gave way to her.

“Thank you my King,” she quickly bowed before stepping out.
“May I be your guide?” One of the warriors rushed to her side.
“No, I prefer to be on my own. I will not run away if that’s what you think.” She returned.
The first person she encountered was Princess Uli. At first, Uli wanted to ignore the moon virgin; she’d wanted to avoid her at all cost but her conscience wouldn’t let her.

“You shouldn’t be here. If you could show such power out there, why can’t you vanish back to Ezeudo?” Uli fired at Adaora.
Adaora smiled, “I haven’t done anything to offend you. Why are you so uncomfortable around me?”

Uli had no words. But she had something else to show Adaora.
“I do not know you, but my I worship the gods in truth and in spirit. I have been told that you are the true moon virgin, but you cannot stay here for long.”
“What do you mean by, ‘you are the true moon virgin?’ Have there be others before me?” Adaora raised a brow.

Uli searched the surrounding, hoping no one was listening.
“If my brother finds out that I have shared this secret with you, he will kill me. Come, let me show you that there have been many others before you and they all died a gruesome death.”
Adaora felt reluctant to follow the princess. She still hadn’t figured out the purpose of her presence in Amabara. She didn’t want to get into trouble with the King. Uli sensed her hesitation.

“I will not harm you and this isn’t a trap. I just want you to find your way back to Ezeudo and tell Ikemba of what my brother is planning.” Without Adaora’s permission, Uli grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the most secret place of the palace.

Chiemelie had envied Ikemba for a long time. Ezeudo was a lna dof prosperity while Amabara only existed in past glory. For many years, his father had tried to oust Ikemba’s father from the throne, but the battle had never been won. Chiemelie had dedicated his life to finding a way to kill Ikemba and take over Ezeudo. The oracle had revealed that the only way for that to happen was through the moon virgin. This had started a fire of desperation and eagerness in him.

Adaora’s belly was trapped in nausea as they neared a pit. Dark red stains mixed with loamy earth. Flies perched on the markings on the ground that resembled bloodstains. Flies built themselves an empire around the pit. A stench of terrible rot and dirty filled the air. When the moon virgin couldn’t hold it any longer, she pulled in a deep breath and spat some mucus on the ground. She noticed that the princess didn’t seem affected by this decaying stench.

“What is this place?” Adaora bit her lip and searched around. They were far from the palace. This area was surrounded by ancient looking walnut trees that formed a thick canopy with their leaves. It was cold and dark. It resembled a dome of demons, like in the stories that her mother had once told her.

Uli flapped the cow whip in her hand over her face to chase the flies away.
“My brother’s torture house…come,” Uli stepped closer to the deep pit.
Adaora shook her head, “I will not come any closer unless you tell me what this place is. Why did you bring me here?”

Uli licked her lips and stared at the bodies trapped in the pit.
“I know he is my brother and I am supposed to be loyal. But I cannot seal my conscience with iron. I am a child of truth and that is the reason I am hated by my mother. The King is evil in all his ways and he will not spare you if you fail in your mission…”

“What mission?” Adaora searched Uli’s eyes. When Uli refused to speak, she had no choice but to cover the distance between herself and the pit. She prayed to the gods of the moon and sun until she reached it. A wave of dizziness hit her head as she stared at the melting dead bodies. Though she didn’t recognize them, she could tell that the majority of bodies in the pit were women because of the hundreds of beads she saw. If their skulls weren’t split apart, their limbs were dismembered from the other parts of their body.


TAG: super story 

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Goddess Of The Sun (Adaora Part 2) - Episode 8
Reply #7 on: December 11, 2019, 12:49:14 AM
Goddess Of The Sun (Adaora Part 2) - Episode 8

Goddess Of The Sun (Adaora Part 2) - Episode 8

Adaora froze. She couldn’t breathe. She had never seen anything to horrifying in all her years on earth. Even though her village had been raided, the slave traders had respected the dead bodies.

“How can I get this out of my mind? What did they do that deserved this cruel death?” Adaora clenched her nostrils with her fingers and stepped away.
Uli smiled. This was the opportunity that she had been waiting for.

“The people of Ezeudo and Amabara have always been one. But there was a great betrayal and this caused them to split. The people of Amabara and the land itself is cursed. This is the reason that we do not drink from our numerous rivers. It is the reason that fishes fail to thrive. Our farm lands are not productive. So we survive in slave trading…we take people from other lands and trade them. This curse can only be broken by your marriage to my brother…”
Adaora didn’t react. Uli hadn’t answered her question.

“Who are these people and why were they killed?” She pressed on.
Uli blinked the tears in her eyes away.
“For many years, my brother sent his men to search after the true moon virgin, the goddess of the sun and moon that would release us from the curse. Many of those girls were simply possessed by water and forest spirits. They had no power to set us free. He needed to kill each of them so he could marry the next one…He also killed the elders that stood in his way and my mother assisted him.”

Adaora felt sick. Fear welled up in her gut. Blood rushed in her veins. Blood pumped in her ears. She found it difficult to believe that a man like Chiemiele could do something like that because he had been so nice to her. But she brushed her thoughts aside, if he was such a nice king, why did he send his men after her?
“Are you saying that I will marry your brother?”

“Yes. You will marry him. It is your blood that would break the curse. You are to be sacrificed and thrown in this pit. Your death would be the last sacrifice. After a ritual of mourning for seven market days, the pit will be covered and the land would be free again.”

“No, no…that cannot be…” Adaora stepped away from Uli.

“I know it is difficult for you to believe, but you must find a way of escape. My brother doesn’t care about anyone but himself. Do not be fooled by his charms.”

Unknown to the women, they were being watched. Efuru, the queen mother had eyes and ears in the palace. The spy crawled back to the palace to reveal her discovery.

“But the gods brought me here for a purpose. I will not leave until I find that purpose…”
Uli was appalled by Adaora’s stubbornness.
“Suit yourself then. But I will not shed a tear for you when you end in that pit.” Just as Uli was about to walk away, darkness covered her mind and she was immediately plunged into the spiritual realm. A golden dagger floated midair. Her mind’s eye regarded the dagger in a confused manner. She had never seen this knife before. Why had the spirits shown it to her?
“Uli?” Adaora called her gently.

When she heard her name in the physical, the vision disappeared and she was brought back to reality.

“Are you alright?” Adaora noticed the confused look in her eyes.
“Yes I am,” Uli whispered.
As they both returned to the palace, Uli couldn’t stop thinking about the golden dagger. What was that vision about?

Ikemba had called his chiefs to gather while they waited for Adaora to be presented to him. From the prophecy, she was the woman in his dreams. And by the gods, she was a very attractive woman. He couldn’t wait to set eyes on the woman that would break the curse that make him a mockery among men. He leaned against his iron throne and placed his legs on a little footstool.

While the chiefs engaged in a discussion about the king’s upcoming marriage to the special woman, all he could think of was her lovely face. How could he be so connected to someone that he had never seen before? He closed his eyes and was about to fantasize about her when the sound of wailing drew everyone’s attention away from Adaora to the direction of the wail.
It was the queen’s mother that reacted first. She rose to her feet and peered towards the entrance of the palace.

“It is Oriaku’s voice that I hear. She comes with your cousin, Chinedum.”
Without waste of time, the King rose from his throne and stepped outside the large hut with his guards closely behind him.
Chinedum, Oriaku and Okeke all bowed before the King.
“What happened? Where is my son’s wife?” The queen mother asked.

Ikemba ran his eyes over their faces carefully. His eyes touched with Chinedum’s, Oriaku’s, Okeke’s and his guards. He didn’t need the oracle of the gods to tell him that something had terribly gone wrong. He held his breath and controlled his emotions like he was supposed to. A king was a god. A king had no tears to shed.

Oriaku’s lips jittered as she sobbed. She blamed herself for Adaora’s predicament. If she had allowed the slave girl to live with her, maybe she wouldn’t have been kidnapped.
“I am so sorry my King, please forgive me.” She fell at his feet.
Ikemba didn’t move. He asked no questions.

“Chinedum…” He called his cousin calmly. He couldn’t let his voice betray him. He was terribly afraid of what could happen to Adaora. He knew it was weird to feel this way about someone that he had never seen, nevertheless he cared for her.
Okeke stepped forward and threw the pieces of the broken pot before the King. Ikemba’s hawk-like dark eyes gazed over the pieces, he couldn’t help but notice the blood stains.
“What happened to her?” He faced his cousin.

Chinedum felt horrible. He could see how disappointed the King was.
“Adaora went to the stream to fetch water. Okeke here had been around the stream as well. According to his account, she has been kidnapped by men in strainge loin apparels. From his description…”
Chinedum had not yet completed his narration when a fierce female voice joined.
“From his description, the men are warriors from Amabara.”

The voice was followed by jingly sounds which came from the shells and udala seeds attached to the staff of the oracle. The mouthpiece of the gods had arrived the palace with a sudden message. All eyes turned on her when she said this.
“Amabara?” Ikemba’s heart skipped.

He knew that Chiemelie hated him with a fierce rancor. Their fathers had never been friends. Ikemba was aware of the rift between the two kingdoms. It terrified him to know that Adaora was now at the mercy of Chiemelie.
“We must get her back!” Ikemba thundered.

“Yes, we have to…” Chinedum supported his decision.
The elders were quiet and so was his mother.
“No, we must not interfere with the ruling of the gods…” The oracle said.
The King’s brows rose up in question.
“Do the gods will us evil instead of good?”

“The gods will do what they please. She has gone to Amabara for a reason. Chiemelie is more dangerous than you see. He is more powerful than you are. He will win this battle through the blood of the virgin and the dagger of Ituri, the goddess of the moon.”
When they all heard this, their faces paled, for they had always considered Chiemelie a weak man.

“He has sold his soul to demon gods and he sates their appetite with blood. The moon virgin’s life will be taken for him to gain more powers.”
“I am tired of your negative prophecies. Show me something positive!” The King snapped at the priestess.

She dared to smile, “Your destinies are entwined. You and Adaora are meant to be but you are both cursed. It is only you that can help her. It is only she that will help you…”
Ikemba bit his lip angrily. Why couldn’t she go straight to the point?
“How do I rescue her and conquer Chiemelie?”

The oracle stopped laughing and began to read the stars in the sky. When she was done communing with the sky spirits, she lowered her eyes to the earth crust and observed. Her lips moved in sacred communication. Quickly, she dug a hand into her pocket and cast seven cowries upon the ground.

“You!” She pointed at Chinedum.
“You have a traitor in your bosom! But the gods shall reward you with someone loyal, only be patient and wise.”
Her eyes were filled with pity as she stared at Oriaku, for her end was near.
She packed the cowries and held them at the King’s face.

“You must find the dagger of the moon goddess before Chiemelie gets to it. He already has the moon virgin. With her blood and the knife, he will create a dark spell that would plunge Ezeudo into darkness and for the release of Amabara. With this dagger dipped into Adaora’s blood, you will be rendered powerless.”

Ikemba clenched his teeth, “What is this dagger and how do I find it?”
The oracle laughed, “Once there was a time that the gods walked upon the earth. The goddess of the moon, Ituri, had chosen to inhabit these paths with Idemili, the river god. When humans became much and grew to wise, the gods began their ascent and descent to the godly places. Ituri left her golden dagger behind. It is only the moon virgin that will lead you to the dagger…this is the reason that Chiemelie had searched desperately for her.”

“Does it mean that he knows the location of the dagger?” Chinedum asked.
The oracle swirled round and turned her back to them.
“If he knew, he wouldn’t need the moon virgin. And I wouldn’t be here.”


Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Goddess Of The Sun (Adaora Part 2) - Episode 9
Reply #8 on: December 11, 2019, 12:53:12 AM
Goddess Of The Sun (Adaora Part 2) - Episode 9

Goddess Of The Sun (Adaora Part 2) - Episode 9

The king’s palace seemed like a graveyard after the oracle had walked away; each man to his own thought. Ikemba’s face no longer mirrored disappointment but great confusion and fear for he hadn’t known that Chiemelie’s hatred for him was this profound.

The King tightened his fingers around the ofo, he paced the entrance of the large hut for some moments. He needed to proceed carefully. Already, Chiemelie had the woman he was to marry and her blood was precious. He wasn’t just bothered about Adaora’s safety because she was the moon virgin. No, he was reminded of the words of the old woman that he had seen in his dream.

Oriaku placed her hands on her head. This matter had spiraled out of control.
“The gods are truly wise. Adaora was brought to us for a purpose,” she whispered.
Okeke carefully gathered the pieces of the broken pot and walked away from the palace. He felt disappointed that Adaora wasn’t around. He had hoped to take back his slave for some cowries from the king. He was glad that she was alive and well. Whenever she was rescued from Amabara, he would find a way to get his slave back. For now, he would stop drinking and continue listening to the wind. Who knew what he would hear next?

“What do you plan to do?” Chinedum moved closer to his cousin. Though the two weren’t too close, Chinedum loved his cousin with his life and he had great respect for him. Ikemba’s childlessness had also been his problem. In fact, one of the women, the seventh wife had been Chinedum’s recommendation. When Ikemba looked up, Chinedum could spot worry in his eyes.
Ikemba relaxed when he heard his cousin’s voice.

“Brother, I don’t know…” He whispered.
Sensing that the King was about to discuss in details with the visitors, the Queen mother grabbed Oriaku’s hands and they walked away. The elders-in-council bowed their heads and dispersed. Chinedum and Ikemba were now alone. The King’s heart was troubled and he needed to share his burden.

The men returned to the hut and took their seats. When Ikemba was fully settled, he turned towards Chinedum.
“Tell me about her, Adaora I mean.”
Chinedum was surprised. He had expected the King to come up with a strategy on how to get her back, instead of making enquiries.

“I know what you must think of me, but I will get her on my blood. I have not offended Chiemiele and Amabara, the gods are on our side. I will not sorrow for the moon virgin for she has been promised to me for a long time.”

Chinedum was confused, “I do not understand brother. Have you met her before she became my slave?”
Ikemba leaned against his chair and let out a roar of powerful laughter. Though he had never set eyes on Adaora physically, he had seen her many times in his dreams and visions. He was certain that she also saw him.

“In my dreams, the gods have revealed her to me. We are bound by destiny’s strong chord.”
Chinedum smiled. He knew that Ikemba was a good man and would become the perfect husband for Adaora. He cherished his slave and he loved her ways. Adaora’s heart was pure and her spirit was kind. He felt sad knowing that his children, Adaugo and Ikenna would ask him many questions about her. He needed to come up with the perfect lie to make them forget her.

“She is extremely beautiful. Her eyes are the herbs that swim under the stream. Her skin is yellow like the morning sun. Her body is supple yet full of strength. She has a humble spirit and an accommodating smile.”
Ikemba culd visualize this beauty as Chinedum described. He was truly lucky to have been chosen by the gods for this.

“I hope you treated her well…” Ikemba trusted his cousin, but he still needed to be sure. It wasn’t a secret that Chinedum loved Obiajulu greatly, so the King was certain that his cousin had no interest in Adaora.

Chinedum couldn’t answer that question immediately. He treated Adaora like a human being and he never saw her as a slave. It was his wife, Obiajulu that had treated her with disdain. He was ashamed of her actions towards the moon virgin. What if Adaora had decided to use her powers against his family? Who would have survived?

“I tried my best to make her feel at home. She warmed up to the children who saw her as a second mother. I just wished she never went to that stream…” he sighed.
Listening to Chinedum made Ikemba feel better. He could now talk of his plans.
“You shouldn’t be too hard on yourself. There are many things that would spiral out of control in this life, it is our attitude towards the problems the gods throw at our feet that matters. I am sure that wasn’t her first time of visiting the stream.”

Chinedum shrugged, “You are truly blessed with wisdom. It wasn’t her first time of visiting the stream. The gods just allowed it to happen.”
The duo fell silent for a moment. Ikemba’s greatest fear was Chiemelie defiling his wife to be. He wouldn’t forgive himself if anything bad happened to her. He needed to move fast.

“We have to send a spy to Amabara. Chiemelie is no fool. He knows how important Adaora is to me. Without her, I may never have a child. But the gods decided to bless me with one through her. He will be waiting for us. He would lay a snare for our feet, we must defeat him.”
Chinedum loved this idea. Ikemba was a strategist. If they sent their warriors to fight, it would complicate the situation. Sending an unknown person was the best.

“You must never speak of this plan to anyone, not even your wife!” Ikemba commanded.
Chinedum bowed his head in obedience.
“Now that I have come up with a plan, we need a trustworthy person to send to Amabara.” The King caressed his chin. He would’ve gone himself to rescue Adaora, but he knew the gods wouldn’t like it. His people wouldn’t sanction such a movement.

“Who will go for us? Whom shall we send?” He muttered in confusion. Spying was a horrible mission. Anyone discovered by Chiemiele would be put to death. He needed someone who would be willing to sacrifice his life.

Chinedum watched the features of the king. He knew Ikemba was worried knowing how dangerous this plan was. He couldn’t think of anyone in Ezeudo that would be willing to take such a sacrifice. Granted, the people loved their king, but he doubted their loved reached a level they could die for him. This plan was a secret and the royal guards couldn’t be let in.
“I will go for us. You must send me.” Chinedum blurted out.

Ikemba guffawed, “You’re joking right?” He stopped laughing when he noticed that Chinedum’s face was stern.
“No, no, no. I cannot send you. You are next in line to the throne if something should happen to me. This throne must never leave our name. I will not send you.”
Chinedum wasn’t deterred by Ikemba’s gruff voice. He had a plan that would lower the risk of being caught. If Ikemba accepted his offer, he would play his part well.

“You cannot deny me of this request. The woman that is being held against her will is my slave. I will be obeying one of the laws of the land which states thus:

‘It is the duty of a slave owner to take good care of his slaves, lest he incur the wrath of the gods.’ You are an honorable man and you will obey the laws of the land.”
When Ikemba heard this, he knew that he was hooked.


Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Goddess Of The Sun (Adaora Part 2) - Episode 10
Reply #9 on: December 11, 2019, 12:57:25 AM
Goddess Of The Sun (Adaora Part 2) - Episode 10

Goddess Of The Sun (Adaora Part 2) - Episode 10

“This is a dangerous task! You have two little children and a wife at home. I will not share in your death. I do not want you to go!” He expressed his dissatisfaction but Chinedum had nothing to fear.

He pulled in a deep breath, “Obiajulu has an aunt who came to visit. I will encourage the woman to stay more. She will keep them company.”
“I haven’t accepted your offer.” The King rose to his feet and walked out of the palace.

“You have two days to give me an answer!” Chinedum refused to back down. He didn’t know what inspired this strength in him. But he was determined to help the King and Adaora in the little way he could. If that led to his death, he had nothing to lose by trying to fight for Ezeudo. Obiajulu was still very young and she could remarry and bear more sons. Besides, he planned to hand her to Anosike to marry if his life was in danger.
When he stepped out of the hut, he found Oriaku. Her eyes were reddish and swollen.
“Why is your face sad?” Chinedum asked.

“How could you ask me that? Did you not hear the words of the oracle? My time on earth is short. I do not know what I have done to offend the gods. They refused to bless me with children and now they seek to take my life.” She sobbed.

Just then, Chinedum remembered the words of the oracle concerning him. He pondered on it briefly and decided to let it slide. Oracles had a way of instilling fear in people, so he decided not to worry. But he would be more careful.
“You must wipe your tears. Pray to the gods for mercy.”

Anosike had fallen asleep. The pain from Oriaku’s attack was still fresh. He was briefly awoken by the knock on his door.
“Who is that?” He searched the thick darkness.

The visitor didn’t waste time; she pushed the door open and quickly shut the door behind her. When Obiajulu realized how dark the room was, she located the little window and pushed it open. When her eyes met with Anosike’s eyes, she realized that he was afraid.
“You terrified me!” He screamed.
“You thought I was a killer eh?” She laughed.

She sat at the edge of the bamboo bed and began to caress his chest.
“You look excited, what good news do you bring?” He waited.
Obiajulu had never been this happy. First, her enemy had been kidnapped. The last thing that stood between her and the throne of Ezeudo was taken away. She didn’t answer, she continued drawing invisible circles on his chest.

“Can you guess?” She chuckled. Anosike’s spirit lightened at the sound of her laughter. He wished he could listen to this laughter for the rest of his life. But something had changed in him after Okeke’s visit. He knew their love relationship was abominable and perhaps it was time to tone things down.
“Why don’t you go ahead and tell me? If I was strong, I would’ve guessed.” He returned her smile.

She cleared her throat and straightened.
“The slave girl is out of our way. From the story that I heard, she has been kidnapped by the warriors of Amabara. The gods have shown themselves to me. It is clear that I am destined for the throne, I don’t know how it will happen but you must work with me.”
Everything she said came as a surprise to him, but he kept his shock under control.

“What is your next plan?” He wondered how Obiajulu could be destined for the throne. Ezeudo’s last female ruler existed a hundred years ago and she had been put to death by stoning for defiling the land with her immoral ways.

Obiajulu knew this part would be hard for Anosike. She rose to her feet and turned her back against him. She caressed the knife which she had safely hidden under her wrapper.
“I love you deeply Anosike and I am sure you love me with the same measure. However, there are many things that stand in our way. We cannot continue to love each other this way.

I know that Oriaku is your wife, but she will always be a thorn in our flesh. Already she knows our secret. It is for that reason that she attacked you with a club. Why don’t we end her for good?”
She kept her eyes on the wall as she spoke.
Anosike’s ears fluttered.

“End her for good? How?” He hoped Obiajulu wasn’t proposing that he murder he wife. His love for Oriaku had grown cold, but that didn’t give him right to murder her. The highest he could do was divorce her.
Obiajulu tightened her grip around the dagger. Why was he hesitant? Didn’t he love her anymore?

“Don’t ask questions like a child, Anosike. You know what I mean. If you truly love me, Oriaku must go.” She turned around and searched his eyes. She felt relaxed when she noticed that Anosike still loved her.
Anosike was tongue tied. He couldn’t choose because it was difficult. He was madly in love with Obiajulu. He could do anything for her, but he couldn’t kill Oriaku.

“Ask of anything else and I will be swift to do it.” He pleaded.
Obiajulu scoffed. She had come prepared.
“I had a feeling that you will be a coward but I know what is best for us.” Without wasting time, she moved towards Anosike and dropped a kiss on his forehead after which she pulled out the knife from her wrapper.

“What do you want to do with that?” He pulled his lips from her.

Obiajulu didn’t answer. Her lips curled into a smile. Her eyes were suddenly filled with darkness. Blood rushed in her veins as she heard approaching footsteps and a voice which sung to the evening birds…Oriaku had come home.
“Something that you are not man enough to do.”


Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Goddess Of The Sun (Adaora Part 2) - Episode 11
Reply #10 on: December 20, 2019, 03:53:49 AM
Goddess Of The Sun (Adaora Part 2) - Episode 11

Goddess Of The Sun (Adaora Part 2) - Episode 11

Anosike wasn’t comfortable with the tone of Obiajulu’s voice. There was something dark and sinister about her voice; like she had been possessed by a very bad spirit. He wished he could rise to his feet and drag her out of the house, but Oriaku’s beatings had made him incapacitated. Anosike pulled in a deep breath and tried to calm himself. By now, Oriaku’s humming was drawing closer and he knew she was in danger.

“Obiajulu! I warn you…” He gritted his teeth. But Chinedum’s wife wasn’t in the mood to indulge a weak man. Her eyes were set on the throne and no one could stand in the way of her victory. Her plans had already been designed and she wouldn’t leave any stone unturned. She had waited for a long time to exact revenge on Oriaku. Yes, revenge. Oriaku had insulted and humiliated her enough, it was time to teach her a lesson.
Obiajulu scoffed, “I know you do not love your wife. Let me do you a favor and put your misery away. There is no need to pretend with me. I am the only woman who can ever love you the way that you want…” she winked.

Oriaku had reached the doorpost at this moment. The good woman clipped her tongue and leaned closer to the door. It seemed like she had heard her husband’s voice. Who could Anosike be talking to? After a while of listening, she decided her mind was playing tricks on her. Unknown to Oriaku, Obiajulu had sensed her arrival and had hidden in a strategic place.
She gently pushed the door open and stepped in.

“How do you do my husband?” Oriaku smiled, feeling a bit remorseful for what she had done to Anosike.

Anosike found it difficult to speak. Fear rose up in his belly as he searched her happy face. He didn’t love Oriaku but he didn’t want her death either.

“How do you expect me to be?” He pretended to be angry with her, hoping that Obiajulu would have a change of mind.
Oriaku wasn’t surprised by the grumpiness of his tone. She neared the bed and was about pushing open the window, when she felt a sharp pain in her back. Before she could tell what was happening, warm liquid trickled down her lower back to her buttocks. It was then that she realized someone had attacked her from behind.
Oriaku lost her balance. Pain shot through her. She bit her lips trying to numb it, but the knife only went deeper.

“You shall die Oriaku! Now that I have gotten rid of you, I and Anosike would be free to express our love.” Obiajulu’s eyes glowed in the thick darkness.

“No!” Anosike screamed but it was too late for the knife had touched one of the most delicate places in the human body.
Oriaku staggered and faced Obiajulu, still with the knife on her back.

“Obiajulu…” she called in a weak voice, before her knees sank into the ground.

“In your next life, you will fear someone with that name.” Obiajulu answered. She quickly pulled out her knife and wiped the droplets of blood on Oriaku’s arm. She felt a blood rush of excitement as she stared at the dead body. Her plans to become queen had quickly been set in motion.
Anosike groaned in pains; pain for his dead wife but he couldn’t do much about it.

“I know you are scared but I can handle this. I will make her body go away and you will cook up some story about her disappearance. For the next four days, we shall not see each other.” Obiajulu sat on the edge of the bed and dropped a kiss on Anosike’s face. He didn’t respond. He wasn’t in the mood. She sensed his anger towards her and quickly pushed him away. She rose to her feet and marched towards the window. She pushed it open and welcomed the weak stream of reddish sunlight. In no time, night would set upon the earth.
Satisfied that the day was ending, she turned towards him.

“Where do you keep the mats in this compound?”
Time passed before Anosike replied. He was terribly annoyed with Obiajulu. How could she go ahead with a plan without consulting him? Did she think he was a puppet like her husband? He loved her, no doubt. But he couldn’t continue his love relationship with her. Slowly, he was beginning to see the reason why Oriaku had warned him about her, but he was too scared to talk. Obiajulu could decide to plunge that knife into his body and no one would know. He decided to play along with her, but he planned to avenge the death of Oriaku.

“What do you need the mats for?” He asked in a calm voice.

“Don’t be a fool Anosike. I have already done the first part for you. This part is supposed to be yours, but I am willing to conceal the body. Don’t make it harder for me by asking stupid questions.”
He felt insulted by the harsh words she spoke with. How on earth had he ever fallen in love with such a vile woman who didn’t know her place?

“You must check the kitchen area. Oriaku…” he almost choked on his dead wife’s name.

“Oriaku usually kept the mats there.”

Obiajulu wasn’t a fool. She had a feeling that Anosike was aggrieved at her act.

“I don’t know what you’re thinking but you should show me a little gratitude. Everything that I do is for our good. I shall reveal more of my plans to you. Do not pretend that Oriaku’s death doesn’t make you happy.”
She walked briskly out of the hut towards the kitchen area. She trusted Anosike, Obiajulu knew he couldn’t tell anyone what she had done. This will only make their love stronger.
She needed to hurry so she could return home and be with her husband and children. She couldn’t wait to tell Chinedum all about her Aunt’s vision. She was giving him the last chance to decide if he would take the throne from his barren cousin, Ikemba.
The thought of travelling in disguise to Amabara consumed Chinedum’s thoughts. He couldn’t wait to go on a journey that would serve all the dwellers of Ezeudo. It was a difficult task but he was willing to try. He had given Ikemba two days to decide and he hoped the answer would be positive. Adaora had done well for his children, and he was pleased with her. It was on the account of his family that she had gotten kidnapped. Perhaps, if she had not gone to the stream to fetch water, she would’ve still been in safety.
He dismissed the thoughts and decided to ponder on something else. He couldn’t tell Obiajulu about his plans because it was meant to be a secret he shared with the king. He couldn’t share a lot with her. As he neared the house, he remembered the warning of the oracle; there was a traitor in his home and he needed to be careful. Though the traitor wasn’t named, he trusted his wife a lot. He had a feeling that Ifeyinwa was the one, but he had known her for many years. She had never given him a reason to distrust her. He would tread carefully concerning this matter.
He noticed that Ifeyinwa was outside with his children.
“Has Obiajulu not returned?” He asked.
The older woman shook her head.
“She dropped by earlier and left almost immediately. I shared the news of the missing slave with her, maybe she had gone out in search.” Ifeyinwa thought this explanation was valid for Obiajulu’s behavior. She had a feeling that her niece was up to something sneaky, but she couldn’t put a finger around it.

When Chinedum heard this, he relaxed. But he didn’t believe Obiajulu could go out of her way to do anything for anyone. The wife he knew had a strong weakness, she could be very selfish at times. He smiled at his children and hugged them. Thankfully, they had something to eat because of their aunt.
“I will be inside the room should you need anything of me.” Chinedum announced.
“I prepared roast yam and fish sauce. Would you like to eat?” Ifeyinwa called after him.
“I am not hungry tonight. Many things trouble my mind,” Chinedum sighed and safely closed the door behind him.
Shortly after, Obiajulu returned. She had hidden Oriaku’s body successfully and no one would ever trace the disappearance of Anosike’s wife to her. She hummed a fine tune as she neared the compound. When Adaugo and Ikenna heard her voice, the children quickly rushed into their mother’s arms.
“I know you have missed me terribly. I have missed you too.”
When she was through with bonding with her children, she greeted her aunt and proceeded into the house. She was shocked to see Chinedum.
“My husband!” Her voice almost betrayed her.
“Where have you been Obiajulu? How do you leave your children in an empty house?” Chinedum wasn’t too happy with her and she knew this.

She had a lot to share with her husband. But first, she had to find a way to make him happy. Obiajulu made sure to use her seductive charms this time… she untied the knot that kept her wrapper pieces together. When the fabrics came off, Chinedum found it difficult to concentrate. He rose to his feet and clung tightly to her body. He thought she smelt clean and lovely; but he failed to catch the scent of Oriaku’s blood that was thickly smeared over her body.


Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Goddess Of The Sun (Adaora Part 2) - Episode 12
Reply #11 on: December 20, 2019, 03:58:37 AM
Goddess Of The Sun (Adaora Part 2) - Episode 12

Goddess Of The Sun (Adaora Part 2) - Episode 12

Time had passed and Adaora could feel it. The gods hadn’t spoken to her again and this got her worried. The King’s palace was the last place that she wished to be. Images of the dead maidens haunted her each night. She found it difficult to sleep after princess Uli had led her to the deadly dome. If Chiemelie had the guts to slaughter women without conscience, it was obvious that she wasn’t safe.
As Adaora paced the mud house where she had been kept, she couldn’t help but wonder aloud. The room she was placed in was befitting of a regal. The walls were polished with new clay; the floors were adorned with shells of periwinkles and snails. Artistic designs made from cowpea blood and charcoal marked the walls and the floor. The bamboo bed which had been provided for her was very large and strong. As Adaora observed the excellent furnishing, she briefly remembered her life as a slave.
Close to the bed lay a huge wooden box. The King had filled it with different costumes and expensive beads. It was obvious that he desperately wanted her attention. But Adaora couldn’t forget her purpose. She covered her face in her palms and bowed her head.
“Why did you bring me here? You have given me powers of the moon and sun, why can’t you help me to harness it and set the people free from this cursed king?” She grumbled.
Everyone in Amabara was afraid of Chiemelie. The only person who didn’t cower before him was his sister, Uli and Adaora feared for her safety. She waited for an answer from the gods. She desired a vision, a voice or a dream, but she got none. She was about asking another question when the door to her room fell open and she rose to her feet. Whoever had come in without knocking was definitely not a serving girl. It had to be someone from the royal family.

When she peered towards the door, she saw that it was Uli.
“My princess,” Adaora cast the worries aside and welcomed her with a smile.
Uli was looking exceptionally beautiful in a blue wrapper piece. Her slender neck was adorned with pink clay markings a one black bead.
“My Queen,” Uli bowed her head.
Adaora laughed, “You don’t have to call me that. We both know that I am not marrying your brother. At least, I don’t want to.”
Uli flashed a smile, “I know that you are destined for a king. You have a queenly nature.”
Adaora thanked her for the compliment and offered her a seat on her bed. Princess Uli eyed the room with a smile before settling.
“I hope you love this room.”
“I do. It is very beautiful.”
Adaora knew the princess had come to discuss something important with her. it definitely wasn’t about the state of her room; it was something more. Adaora guessed it could be another secret.
Uli had dreamt of her future. She was very good with dreams as the spirits of the water showed themselves to her because of her kind nature. This time, she found it difficult to understand her dream, so she had come to share it with Adaora.
“I had a dream last night…” she looked away from Adaora shyly.
“Tell me about it,” Adaora nodded.
“I embraced a stranger under a tall udara tree. His eyes were dark and sad but I was able to comfort him. From the way he was dressed, he isn’t a man from this land. I do not know what to make of my dream.”
Adaora’s brows lifted as she regarded the princess’ face.
“This is good news indeed! Are you in love with any stranger?”
“I have never been in love with any man. I detest the way my brother behaves and treats women. A lot of men in Amabara are cruel to their wives so I never desired to be married.”
While she said this, Adaora stifled a laugh. The princess was simply afraid of being mistreated by the one who claimed to love her. Adaora gently grabbed her hands and stared into her eyes.
“You do not have to be afraid, princess. What the gods have destined for you shall come to pass.”
Uli felt a wave of relief when she heard these words. She was happy that someone finally understood her.
“One more thing…” Uli raised a finger into the air. Adaora waited.
“In the dream, he came into Amabara like a thief. I don’t know what to make out of that. I do not want to end up with a thief.”
Adaora explained to the princess that dreams weren’t always as they were given.
“He isn’t a thief but he may not spend a long time in Amabara. You must keep your eyes on the ground to recognize this man. I have a feeling that the gods are about to reward you with a very good man.”
When Adaora later escorted Uli out of her hut, they both noticed an influx of youths into the palace.
“What is happening?” Adaora was curious.
“I don’t know. Chiemelie and his mother are up to something mischievous.” Uli quickened her steps as she walked towards her the palace while Adaora decided to hang around. When she stepped in, her eyes met with Chiemelie who quickly looked away.
Uli noticed a bronze box in the middle of the palace and a bleeding human head upon it. Her lips shivered as she found a headless man next to it. Her eyes travelled back to Chiemelie who had a sword in his hand which dripped of blood. Uli didn’t know what to make out of this situation, she was confused. When silence had taken over the great hall, the King rose from his throne and stepped towards the bronze box.
“For many years, Amabara has played second fiddle to Ezeudo. They stole our lands. They renamed our rivers. They took everythin away from us but no longer do we have to be their slaves.”
When he paused, the men cheered and clapped him.



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