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Author Topic: Super Story: The Hiding Place - Episode 1 [Full Episode]  (Read 6201 times)

Offline Yakub Oloyede

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The Hiding Place – Episode 1

Imelda shut her eyes trusting that she would revive them in a more pleasurable reality. She checked one, two, and three underneath her breath, at that point gradually opened her eyes to understand that nothing had changed. She was as yet held without wanting to inside a little stay with white dividers and roof.

At one corner was a little wooden table with two seats confronting each other, her 6ft by 3ft bed remained on the other corner. The air around her was cool yet that didn't prevent her from sweating plentifully. She had the consistent inclination that somebody was watching her however she couldn't see or hear anybody.

She was frightened!

Her hair developed unhindered, some covering her eyes. Her lips were dry and her skin was starting to pale however her child like face and little stature made her take a gander no less than 10 years more youthful than her actual age of thirty-five.

She sat in favor of the quaint little inn out a scratch pad from under her pad. She flipped the cover and started to peruse the substance.

"My name is Imelda Lawson James, I am the first of three offspring of Engr. Okechukwu and Arch. (Mrs) Ifeanyi Lawson. I was naturally introduced to opulence. My dad worked with an oil and gas firm and my mom was a big deal land specialist. We lived exceptionally cheerful lives. I was constantly top in my class from grade school, through optional and into the college. I exceeded expectations in sports as well. My kin dependably admired me for direction and I was extremely cautious to guarantee I remained the good example they needed to find in me.

I went into the college when the majority of my associates were attempting to pass the college registration examination. I was confessed to examine oil designing and after my graduation, I went ahead to complete a graduate degree in oil building. Utilizing on my parent's association and my decent evaluations, I got into overland oil and gas constrained quickly after graduation.

I got hitched to one of my schoolmates from my optional school – Eric James. I met Eric after finished 10 years however began to look all starry eyed at very quickly. He came to facilitate an arrangement with my organization to lift oil based commodities to different parts of the nation. He got the arrangement and furthermore got a spouse. Once in a while, he jokes that I was the primary prize in that business bargain.

Eric was such a quiet and clever person. He was a cherishing spouse, father and an excellent business head honcho. I generally appreciated that despite his bustling calendar, he generally set aside a few minutes to be with his family.

We have four stunning youngsters, two young ladies, and two young men. They are adorable and doing very well in school. Our eldest child, Cynthia, just gained admission into the university to study medicine.

Last Christmas while on a family withdraw on our yacht. Eric and I reported to the children that we had sufficiently made stores and course of action to deal with their tertiary education."

All of a sudden, she shut the scratch pad and grinned, immediately overlooking her detainment. It took her precisely 10 seconds to come back to the condition of dread and vulnerability that she had turned out to be acclimated with.

She had no recollections of how she got into the white room. The exact opposite thing she recalled was the family withdraw, a court and the men dressed in dark.

Somebody was tagging along the passageway. The strides ended up noticeably louder, it seemed like two sets of strides and Imelda's pulse started to race until in the long run, everything around her halted. The individual was directly before her entryway.

She tuned in, she looked and could make out a shadow from the little space between the

entryway and the floor. She started to hear voices yet it appeared like the voices were originating from inside her head.

"They have come to complete you!"

"We will manage you!"

"We have you cornered"

"It's a great opportunity to pay for every one of your wrongdoings!"

She put her hands rapidly on her head, tenderly running them through her hair and gradually rubbing her scalp. At that point she put a finger from each hand into her ears just as attempting to challenge the numerous contemplation's that attempted to rule her psyche.

She tuned in as a key entered the keyhole and, as it turned she could hear the sound of the metal bar opening the entryway. Fear became her companion..

Credit: Peter okolie

Offline Yakub Oloyede

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Super Story: The Hiding Place - Episode 1,2&3 [Full Episode]
Reply #1 on: January 09, 2018, 02:54:30 AM

The Hiding Place – Episode 2

The entryway opened gradually, uncovering a benevolent face. As Dr. Richard welcomed her with a grin, she promptly recollected that she was in a healing center.

"Doctor/Specialist, why am I still here?"

Dr. Richard offered her a couple of cuts of sandwiches and some natural product juice, at that point he took one of the seats at the table and welcomed her to go along with him. Reluctantly, she went along with him at the table. She gradually put her note pad on the table and enabled her eyes to devour on the feast that had been set before her. Understanding that the specialist hadn't replied her inquiry, she challenged.

"Why am I still here?"

"You said you would convey Eric and the children to visit me"

"Eric?" the specialist enquired

"Indeed, my better half and my children, you said you would convey them to visit me" Imelda ended up plainly fomented.

Dr. Richard influenced a fast endeavor to quiet her to down.

"Imelda that is the reason I am here. I need you to have a remark so you can spruce up and see them, or would you like them to see you looking pitiful?"

She took a moderate look at herself at that point unhurriedly went after a cut of sandwich. The specialist went after her scratch pad and after that took a speedy look at the substance looking into more than once to guarantee that Imelda approved of his prying. After a cautious investigation of the substance of the book, he inquired,

"Things being what they are, how could you meet Eric?"

She grinned timidly, wiped her lips with the back of her hand at that point reacted calmly.

"We met at a companion's birthday party." She delayed quickly, at that point detecting that the specialist needed more points of interest, she proceeded

"I was in my third year in the college, considering for a degree in Architecture."

"Engineering?" he affirmed

"Truly, I was contemplating for a degree in Architecture. He was a last year understudy in the

Workforce of Engineering." She gave a short grin just as relishing a memory, at that point proceeded.

"While at the birthday party, he strolled up to me and talked about the amount he was

attracted to me since he knew I was an extremely smart woman with the dread of the Lord. In the event that

I didn't think about men being seekers, I would have been impressed me by his cajole.

I knew his fascination wasn't detached to the dress I was wearing, my bends and my pretty face. I shielded my heart from the 'voodoo' in his words, at that point gave him a grin that was drained of any feeling.

Weeks on, he continued, it resembled I had turned into his all consuming purpose. He continued going to me in my lodging and my classroom, giving me endowments and consideration. I enjoyed him, he was a fine man, destined to be an architect however I needed to influence him to pursue me somewhat more. Following a month and a half of quickly pursuing me, I said yes and that was the start of the trip for us"

"Reveal to me a little about your children" The Doctor tested further

She grinned gladly

"I have three children"

She tallied with her fingers, one, two, and three.

"My eldest is Junia, she is a genuine wonder. She would be seventeen in July and is an undergrad in the University of Ife. Her two more youthful ones are Anita and Emmanuel, they are in life experience school. Them three are my pride, the quality of my childhood and I adore them so such."

Dr. Richard grinned reassuringly, at that point inquired

"Do you know why you are here or how you got here?"

Imelda turned out to be peaceful, she checked out the room before in the long run reacting.

"I don't have the foggiest idea"

He grinned, at that point hauled out a little medicine bottle from his pocket. He gave the medications to her and gradually whispered,

"Imelda, everything will be okay, take your medications"

"What are the medications for?" she questioned

He pulled himself off the seat and disclosed to her that the medications would enable her to show signs of improvement. At the point when her eyes were swung to take the medications, he exchanged her note pad with a clear one that he had hidden under his protective outer layer. He strolled towards the entryway and guaranteed her that he would have returned to see her.


Offline Yakub Oloyede

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Super Story: The Hiding Place - Episode 3 [Full Episode]
Reply #2 on: January 09, 2018, 03:01:46 AM

In the other room, a man – in his mid-sixties – was watching every one of that was going on through the screen of a TV. Obviously, the room where Imelda was kept had been fitted with shrouded cameras, she was being observed.

Dr. Richard went into the room joined by a medical attendant that had been remaining outside Imelda's entryway. He gave the old man Imelda's note pad and permitted him a couple of moment to peruse the substance. The old man attempted to shield tears from moving down his cheeks and before the specialist could give his investigation of the circumstance, the old man talked his brain.

"She is my little girl or daughter and I know her more than anybody of you here." He started

"I know you feel that she is crazy yet I oppose this idea. I know she is simply having issues dealing with all that she has experienced. She is trying to claim ignorance and it is splendidly typical considering all that she has endured. My little girl isn't frantic!"

The specialist consciously interfered.

"Mr. Lawson, we don't think you girl is distraught, notwithstanding, we trust she may experience the ill effects of a psychological maladjustment.

"What do you mean, she isn't distraught yet she is Mental?"

"Well yes"

"Specialist you don't comprehend, Imelda is experiencing a considerable measure, she is my first tyke and her life has been a steady battle for endorsement. For reasons unknown she generally thought that it was hard to stay aware of her companions since she was constantly occupied, unfit to remain concentrated on a certain something. While she was all the while attempting to pass the college registration examination, her kin were drawing near to their last year in the college.

She battled with nearly everything and thinking back, it would seem like I never allowed her to develop at her pace. I was always contrasting her with her kin, they won honors and award from different scholarly and professional exercises. I was continually estimating her accomplishments against those of her associates and wasn't ever strong of her"

He delayed quickly and watched the curious gaze that the specialist struck him with.

Not disapproving, he kept on talking.

"Here and there, I feel like all she at any point needed was to be acknowledged by me, however I fizzled her"

The specialist loose into his seat enabling the old man to keep talking.

"Things didn't show signs of improvement in the University, truth be told, they deteriorated. Imelda burned through nine a long time for a four-year course just to graduate with a second rate class respect and a battered confidence.

She battled with frailty and had her offer of dejections. At this point, clearly whatever she was experiencing was past her, in all likelihood otherworldly. Her mummy and I took her to different houses of worship and Prayer Mountains for deliverance and some of the time it appeared like her fortune was starting to change however things continued as before.

I recall when her mom passed on, my significant other of right around three decades, Imelda was forlorn. She went into an extraordinary condition of dejection, I must be solid for both of us. I saw that on the off chance that she would escape that condition of dejection, she required my help. Night and day, I would make it an obligation to advise her that everything would have been alright.

When she landed a position as an authoritative staff in the doctor's facility, I was exceptionally thankful to God. In any event, that helped take her psyche off the misfortune and sooner or later, she was proceeding onward with her life.

She educated me concerning a patient at her healing facility that had been associated with a mischance and conveyed to the doctor's facility oblivious. Imelda conflicted with the healing center administer to enroll the man without a store and guaranteed that the man was dealt with despite the fact that no one remained as a relative or companion. She could have lost her activity for that, however she proceeded all the same.

The next day, the man recaptured awareness, two years a short time later he turned into my child in-law.

Fortune was starting to bless her, she was joyfully hitched to a man that loved her. Things were starting to search up for her until four years after marriage when it turned into a genuine worry that she didn't have a youngster.

Imelda, obviously, was concerned. Life was so uncalled for to her, it wasn't until seven years into the marriage that the Almighty chose to favor her with the product of the womb and me with a grandson.

Two years after Alex came into the family, the cry of no other kid was heard in the house and Imelda was moving toward a phase in her life when she could never again have youngsters. I had effectively acknowledged that I would have just a single grandchild from her however she kept on seeking after more youngsters and that made her discouraged.

One red Tuesday evening, Imelda was setting off to the market and had Alex in the auto with her. She was driving along Mobolaji street and didn't see a trailer coming through the convergence. The impact was unpleasant when the trailer in the end halted, the dead assemblage of Alex was hauled out from the destruction. As though that was insufficient, she woke up two days after the fact to discover her significant other dead in bed with her. So let me know, isn't it enough motivation to be discouraged and live trying to claim ignorance."

He delayed and sat tight for a reaction from the specialist.

"Sir, I concur that she may experience foreswearing however I think we are managing substantially more than gloom and disavowal here. She has clashing data about herself and the conditions that conveyed her to this place. She is persuaded that she is coming clean and that all that she is stating is a memory when in established truth she is living in a dream.

She has made another identity for herself, indeed, various identities. This is normal with individuals with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). We realize that DID is some of the time activated by troublesome circumstances like the departure of a friend or family member and you said for yourself that you began seeing the seriousness of the condition around when her mother passed on and furthermore after the mishap that took your grandson and her significant other."

"So you are stating that my little girl has a psychological issue"

The old man affirmed

"All things considered, the manifestations she is displaying is predictable with the condition, we would require to do assist perceptions and tests to know for certain what we are managing with."

Is it treatable?

"Truly it is and we will do our best to make her well once more."

"Be that as it may, how would we clarify the passing of her better half?"

"Imelda is the main individual that would have the capacity to disclose to us how it happened however she has to show signs of improvement first then we would have the capacity to ask her what she recollects from the day that Eric kicked the bucket/died."

They were both picked hush, at that point progressively their consideration was attracted to the TV screen as they watched Imelda resting gently on the bed. She was having a fantasy or maybe considering a memory.

It was two evenings after Alex was murdered in that auto crash and she couldn't rest. She was spooky by the possibility that she had murdered her own particular kid. On the off chance that lone she had abandoned him at home with the caretaker, if just she had seen the trailer and backed off for it to pass, assuming just, yet it was past the point where it is possible to change the past. Eric, then again, was sleeping and his wheezing was starting to aggravate her. She turned the other way yet she could in any case hear him wheeze, looking for peace, she grabbed a cushion.

She got over Eric and held the two his hands with her knee and after that sat on him so he couldn't move. She set the pad over his face at that point squeezed hard. His battle was futile, she squeezed harder until the point when she was persuaded that he wouldn't wheeze once more.

She evacuated the cushion and set down next to him, she laid there and the main sound ,she could hear was the wash of the roof fan and the delicate cadenced ticktock of the divider/wall clock.

The End


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