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Author Topic: Super Story: Dance Of The Virgin - Full Episode  (Read 11081 times)

Offline Mr. Babatunde

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Super Story: Dance Of The Virgin - Full Episode
Reply #12 on: January 04, 2018, 02:50:47 AM


'Open this entryway this moment! You little girl of a slave'.

Kamsi's initial morning affronts took her back to reality as her fantasy blurred and she moved her tangle and made for the entryway.

'Great morning stepmother' Nai'muri bowed her head.

'Try not to call me mother, I am not your mom. She was eaten by wild creatures' Kamsi's announcement was ponder, she intended to hurt Nai'muri.

'You don't need to affront my mom Kamsi, it is too soon for that' Nai'muri let go back at her. She dreaded nobody now, her dad had accommodated with her and he could never lay hands on her for remaining against his inconsiderate spouse.

'What did you call me'? Kamsi's face blushed by Nai'muri's affront.

'Why have you gone to my hovel'? Nai'muri disregarded her inquiry.

'On the off chance that you should eat in this house, at that point you need to bring water. There are twelve water pots you should fill before you have your breakfast' Kamsi showed the twelve earth pots before her.

Nai'muri chose she would do it; she was persevering and getting water wouldn't be an issue as she was at that point used to doing a large portion of the work in the house.

Not at all like her, Zabacha her progression sister did nothing; she spent the majority of her mornings and nights dozing or tattling with her two companions, Galia and Koqsi.

'That wouldn't be an issue' Nai'muri bowed her head and came back to her hovel leaving Kamsi completely confounded.

'Zabacha'! Kamsi surged towards her girl's cottage.

'Wake up' she bowed near her tangle and shook her enthusiastically.

'God help us, mother! I had the best dream ever and you simply demolished it. I saw myself getting hitched to sovereign Omiro' she yawned.

'Get up, there is something peculiar about Nai'muri, you should take after her to the waterway and see what she is dependent upon' Kamsi said.

'In any case, mother… you know I don't prefer to go to the waterway' Zabacha whined.

'I requesting that her get twelve water pots and she concurred without grievance; I offended her mom and she overlooked me; I feel she is plotting against us, in the event that we should find what she is dependent upon, you should keep an eye on her' Kamsi proposed.

'For what reason don't we simply slip harm into her nourishment and end her like her mom'? Zabacha moaned uproariously.

'Close your mouth! Your dad may hear us' she immediately secured her hands over Zabacha's mouth.

'On the off chance that we murder Nai'muri, all fingers would point at us; we can't slaughter her until further notice yet perhaps there are different ways we could hurt her' Kamsi had a long pondered this. She had moved toward harming Nai'muri however she ruled against it. It was an unsafe move and she chose she would accomplish another thing to hurt the young lady.

'Okay mother, I might see her for you' Zabacha rose to her feet and got her two-piece wrapper.

Jaja Nana had chosen to keep the Hunani man who thoroughly understood the land past the mountain in her royal residence for more data. She was a lady loaded with judgment and shrewdness and that was the reason she attracted the men to herself.

The Hunani wanderers were very much voyage and had contacts with the outside world; they had battled wars earlier and with their assistance, they will vanquish the new land for themselves.

Omiro's understanding was running out as the days moved by, he longed to climb the mountain and see the land that lay past it himself.

'Great morning mother' he joined her on the expansive table that was implied for their suppers.

'Omiro, my ruler' she grinned as her good looking child strolled into the lounge area.

'Regardless I don't comprehend why we need to hold up till my wedding is finished' he got the earth jolt that was loaded with water and emptied it into his calabash.

'I need the honored position to be secured before we go to war' Jaja Nana answered.

'I have asked the Hunani man, his name is Andol, to remain with us till the war is finished' she said to her child.

'That is a smart thought, I might go out for a stroll with him later and indicate him round Ozodo' Omiro recommended.

'For what reason do I have the inclination that you'll be getting some information about the land past the mountain'? Jaja Nana jeered.

'That wouldn't be a wrongdoing, okay? I am simply attempting to extinguish my interest' Omiro answered.

Roka described to his sister about everything that had occurred in the forested areas and his powerlessness to scout the land like he had arranged.

'Indeed, in these, I am glad you executed Adoni; she demand to bite the dust' Analin moaned as she tuned in to her sibling's story.

'Also, how is the young lady I protected'? Analin asked she recollected the young lady she had safeguarded from the awful men that had debilitated to contaminate her. She ended up being the proprietor of the arm ornament and Adoni's little girl.

'I let her go, I couldn't slaughter her' Roka answered.

'That implies we need to attack that land when possible'Analin was persuaded the young lady wouldn't keep her mouth close particularly after Roka had executed her mom.

'I contrast. I need us to stop the attack; she wouldn't let out the slightest peep' Roka answered unquestionably.

'What's more, you know this how? You are not an entertainer Roka; you are a ruler but rather I am your central warrior and I know every one of the procedures you have to take this land for yourself; you should've executed her' Analin rose to her feet.

Roka was astounded at her inhumanity; she had appeared to support the young lady at to begin with, for what reason did she alter her opinion?

'When I recall the way we shuddered; the way the consultant and insightful one concealed us in his home from those rats, I get furious. Anybody associated with any usurper should kick the bucket; you shouldn't show demonstrated her kindness sibling, now your leniency would cost us a considerable measure' Analin communicated her disappointment.

'Analin… regardless of whether she enlightens individuals concerning us, nobody would trust her; for a thousand years, we have lived on this opposite side of the mountain supposing nobody was outwardly? The same goes for them' Roka went to his protection.

'So why not need us to assault them now'? Analin inquired. Her blood was hot,she longed to do fight, to make utilization of every one of her times of preparing.

He was embarrassed about his activities; he couldn't tell his sister that he had assaulted a lady and was being tormented by blame; that was the reason he had lost enthusiasm for assaulting the new land.

'I require time to think an arrangement' he glared.

'Time? We don't have that much' she answered.

'At that point pause, till I am prepared to attack the land. I am as yet your ruler, you'll do as I say' his tone ended up noticeably legitimate.

'As you wish, my ruler' Analin bowed her head and left only him to his contemplations.

When he heard the entryway close, he got the brilliant arm ornament from his pocket and gazed at it; he needed to alter his ways. He expected to discover the young lady and request her pardoning and if conceivable wed her since he'd been the one to ravish her, he expected to bring her respect.

'I should attack the land in ten days time' he mumbled to himself. He would oust the decision ruler and abduct the general population, after which he'd make Adoni's little girl his ruler.


Offline Mr. Babatunde

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Re: Super Story: Dance Of The Virgin - Full Episode
Reply #13 on: January 04, 2018, 02:54:23 AM

Zabacha had gone to the riverside with her two best friends: Galia and Koqsi.

‘My mother made me a dress out of feathers for the virgin dance, she is very confident that I would win’ Galia changed the subject of their discussion.

‘I am not going to the virgin dance’ Koqsi chipped into the astonishment of her friends.

‘What do you mean you are not going? That is every girl’s dream except you have lost your virginity…wait, have you lost it’? Galia asked.

‘She doesn’t need to lose it, I am going to win the contest and you will all bow to me’ Zabacha raised her hands in the air and begun to walk majestically…

‘You are as proud as a peacock and as arrogant as a beast, what makes you so sure that you will win’? Koqsi hissed.

Galia stepped immediately knowing her friends were to quarrel very soon.

‘Isn’t that Nai’muri, your beautiful sister’? Galia called their attention to Nai’muri who was coming from the riverside with a heavy pot on her head.

‘That vermin’ Zabacha hissed angrily, her eyes were filled with envy as Nai’muri walked closer.

‘Accept it Zabacha, she is prettier than all the girls in this village’ Koqsi came for her.

‘You are such a fool Koqsi’! Zabacha yelled angrily and moved towards Nai’muri.

‘What are you still doing at the river? You should walk faster, remember there are still many pots to be filled’ Zabacha eyed her angrily.

‘I have heard you’ Nai’muri replied quietly but maintained her pace.

She wasn’t going to be ordered around like a slave anymore; now that her mother was dead, she had no option but to stand up for herself.

Galia and Koqsi noticed this and burst out laughing.

‘I guess your days of controlling her are over’ they whispered as Zabacha returned.

‘I am glad those wild animals ate her mother up, she deserves it too’ Zabacha said so loud so Nai’muri could here.

‘Low your voice Zabacha! Don’t be cruel’ Galia tried to cover her mouth, but she successfully pushed Galia away.

‘I fear no one’ Zabacha hissed angrily.

‘Can we talk about something else’? Galia shrugged, she was really getting tired of her friends’ attitude.

‘My father told me that there is a land beyond the mountain ruled by a king and it’s inhabited with people’ Zabacha said.

As expected, her two friends burst out with laughter as no one in Ozodo believed there was a world outside the mountain.

‘That’s the way I laughed, but he looked pretty serious and from what I learned, Jaja Nana is going to war with this land; she and Prince Omiro plan to conquer it’ Zabacha continued.

‘Well that is not a bad idea, maybe I could find some handsome young men over there, I wonder what they will look like’ Galia winked.

Nai’muri who followed closely didn’t miss this; “The land beyond the mountain”? Her hands begun to shook and she almost fell the pot down as she remembered the stranger and the way he had slewed her mother before her very eyes; the way he had taken her without her consent.

His men kept mentioning the word “mountain”, what if they had come from the mountain? Was her mother from the mountain? She was a bit scared but she didn’t know who to tell. If she told her father the men had been from the mountain, he would tell Jaja Nana and they will know her mother was not buried in the evil forest as was their tradition.

‘Hmm’ she drew a deep breath and steadied her hands. She thought about the strangest dream she ever had.

She had dreamt of the monster that hurt her, but she had no hate for him in the dream; he looked so adorable and irresistible, his allure was out of this world.

‘Speaking of the prince, Look he is coming towards this diretion’! Koqsi called the attention of her friends to Jaja Omiro who was approaching the river in the company of a Hunani man and some guards.

Nai’muri’s eyes lit up as this was the first time she had seen the prince in such a close range. He was good looking, his skin was dark and his body was muscled and his eyes were kind. There was no one as handsome as Omiro in the whole of Ozodo.

‘Not as handsome as the monster though’ she whispered to herself.
This is my chance to make him like me’ Zabacha whispered to her friends and begun to drag the wrapper piece that veiled her breasts downwards.

‘Are you trying to seduce the prince? He’ll see you as a wayward girl and he will doubt your virginity’ Galia advised.

‘It doesn’t matter, when he comes closer, I want you both to stay quiet, he is mine’ she flashed them a warning with her dark eyes that were heavily shielded with lashes.

‘All your effort will be in vain, I swear by Assura, the very first person he will notice when he comes would be Nai’muri; she is prettier than us all’ Koqsi said in a mocking voice.

Her words stung Zabacha like a bee would and she realized her friend was being honest; fear gripped her as she imagined Nai’muri ending up with the prince.

‘Nai’muri’! She turned sternly to her half sister.

‘Yes’? Nai’muri answered.

‘Go back to the river’ Zabacha said in a commanding voice as that was the only way to avoid the prince from seeing her there.

‘Why? My pot is already filled’ Nai’muri replied quietly.

‘How dare you trade words with me? Are you aware that you are a slave’? Zabacha cut in impatiently.

‘For the last time Zabacha, I am not a slave or anyone’s slave for that matter. I share blood with you, Mazi Ekere is a noble man and so am I’ Nai’muri hissed angrily and walked far off from her half sister.

Tears welled up in Zabacha’s eyes as she watched Nai’muri leave; her heart sank when the Prince stopped her.

‘See? I told you, Nai’muri would win the virgin dance and nothing can stop her’ Koqsi winked.

‘Why are you so mean? I cease to be friends with you, betrayer’ tears rushed down Zabacha’s face. She needed to tell her mother all that had happened.

‘But we are being honest. It’s not really about her beauty alone, Nai’muri has been humble and kind, despite the way you treat her’ Galia sided with Koqsi.

‘May Assura’s thunder strike you two dead’ Zabacha cursed and then took a bush path for home.

‘Always so ahead of herself, I pray she does nothing evil to her half-sister; I don’t trust her at all’ Galia said.

‘Me too’Koqsi replied.


Offline Mr. Babatunde

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Super Story: Dance Of The Virgin - Full Episode
Reply #14 on: January 08, 2018, 01:20:48 AM
Episode 15

The Prince had decided to take the Hunani man for a walk round the land of Ozodo. He had proved himself useful and should be honored by the royal house.

‘So Andol, tell me more about the land beyond the mountain, I am indeed very curious to know’ Jaja Omiro asked.

‘There’s something I forgot to tell you and your mother’ Andol, the eldest of the Hunani men started.

‘Go on, you can tell me now’ Omiro beckoned on him too.

‘It seems the honey pebbles have healing capacity too’ Andol begun.

‘Tell me’.

‘One of my sons was badly scarred by a piece of wood and when he ate it, the scars began to fade; eventually, everything disappeared when my wife decided to crush it into a powdery form and had him rub it all over his body’ the Hunani replied.

‘Then indeed we have found ourselves a fortune; if we are able to conquer the land beyond the mountain, we would have gold and honey pebbles and none of our people would ever fall sick again’ Omiro was excited by this news.

‘Tell me my lord, when do you plan an attack on the land beyond the mountain’? Andol was curious.

‘After my wedding night; I shall ride into the land with the horses and my men and we shall conquer it for ourselves’ he replied in full confidence.

‘That is a great idea’ Andol nodded.

As they were talking, Omiro lost interest as a beautiful maiden walked towards them; in all his life, he had never seen someone as beautiful as she was.

‘My Prince’? Andol tried to get his attention.

‘I see a goddess in human form’ his eyes were fixed on this brown beauty with long black hair.

‘She looks just like them’ the Hunani muttered to himself, the girl that neared them looked like the women he had seen in the land beyond the mountains but the prince wasn’t paying any attention to him.

 Nai’muri walked away from her toxic sister feeling happy and proud of herself that she could finally stand up to her.

Her confidence wavered as she walked closer to where the prince was; he was really handsome and she now understood why many maidens were so thrilled about the virgin dance.

‘May you live forever Jaja’ she bent her knee in respect.

‘Come, tell me your name’ Prince Omiro snapped his fingers and his guards took the water pot down her head.

Nai’muri took a deep breath, she suddenly felt fear as she remembered she was no longer a virgin; from the way his eyes ran over her, he desired her and that meant trouble.

She wasn’t planning to attend the dance of the virgins to avoid shame; but if the Prince picked interest in her, there was no guarantee he wouldn’t choose her on that day.

So she decided to protect herself the very best way she thought she could.

‘My name is Meekhabash’ she bowed her head.

‘Meekhabash’? The Prince raised a brow, it sounded really strange and he had never heard of a name like that before.

‘Yes Jaja’ she bowed.

‘Who is your father’? Prince Omiro pressed on, deep within him, he knew he had found her. He had found his wife.

‘Nobody, I am a slave girl’ she started to sob, a trick to get away from the prince.

‘Whose slave’? His heart fell as he couldn’t marry a slave girl but could only take her as a concubine.

‘Nobody’ she cried and quickly took her water pot and ran away from the prince.

‘Should we go after her my lord’? One of his guards asked.

‘No, she is a slave’ Prince Omiro felt terrible but decided he would find her after he had picked his first wife.

Turning to Andol, he said ‘I must show you to our river’.

‘My Prince, there is something peculiar about that girl’ Andol decided to share his mind with Omiro.

‘Of course, there is something really peculiar about her, she is the most beautiful woman that I have ever set eyes on’ the prince returned.

‘I think she is one of the mountain people’ Andol said.

‘Mountain people? No, that is not possible’ the prince laughed.

‘But look at her my prince; do not be biased. The girl has a lovely set of eyes and her hair is very long, reaching to her waist; such quality is rare in this land’ Andol replied.

‘What if she is a Hunani? Your women have long hair too’? Prince Omiro countered.

 ‘You are right, our women have been blessed by god, but she is not a Hunani, I can swear to that’ Andol replied.

‘But my lord, “Meekhabash” means, daughter in our tongue, the Prince may be right’ one of the Hunani men that came with Andol said.

‘You see? I told you, she is a Hunani slave’ the Prince replied and led them towards the river.

The Ozodo river was deep and wide and her waters were always angry; flowing with such great force that nothing could stand in her way not even the rocks that threatened to oppose it.

‘The river is really big and there are a lot of rocks here too’ Andol marveled at this beautiful sight.

They didn’t have many rivers in their own land; only springs that crept out in little crevices and quenched their thirst. One of their greatest challenges was water; they suffered a lot of famine.

‘Yes, the rocks are scattered all over Ozodo; it is with the rocks that we are able to forge weapons; I will show you to our blacksmith once we return to the palace’ Jaja Omiro felt proud to show the Hunani round his kingdom.

‘And the river seems so close to the mountain, it seems easier to get into the land beyond it from here’ Andol suggested.

‘That is not possible, one would just die, this river is very deep, do not underestimate it, come we must go’ Prince Omiro decided to walk back to the palace.

‘As you wish my lord’ Andol exchanged glances with one of his men and then whispered to him in their tongue.

“Segustar, Segustar an urair”.

‘Did you say something’? The Prince turned to both men.

‘Yes my prince, we are in awe of your beautiful land but we must leave tonight, remember we still have to trade with the outside world’ Andol replied.

‘Trade? Trade can wait’! Omiro laughed.

‘But our king would want to see us after such a long time’ Andol replied.

‘Don’t worry my friend, you shall return to your king after the war is over. You are a very important asset to us; you cannot leave us now’ Omiro said in a stern voice.

So stern and decisive that the Hunani’s objections to his command fled.

To be continued…..

Offline Mr. Babatunde

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Super Story: Dance Of The Virgin - Full Episode
Reply #15 on: January 08, 2018, 01:28:15 AM

Suddenly her fears and pain fled off; she had found another mother in Kamsi and she prayed Zabacha also came to like her. She wanted to be happy.

Analin watched as her brother stared beyond the mountain, she wondered what had really happened out there to cause a change in her brother’s behavior, she didn’t understand him anymore.

The man that peered out the window was no longer her brother, he was a stranger.

Roka was lost in thought as he stared at the mountain; it was such a great barrier that had blocked his people from reaching the outside but all was to change now he was King.

His mind focused on the beautiful maiden he had taken at the woods; she wouldn’t leave is mind; he remembered her beautiful face; her alluring eyes and the call of her full lips.

He couldn’t wait to conquer the land and take her as his wife.

‘Roka’ Analin called as she moved closer to him.

‘Roka’! she repeated and he jerked, the clay mug he held in his hands shattered.

‘What is happening to you? You have never shown this great fear, talk to me brother’ Analin questioned his behavior.

‘Go, leave me. I am strategizing’ he snapped his fingers and some servants came running to clean up the mess.

‘I cannot do that Roka, we don’t have much time’ she replied.

‘Well, I am fine. I am just wondering what our land would be like when we finally conquer the new land. There would be an influx of more people, we could even remarry; it is going to be a great kingdom’ he laughed.

‘Tell me Roka, do I look like a fool’? Analin knew he was playing tricks on her by avoiding her question.

‘No. You are no fool’ he replied, wondering why she asked.

‘Be honest, why are you worried’? She wouldn’t let this go.

‘I have told you my darling sister, I am fine’ he lied. How could he tell her that his heart was beating for a woman he had hurt? What if she were married? What if she had children?

He knew next to nothing about her except for the fact that she was Adoni’s daughter.

He was a proud and arrogant king, but he was ashamed for what he had done.

‘Well then. Keep it to yourself, I selected from the elders your new adviser’ Analin said.

‘Good. Who is he’? Roka asked.

Apart from being the chief of all the warriors, Analin had the power to choose an adviser for the king.

The advisers were chosen from the oldest and wisest people in the land; after the last one died, she had searched thoroughly for someone that would fill this position.

‘She, you mean’? She smirked.

‘You want a woman to be my adviser? What does a woman know’ Roka’s laugh was thunderous.

‘She is the great great granddaughter of Alistair, the wisest man that ever lived upon this land. She is old and wise, you must listen to her’ Analin pressed on.

‘Alright, bring her in, let me take a look at this Great great granddaughter’ Roka scoffed.

‘You may enter, wise one’ Analin shouted across.

The door creaked slightly and a silver-haired woman walked into the room; she was old but looked strong. Her back was not bent and her spirit wasn’t faint.

‘My liege’ she bowed before Roka.

‘What is your name Adviser’? He asked.

‘Alistarin, I come from the bloodline of the wisest man, Alistair’ she replied.

‘What makes you think you will be a good adviser’? Roka still doubted her ability to give him quality advice on how to rule the land.

‘Because I have lived longer than you and I lived with the wisest man who thought me a lot of things; things that would help us conquer the land after the mountain’ she replied.

‘How do I conquer this land’? She had bought Roka’s interest.

‘You must ally yourself with the Hunani nomads, they only can lead you into a battle’ Alistarin replied.

‘What are Hunani nomads’? Analin and Roka chorused, they had never heard something like that.

 ‘Here, my grandfather gave me this before he died’ she fetched a wooden toy from the pocket of her dress.

‘What is this’? Roka took it in his hands. It was the carving of a calf, he had seen carvings before but this one looked different.

‘My great grandfather once told me a story about our land. He said there weren’t mountains in the past but the mountains grew up and caved us in because our land was very rich and suddenly became the envy of other lands. Before the mountain grew, we mixed with other lands, we traded with a clan of nomads known as Hunanis but they betrayed us and almost took over our land, that was when the mountain grew’ she narrated the story.

 ‘That’s ridiculous’ Roka wouldn’t  believe it.

‘I know you found a stray, you found someone that climbed in from the other side; that was what triggered your curiosity to see the other side of the mountain. I went to the prison myself and the man in question fits the description of  Hunani. From what my grandfather said, they were tall, skinny and mostly tanned’.

‘I don’t believe a word of what you just said, adviser. Your words are based on hearsay, oral tradition passed down from your great-grandfather to your father; no facts; no evidence’ Roka shook his head.

‘But Roka’ Analin interjected.

‘If this story were true, we would’ve heard it from another source’ he replied her.

‘I understand your hesitation my King, but why not try me first? If I fail in my analysis, you can get another advisor’ she suggested.

‘Deal’? Roka liked the sound of this.

‘Deal’ she nodded.

‘So what purpose would this Hunani man serve? I already saw the land, I can conquer It’ Roka said proudly.

‘I don’t doubt your prowess, but you need more than confidence to conquer a land. You don’t know their secret, but his Hunani might. I want to believe they have been trading with the other land but couldn’t get to us because of this mountain. You should speak to him’ the adviser said.

‘How do I trust him? You just told me that these people betrayed our ancestors in the past? What is the guarantee they wouldn’t do the same thing to us given the opportunity’? Roka asked.

‘We should take a risk’ she replied.

‘Alright, we would speak to him tomorrow, now I must take a rest’ Roka yawned.

‘There is another matter I would love to discuss with you’ the adviser said.

‘Go on’ Roka urged her.

‘I toured the spring this morning and found the people weeping’ she wondered how she would break this terrible news.

‘Why would my people cry’? Roka asked.

‘The Honey pebbles have dried up, they have stopped flowing’ she replied.

‘We have to do something about it, the honey pebbles had many benefits; they cured all manner of ailments, our people may die off’ Roka jumped to his feet.

‘I am afraid my king, there is nothing we can do’ the adviser replied.

To be continued…..

Offline Mr. Babatunde

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Super Story: Dance Of The Virgin - Full Episode
Reply #16 on: January 08, 2018, 01:42:24 AM

‘We have to do something about it, the honey pebbles had many benefits; they cured all manner of ailments, our people may die off’ Roka jumped to his feet.

‘I am afraid my king, there is nothing we can do’ the adviser replied.

Once Nai’muri was done with the cassava porridge, she washed the calabash, swept the kitchen and left for the river, she needed to fetch more water.

‘Are you done already’? Kamsi asked with a concerned voice.

‘Yes. Thank you mother, it was very delicious’ Nai’muri smiled and trotted out of the compound.

A mischievous smile curved Kamsi’s lips as she watched her stepdaughter go.

‘Do you think she believed us ‘? Zabacha rushed out of her hut.

‘I think so. She is more foolish than I thought and for that, she would pay the price’ Kamsi replied.

‘Did put the potion in her food’? Zabacha asked.

‘Of course, I did, by morning she would be no more and the Prince shall be all yours’ Kamsi replied.

‘I will be forever grateful if that happens. You needed to see the way the prince stared at her; there were so much love and desire in his eyes; I felt very unhappy and jealous’ Zabacha told her mother of her feelings.

‘Don’t worry my child. Nai’muri would never trouble you anymore. Now you must get some rest, tomorrow is the new yam festival and after that, the dance of the virgins. You must prepare yourself this week, the prince would fall in love once he sees you’ Kamsi assured her.

‘What are you two whispering about’? Mazi Ekere sauntered in, he had just returned from a very succeful hunt.

‘How your daughter would win the dance contest’ Kamsi said.

‘Don’t be so sure, Nai’muri is a good dancer too and she is very beautiful’ the man said proudly.

Zabacha was infuriated by her father’s words; he couldn’t even hide his preference for Nai’muri.

‘Mazi Ekere! How dare you say something like that? Zabacha should be the one that you’re rooting for and not the daughter of your slave wife’ Kamsi shouted at him.

‘Don’t insult me, woman! Nai’muri is the one that I choose for the Prince you know why? She is hardworking and humble and obedient. She would not bring our family shame but your daughter? I have never seen Zabacha in the kitchen, she wakes up whenever she likes and she doesn’t even respect her elders’ he yelled angrily.

‘My daughter only acts that way because she is a Queen. Nai’muri is a slave and don’t deserve to be married to Jaja Omiro’ Kamsi fired back.

‘Well, I would be leaving for the palace soon, trust me, I would put a good word for Nai’muri. She deserves to be the next Jaja Nana’ Mazi Ekere threw the bush animal he had killed and stormed towards his hut in anger.

His first wife Kamsi had gotten on his nerves and he was going to teach her a lesson.

‘Did you hear that mother? If he mentions Nai’muri to the Queen, I shall never be queen. What are we going to do’? Zabacha cried.

‘Be calm. Your fate has already been decided. Your father’s words would be in vain. Trust me’ Kamsi reassured her.

 As they were still talking, Nai’muri returned from the river with another pot.

‘I am back mother’ she smiled and bowed before Kamsi after dropping the water pot on the ground.

‘My darling child, thank you very much’ Kamsi forced a smile that hurt her features very badly.

Nai’ muri decided to rest before returning to the river and that was when her eyes met her sister’s. Zabacha’s hate for her was unhidden and she suddenly felt afraid.

She noticed her father’s hut was open, so she decided to greet him.

‘Can I come in father’? She rapped on the door.

‘My child, come in, we must discuss’ he beckoned her into the hut.

‘You seem really exhausted father, maybe I should get you some bath water and prepare you goat’s milk; she suggested.

‘No. Sit. I want to warn you’ Mazi Ekere decided to warn his daughter. Kamsi could do just about anything for her daughter to win the contest.

‘Warn me’? Nai’muri joined her father on the bamboo bed.

‘Be wary about your stepmother and half-sister, Zabacha. I told them I would put in a good word for you to Jaja Nana and they were upset about it. Be careful my child, I already lost your mother, I don’t want to lose you too’ he advised.

‘But she was very nice to me, I assure you father, your wife has changed, she is a virtuous woman; she even served me porridge’ Nai’muri wouldn’t believe a word of her father.

‘She served your porridge’? Mazi Ekere was surprised, generosity was not one of her strongest suits.

‘Yes’ Nai’muri nodded.

‘I don’t know about that, but please be careful’ he warned.

‘There’s no need to worry, I am not even interested in marrying the prince, you should put in a good word for Zabacha’ Nai’muri begged her father.

‘Why is that? Have you lost your virginity’? Her father’s face had grown pale with shock.

‘No father! Not at all’ Nai’muri lied.

‘Then why are you not interested in the Prince? That is every girl’s dream’ he reminded her.

‘Father, you know very well why I cannot marry the prince. My mother was a slave and that makes me partly slave. I am not totally noble’ she argued.

‘That does not matter, I am your father and Jaja Nana would listen to me’ he was sure of this.

‘Don’t bother father, I do not love the prince, I am in love with another’ she said in a rush.

‘Truly’? He arched a brow.

‘Yes,’ she replied with a smile. She didn’t know why, but she found herself thinking about the stranger in the woods at that point in time.

‘Very well then, I shall put in a good word for your sister’ Mazi replied.

The prince found it difficult to eat or sleep, his mind focused on the pretty slave girl he had seen earlier.

It was obvious she wouldn’t participate in the dance of the virgins and that really made him feel terrible; maybe it was time Jaja Nana abolished law as banning slaves from participating in things that concerned free born.

He decided to speak with his mother.

It was rare to see such a beautiful maiden and he wasn’t going to let her go that easily.

He found his mother in the throne room discussing with some of the elders.

‘I greet you all’ Omiro waved his hand and joined her on his throne.

‘Long live Jaja Omiro’ the elders bowed and worshipped him.

‘Rise’ he replied.

‘You may leave now, I want to speak to my son’ she waved the men away.

‘You look worried Omiro, what is it’? Jaja Nana was concerned her son.

‘There is something that weighs heavily on my mind…’ he started.

‘Maybe it should wait till the festival is over’ she reminded him that the new yam festival would be held the next day and their minds were to focus on that, after which the dance of the virgins followed.

‘This is really important mother’ Omiro wouldn’t let go.

‘Go on’ she decided to hear him out.

‘I met a girl that I liked but she turns out to be a slave…if she were free born, I would’ve picked her as my wife during the dance, but she is not and this hurts me very much’.

To be continued…..

Offline Mr. Babatunde

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Super Story: Dance Of The Virgin - Full Episode
Reply #17 on: January 08, 2018, 01:44:51 AM

‘I met a girl that I liked but she turns out to be a slave…if she were free born, I would’ve picked her as my wife during the dance, but she is not and this hurts me very much’.

‘You know very well that you can never marry a slave; your bride would be from a noble home; I have already chosen her for you’ Jaja Nana smiled.

Mazi Ekere had come to inform her of his beautiful daughter Zabacha, who was going to participate in the dance; he had come bearing gifts and a lot of meat which pleased her greatly. Only a few men dared to bribe Jaja Nana, his courage further pleased her.

‘I want you to abolish the laws that bind slaves from being free in all respects’ Omiro said.

‘I cannot do that, it is beyond my power. Only the priest of Assura can do something like that. It is written all over you, your love for this girl but it is not the end of the world Omiro, you can have her as a concubine’ Jaja Nana suggested.

‘Yes. After the war, I would find her and make her my wife’ Omiro replied.

‘What is this slave’s name’? Jaja Nana asked.

‘And who is her master’?

‘Meekhabash, she didn’t tell me the name of her owners’ Omiro replied.

‘Very well then. We would talk about her later, you must get some rest, we have a festival to celebrate tomorrow’ Jaja rose from her majestic throne.

‘Thanks for the audience mother’ he leaned forward and kissed her face.

‘You are my child, what choice do I have’? She smiled as she watched her son leave.

Her smile faded easily and was replaced by a frown as she watched him leave. How could Omiro betray her that way? Her love for him suddenly turned to hatred. He was just like his father, weak and predictable and she wasn’t afraid to plot his downfall.

With his help, she would conquer the new land for herself and when she was done, she would kill him for his betrayal.

‘You sent for me Jaja’ Andol, the Hunani rushed into the throne room.

‘Thank you for telling me all the things Omiro had said. I assure you of a great reward if this war is won’ she said to the man.

Andol had returned to the palace and sought for her presence; he told her about how Omiro hated her rule and complained bitterly about how she had killed his father and that he would end her life once he had conquered the new land for himself.

She knew the Hunani wouldn’t lie to her. What did he stand to gain? Besides, Omiro had openly told her he would be a better ruler, she believed all that Andol had told her.

‘Thank you Jaja’ Andol bowed his head and scurried out of the palace for his next mission.

 The pain she had fought so hard to forget came running back and she couldn’t stop it; she welcomed the pain with fresh tears that dropped on the raffia mat she lay upon.

Night had come; the birds were asleep except for the owl. Crickets sang their song and the frogs gave their reply.

Nai’muri found it hard to sleep. Her room was dimly lit with a torch that was fixed to her wall. She missed her mother and all the moments that they spent together.

She missed sleeping in her mother’s arms and listening to her heartbeat or her stories, or the songs that she thought her sometimes.

‘I miss you mother’ she cried bitterly but reminded herself that her tears wouldn’t  solve any of her problems.

She wiped her face quickly and straightened on the mat; she thought about what her father had told her earlier, yet she still found it difficult to believe Kamsi would plot against her.

If she had any evil intention, why would she act so nice?

She released a sigh and lay on her mat; thinking about Kamsi and Zabacha gave her a headache so she decided to ponder on something else.

How would she tell her father about the rape? Nothing was hidden under the sun and one day she would be discovered.

Her mind drifted to the stranger that had taken her first; she wondered why she had dreamt of him.

She wondered if he was married with children; was he in love? Was he capable of kindness?

She felt strange that she was desiring him, desiring to know more about him when he had inflicted pain on her mother and herself.

She shrugged and decided that was passed; she needed to forgive him and move on with her life.

If she had forgiven her own sister who had plotted her rape firstly, how much more him?

‘May your light shine upon me Assura’ she whispered some words of prayer and slept off, unaware that the potion that had been slipped into her food would plunge her into a deep sleep.

Slowly, the wind howled; slowly, a cloaked figure pushed the door of her hut open and stepped into it.

Another shadow followed the cloaked figure, but she was oblivious of it, of everything that happened as she dreamt of the stranger begging her, weeping profusely and telling her that he was sorry.

‘Is she asleep’? Zabacha whispered to her mother.

‘Yes, take a torch and light our hut, be really fast about it’ Kamsi ordered.

Zabacha fetched the torch that hung on Nai’muri’s wall and left outside.

Kamsi laughed wickedly as she shone her own torch on the sleeping Nai’muri, this was her chance and she was going to take it.

‘You will regret the day you called me mother’ Kamsi lit the roof first with the torch and then the walls. Satisfied, that the hut will burn to ashes, she ran out of the hut and gave a loud scream.


Her scream was so loud that it pierced the night; it shook the stars and pursued the moon; it awoke her husband and some villagers.

The fire grew wild; it blazed angrily and burnt down the raffia roof and the bamboo that supported the huts.

But they failed to notice that there was no scream coming from Nai’muri’s hut.

Mazi Ekere and some villagers tried to quench the fire that consumed the two huts in the compound but all to no avail. The smoke that came out of the burning huts was thick and harsh.

Tears welled up in Mazi Ekere’s eyes as he realized he had lost Nai’muri forever.

He had been in a deep sleep when he heard Kamsi’s cry and he’d come out and rushed to his neighbors, but it was too late. All the huts were burnt to ashes and there was no hope for Nai’muri.

‘Assura, why have you done this to me’? Mazi Ekere broke down and wept.

‘My husband, I know how hard it is for you but you have to be strong’ tears streamed down Kamsi’s face as she watched her husband cry.

‘You should be lucky that you did not lose two daughters in one night’.

‘Your wife is right; you should be thanking Assura that your legitimate wife and child were not the ones burnt in that fire. Be strong, Assura shall comfort you’  some of the villagers said.

Mazi Ekere would not be consoled; when he had finally established a relationship with his daughter, death came and took her away, just like the way it had taken her mother.

This wasn’t right, Nai’muri’s death wasn’t right.

‘Do you know anything about this’? He stared at his wife with angry eyes.

‘How could you accuse me of murder’? Kamsi looked away, thankfully it was dark so he wouldn’t see her eyes.

To be continued…..


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