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Author Topic: Super Story: Dance Of The Virgin - Full Episode  (Read 11079 times)

Offline Mr. Babatunde

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Super Story: Dance Of The Virgin - Full Episode
on: January 02, 2018, 01:54:57 AM


The period of new yam had come in full sprout however before the yam was eaten, festivities were held for seven market days and evenings, until the point that the goddess of the waterway cried her tears of rain; at exactly that point would the general population of Ozodo eat the new yam.

"Quite a long time ago, there were two streams, the profound and the shallow. The waterways developed in quality and were both brimming with downpour, envy, and strife. At the point when the waterway goddess perceived how divided the streams were, she solidified them and transformed them into one major mountain and that mountain is the thing that stands previously us today." The voice of the midnight storyteller overflowed through the ears of individuals who minded to tune in.

The night was excellent, the land was alert; youngsters played underneath the full glare of the moonlight. The ladies had an exceptional place thus did the young fellows, each avoiding each other's gathering, in any case their separation wouldn't prevent them from respecting each other.

The Royals had their unique place in the market square set apart by hints of salt, white earth, and snail shells.

Ozodo was governed by a ruler, "Jaja" and she had a child, an exclusive child, Jaja Omiro.

'I can hardly wait for the virgin move' Zabacha's eyes lit as she gazed at the sovereign of the land.

'Me as well, I need to be a ruler sometime in the not so distant future' Koqsi, one of her companions likewise shared her fantasies.

'Quiets down! The ruler is mine, you are not even of honorable blood, how at that point would you be able to have him'? Zabacha murmured. She knew the custom of the land; however the virgin move was for all class of ladies, a great many people that were picked were nobles.

Her dad, Mazi Ekere was an aristocrat; he was a seeker and numerous occupants of the land including the imperial family belittled him. She was certain she had the most obvious opportunity with regards to winning the ruler's support on that day; she was excellent and she originated from a honorable family.

'Would you be able to two quit squabbling and assaulting each other like little youngsters'? Galia, the third in the gathering murmured indignantly.

'She began it, what improves her than myself? The move of virgins is for everybody and that implies we are largely equivalent according to the sovereign' Koqsi answered.

'You can mislead yourself all you need, we as a whole know the anointed one would be a respectable home' Zabacha feigned exacerbation.

'You are correct Zabacha, look who is coming, I wager the sovereign would go gaga for her, the minute he sets eyes on her' Galia pointed out her the excellence that had recently ventured into the market square with her mom.

'Never. No way on earth would that vermin wed my ruler' Zabacha's eyes glared hazily at her dad's significant other and her stepsister, Nai'muri.

'At any rate, I'll need to concur with Galia on that one, with regards to excellence, you don't stand a possibility with her; we as a whole know who the most excellent lady is. Indeed, even her name reveals insight into that reality, "Lovely Pearl", that is the significance of Naimuri, on the off chance that you have overlooked' Koqsi grinned, she intentionally needed her companion to get annoyed.

'May thunder strike you dead the day you eat the new yam' outrage hurried down her spine as she moved far from her companions.

'Furthermore, may a thousand honey bees sting your rear-end when you go to the hedge to poop' Koqsi let go back.

'You both need to grow up' Galia snickered and drew nearer to the storyteller.

'This is the reason I don't care for coming here Meehakbash, see the way they gaze at us; see the way they look, similar to we are outsiders' Adoni whispered to her exclusive tyke and little girl.

'I am sad mother if this excursion influences you to feel awful, perhaps we should come back to the house' Nai'muri said to her mom.

'No Meehakbash, we might stay, you should not be cut off from whatever remains of your age review as a result of me' Adoni whispered to her little girl.

'You generally call me "Meekhakbash", what is the importance'? Nai'muri inquired. She generally pondered what it implied for the word had no importance in Ozodo vocabulary.

'It signifies "little girl" in the dialect of my kin' her mom answered.

Nai'muri knew extremely well that her mom was a slave and she had acquired piece of that slave blood and that was the reason individuals normally gazed at them in a weird way; they appeared to be unique from the tenants of Ozodo.

'Your kin? You have never informed me concerning your kin, you guaranteed you will let me know everything' Nai'muri was interested to think about her mom's birthplace.

'You're not completely prepared tyke; I might reveal to you the story one day' the lady grinned and went after her little girl's hands.

'One day? I am eighteen years of age mother, I am as of now a lady, mature enough to get hitched and have her own particular kids; what else would you say you are sitting tight for'? Nai'muri jeered, she pondered what it was about her mom's birthplace that ought to be kept so mystery.

'Be persistent. I have my purposes behind not giving you access to that piece of my life; I absolutely never need to place you in risk' the lady answered.

'Place me in threat? What sort of peril'? Nai'muri was befuddled.

'Tolerance is a goodness, just the patient might see the guaranteed arrive, the place where there is nectar stones and brilliant vessels' Adoni took a full breath and covered the last recollections of her home. She couldn't recall it now; she missed her home yet she couldn't backpedal; she had promised to keep that piece of her life a mystery.

'Guaranteed arrive'? Nai'muri bit her lip and chose to let the issue rest.

'Slaves, what are you doing here'? Kamsi strolled towards them with her little girl Zabacha.

Mazi Ekere had hitched two spouses; the first was Kamsi, his real wife for she was a freeborn and she bore him Zabacha. After a few years of useless look for a male kid, he discovered a slave in one of his chases and brought her home; Adoni, turned into his second spouse and she bore him Nai'muri.

'We have completed with our tasks and our significant other said I could turn out today around evening time' Adoni disclosed to her senior spouse.

Nai'muri was angered by the way Zabacha's mom had quite recently addressed her mom, however what would she be able to do? Her dad dependably took sides with them.

She reviewed one episode couple of years back when Kamsi had slapped her mom and she had offended her consequently; that night, her dad altogether whipped her and influenced herself and her mom to rest in the goat to pen.

She generally felt awful at whatever point she recalled the episode and that was the reason she persevered through all their joke and evil.

'How could you talk when my mom has not asked you to'? Zabacha murmured indignantly as she gazed at Nai'muri's mom.

'I am sad, my tyke' Adoni bowed her head.

'I am not your tyke! I will never be. Your womb is fit for idiots' Zabacha murmured furiously.

Tears stung Nai'muri's eyes as she persevered through this embarrassment; when was this to end? To what extent would they persevere Kamsi and Zabacha?

Source - Davina D


Offline Mr. Babatunde

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Re: Super Story: Dance Of The Virgin - Full Episode
Reply #1 on: January 02, 2018, 02:04:48 AM

Tears stung Nai'muri's eyes as she persevered through this mortification; when was this to end? To what extent would they continue Kamsi and Zabacha?

'Anyway, tail me, I have some work for you' Zabacha snapped her fingers.

'Mother… ' Nai'muri was reluctant to relinquish her mom, she had no companions and the other ladies wouldn't converse with her since she was not a freeborn.

'Go tyke. I should return home' Adoni waved her little girl farewell.

'When you achieve home, set me up a decent dinner of dish yam and fish sauce' Kamsi charged.

'You know I can't do that; that is an anathema; the new yam should be eaten following seven days; do you need me to cause harm'? Adoni was frightened by this recommendation.

'I set out you Adoni; on the off chance that you neglect to get ready what I have asked of you, I should ensure my better half butchers you and your malevolent tyke; you came into my life, stole my significant other far from me and now I approach you for some help you contend; have you overlooked your place as a slave'? Kamsi was irritated.

'Be that as it may, imagine a scenario where I am gotten. You know the discipline for resisting the Jaja, the Queen of Ozodo and the stream goddess; I could lose my life' Adoni endeavored to prevail upon her.

'At that point my dear, don't be gotten' Kamsi smiled and left.

'Asurra help me for I am honest' Adoni approached the stream goddess for help.

Jaja Nana, the Queen of Ozodo and her child, Jaja Omiro, sat on indistinguishable positions of authority cut out of bronze; they observed unobtrusively the associations that occurred at the market square.

'Is it accurate to say that you are drained mother? Would it be a good idea for me to advise the workers to get you warm goat drain'? Jaja Omiro, the sovereign gazed at the silver-haired lady that was his mom and ruler.

'I might pass, the general population truly appear to be glad and substance; my administer is without a doubt superior to your father's' Jaja Nana said.

She was a petite lady; her eyes were dark and emotionless and they punctured through her subject like that of a peddle; her eyes were dark seeds of the almond; she had a firm and round nose; he jaw was rakish and firm; and her lips were thin however it was her long and gleaming hair that influenced her remain to out as the Jaja of Ozodo.

'Father was a decent man, he attempted his best for the general population' Omiro acted the hero.

'On the off chance that you say as much, I trust you don't turn out like him' Jaja Nana answered.

Her late spouse, Jaja Surandu the twelfth, was the weakest man she had ever known; he was ambivalent and needed mystique; his boss did not fear him like they dreaded her.

Under his lead, the general population revolted and that was the point at which she concluded that she had enough of it; that night as he mulled over his bed, she put a fabric that had been plunged in wood toxic substance and she had choked out him.

'Would that be an awful thing'? Omiro glared dimly at her. There were a considerable measure of bits of gossip after his dad's strange passing; even the goddess had stayed quiet, yet he had declined to trust his mom would accomplish something to that effect.

'For what reason do we generally need to contend Omiro? You are my child and you ought to gain from my means; I am a decent Queen and that is the reason they have not opposed me. Gain from my means and the missteps of your dad. You realize what will come after the virgin move… ' she delayed and cast a long look at his great looking face.

'I know I will be above all else however I will be in no way like you' Omiro rose to his feet.

'You scorn me with your words, take them back; you should resemble me to control this land' She squeezed him down with her hands.

'Be that as it may, I am correct mother! These individuals fear you, they don't care for you; you charge them vigorously in trim and in texture; now and then I ask why you would do such' He murmured and loose against his position of authority.

'Exchange Omiro, you have to invest more energy with me' she answered.

'Exchange? Get over it mother, I know everything about exchange; we purchase from the Hunani wanderers who travel all around and we pitch to them? How does that relate with the substantial expenses that you constrain the your kin to pay'? Omiro inquired.

'War Omiro, a war is coming; one that would take us to more noteworthy statures' she answered.

'What war would you say you are discussing'? Omiro was confused.

'Mazi Ekere, one of the honorable men disclosed to me something a couple of evenings back; I should impart it to you when you hear me out' the Queen answered her child.

'You assess the general population so you could purchase stallions and lances from the Hunani travelers, to battle whom? We are distant from everyone else mother, Ozodo has been collapsed by the immense obstruction, the mountain; we are just fortunate that there is a way to the outside world; a way which the Hunani helped us make' Omiro advised her that Ozodo was without anyone else, she had no adversaries.

'Imagine a scenario in which there is something past the mountain. A grin jerked her lips as she envisioned what lay there.

Omiro said nothing, he essentially left and left Jaja Nana to her dreams.

"So one mountain became greater than the other and secured the other from seeing the light of Assura; Ozodo is the littler of the mountains while her twin is the considerable obstruction that stands previously our property" the voice of the storyteller flew out to the breeze, analyzing every one of the areas of the market square.

Nai'muri pondered where her relative was taking her; they had passed the spot of the market where individuals could be discovered; the light of the moon did not achieve the zone where they drew nearer.

'Where are you taking me Zabacha'? Nai'muri wouldn't advance.

'Slave, go with the same pattern' Zabacha looked at her indignantly.

'I am not a slave, little girl of Kamsi, my dad is your dad' Nai'muri answered indignantly. She was not frightened of Zabacha, she just dreaded Mazi Ekere their dad.

'How could you call my mom's name with those reviled lips of yours? May Assura strike you dead by thunder' she propelled a slap over Nai'muri's face.

Her darker skin stung like a province of honey bees had attacked it; tears overflowed her eyes as she gazed into according to her more seasoned sister; what had she done to merit this treatment?

'Presently tail me else I will tell father that you called my mom names. We both know he would dependably trust me over you, slave' Zabacha murmured and continued strolling.

She despised Nai'muri for being more appealing than she was; she abhorred her progressively when her own companions, Koqsi and Galia had let it be known without dread or trembling; nobody else would have the sovereign aside from her.

Also, that is the reason she had begun preparing.

'Stop' she stopped and swung to Nai'muri.

'What are we doing here? We are far from the market square, this prompts the abhorrent woodland' Nai'muri chose in her heart that she would run no place else with Zabacha.

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Re: Super Story: Dance Of The Virgin - Full Episode
Reply #2 on: January 02, 2018, 02:07:48 AM

'Sssss' Zabacha disregarded her and murmured.

'What's going on with you'? Nai'muri all of a sudden felt anxious.

Right in front of her, two young fellows hopped out from the hedges and strolled nearer to her.

'Zabacha dear, you kept to your guarantee, I will ensure I put in a decent word for you to the ruler, Jaja Omiro' one the men said.

'What's more, I will guarantee to take out some other lady that would impede your way to the castle' the second man said.

'Exceptionally well at that point. Have a good time's Zabacha snickered and dismissed to walk.

'What is this? Furthermore, who are these men' Nai'muri snatched her arm immovably.

'Don't you at any point lay those unsanitary hands on me slave' Zabacha pushed her generally and she arrived on the ground.

'Like I stated, do with her, whatever you need, she is my dad's slave and he couldn't care less about her by any means' Zabacha flashed the men a grin and rushed away.

Nai'muri was significantly alarmed; how was she to escape in this still dull night? Regardless of whether she shouted, who might hear her?

In the event that these men had their way with her, at that point her maidenhead, the image of her virginity and that implied she wouldn't be qualified to move before the ruler.

Tears moved down her cheeks as she cried 'Kindly, don't do this devilish thing, my dad would have my head on the off chance that he finds that I am not a virgin' she fell on her knees and begged the men.

Their eyes were a bursting heater; of desire and want and they couldn't hold up to have an essence of the most delightful lady in the land. The one whose excellence was a revile, for she was a slave and had no esteem.

'It is possible that you influence this to delicate or we violate you by compel, pick one' they said to her.

'I pick not one or the other, please show benevolence' she cried.

Be that as it may, it was past the point of no return for her, the men dragged her into the adjacent shrubbery; she felt their hands on her bosoms; while one worked her garments, the other removed the globules that she wore around her neck, an image of her virtue.

'No'! She shouted, yet it was past the point of no return as one held her hands and the other separated her legs for simple passage.

'Have you done your part'? Kamsi whispered to her little girl as she came back to the market square.

'Indeed. Everything is set' Zabacha answered.

'I sent her mom home to cook me the new yam, ideally, in the event that she gets captured, she would be covered alive' Kamsi said to her girl.

'You're such a savvy lady mother; I am glad for you' the news satisfied Zabacha incredibly.

'As am I, here comes your future spouse' Kamsi grinned as the ruler rose to his feet.

'He is so attractive mother, excessively good looking for a human' Zabacha's heart liquefied as she gazed at the tall and dull Omiro.

Omiro was the most attractive man in the entire of Ozodo; in stature he vanquished; in hardness, his body triumphed; his chest and arms were substantial and all around built and bits of small hair grew over his superb face and chest.

Ladies longed for him; he wedded, in mystery and the ladies implored he picked them for a spouse.

This was one of Zabacha's supplication and with the assistance of her mom, she knew the sovereign would be hers.

'In some cases I ask why father needed to wed her, you're adequate for him' Zabacha said to her mom. She despised Adoni incredibly and she couldn't hold up to see her destruction.

'He needed a child and I couldn't bear one for him' Kamsi murmured.

'Amid one of his chases, he discovered Adoni in the brambles, she guaranteed to be a slave of the hunani individuals and some way or another her lord had overlooked her; she removed my significant other from me. She considered a month after their marriage and brought forth twins, a kid, and a young lady' Kamsi proceeded.

'She brought forth a child'? Zabacha was astounded to hear this.

'Indeed. Truly. Be that as it may, I made the birthing specialists to calm her and I took the kid and slew him with my uncovered hands; from that point I tossed him in the detestable timberland' Kamsi answered.

'Better. On the off chance that the father had thought about her child, he would've completely disregarded us, you did well mother; I would've done same on the off chance that I were you' Zabacha applauded her on the shoulder.

'Much thanks to you, we should listen now, the sovereign needs to address his kin' Kamsi squeezed Zabacha gently and they snickered.

"My kin" Jaja Omiro filtered their appearances.

"Your kids" the tenants of Ozodo bowed their heads.

"It is the ideal opportunity for the moon to rest; we should accumulate again one more night till the seventh day after which we might eat all our collect," he said to the general population.

"Your kids" they bowed as he cleared out the market square with Jaja Nana and the illustrious gatekeepers.

'I can hardly wait to be Omiro's better half, I can't pause' Zabacha was significantly energized.

'Come, we need to see the pharmaceutical man to start with, I require an appeal that would give you unique support before the Prince on that very day' Kamsi dragged her girl along.

'It is dim mother, possibly we ought to do this some other time' Zabacha was not willing to take after her mom.

'Things like this are just done in the murkiness' Kamsi wouldn't relinquish her hand.

Her moans became boisterous as she battled with the men; she didn't know where her quality originated from yet she understood she could oppose them; if just Assura, the waterway goddess, the goddess of light and equity would sparkle her light upon her, at exactly that point would she be spared.

'Otenka! Force your sword, we would remove her appendages and have our way since she is demonstrating resolute' one of the men said.

'That would be a smart thought, Rabani' Otenka answered and hauled out his sword.

'Kindly… don't do this evil thing' Nai'muri cried.

Dread grasped her as she saw a development behind the two men; they were all so near the shrewd woods and anything could occur there.

Consider the possibility that a python had turned out to swallow them. Imagine a scenario where a panther had come to eat them.

She was right, risk was coming, and peril was here.

Out from the thickness of the hedge and the tress bounced out a shrouded figure; in a quick development, the shrouded figure executed the two men and their heads moved on the ground.

Nai'muri took her risk and hopped to her feet; what had simply happened? She pondered who this shrouded figure was yet this was no opportunity to make inquiries; she expected to keep running back home.

'Stop' the shrouded figure said and she understood it was a lady's voice.

'You are dissatisfied' she uncovered herself.

'I… I was simply frightened you weren't human' Nai'muri fell on her knees and murmured expressions of appreciation to the young lady who she felt was nearly her age.

'You are correct; I am not human, now run'! The young lady said.

Hearing this, fear took full control of her and she kept running as quick as her legs could convey her for she had seen a soul.

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Re: Super Story: Dance Of The Virgin - Full Episode
Reply #3 on: January 02, 2018, 02:11:28 AM

She looked as the slave young lady hustled, with a comforting grin filling her face; she took a full breath and dragged the collections of the men more profound into the hedge.

She had returned home to a vacant house; just the moans of her better half who was having intercourse to his new courtesan guaranteed her of human nearness.

She cried as she peeled one of the yams she had taken from the stable; on the off chance that she was found simmering the yam, she would bite the dust and Kamsi knew this, however what decision did she have?

In the event that she resisted Kamsi, her better half would betray her and accomplish something rash like he generally did at whatever point Kamsi misled him.

Her significant other had once sweetheart her or possibly he had been imagining, yet she felt it that night he had first had intercourse to her; her beginning of conjugal happiness blurred away effectively like the leaves of the tree vanquished by the egotistical beams of Ozodo sun.

His detest started when she had brought forth Nai'muri; he had anticipated that her would create a child yet she delivered a young lady.

'Why at that point abhor me? Kamsi has a young lady as well' she collapsed her hands and contemplated on that idea.

Possibly there was another reason he had such a great amount of contempt for her and Nai'muri; she guaranteed herself that she would discover reality one day.

When she was finished peeling the sand of the yam, she brought some kindling from her kitchen and two stones, which she struck for flame.

'Assura spare me' she stopped and glanced around, supplicating that nobody would see her nor see the smell of meal yam.

She asked why Nai'muri wasn't yet once more from the market square; it was taking too long and this stressed her; she wasn't open to abandoning her little girl with those malicious pairs.

She fought the temptation to extinguish the fire that she had begun and make a beeline for the market square.

'Give me a chance to complete this without a moment's delay' she masterminded the little bits of wood; got dry grasses that were implied for her significant other's goats and added to the fire.

She squatted nearer to the heart and started to blow the fire with her lips marginally separated.

She was excessively caught up with, making it impossible to feel the nearness of another; excessively fascinated in the satisfying of Kamsi to see somebody had discovered her simmering the new yam.

'Mother! What's happening with you'?

'Meekhabash, for what reason do you look so perplexed? The end result for you'? Adoni jumped from the from the chimney and moved alongside her little girl.

'Zabacha double-crossed me' Nai'muri separated in tears.

'Double-crossed you? What did she do'? Adoni's voice was unsteady.

'She tricked me into the shrubs and left me there alone with two men, their purpose was to contaminate me' Nai'muri described to her mom all that had happened.

'Abominable! Come, we should inform your dad regarding this grave mischievousness' Adoni grasped Nai'muri's hands yet ceased when she felt her protection.

'What is it Meekhabash'? She gazed at the young lady.

'Father could never trust us, he could never be your ally' Nai'muri pulled her hands reluctantly away.

'Be that as it may, this is a genuine issue; Kamsi and Zabacha must be set up; to what extent would we stay aware of this'? Adoni pondered so anyone might hear.

'Also, who might place us in our place'? Kamsi walked around with her girl, they'd caught everything.

There was quiet; still hush; Adoni was excessively anxious, making it impossible to talk however her girl wasn't.

'You should pay for your transgressions Zabacha, Asurra might judge you properly when the correct time comes and you will never beat me' Nai'muri pointed a finger at her and nearly jabbed her eyes with it.

'Meekhabash' Adoni pulled her girl back.

'How could you raise your tarnished hand against my girl'? Kamis laughed.

Zabacha was excessively staggered, making it impossible to state or do anything; she felt there was something vile about Nai'muri, if not, by what other method would she say she was ready to escape two in number warriors?

'I know exactly how best to treat you' Kamsi's eyes sparkled mischievously. She twisted and brought the yam Adoni had simmered and shouted out in a noisy voice.

'Evil entity'!

'No! Kamsi don't do this, you were the one that approached me to cook the yam for you' Adoni fell on her knees and sobbed.

'You can't do this mischievous thing Kamsi, I could never pardon you' Nai'muri broke into tears. She had enough.

Not long after, Mazi Ekere returned with a sword, for he thought a hoodlum had happened upon them.

'What is happening here'? He dropped the sword on the ground when he saw his spouses were quarreling.

'My better half, I came back from the market square with my little girl with me; I saw something interesting noticeable all around; something that was illegal and I hushed up about pondering: What could this be'? Kamsi delayed and shook her head.

'What's more, father, that was the point at which we strolled in and found these two broiling the new yam' Zabacha included.

'What? That is a cursed thing? Would you like to get every one of us murdered'? Mazi Ekere swung to his slave spouse and tyke.

'My significant other, they are telling falsehoods, kindly don't notice to them; tune in to my story before you hop into conclusion' Adoni asked.

Nai'muri did nothing; tears hurried down her face as she gazed at her dad irately; what sort of a man would he say he was? He obtusely declined to hear her out mother.

'I have had enough of your jabber Adoni; you should go out before you cause me harm with Jaja Nana' he started.

'What are you saying'? Adoni felt the world slamming down on her.

'You stop to be my better half from this minute, you and your little girl can live, go wherever; live wherever you please' he gave his summon and left.

'My significant other, wouldn't you say you're by and large excessively ill-advised in your choice'? Kamsi cut in sweetly.

'You question me now'? He turned and respected her consistently.

'Regardless of what your slave spouse does, Nai'muri is as yet your tissue; I say she should remain behind and her mom ought to be sent away' Kamsi said to her better half.

'No! I decline to remain in this reviled house; wherever my mom goes, so should I' Nai'muri drew nearer to her mom.

'So should it be, go out this moment' her dad yapped in irate voice.

'Kindly don't do this fiendish thing, my significant other, in the event that you send us away, where might we stay; the night is dim and loaded with dread's Adoni cried and held his feet.

'I couldn't care less about you or your detestable kid, go out' he rehashed and left.

'I cautioned you Adoni however you were tenacious and glad, see where your pride has abandoned you' Kamsi's snicker was triumphant.

'You might pay for every one of your transgressions towards I and my mom' Nai'muri cried intensely.

'Goodness close your dingy mouth; now you don't have a place to call home; I think about how you will share in the move' Zabacha snickered and walked towards the cottage that Mazi Ekere had worked for them.

Nai'muri sobbed painfully; how could her dad be so unfeeling? What's more, for what reason did Kamsi and Zabacha abhor them to such an extent?

'You should quit crying Nai'muri, there will be an exit plan' Adoni wiped her face as she support her girl.

'Quit crying youngster, Meekhabash, quit crying.

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Re: Super Story: Dance Of The Virgin - Full Episode
Reply #4 on: January 02, 2018, 02:14:24 AM

‘You must stop crying Nai’muri, there will be a way out’ Adoni wiped her face as she comforted her daughter.

‘Stop crying child, Meekhabash, stop crying.

‘Welcome, Princess’  the guards bowed their heads as she passed them.

‘Where is the King’? Analin asked as she took off her cloak and wiped the blood of the men she had killed that night.

‘Training in the war room’ they replied.

‘Good. Send some bathers to my room, I need a long and warm bath’ Analin said to them.

Pride swelled her heart as she neared the war room where her only brother and King usually spent long hours; training and fighting with his warriors.

‘Roka’ she called his name, but he was too focused to hear.

She decided to play a prank on him by sneaking behind him but she was too late, he turned around and placed the sword on her neck.

‘I did it’ Analin felt very excited.

‘You climbed down the mountain’? Roka’s eyes were filled with awe.

‘Yes! Yes, and the wise one was right! There are people on the other side of the mountain’ Analin said.

‘People? This is so new, I find it hard to believe there are humans on the other side of the mountain’ Roka slipped on his shirt and led them both to the throne room.

‘Believe me Roka, I came back with evidence’ Analin said.

‘Evidence’? He asked.

‘Yes. Two human heads, I killed them in a bush, they were trying to rape a girl’ she explained.

‘There’s nothing wrong in ravaging a woman; women are properties and subject to men; they were created for pleasure’ Roka didn’t share in her beliefs.

He was the King of the land beyond the mountain; the king of a highly civilized and developed society; he was ambitious and had a fiery temper; he was a great warrior but not as great as his younger sister Analin, who had offered to climb down the mountain and explore new lands.

‘How can you say that’? Analin moved towards the clay jugs where wine was kept and poured some for herself.

‘Sorry if I offended you, but you must have your rest; tomorrow we plan on how to take this land for ourselves’ Roka replied.

‘Yourself, you mean’? Analin scoffed.

Roka was self-centered and power hungry; he didn’t care about anybody but himself and many a time, he had trampled on the feelings of others.

‘I am your King Analin and I deserve respect’ He cut in.

‘Well, it wouldn’t be that easy to take the land, I found these on the men; I wish I could stay longer but I didn’t want to jeopardize our plans’ she dropped a bag before him, several weapons fell out of the bag.

‘They have swords? Clubs? Spears? Daggers? They are as civilized as us’ Roka noticed.

‘Yes, of course; they speak our language too, though their tongue is slightly changed; I spoke with the girl that I rescued and she seemed to understand me quite well; the gods have ordained this to happen’ Analin smiled confidently.

‘Yes! The gods! You have done well sister and I am so proud of you; we must choose a day to invade that land and take hold of it’ Roka was eager to possess powers.

His parents had died during an outbreak of strange disease and he had been made king at an early age; from then on, his desire for power had grown and he sought to rule other lands but the great mountain stood like a barrier to his dreams.

Their land was rich with rivers of honey pebbles and gold; they had riches and wealth and so he had employed the services of some men to strike down the mountain but they couldn’t.

For seven years they had tried but they failed and no one was willing to climb down the mountain except his sister who was the head of his army.

Roka had forgotten all about crossing the mountain a long time ago but the wise one, his adviser, had brought him a gigantic box as a gift; once he opened it, he found a pale looking man, who was very strange.

“We found two of his kind climbing the mountain, it means that there is a world outside there; we have to take it” the old man had said.

‘And I am going to take it’ Roka smiled and gulped the wine from the clay pots.

‘My king, your bed is ready’ one of his servants announced.

‘Ndoba isn’t it’? His eyes were filled with lusts as he raked her slender body.

‘Yes my king, Ndoba is my name’ she replied.

‘You’ll warm my bed tonight’ it was more of a command than a request.

Roka was drawn to women and women were equally drawn to him; his sister had pressured him to choose a wife for himself from among them but he decided to ignore her. A wife was only going to be a stumbling block to his womanizing ways and he was not the type of man to be caged.

‘Roka! Wait’ Analin met him at the entrance of his chambers.

‘Yes, sister’? He signaled the servant girl to enter his room.

‘There is bad news brother’ her eyes were filled with fear.

‘What news that cannot wait’? He arched a brow.

‘The wise one, your advisor is dead. His wife just told me’ Analin replied.

‘Good. Then, by all means, get the army prepared, we are invading that land tomorrow’ Roka replied.

‘Is that all you’re going to say’? Analin swallowed, what kind of a cold person was Roka?

‘The wise one was the reason you took the throne, he saved us from our enemies and upheld our birthright’ she continued, should incase her brother had forgotten the importance of the man that had just died.

 ‘I know sister, I know the many enemies he conquered on my behalf; Adoni and her team of usurpers were all killed by the wise one; I would mourn him properly when the time comes’ Roka replied.

As a young king, he had been faced with many challenges; he remembered a woman, Adoni, that had wanted to rule the land beyond the mountain; she had the support of the people and had almost taken the land if not for the wise one.

‘Life is too short to waste it on tears. We don’t have much time and don’t you think the people of that land wouldn’t notice the missing heads of the men and how about the girl they almost ravished? She would tell other of what she saw. That is why we must hurry; you showed me their weapons, they are civilized and at par with us; there is no time Analin’.

‘I assured her that I was a “spirit” and it looked like she believed me’ Analin answered.

‘Tell me about this girl…’ he was curious.

‘I don’t know brother for it was dark’ she replied.

‘Okay. Get some sleep, we invade tomorrow’ Roka placed a kiss on her hair and stepped into his room.

‘May the gods save him’ she released a breath and left for her chambers.

Climbing down the mountain wasn’t that difficult; only exhausting but she had been adequately equipped with water and food; it took her half a day to reach the land they were about to invade.

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Re: Super Story: Dance Of The Virgin - Full Episode
Reply #5 on: January 02, 2018, 02:17:13 AM


Now the wise one was dead, she wondered if Roka was ever going to listen to anyone else; his stubbornness was his albatross but she prayed he never took a decision that would ruin everything they had planned.

The night was cold and dangerously quiet; Adoni and her daughter placed their belongings that was contained in a basket atop their heads.

‘Where do we go from here mother? We both know the people do not like us’ Nai’muri was greatly troubled.

‘The mountain woods’ Adoni replied quietly, so many things went through her mind.

‘But is forbidden for any man or woman to go close to the huge mountain talk less of abiding in the woods before it’ Nai’muri replied.

‘That is the only option we have Nai’muri, we must hurry, so we rest our head and set up a house for ourselves when morning comes’ Adoni replied.

‘Why do you sound so confident? Is there something that you are not telling me’? She stared at her mother for a while.

A smile brightened the older woman’s face and then she shook her head. her daughter had been raised to believe there was nothing on the other side of the mountain, just like a lot of villagers were meant to believe; but they were all wrong. She had come from that very mountain long ago and gotten lost in the woods, that was where Mazi Ekere saw her and captured her to be his wife.

‘You never told me about your escape from those two vile men’ her mother switched topics.

‘No I did not’ Nai’muri started.

Fear gripped her as she remembered the spirit that had come out of the bushes to rescue her.

‘A woman jumped out from the bushes and slew them; she unsettled their heads from their shoulder, I saw a spirit mother. Do you think it was the river goddess, Asurra that came to my rescue’? Nai’muri wondered for she had called on the goddess to send her light and Justice.

‘Were you opportune to see this woman’s face? And her manner of dressing’? Adoni asked. She had never seen a spirit before, she was curious.

‘No, but she was tall and fair of skin, her hair was as long as mine if not longer’ Nai’muri replied.

In the land of Ozodo, only she and her mother had such long hair; the other women had short and kinky hair and that added to the reason people stayed away from them.

‘Long hair’? Adoni raised a brow.

‘Yes, she moved so swiftly, I never knew a woman could fight so well’ Nai’muri smiled for the first time that night.

‘Analin…’ Adoni muttered to herself.

‘What’? Nai’muri asked.

‘Um, nothing, we must hurry to the woods child and set a place for the night’ she reminded Nai’muri of what was most important and together they rushed towards the mountain woods.

The woods like its name implied was a lonely place, scanty and filled with pine trees; dry leaves and foliage covered the ground; it was quiet and a bit scary as no one else inhabited that part.

‘Are you sure about this mother’? Nai’muri asked.

‘Come, follow my lead’ Adoni beckoned to her child.

Nai’muri noticed the way her mother moved smoothly through the woods; she moved as though she had stayed there before; like she knew all the nooks and crannies of the mountain woods.

‘What do you think about Zabacha’s words’? Nai’muri asked her mother.

‘Meekhabash, you are very beautiful and you must go to the virgin dance, nothing would stop you’ Adoni reassured her.

‘But mother, what if Kamsi tells Jaja Nana about the yam you roasted’? Nai’muri asked.

‘I don’t know Meekhabash, till then, now we must sleep’ Adoni took the basket off her head and helped Nai’muri with hers.

She fetched a thick blanket made out of goat’s skin and spread it on the ground.

‘Come, lie’ she called to her daughter.

‘What are you doing’? Nai’muri watched her mother as she settled on the blanket.

‘Starting a fire to keep wild animals away’ she replied and continued striking the stones against each other.  She took a deep breath and turned back, she wasn’t looking at her daughter now, and she was looking at the mountain and the land beyond it.

She wondered how the land was under Roka whom she had tried to kill; looking back now, she regretted all the choices she had made; she remembered vividly the night she was to be murdered alongside her followers but something happened.

She was able to outsmart the king’s warriors and so she climbed down the mountain in fear, in desperation for survival, these woods had kept her alive for days till Mazi Ekere found her.

She had been shocked to see a human being as there was a popular belief that there was nothing beyond the mountain; he had spoken a language that she understood and had taken her home against her wish to be his wife. How could she deny his request?

She was a vagabond and had no place to go; if she ever set her foot in the land beyond the mountain, Roka would have her head.

‘I wish I had chosen better’ she replied and crawled towards the blanket.

‘Are you okay mother’? Nai’muri asked she noticed the woman had been crying.

‘I would be fine Meekhabash’ Nai’muri replied.
The royal house was built with rocky stones and terracotta; the floors were adorned with priceless sea pebbles gotten from the Ozodo river; there was a throne room where Jaja Nana and Jaja Omiro stayed to meet with the chiefs in council and there was a royal shrine, where sacrifices were made to the river goddess.

‘Assura, be with your children, today and forever’ the priest led the morning prayers in the royal house.

Jaja Nana, Jaja Omiro, the chiefs in council and the servants were all present; they all knelt before the golden image of a woman, the effigy of the river goddess.

‘And may your light and Justice Come’ they replied.

‘May Assura accept our sacrifices, may her wisdom dwell with us now and forever more’ the Priest fetched a cock and slew it before the people; he poured the blood into a calabash and marked everyone’s forehead with it.

‘Good morning Mother’Prince Omiro bowed before Jaja Nana.

‘Son, rise, let’s go to the throne room, we have a lot to discuss’ she turned to her son.

‘May you live long your Highnesses’ the priest walked towards mother and son and bowed before them.

‘Rise elder, gather all the chiefs, there is something of utmost importance that I must share with you’  Jaja Nana instructed.

‘As you wish’ the priest bowed his head and departed from her.

‘I can hardly wait to hear of this important news’ Omiro glanced at his mother as they ascended the bronze throne.

‘Your sarcasm is appalling’ she hissed.

‘Mazi Ekere, how will the meat be this season of the new yam’? Jaja Nana asked the hunter chief.



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