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Author Topic: Super Story: Annabella - Full Episode (Photos)  (Read 20952 times)

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Annabella - Episode 36 (Photos)
Reply #36 on: December 01, 2019, 06:43:30 PM

Annabella - Episode 36

That same night .

Jack had dinner with his men, he called a meeting because of Sylvester.
Mary poisoned their food and water because of Alexander.

She left after betraying Jack.
The poison is not working yet , they are talking about how to murder Sylvester and annabella.

Alexander arrive at the house , she's standing next to the door.
They are busy talking and Alexander is texting Mary.
Alexander _ they are talking.

Mary_ Alexandra i did everything i could to help you, am going far away because of police.

Alexander _ did you poison their food and water?

Mary_ yes i did, give them some time before you enter the room.

Alexander _ thank you for everything Mary.

Mary_ don't mention, your sister was good to me, please don't not enter the room now, i left the room key behind the door , lock the door and wait .

Alexander _ what about their phones?

Mary_ they are disconnected Alexander, they can't call anyone.

Alexander _ i don't know how to thank you Mary.

Mary_ stay alive.

Alexander _ i will.

Mary_ goodbye Alexander.

Alexander _ are you leaving forever?

Mary_ i will be back, i want to be alone for now.

Alexander _ ok.

Mary_ lock the door now.

Alexander _ am on it.

Alexander lock them in the room.

Few minutes later, they started feeling pains.

Harmless_ my stomach.

Raphael _ same here.

Jack _ we're poisoned!

Harmless_ how?

Jack _ it's the food .

Harmless_ my phone is disconnected.

Jack_ mine too.

Jack and his men tried everything they could to open the door but it's impossible because they are weak .
Harmless is sad, he feel terrible.

His father don't know what to do anymore.
Everyone started blaming Jack and he's shouting at them.
Some of the men are insulting each other because of their carelessness.

The men are about to fight each other.
Alexander is listening to their conversations.

She's quite and sad.
Harmless is insulting his father.

Harmless _ do something.

Jack _ you don't have hands?

Harmless_ you want me to die?

Jack _ someone will come for us.

Harmless_ can't you see we're here alone? We're dying because of the poison.

Jack _ be quite, am not dying!

The men are holding their stomach.
Few minutes later.

Harmless is feed up with his father.
They started fighting and the others are busy watching them.

Harmless _ you want me to die?

Jack_ you useless boy!

Harmless_ i should have listen to my mother.

Jack _ you are regretting?

Harmless_ i should've left you, you did this to me.

Jack_ i did everything for both of us, your mother left me for another man.

Harmless _ she did the right thing you old demon!
They are still fighting and the others are weak.

Jack_ is anybody there?

Harmless _ nobody is coming, they betrayed us.

Jack_ Mary will be sorry for this.

Alexander _ you won't see her .

Jack_ who the hell is that?

Alexander _ it's me Alex.

Harmless _ which Alex?

Alexander _ Alexander, your step mother's sister.

Jack_ that's impossible.

Harmless _ you said she's dead .

Jack_ maryyyyyyyyyyyy!

Harmless_ please open the door, call the ambulance.

Mary_ not happening because am here to finish what i started.
Jack_ please don't do this Alexandra, i cared for you remember?

Alexander_ you murder my only sister, you asked Mary to kill me.

Jack _ you believe Mary? Please am weak .

Alexander _ that's what i want , today is your last day on earth.

Harmless _ please let me out .

Jack _ i can't move my legs.

Harmless _ i can't see very well.

Alexander _ say your last prayers everyone!
Alexander open the door, she started cutting their throats.

She killed harmless because he's not different from his father.

Everyone is dead expect Jack.
Jack_ you killed my son.

Alexander _ you killed my sister.

Jack_ don't do this Alexandra, please give me a second chance.

Alexander _ did you give my sister a second chance?

Jack _ i was stupid.

Alexander_ rest in pices!

Jack_ noooo!

Alexander _ goodbye Jack.

Jack _ i didn't finish my mission.

Alexander_ go and finish it in hell.

Alexander cut his throat.

Alexander _ my heart is finally at rest , sister i did it!
Alexander _ am not running away from the police, i don't mind going to prison.
Alexander is pissed, they are dead but she's still angry.

Alexander walk out of the house with a knife and her body is covered with blood.

Alexander_ am coming to see you sister, i might go to jail or even die because of my crime, i want to see you before the police find me.

Alexander killed harmless and Jack with the help of Mary.

Mary left the country because of the crime, she don't want to go to jail.

To Be Continued

TAG: blessedgist 

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Annabella - Episode 37 (Photos)
Reply #37 on: December 01, 2019, 06:54:46 PM
Annabella - Episode 37

Later that morning.
Someone is calling Drago.
He told him about Jack's death and his happy.
Drogo_ our problem is over.

Camilla _ you look happy today.

Drago_ Jack is dead.

Camilla _ where's my son?

Drago _ Sylvester is fine , someone killed Jack and his son.

Camilla _ call Sylvester.

Drago_ our son is safe and sound.

Camilla _ then who killed Jack?

Drago_ they are still looking for the killer.

Camilla_ this is good news but i want to call Sylvester.

Drago_ give me a hug sexy mama, our son is safe.

Camilla _ am calling him.

Drago_ no problem, tell him the news.

Camilla walk out of the room.

Sylvester didn't pick her calls and she's worried.
Later that night.

Sylvester is ready , they are talking.
Sylvester_ we're ready to do this.

Zed_ let's go.

Ryan _ wait a minute.

Sylvester_ what is it?

Ryan_ it's your dad.

Sylvester_ don't pick.

Ryan _ i can't do that, he must be worried.

Sylvester_ whatever, tell him am not here .

Ryan _ ok.
Ryan _ hello sir!

Drago_ where's my son?

Ryan_ he's sleeping.

Drago_ tell him Jack is dead .

Ryan _ Jack?

Drago _ yes, someone killed him and his son.

Ryan_ wow!

Drago _ tell Sylvester to pick his mother's calls .

Ryan _ i will do that.

Sylvester_ what did he say?

Ryan_ Jack is dead, someone killed him and his son.

Sylvester_ you are joking !

Ryan_ your father can't be joking!
Sylvester_ nooooooo!

Zed_ calm down!

Sylvester_ don't tell me what to do, i was going to cut him into many pieces.

Ryan _ he's already dead.

Sylvester_ i need to calm my head down.
Sylvester Started walking away, he's angry.

Ryan _ let me be.

Zed_ who is the killer or killers?

Ryan_ the police are still looking for them.

Zed_ this is a miracle.

Ryan _ you can say that again.
Ryan _ what should we do now?

Zed_ let's wait for Sylvester.

Ryan _ i can't believe this.

Zed_ it's shocking right?

Ryan_ yes bro, annabella is free at last.

Zed_ am very happy for them.

Ryan _ yes bro.
Sylvester_ we're going home, pack your bags .

Ryan _ tonight?

Sylvester_ i don't have strength for many talks Ryan.

Zed_ let's pack.

Ryan _ Nancy is sleeping in my room, i can't live her.

Sylvester_ tell her to pack.

Zed_ we can take them with us?

Sylvester_ yes , if they agree .

Ryan _ alright.

Later that night.
Sylvester is watching the news.
Ryan walk into his room.

Sylvester_ it's true, they are dead.

Ryan _ what about the killers?

Sylvester_ they are still looking for them.

Ryan _ who could they be?

Sylvester_ i don't know bro.

Ryan_ am very happy for you and annabella.
Sylvester_ for the two of us?

Ryan_ yes bro, she's finally free.

Sylvester_ she's going nowhere.

Ryan _ you are in love.

Sylvester_ i agree with you.

Ryan_ this is good news but you can't lock her up.
Sylvester_ am not locking her up Ryan.

Ryan_ are you telling her about Jack?

Sylvester_ yes .

Ryan _ she'll leave.

Sylvester_ i won't allow it .

Ryan _ goodluck with that.
They are still talking.
Few minutes later.

Annabella walk into the room.
Ryan is looking at Sylvester .
Sylvester_ you are here.

Annabella_ yes , hello Ryan.

Ryan_ what's up?

Annabella_ am good.

Annabella_ what are you guys up to?

Ryan_ nothing serious.

Sylvester_ guess what?

Annabella_ am not good at guessing .

Sylvester_ Jack is dead.

Annabella_ you killed him?

Sylvester_ no , someone did.

Annabella_ are you sure of what you are saying? he's really dead?

Sylvester_ yes, it's confirmed.
Annabella_ thank you very much, am free at last.

Sylvester_ am not his killer.

Annabella_ i believe you, thank you for not giving up on me.

Sylvester_ don't mention.
Annabella is shaking his hand.
Ryan left the room for them.
Sylvester_ here's your phone.

Annabella_ i can't believe this.

Sylvester_ you are free to do whatever you want.

Annabella_ am calling my parents.

Sylvester_ ok.
Annabella is very happy.
She calling her parents.
Annabella_ father.

Roben_ how are you princess?

Annabella_ am good, Jack is dead.

Roben_ yes .

Annabella_ am very happy.

Roben_ everyone is happy.
Roben_ tell your husband we're going out for a family dinner with his parents.

Annabella_ when ?

Roben_ next week .

Annabella_ no problem.

Roben_ talk to you later.

Annabella_ alright.
Annabella is kissing Sylvester after speaking with her father.
Annabella_ thank you for everything.

Sylvester_ what now?

Annabella_ am leaving tomorrow.

Sylvester_ what?

Annabella_ everything is fine now.

Sylvester_ you are leaving me?

Annabella_ am going back to the hotel.

Sylvester_ you want to live alone? your friends are here.

Annabella_ where are they?

Sylvester_ they are sleeping.
Sylvester_ you want to run away from daddy?

Annabella_ am still thinking about it.

Sylvester_ you are going nowhere.

Annabella_ you want to abduct me?

Sylvester_ yes baby .

Annabella_ am not running away.

Sylvester_ good , we're going out for family dinner.

Annabella_ who told you that?

Sylvester_ my mother.

Annabella_ our parents are something else.

Sylvester_ you can say that again.

Annabella_ am going to bed.

Sylvester_ give daddy a kiss.
They started kissing.
Annabella walk out of his room after speaking with him.

Sylvester_ who's the killer? is the person coming for annabella?
Should i be worried? Annabella is not leaving my sight , she's staying with me and that's final.

Our parents want to know our minds , this marriage is happening, annabella is mine now.

Jack you are very lucky, rest in pices you greedy basterd!

To be continued

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Annabella - Episode 38 (Photos)
Reply #38 on: December 01, 2019, 07:29:44 PM
Annabella - Episode 38

Few days later.
Sylvester is working out with his friends.
They are talking about school and exam.
Annabella want to live Sylvester, she want to live alone and Sylvester is pissed.
Two days later.
Everyone is present at the restaurant.

They are going to talk about the marriage and their children's plans.

Sylvester_ excuse me guys, annabella let's talk.

Annabella_ ok.
They left the table.
Annabella_ what is it?

Sylvester_ our parents want to hear our minds.

Annabella_ i know .

Sylvester_ what's your plans?

Annabella_ am leaving.

Sylvester_ you hate me?

Annabella_ no , i want to focus on my studies.

Sylvester_ you are staying with me annabella.
Annabella_ i don't want to.

Sylvester_ drama queen.

Annabella_ am serious.

Sylvester_ you are doing this because of your boyfriend's?

Annabella_ they are not my boyfriend's.

Sylvester_ you better stay away from them or i will shoot them.
Annabella_ you are terrible Sylvester.

Sylvester_ and you love me for that.

Annabella_ i want to live alone, i need some space.

Sylvester_ you better tell them you are marrying me.

Annabella_ is it by force?

Sylvester_ stop pretending i know you want.

Annabella_ i don't want you .

Sylvester Started laughing hard.
Annabella_ what's funny?

Sylvester_ why are you pretending?

Annabella_ am not pretending.

Sylvester_ you are baby.

Annabella_ ok am staying with you.

Sylvester_ now you are talking.

Annabella_ can i go now?

Sylvester_ you will marry me.

Annabella_ let's see how it goes Sylvester.

Sylvester_ you better tell them that .
Annabella_ what if i don't?

Sylvester_ i will kidnap you annabella.

Annabella_ crazy man.

Sylvester_ drama queen.
Annabella is thinking and everyone is waiting for their reply.
Annabella is looking at Sylvester.

In annabella's thought.

This man is annoying but he's a good man, i think i love him , i want him.
Drago_ everything is over .

Roben_ yes .

Alicia _ what do you want Annabella.

Camilla _ Sylvester what do you want?

Sylvester_ i want to marry annabella.

Drago_ and you?

Annabella_ i love Sylvester.

Roben_ this is good news.

Drago_ congratulations son.

Sylvester_ thank you father.

Roben_ congratulations to you two.

Annabella_ thank you mother.

Few minutes later.
The dinner is here .

Guess who?

The man from school.

Sylvester_ really?

Drago_ what is it?

Sylvester_ this idiot is working here?

Drago_ yes son.

Sylvester is insulting the waiter. 😂🤣
Drago_ Sylvester.

Sylvester_ yes father.

Drago_ sit your ass down.

Camilla _ behave son.

Sylvester_ i don't like him.

Drago_ you don't like anyone.

Camilla _ let's eat dinner in peace.
They started eating and talking.
Sylvester is gossiping with his mother.

Few minutes later.
Annabella left the table and Sylvester is watching her .

The waiter is standing close to Sylvester.
Sylvester left the table.
He's beating up the waiter.
He walk into the kitchen.

Sylvester is insulting him and the others are freaking out.

A moment later.

He started fighting him.
His parents are fed up with his behaviour.
Camilla is pissed.
Sylvester is satisfied, he left the kitchen.

After eating dinner, they went home.

Annabella follow Sylvester to his place, she's marrying him.

What will happen next?

To be continued.

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Annabella - Episode 39 (Photos)
Reply #39 on: December 03, 2019, 01:23:15 AM
Annabella - Episode 39

Two days later.
Annabella is relaxing in the pool, Sylvester walk out of the house.
Sylvester_ hey !

Annabella_ what are you doing here?

Sylvester_ what a question.

Annabella_ what do you want?

Sylvester_ you beautiful.

Annabella_ go away!

Sylvester_ how about you make me?
Annabella_ leave.

Sylvester_ you want to chase me out of my pool?

Annabella_ it's ours !

Sylvester_ you finally grow some sense.

Annabella_ don't say that.

Sylvester_ we're getting married after graduation.

Annabella _ maybe.

Sylvester_ what is maybe?😡

Annabella_ am joking you spoiled child!

Sylvester_ you are the spoiled child.

Annabella_ i don't fight everyone because my father is rich.

Sylvester_ say something else please.

Annabella_ why are you always angry?

Sylvester_ that's who i am.

Annabella_ you are not telling me the truth.

Sylvester_ i already told you the truth.

Annabella_ you can't be angry for no reason.

Sylvester_ am cold.
Annabella_ and?

Sylvester_ you know what to do baby 😋

Annabella_ you hoe!😡😡

Sylvester_ jeeez ! chill.

Annabella_ don't ever say that again.

Sylvester_ you are a bad ass pretender.

Annabella_ i don't know what you are talking about.

Sylvester_ whatever, am going inside.

Annabella_ am coming with you.
Sylvester_ you are no longer in danger baby .

Annabella_ i almost forgot.

Sylvester_ you are not welcome.

Annabella_ am still thinking about it.

Sylvester_ calm your mind down.

Annabella_ i will try.

Sylvester_ good girl.

Sylvester is walking away and annabella is thinking.
Sylvester_ outside is cold.

Annabella_ yes , i need something hot.

Sylvester_ am at your service.

Annabella_ i need tea.

Sylvester_ you broke my heart. 😭

Annabella_ how?

Sylvester_ never mind.

Annabella_ weirdo 🚶‍♀️
Few days later.

Annabella went out with her friends.
They are gossiping about the boys .

Annabella_ am marrying Sylvester.

Tracy _ really?

Annabella_ yes.

Nancy _ congratulations.

Annabella_ although he's annoying.

Nancy_ you love him for that.

Tracy _ we were right.

Annabella_ maybe.

They went home after spending time together.
Few days later.

Both families visit their children.
Sylvester walk into the house.

He's hugging his uncle's daughter.
Sylvester_ baby this is Ella my cousin.

Sylvester_ Ella meet annabella my wife.

Annabella_ nice to finally meet.

Ella_ she's responsible for my father's death?

Sylvester_ don't start Ella!

Annabella_ am sorry about your father.
Ella_ whatever, he's dead already.

Sylvester_ are you here to make trouble?

Ella _ i lost my father because of her .

Sylvester_ don't say that again.

Tracy_ hello guys.

Annabella_ what's up?

Tracy_ am good, who's this?

Annabella_ meet Ella Sylvester's cousin.

Tracy _ nice to meet you Ella.

Ella _ whatever.

Sylvester_ Ella!

Ella _ what?

Sylvester_ behave yourself please.

Ella_ you are defending her.

Sylvester_ she's my wife .

Annabella_ let her be Sylvester.

Ella_ whatever.

Annabella is hugging Nancy.
Everyone is eating and talking.

Ella is sitting with Drago.
Drago_ what's wrong?

Ella _ everything is fine.

Sylvester_ she's angry with annabella.

Drago_ why Ella?

Ella _ i don't want to talk about it.

Drago _ Jack killed your father not annabella.

Ella_ everything happened because of her.

Drago_ you can't hate her child, she's marrying Sylvester.

Ella_ i don't care.

Drago _ give me a hug child.
Drago _ don't hate her she's innocent.

Ella_ what should i do now?

Drago _ be happy, we're here for you.

Ella_ you promise?

Drago _ yes , you are now my daughter.

Ella_ thank you.

Drago_ don't mention, go and settle things with her.

Ella_ ok.

A moment later.

Ella_ am sorry for my behaviour annabella, i was angry.

Annabella_ i know how you feel, am sorry too.

Ella_ can we be friends?

Annabella_ of course Ella.

Ella_ thank you.

Annabella_ you are welcome.

The next day.
Ryan and zed are teasing Sylvester.
Ryan_ you finally have senses Sylvester.

Sylvester_ what are you saying now?

Zed_ you are marrying annabella.

Sylvester_ yes and?

Zed_ i told you!

Sylvester_ shut up.

Ryan _you are no longer forming.

Sylvester_ whatever.

Ryan_ congratulations.

Zed_ lover boy.

Sylvester_ i threatened her.

Ryan_ she don't want to marry you?

Sylvester_ she has no choice.

Zed_ bad boy.

Ryan_ you already bang her?

Sylvester_ how's that your business?

Ryan_ you are shinning your teeths.

Zed_ he said he'll never marry her.

Ryan_ haha , yes bro.

Zed_ he can form for the universe.

Sylvester_ you guys are pissing me off.

Ryan_ we're saying the truth bro.
Sylvester_ stop guys.

Zed_ what a pretender .

Ryan_ don't mind him, we can't wait to attend the wedding.

Zed_ yes o, our rude boy is getting married.

Ryan_ are you still banging everyone?

Sylvester_ did i bang you?

Ryan_ you better not cheat on her or she'll leave your ass.

Zed_ are you listening to us?

Sylvester_ are you guys done?

Ryan_ we're not done.
Sylvester_ enough please.

Zed_ we're trying to help you.

Sylvester_ mind your business.

Ryan_ idiot.

Sylvester_ you want me to shoot you?

Zed_ say something else please.

Sylvester_ am your boss!

Ryan_ spoiled boss.

Sylvester_ you guys are getting on my nerves.

Zed_ we don't care lover boy.

Ryan_ when is your wedding?

Sylvester_ leave me alone.

Zed_ story.

Ryan_ he's pained zed.

Zed_ very pained.

Sylvester_ you are the pained idiots!

Ryan_ yah , whatever!

To be continued..

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Super Story: Annabella - Episode 40 (Photos)
Reply #40 on: December 03, 2019, 01:32:42 AM
Annabella - Episode 40

Ryan_ what's the plan now?

Zed_ Jack is dead.

Sylvester_ let's live like old times.

Zed_ that's good.

Sylvester_ you remember that idiot from school?

Zed_ yes, what happened to him?

Sylvester_ he's working at our restaurant.

Zed_ you are joking.
Sylvester_ am serious.

Zed_ tell me you didn't fight him.

Sylvester_ i did .

Zed_ when are you going to change?

Sylvester_ you tell me?

Ryan_ he'll change after his wedding.

Zed_ i hope so.
Few minutes later.

Sylvester is talking, zed and Ryan are tired of his talks . 🤣
Ryan_ what should we do now?😭

Zed_ run away?

Sylvester_ don't take a step.

Ryan_ i want to pee.

Sylvester_ pee here.

Ryan_ please.

Sylvester_ you know how to beg?

Ryan_ yes .

Sylvester_ go .

Ryan_ thank you.

Zed_ i want to pee.

Sylvester_ don't even think about it, am still talking.

Zed_ am so hungry.

Sylvester_ you don't want to listen to me?

Zed_ to be honest , i have headache.

Sylvester_ really?

Zed_ yes bro.
Sylvester_ they don't like me anymore.

Zed_ am joking.

Sylvester_ they hate me.

Zed_ Sylvester!🙄

Sylvester_ i want to die.

Zed_ ok talk .

Sylvester_ you are sure?

Zed_ yes 😭
Sylvester started talking again.
Few minutes later.

Sylvester_ what's wrong?

Zed_ am very tired and hungry.

Sylvester_ you can go .

Zed_ thank you very much 😭😭

Annabella_ what's wrong with them?

Sylvester_ wait beautiful.

Annabella_ am here .

Zed_ thank you annabella.

Annabella_ for what?

Zed_ for saving me.

Annabella_ from Sylvester?

Sylvester_ don't mind him beautiful.
Sylvester walk away from zed.

Sylvester_ do you want to go out with me?

Annabella_ where?

Sylvester_ to the boutique.

Annabella_ say please.

Sylvester_ please 🤦‍♂️

Annabella_ good man.

Sylvester_ are you coming or not?

Annabella_ i want to change my clothes.
Sylvester_ do that fast.

Annabella_ am watching news, wait a minute.

Sylvester_ this woman!

Annabella_ what did i do?

Sylvester_ just watch the damm news.

Annabella_ am ready to go now.

Sylvester_ i don't know what to say to you right now!

Annabella_ i will be right back.

Sylvester_ annoying woman!
Few minutes later.

They arrive at the boutique.

Annabella is angry with Sylvester because he was looking at another lady.

Sylvester_ where are you going?

Annabella_ home?

Sylvester_ why?

Annabella_ you were looking at that lady.

Sylvester_ this is going to be hell.

Annabella_ go alone.

Sylvester_ am sorry baby.

Annabella_ you are?

Sylvester_ yes beautiful, you are the most beautiful woman on earth.

Annabella_ that's what i need.

Sylvester_ let's go.

Annabella_ alright.

Sylvester_ she's something else.

Annabella_ what did you say?

Sylvester_ i said you are hot.

Annabella_ like fire?

Sylvester_ yes like oven.
Annabella_ you are very lucky to have me.

Sylvester_ yes very lucky, am jumping from the bridge anyway.

Annabella_ am too beautiful for you.

Sylvester_ you are right .

Annabella_ we're here .
Sylvester is checking everywhere.
Annabella is speaking with one of the employee and Sylvester is watching her.
Sylvester_ i can't believe am marrying her, she better change her attitude or I'll jump from the bridge.

She's my match, we're perfect for each other.
Annabella_ are you done?

Sylvester_ almost.

Annabella_ let me know when you are ready to leave.

Sylvester_ ok ma'am.

Sylvester is speaking with his employees.
Few minutes later.

Sylvester_ why are you smiling? Who are you texting?

Annabella_ really?

Sylvester_ are you cheating on me?

Annabella_ no Sylvester.

Sylvester_ let's go.

Annabella_ what was that about?

Sylvester_ am jealous.

Annabella_ jealous of my mother?

Sylvester_ am sorry.

Annabella_ am still angry.

Sylvester_ i said am sorry.

Annabella_ you don't trust me Sylvester.

Sylvester_ it will never happen again.

Annabella_ am leaving.

Annabelle is angry with Sylvester.
The next day at school.

Sylvester_ babe.

Annabella_ what?

Sylvester_ you are avoiding me.

Annabella_ am busy with my books.

Sylvester_ you are still angry with me.

Annabella_ am not.
Sylvester_ what do you want me to do?

Annabella_ nothing Sylvester, do whatever you like.

Sylvester_ i knew it.

Annabella_ am going to class.

Sylvester_ you don't want to forgive me?

Annabella_ you are forgiven.

Sylvester_ really?

Annabella_ yes .

Sylvester_ kiss me.
Annabella_ don't touch me.

Sylvester_ you are shouting, we're not alone.

Annabella_ don't come closer.

Sylvester_ my friends will hear you.

Annabella_ am going to study.

Nancy _ what's wrong?

Annabella_ everything is just perfect.

Nancy _ ok.

Nancy is speaking with Ryan and zed.
Annabella walk away from them.
She's studying in a quiet place.
Sylvester is running towards her.
They are studying and Ryan is walking towards them.

Sylvester_ this place is perfect for studying.

Ryan_ yes bro.

Sylvester_ say something baby.

Annabella_ am busy.

Ryan _ leave her alone.

Sylvester_ is she your business?

Annabella_ you guys are distracting me.

Nancy _ am going to eat.

Sylvester_ the school's food sucks.

Nancy_ i will manage it.
Sylvester_ she's eating poison.

Annabella_ is it your poison?

Ryan_ good question.

Sylvester_ be quite, you guys are distracting me!

Annabella_ ok mr professor.

Sylvester_ what's wrong with you?

Annabella_ don't start.

Sylvester_ behave yourself.

Ryan_ am going to class.

Sylvester_ whatever.

Annabella_ what a rude man.

Ryan_ that's his nature .

Sylvester_ come and say it to my face.

Annabella_ be nice .

Sylvester_ don't tell me what to do, you are misbehaving because of what happened yesterday.

Annabella_ you started it!

Sylvester_ i said am sorry annabella!

Annabella_ leave me alone.

Sylvester_ you want some cuddle?

Annabella_ no .

Sylvester_ what do you want from me?

Annabella_ am going to class.

Sylvester_ am coming with you.

Annabella_ ok.

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Super Story: Annabella - Episode 41 (Photos)
Reply #41 on: December 03, 2019, 09:42:10 PM
Annabella - Episode  41

Later in computer class.
Sylvester is waiting for annabella.
Annabella is done , Sylvester is texting Ryan.
Annabella_ am done.

Sylvester_ finally.

Annabella_ am going to eat something.

Sylvester_ what?

Annabella_ is something wrong?

Sylvester Started complaining and annabella is waiting for him to finish.
Few minutes later, he's still talking and annabella is tired.
Annabella_ are you done?

Sylvester_ are you even listening to me?

Annabella_ please tell me you are done.

Sylvester_ you can't eat there annabella.

Annabella_ but am hungry.

Sylvester_ why are you so stubborn?
Annabella_ what's next?

Sylvester_ we're going to the restaurant later.

Annabella_ i want food now!

Sylvester_ is this about food annabella?

Annabella_ what are you saying?

Sylvester_ you are punishing me.

Annabella_ how?

Sylvester_ you are misbehaving because of what happened yesterday.
Annabella_ am hungry and you are talking about what happened yesterday?

Sylvester_ you don't know how to forgive?

Annabella_ am not angry.

Sylvester_ you are !
Annabella_ you want me to die?

Sylvester_ no baby.

Annabella_ give me food.

Sylvester_ say you love me.

Annabella_ leave me alone.

Sylvester_ problem child.

Annabella_ are we going or not?
Sylvester_ come to daddy, what do you want from me? you want me to give you a baby?
Annabella _ baby? don't touch me.

Sylvester_ she's shouting, you don't want to forgive?

Annabella_ you are forgiven.

Sylvester_ prove it .
Annabella_ am really hungry.

Sylvester_ me too.

Annabella_ you are terrible.

Sylvester_ you don't want to forgive me?

Annabella_ you are forgiven on one condition.

Sylvester_ am listening.
Annabella started talking and Sylvester is bored.
Few minutes later, she's still talking.
Sylvester_ are you done?

Annabella_ yes.

Sylvester_ i heard you.

Annabella_ you better not mess with me again.

Sylvester_ are you hungry or not ?

Annabella_ am hungry.

Sylvester_ let's go home.

Annabella_ home?

Sylvester_ am taking you to our restaurant.

Annabella_ ok .
Later that evening.

They arrive at the restaurant.

They are waiting for their orders.
Annabella is speaking with Sylvester and someone is monitoring them.
Few minutes later.

The stranger is still standing there.

Annabella_ where are you going?

Sylvester_ i will be right back.

Annabella_ you don't want to listen to me?

Sylvester_ don't move baby, i have something to take care of.

Annabella_ ok.

Sylvester_ who are you?

Stranger _ you are Sylvester right?

Sylvester_ what do you want?

Stranger _ i know who killed Jack.

Sylvester_ who?

Stranger _ not so fast, i want money in return.

Sylvester_ how much?

Stranger _ 5 million dollars.

Sylvester_ do you know any bank around here?

Stranger _ yes .

Sylvester_ go and Rob the bank.

Stranger _ what?

Sylvester_ get the fuck out of here you idiot!

Stranger _ stop hitting me.

Sylvester_ i will shoot you if you don't fuck out.

Stranger_ you'll never know the person.

Sylvester_ thief!

Annabella_ what's wrong?

Sylvester_ everything is fine.

Annabella_ but..

Sylvester_ there's no but, just eat.

They started eating.
Annabella_ who's that man?

Sylvester_ he's just a jobless nobody.

Annabella_ that's harsh.

Sylvester_ are you done with your food?

Annabella_ nooo!

Sylvester_ then eat and stop talking.

Annabella_ i don't have the right to know what you are up to?
Sylvester Started explaining to her.
Few minutes later.

Annabella_ i want more.

Sylvester_ you are really hungry.

Annabella_ yes Sylvester!!!

Sylvester_ calm down, you are free to eat the restaurant.

Annabella_ you rude man!

Sylvester order another food and drinks.
Another stranger arrive, he's watching them.

A moment later.

He started taking a picture of them.

Sylvester_ another loser is here.

Annabella_ where?

Sylvester_ he's behind you.

Annabella_ where are you going?

Sylvester_ wait and see.

Sylvester left the table.
He's walking towards the man.

The man started walking away.

Annabella_ come back.

Sylvester_ he should've wait , fucking idiot.

Annabella_ you are overreacting.

Sylvester_ let me pretend i didn't hear that.

Sylvester is drinking, annabella is watching him.

In annabella's thought.

He's kinda sexy, i can't believe am doing this.

He'll be the one to break my wall, am really nervous and scared.

Sylvester_ why are you looking at like that?

Annabella_ am not looking at you.
Sylvester_ whatever, you want more?

Annabella_ am satisfied now.

Sylvester_ are you sure?

Annabella_ am very sure.
Sylvester_ eat more , i don't want headache.

Annabella_ my stomach is filled, thank you.

Sylvester_ don't thank me.

Annabella_ why?

Sylvester_ you are my wife.

Annabella_ what a husband, am very lucky.

Sylvester_ you don't know how lucky you are.

Annabella_ can we go now?

Sylvester_ follow daddy.
Annabella_ my father is home.

Sylvester_ swallow your pride and follow me.

Annabella_ you think am full of pride?

Sylvester_ you are the most arrogant & annoying woman on earth.

Annabella_ and you are fighting everyone.

Sylvester_ am only defending myself.

Annabella_ nobody is fighting you.

Sylvester_ you don't know what i have been through.

Annabella_ you want to talk about it?

Sylvester_ not now.

Annabella_ you know you can talk to me right?

Sylvester_ i know baby.

Annabella_ let me know when you are ready to talk.

Sylvester_ ok ma'am.

Annabella_ dinner was amazing.

Sylvester_ am glad to hear that.

Annabella_ am very tired .

Sylvester_ you want me to carry you?

Annabella_ you'll do that for me?

Sylvester_ why not?

Annabella_ you are romantic after all.

Sylvester_ you don't know how good i am.

Annabella_ what's he saying now?

Sylvester_ you'll find out sooner or later.

Annabella _ no problem.

Sylvester_ do you want me to sleep with me tonight?

Annabella_ no .

Sylvester_ but your room is cold.

Annabella_ i will manage it.

Sylvester_ am trying to help you here.

Annabella_ leave me alone please.

Sylvester_ i know you want me.

Annabella_ don't even think about it.

Sylvester_ she's forming innocent again.

Annabella_ am innocent.

Sylvester_ say something else .

Annabella_ you don't know me Sylvester.

Sylvester_ ok calm down, can we go home without fighting?

Annabella_ better.

To be continued


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