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Author Topic: Interesting Story - The Marriage Battle  (Read 10234 times)

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Re: Interesting Story - The Marriage Battle
Reply #6 on: April 15, 2018, 04:52:40 AM

Episode 7

Mami: went into her room to bring both clean and dirty clothes for her to wash and dropped them on the floor in front of her ‘here they are, I hope they are not too much’.

Adaobi: seeing the clothes and knowing what Mami is up to picked them up, smiled and said ‘it wasn’t’. She went to the bathroom where they was already detergent waiting for her already and started washing the clothes.

Kemi woke up from bed feeling very hungry, went to the dining and saw that breakfast was already set; she sat down, ate and asked her mother where Adaobi was if she is still sleeping after eating.

Kemi: Mami, where is Adaobi?

Mami: so you don’t know how to greet again abi? You just woke up, you didn’t even ask who prepared the meal you are eating, you just dived into it and after that you are asking me of Adaobi.

Kemi: Mami, I am sorry, I was very hungry. The meal is delicious sha, you did well.

Mami: Adaobi prepared it.
Kemi: That is nice of her, where is she sef?
Mami: In the bathroom washing.

Kemi: ‘Okay’ she stood up and left saying ‘i need to add my clothes too’. when she got to where she was, she dropped her clothes instructing her to wash them and iron them when she is done.

Adaobi: Kemi, you can’t possibly add your clothes to the ones I am washing, why don’t you come and join hands lets wash them together.

Kemi: I can’t, I am too tired, Can’t you wash my clothes?

Adaobi: I can if you were incapable but in this case, you are not.

Kemi: My mother told me to add my clothes so that you will wash them.

Adaobi: For what reason?

Kemi: Meaning.

Adaobi: Why would Mami say so? Why would she ask me to wash your clothes when there is nothing wrong with you?

Kemi: Maybe you should go and ask her.

Adaobi: ‘ Alright’ She said and went to ask Mami who was in the sitting room relaxing ‘Mami, did you say that I should also wash Kemi’s clothes when she is doing nothing?

Mami: Why can’t you or do you have a problem with that?

Adaobi: it is just a question Ma.
Mami: Wash it.

Adaobi: ‘ Okay Mami’ she said and left. When she was done, she hung the clothes and waited for Ayo to come pick her immediately for she already gave him a call. Few minutes later, Kemi went to check if her clothes were well washed and hung only to find out that they were all soaked in a bucket in the bathroom. She was angry and went to report to her mother.

Kemi: ‘Mami, do you know that Adaobi didn’t wash my clothes’ she fumed.

Mami: Are you sure?

Kemi: My clothes are soaked inside a bucket in the bathroom.

Mami: Ah Ah! But I instructed her to do so.
Kemi: She didn’t Mami.
Mami: go and call her for me.

Kemi: went to call Adaobi who was sitting on the bed waiting for Ayo to come pick her for she couldn’t and didn’t want to spend another day there.

Adaobi: Kemi said you asked for me.

Mami: Yes I did, why didn’t you wash her clothes?

Adaobi: Pardon?

Mami: Why didn’t you wash my daughter’s clothes?

Adaobi: but what is wrong with Kemi washing her own clothes, why do I have to be the one to do it?

Mami: but I told you to, didn’t i?

Adaobi: But Mami….just then, Ayo entered the house.

Ayo: ‘Hello every one? How is my wifey doing’ he went and gave a peck on her cheek saying are you ready? He turned to look at his mother and sister and turned to looked at Adaobi again ‘is everything all right?

Adaobi: Yes everything is fine.
Mami: says who?
Ayo: Mami, what’s wrong?

Kemi: the wifey or the woman you want to bring into our home is disrespectful, she disrespected Mami.

Adaobi: Ayo let me explain please.
Ayo: Go to the car and wait for me please.
Adaobi: But Ayo…..

Ayo: ‘I said go to the car and wait for me’ he ordered. As soon as she was gone he asked ‘Mami, what really happened?

Mami: she…..

Kemi: Mami gave her my clothes to wash but she refused, instead she soaked them for me to do it, can you imagine?

Mami: will you shut up your mouth before I shut it up for you? Turning to Ayo she said ‘I told her to wash some of Kemi’s clothes but she didn’t.

Ayo: Why will you give her Kemi’s clothes to wash, cant Kemi wash her own clothes again?

Mami: Is that what you will say to me Ayo? So I can’t give her simple instructions without she saying no? Now that she is not married to you she is showing her true characters, what if she is now married, I won’t say anything to her that she will do.

Ayo: I am not saying that and I am sorry if she didn’t do it but I still do not know why you will give her Kemi’s clothes to wash, I mean she is Kemi’s senior and as such respect should be accorded to her.

Mami: and what is wrong with me giving her my daughter’s clothes when she was washing my clothes?

Ayo: On her behalf I am or she is very sorry.

Mami: There is no point apologizing on her behalf, I do not like her.

She is a pauper and from a poor family, she is not good for you.

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Re: Interesting Story - The Marriage Battle
Reply #7 on: April 15, 2018, 04:59:01 AM

Episode 8

Ayo: Ah Mami, why are you saying this?
Mami: Didn’t you hear what I just said, she is not good for your social status, I do not want you to marry her.

Ayo: it won’t happen Mami because I have already made up my mind and there is nothing you or anybody can do about it.

Mami: it is either me or her and so you choose.

Ayo: ‘I will talk to you when you are less angry’ he said and left the house. When he got to his car, he met Adaobi crying ‘Why are you crying’?

Adaobi: ‘Nothing’ she wiped away her tears.

Ayo: I am sorry for everything; you shouldn’t put anything to heart.

Adaobi: I tried Ayo, I really tried.

Ayo: ‘I know you did, let’s go home’ and together they went to his house.

Two weeks later, Ayo went with Adaobi to make his intentions known.

When he got there, he was welcomed by her father, siblings and Uncle.

Papa: My son, you are very welcome to our humble home.

Ayo: Thank you sir.

Papa: What did you say brings you here again?
Ayo: I came to ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage.

Papa: My only daughter?

Ayo: Yes sir, if you will permit me for I will like to make her my wife.

Emenike: Adaobi! Adaobi! Yes sir she answered ‘Come here’ he said.

When Adaobi came he asked is she the person you want to marry?

Ayo: Yes sir, she is the one.

Emenike: Turning to Adaobi ‘do you know him’?
Adaobi: Yes sir.

Emenike: He has come to ask for your hand in marriage, what do you have to say?

Adaobi: ‘ Okay sir’ she answered shyly.

Emenike: Okay is not an answer my child, will you like to marry him?

Adaobi: Yes sir.

Emenike : ‘You may go in Adaobi’ and she left.

Papa: Hmmm, She is my one and only daughter and since you have come to pluck the flower in my compound with our permission you are welcomed.

Ayo: Thank you.

Emenike: You will need to come with your people for that is the only way we know you are serious and that your people are in support of it.

Ayo: That won’t be a problem and with your permission, we will be here in the next weekend if that is okay.

Papa: That is okay with us.

Ayo: ‘ Thank you sir and please take this as a token of appreciation’ he gave them the wine he brought.

Emenike: who collected marveled at the sight of the wine for it was imported ‘this is so nice and thank you.

Ayo: ‘You are welcome’ After a few minutes he left them and went to his place.

One week later, Ayo came with his people and the marriage agreement between Adaobi and Ayo was agreed upon. He was told that they will send him the list in a few days.

Few days later Emenike who was with Papa called Adaobi to the sitting room.

Emenike: Ada Nwam, I want you to tell what is his name again?

Adaobi: Who sir?

Papa: Ayo.

Emenike: Ehen, Ayo, I want you to tell him to come and collect the list as soon as possible.

Adaobi: Okay Sir, I will inform him today and hopefully, he will come for it.

Emenike: That is okay, we will be available.

The following day, Ayo came in company of his uncle to collect the list, they were welcomed and Emenike presented the list to them.

Ayo’s Uncle Opened the list to go through what was inside and gave it to Ayo to look at while Adaobi was in the room listening attentively to what was said.

Ayo: ‘Ah, Sir! Papa! This list is too much.

Emenike: What is too much about our list? Do you know how we suffered in training our only daughter to the university? How we moulded her image and character?

Ayo: Ermmm, I am sorry sir but from what I see here, I can see fathers list, Mothers list, brothers list, sisters list, family list, elders list and village list including Umu Ada list, If I sum up everything I see here, it’s going to cost me one million plus.

Emenike: And so? Aren’t you man enough to shoulder that responsibility?

Papa: ‘My son, Please let me have that list’ He collected it and went through it again.

Emenike: Don’t you know that you are taking our pride and joy away from us?

Ayo’s Uncle: Please our in-laws, it is through that we are coming to pluck a beautiful flower but don’t you think that this list presented to us is too much for a young man?

Emenike: A young man you said, isn’t he the one that want to marry our daughter? His ability to provide for what is in that list will prove to us if he can really take care of her.

Ayo’s Uncle: I agree with you no doubt, but it is still too much.

Emenike: Bia my son, are you really capable of taking care of our daughter?

Ayo: Very well sir.

Emenike: Then that list on your hand is the only way to prove it.

Ayo’s Uncle: My in-law…he was interrupted by Ayo.

Ayo: Uncle don’t worry, I will provide everything necessary.

Ayo’s Uncle: But Ayo?
Ayo: Uncle, do not worry.

Emenike: Now you are talking, Provide all that is written there and our daughter is yours for life.

Ayo: ‘Yes sir’ after a few minutes, they stood, bid them farewell and left. As he was about to enter his car with his uncle, Adaobi stopped them.

Adaobi: Ayo, don’t you want to see me before leaving? Can I see the list?

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Re: Interesting Story - The Marriage Battle
Reply #8 on: April 15, 2018, 05:06:42 AM

Episode 9

Adaobi: ‘Jesus Christ, this list is too much’ she said when it was handed to her.

Ayo’s Uncle: Very much. I told him but he said he can handle it.

Adaobi: Why didn’t you put up a fight?

Ayo: why should I, they are going to be my in-laws and putting up a fight will seem like I am rude or something.

Ayo’s Uncle: Why didn’t you let me in then?
Ayo: I didn’t want you to bother because I know that I can afford it.

Adaobi: That is not an excuse; you shouldn’t have accepted the list.

Ayo: and risk not making you my wife? No way, Don’t bother yourself sweetheart, I can manage it.

Adaobi: ‘Alright if you say so’ She bid them goodbye and went to her house ‘Papa, I thought I told you to help me out?

Papa: I didn’t know what was inside that list, I thought I spoke to your uncle but he didn’t adhere to what I said.

Adaobi: Didn’t you go through the list?

Papa: I never did and I didn’t want to say anything while our guest was around so that it wouldn’t seem like I am disrespecting him.

Turning to his brother he said ‘are you satisfied?

Emenike: I am not until everything in the list is brought.

Papa: The list is just too much, you should call the young man back and give him a new list.

Emenike: For what?

Papa: The list for the father, mother and sister should be scraped; we won’t be in need of them. The only thing that should be necessary in that list is that of the elders of the village and the Umu ada that’s all.

Emenike: Why should they?

Papa: because I am her father and it won’t be necessary.

Emenike: Well, I am also her father and she has sisters for my children are her sisters and brothers.

Adaobi: that is not necessary Uncle.
Emenike: well it is very, very important
Papa: that list should be scraped out.

Emenike: What? Listen, you can scrap yours but you cannot scrap all others. you want to only give the elders of our village and Umu Ada something forgetting that you have a family.

Papa: I have said my own, I am not selling my daughter.

Emenike: What about that of your son’s, wont they have anything?

Papa: They won’t. I am sure all they will want is for their sister to be well taken care of and happy and even if they want something, it is not what is on that list. A simple wine will do.

Emenike: ‘Hmmm, isn’t he a rich man? Why do you want to bother yourself when he can afford it? Or you want to be the only one to enjoy him when you get married abi’ he said to Adaobi.

Adaobi: It is not that Uncle, I just feel it is not right to extort an innocent man like that.

Papa: Adaobi my daughter, when next you talk to him, tell him that we have agreed that all other items is not necessary except for the elders and Umu Ada If he cannot provide them.

Adaobi: Yes Papa, I will tell him about it.

Ayo drove straight to his parents’ house with his Uncle to tell them the good news and soon, wedding preparations will start.

Ayo: Mami, I have gone to collect the list.
Mami: Ehen! I didn’t even know that you have gone to see her people in the first place.

Ayo: I did that with Uncle today.
Mami: Are you alright?
Ayo: What do you mean Mami.

Mami: Didn’t I tell you and made it clear to you that I do not like that girl.

Ayo: Mami please don’t start please.

Ayo’s Uncle: But what is wrong with the girl he has chosen for himself to marry?

Mami: Everything oooo, everything. My spirit does not accept her at all and she is an igbo girl. They too like money, They will drain him of all his resources.

Ayo Uncle: Hmmmm.

Mami: Yes ooooo. She is also disrespectful. Infact eh, I don’t want that girl near you anymore. Do you hear me?

Ayo: Mami, it won’t happen ooo that girl is the love of my life.

Mami: She doesn’t love you but your money, You see all the pretense that ladies do pretend? Wait till they get married and you will see their true colors. She doesn’t love you but your money and once you get married to her, her family, mother, father, brothers, sisters, all extended family will be your responsibility. They will suck you and keep sucking you till they dry up your well.

Ayo Uncle: Hmmmm

Mami: Uncle Ayo, you won’t talk to him now abi? What is all this hmmm for?

Ayo Uncle: I am speechless because we have collected the list today and it seems what you are saying is true.

Mami: What do you mean?

Ayo: Uncle Ayo please don’t go there.

Ayo Uncle: She is your mother Ayo and she has to know the truth.

Mami: ‘What truth? What do I have to know’ she asked as she looked at the both of them ‘will somebody tell me what is going on?’

Ayo Uncle: It is nothing serious oooo, it is just that the list they gave us is too much.

Mami: What list?

Ayo: The list we were given in preparation for the wedding?

Mami: Where is it? Let me see it. Ayo handed it to her ‘Egbami! Hey, what is all this? They want to finish all the money you have even before you get married, I told you didn’t i?

Ayo Uncle: We tried pleading with them that it was too much but they wouldn’t hear of it.

Mami: I said it, their extortion has just begun. Didn’t I warn you Ayo, didn’t i? This marriage whatever is cancelled.

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Re: Interesting Story - The Marriage Battle
Reply #9 on: April 16, 2018, 07:12:53 AM

Episode 10

Ayo: Mami Please, don’t start. That is the reason I didn’t inform you in the first place because I knew you were not going to be in support.

Mami: and you went against my will Ayo, I am your mother ooo and not an outsider.

Ayo: I am sorry Mami but please I need you to be in support. Adaobi is a very nice person.

Mami: Why won’t you say that when she has given you love portion to eat.

Ayo Uncle: Ayo, I think you should listen to your mother.

Ayo: Uncle please, not you too.

Mami: Look at the list; take a look at the list, doesn’t it say anything?

Ayo: Mami, it is just a list and I can provide whatever they are asking for.

Mami: Is that what you told them? So you have gone to show-case to them abi?

Ayo: Mami na, Uncle please help me talk to her.
Mami: There is no need talking because if you like talk today and tomorrow, my mind is made up.

Ayo: Hmmmm, alright, I have heard. If my own mother decides not to attend my wedding, I will understand.

Ayo Uncle: Seeing that the tension in the house was getting high, decided to deviate from the topic ‘Ermmm, where is Kemi?

Mami: That one, she went to school, i don’t know when she will be back.

During the week, Adaobi paid a visit to Ayo. After preparing his meal for him, he finished eating and they discussed how their wedding is going to be.

Adaobi: I know that you are bothered about the list, I still wonder why you didn’t reject it.

Ayo: If I should do that, it means I won’t marry you again na.

Adaobi: So you will provide everything in it?
Ayo: Yes for I can do.
Adaobi: Won’t it be too much on you?
Ayo: Nah, I am good.

Adaobi: ‘Any way, after you left my house the other day, my father, uncle and I had a talk concerning the list and we came to a conclusion that you should only provide what the elders and Umu Ada wants, you can skip the rest’ she said smiling.

Ayo: That won’t be necessary.
Adaobi: Meaning?

Ayo: Meaning that I will get everything as soon as possible or if I can’t, I will give them the equivalent in form of cash.

Adaobi: But I said you can skip the others.
Ayo: and I said you shouldn’t worry that I can do it.

Adaobi: No, isn’t that too much?

Ayo: It isn’t and please don’t start, I don’t want you to add yours, my mother is already compounding issues.

Adaobi: What issues?
Ayo: Issues about marriage and stuff.
Adaobi: It’s about me isn’t it?
Ayo: No and why did you say so?

Adaobi: Because after I left your place, you never said anything to me about her or Kemi. Are you guys having issues because of me?

Ayo: No.
Adaobi: stop lying to me Ayo.
Ayo: Who says I am.
Adaobi: Yes you are.
Ayo: What’s making you say that?
Adaobi: Because when you lie, you don’t look me straight in the eyes.

Ayo: Okay, we are having issues and my mom is not in support of me marrying an igbo lady.

Adaobi: I knew it, I knew she never liked me from the moment I stepped my legs into your house. I know she also thinks that I may be after your money.

Ayo: I didn’t say so.
Adaobi: You don’t have to.

Ayo: just give her time, she will come around.

Adaobi: Looking at him for a few minutes and wondered if what she is about to say is the right thing but she made up her mind to say it anyway ‘I am not too sure’.

Ayo: What do you suggest then.

Adaobi: Hmmm….i love you, I really do love you but if your family won’t accept me for who I am without being biased, I think we should call everything off.

Ayo: ‘What did you just say’ he screamed.

Adaobi: I am saying we should forget about everything.

Ayo: Are you out of your mind? Do you even know what you just said?

Adaobi: I do and I am going to say it again, let us quit for it…..

Ayo: Just stop, I don’t want to hear you say nonsense again.

Adaobi: it is not nonsense Ayo; I cannot go into a family that will not accept me as theirs. I am not going into a family that will make me miserable for my whole life.

Ayo: ‘And so what, because of them you want to let go of me?

Because of my family’ he screamed.

Adaobi: I am sorry but it is the best. I can’t think of marrying in a family where I won’t be accepted.

Ayo: Are you serious? Tell me this is a joke please and if it is, stop for I am not finding it funny.

Adaobi: it isn’t Ayo! God knows that you are the man I want as a life partner but if the people we love are not happy with our union, why go ahead with it? This is the only solution to everyones piece of mind.

Ayo: Don’t say that again please, I don’t want to hear such nonsense.

Adaobi: I am sorry, that is the best decision for us right now.

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Re: Interesting Story - The Marriage Battle
Reply #10 on: April 16, 2018, 07:19:19 AM

Episode 11

Ayo: Us! You say us? What is good about us going our separate ways? That is not a good idea for I won’t have it, did you hear me?

Adaobi: But Ayo!

Ayo: Don’t Ayo me, I said I won’t have it.

Adaobi: Alright, if that is the case, I want you to give us sometime before we go through with the marriage plan.

Ayo: Because of my mother?

Adaobi: Ayo, try and understand me and my pain here, this isn’t what I want, you know that I would never suggest we break up but your mother and your sister isn’t in support of it. If we can’t break up, then let’s give them some time. If by that time, your mother approves of me then I will be happy to have you as my husband and if she doesn’t, you can go ahead and marry another woman.

Ayo: I don’t like this one bit.

Adaobi: You do not have a choice here; it’s either that or the latter.

Ayo: Alright, I will think about it.
Adaobi: I am sorry for all this; you do know that I love you very much right?

Ayo: I know what you mean, I know that you love me very much and I do the same too.

Adaobi: ‘Thanks dear’ she said and the hugged.

Mami: ‘Kemi! Kemi’! She called out to her daughter as she stepped into her home with a lady ‘Kemi! Kemi!’

Kemi: Yes Mami, I am coming.

Mami: My dear, make yourself at home for this is now your house from now on ‘Kemi’!.

Kemi: Mami na, this one you are calling me like this, I hope all is well.

Mami: All is very very well because as you see me so eh, I am very happy right now. In fact, I am the happiest woman in the whole world right now.

Kemi: ‘Hello’ she said to the young lady who came with her mother and turned to her mother again ‘Mami, this one you are happy and what is making you happy? Who is this lady here with us?

Mami: she is the reason I am happy, Kemi meet your sister in-law to be and Kehinde, meet my daughter your future sister to be too.

Kehinde: Hello Kemi, its nice meeting you.
Kemi: Same here, you do have a nice name. Are you a twin?

Kehinde: Yes but my twin brother died five years ago.

Kemi: Wow, so sorry to hear that and you are welcome to our home.

Kehinde: Thank you very much.

Kemi: Mami, why did you say she is my sister in-law?

Mami: Because she is going to be very very soon.

Kemi: How do you mean, I don’t understand.
Mami: she is going to be your brother’s wife.
Kemi: Mami, didn’t you tell me the other day that he went to collect the marriage list from his people.

Mami: Don’t stress yourself, that marriage will not work.

Kemi: Hmmm Mami, I am not sure Ayo is going to like this one bit.

Mami: Will you shut up your mouth my friend, how can you say such nonsense in front of my guest here, take this money and go to the market. Buy foodstuff and prepare special meal for Kehinde. Make sure it is very tasty oooo.

Kemi: ‘Yes Mami’ she collected the money, went to get dressed and left for market.

Mami: Eh My daughter.
Kehinde: Yes Mami.

Mami: Don’t mind her and her stupid talk. Don’t worry, my son said he is going to come home today and you are going to see him. I am sure you will love him and he in turn will love you back.

Kehinde: I hope so Mami, I hope the other girl has not stolen his heart.

Mami: Stolen ke? Even if she has done so, you will steal it back from her. You will have to do anything possible to make him yours.

Kehinde: What if he still doesn’t want me?
Mami: Then you will have to go extreme.
Kehinde: How, I don’t understand.
Mami: I mean that if you use all your charms on him and he still doesn’t fall, you will have to get pregnant as soon as possible.

Kehinde: Will he still accept it?

Mami: That is not a question oooo, he will have no other option than to. For no child of mine will give birth outside wedlock.

Kehinde: Hmmm, I will do all you say Mami, I will try my best.

Mami: That is good but in this case, you will have to do and give more than your best.

Kehinde: Yes Mami.

Later in the evening, Ayo came in to meet his Mom, sister and Kehinde chatting.

Ayo: Hello Mami, Kemi how are you doing?
Kemi: Welcome home brother.

Mami: Welcome my son, how was work today?
Ayo: ‘it was stressful as usual’ he said as he sat down beside her.

Kehinde: ‘Hi’ she said smiling.
Ayo: ‘Hello’ he answered ‘Mami, who is this pretty lady with us here today?

Mami: she is pretty isn’t she?
Ayo: Very very.
Mami: You admire her?

Ayo: Mami, what do you mean by that? of course she is beautiful, who wouldn’t admire a beautiful lady?

Mami: That is good to know ‘Kehinde this is my son, the one I was talking to you about and Ayo meet my friends daughter, you wife to be.

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Re: Interesting Story - The Marriage Battle
Reply #11 on: April 16, 2018, 07:26:11 AM

Episode 12

Ayo: My what?

Mami: Your wife, she is beautiful, a graduate from a class of high social status and will make you a good wife. I have accepted her with all my heart already.

Ayo: Really, when was the arrangement made and why wasn’t I informed?

Mami: Because I am your mother and I can never be wrong in my judgment. You see that woman you chose as a wife, she is not a good woman for you and this one here is.

Ayo: Mami, you still haven’t answered my question, Why wasn’t I informed about this?

Mami: Because there was no need and I knew you would object to it.

Ayo: What makes you think that I can’t object to that now?

Mami: Ah! You won’t ooooo, not in this life time. Kehinde here is the woman you will marry and that is final.

Ayo: Hmmm Mami, is this what you called me here for?

Mami: Yes nah, what do you think will make me call you here immediately after work?

Ayo: Mami, you are not serious oooo. Kehinde is Yoruba and of a high social status that’s why you like her abi?

Mami: Whatever Ayo, if you like say what you want to say, she is here and it is time you start planning your wedding to her.

Ayo: Mami!

Kemi: But Brother Ayo, what is wrong with Kehinde, I like her already.
Ayo: ‘Will you shut up your mouth’ turning to his mother he said ‘Mami

I don’t like what you are doing ooooo, I don’t like it one bit’.

Mami: ‘Will you shut up that gutter of a mouth there before I shut it up for you with my hands, Ayo, I gave birth to you and you sucked my breast and on no account will you go against me. You see Kehinde here, you will marry her whether you like it or not and over my dead body will I allow you marry that Igbotic human being you call Adaobi’

she said and turned to Kehinde ‘My daughter, don’t mind him for his is very head strong and needs a woman like you to tame him. I will leave you two to get to know each other well’ she said and walked away leaving kehinde and Ayo all alone and Kemi followed suit.

Kehinde: Already feeling uncomfortable about the whole situation decided to brace herself and act well for he may find her pleasing ‘Ayo,I know what you must be going through and believe me I am already uncomfortable about this situation but maybe our parents mean well for us.

Ayo: By forcing you and I on each other?
Kehinde: is anything wrong with that?
Ayo: Everything is wrong for I am in love with someone else.

Kehinde: even against your mothers wish?
Ayo: I wish she could just easily accept her the way she accepts you, I wish she could feel my pain and my heart.

Kehinde: I am sorry for every pain you must be going through.

Ayo: There is no need apologizing, it isn’t your fault.

Kehinde: What do we do now?
Ayo: I don’t know, I really don’t know.
Kehinde: What if your parents never come around in accepting her?

Ayo: I am at a cross road here.

Kehinde: it’s okay, you need not stress yourself too much about it. If we cannot be lovers, can we at least be friends for now?

Ayo: Of course why not, I don’t have a problem with that.

Kehinde: Thank you.

Ayo: No, it is me that should be thanking you, thank you for understanding.

Kehinde: ‘You are welcome’ she said smiling. They chatted for few hours about life in general and when it was getting dark, Ayo bid them goodbye and left to his house.

Mami: I am curious to know Kehinde, what were you people talking about that took so long, has he finally accepted you.

Kehinde: Mami nothing much, we just talked about life in general.

Mami: Ehen! What do you think of my son?
Kehinde: To be sincere with you, I more than like him, infact, I love him. I love him sincerity and honesty, his charisma, I love everything about him.

Mami: Ehen! Is it not my son, the apple of my eye? I trained him well oooo.

Kehinde: ‘Mami you did well and I promise you that Ayo will be mine soonest’ she said smiling.

Mami: I hope soo oooo but come ooo, what were you people gisting and laughing about?

Kehinde: Nothing oooo, just the happenings in niaja.

Mami: Really, Hmmm I thought you people were getting to know each other better?

Kehinde: Mami, that is one way of getting to know someone better.

Mami: How can happenings about life getting to know someone better?

Kehinde: By talking about that, I get to know how he thinks and his perspective about life in general. Besides, I am also trying to create a bond.

Mami: What bond?

Kehinde: I am trying to be his very good friend and from friends we become lovers. That is the only way that I can penetrate his heart easily for that girl has a strong hold on him

Mami: That is good, I wonder what kind of igbo witch that she has given my son to eat.

Kehinde: I will win his heart in due time.

Mami: The earlier you start getting right to it the better. I want the memories of that girl off his mind for good and forever.

Kemi: ‘Mami, why do you hate her so much’ she asked for they have forgotten that she is with them while lost in their conversation.

Kehinde: Don’t you want me to be your sister in-law Kemi?

Kemi: I don’t have a problem with that but if you force him to marry you don’t you think that the both of you will be miserable for the rest of your life?

Mami: ‘Who called you into this conversation? Will you go to your room before I descend on you?’

Kemi: ‘looked at her mother and shook her head ‘When I want to get married Mami, don’t try this thing you are doing with Brother Ayo with me ooo for I won’t take it. Its either you accept the man I want to marry or your on your own ooo’ she said and went to her room.


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