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Author Topic: Interesting Story: Life Of Extravagance - Episode By Episode  (Read 9782 times)

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Episode 1

Mama: My son, I called you here because there is something I want to talk to you about.

Ikedi: What is it Mama?
Mama: When are you going to get married and give me my own grandchild to carry before I die?

You are forty years of age and still, you do not want to settle down? Is it not your mate that their children are in the universities by now? What is wrong and why is it that you don’t want to settle down?

Ikedi: Mama, is that why you called me all the way from Lagos down to Enugu for? I told you I will get married but now is not the time
because I have not seen the woman of my choice.

Mama: For how long are you going to keep selecting? Don’t you know that age is no longer by your side? Look at you, at forty, you are rich, have landed properties and filling stations everywhere yet you do not want to settle down. Or did you do rituals that warrant you not to?

Ikedi: Haba Mama! How can you say a thing like that? My money is not ill gotten money and I am not a ritualist. I got all my money through hard work.

Mama: Then settle down and bear me grandchildren.

Ikedi: Mama I will but not now as, I haven’t seen the woman of my choice.

Mama: At forty, you are still looking for the woman of your choice?

Won’t you pick one of this small small girls you are gallivanting in Lagos with and wife her?

Ikedi: No Mama, they are not wife material

Mama: and you think you are a husband material to them?

Ikedi: Of course I am Mama, I am rich, handsome and I have businesses all over the place.

Mama: Stay there and be deceiving yourself you hear! Stay there.

Look at you, you are sharing babe with your nieces and nephews, aren’t you ashamed of yourself?

Ikedi: What do you mean Mama, I am sharing no one with anybody ooo, sometimes, I do not like the way you talk to me about these marriage thing.

Mama: Okay na, when it done on you, don’t say I did not warn you.

Your nieces and nephews who are teenagers and in their twenties are going clubbing, you an old man is going clubbing, acting like a child.

Stay there oooo, don’t get married. You think all this girls you are busy roaming the street with will want to look at you in the next ten years?

Your eyes go open by then. I don talk my own.

Ikedi: If I had known that this was your reason for asking me to come home Mama, I wouldn’t have bothered. I wasted my flight ticket for

Mama: I called you here to tell you the bitter truth. I know the money you used in coming here, you would have used it on one of those girls in Lagos. By the way, why can’t you just pregnant any of these girls and take responsibility for the child?

Ikedi: Tukiakwa Mama! Isi Gini? That I should pregnant a woman out of wedlock? I can’t do that ooo. please don’t even suggest it to me because no child of mine will be born out of wedlock.

Mama: Ikedi! Ikedi! Ikedi! How many times did I call you?

Ikedi: Three times Mama.

Mama: Mark this day and time, I warned you and I am still warning you and will continue to warn you till I join my ancestors. Get married before it will be too late for you oooo. Get married.

Ikedi: Mama, it will not be any too late ooo. I am a man and not a woman. Men like us don’t reach Menopause.

Mama: I have said my own ooo. Get married and bear children or better still, pregnant one of these ladies you go out with and bear children if you do not want to settle down.

Ikedi: Don’t worry Mama, I will but now is not the time. When I get married, you will be there.

Mama: I hope and pray that I be there to see that day. I am more interested in you bearing kids.

Ikedi: Don’t stress yourself Mama. I will.
Mama: What an elder sees, even if you climb the highest mountains, you will not see. Get married and bear children oooo, it is for your own good.

Ikedi: I said I will na. change the topic Mama let us talk about something else.
Mama: Okay! God will bear me witness that I have tried my best.

Ikedi is a very rich and educated business man who is forty years of age and has refused to get married because he has not seen a girl of
his choice.

Because of his rich status, he is well known as the rich cassanova in Anambra state. All efforts to get him married proved to be going nowhere and it is believed that his money which a lot of people felt was ill-gotten may be the reason why he cannot wife a woman but little did they know that he is very picky when it comes to selecting a woman who will share his dream and wealth with.

At forty, Ikedi still lives a life of extravagance. He clubs, parties and have any woman he wants at his beck and call but in all these, no woman has been able to capture his heart. All he does is sleep with them and when they are of no use to him, he pays them a huge amount of money and discards them. Money isn’t his problem and women too aren’t his problem because to him, they are disposable, anytime and any day.

Ugochukuwu: ‘Ikedi, aren’t you tired of these kind of life you are living’ he asked when he came visiting his junior brother who is living large but without a wife to call his own.

Ikedi: Which kind of life am I living?
Ugochukwu: A life of extravagance with no child of your own.

Ikedi: Forget it bro, I still have a long way to go.
Ugochukwu: At forty you still have a long way to go?

Ikedi: Forty is the new Twenty Bro.
Ugochukwu: Hahahaha. Be deceiving yourself there. Hahahaha. Forty is the new Twenty abi?

Ikedi: I don talk my own, I am not ready to settle down now. All the women I am seeing are gold diggers.

Ugochuwu: Then get one of them pregnant and have a child.

Ikedi: Mama suggested it but I am not in for it.
Ugochuckwu: You are just wasting your time and I am really worried about you.

Ikedi: There is no need to be worried for I am here to stay for a very long time.

Ugochukwu: I know you won’t take my advice but don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Ikedi: Thanks bro, I appreciate.

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Offline Yakub Oloyede

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Interesting Story: Life Of Extravagance - Episode 2
Reply #1 on: February 06, 2018, 02:04:16 AM
Episode 2

Ijeoma is a graduate and a beautiful girl form Imo state, she was happy when she caught the attention of the well talked about ikedi and
fell in love with him when he came to ask her out on a date during the birthday of one of the commissioner in Enugu state and after that
incident, they have been seeing each other that people began speculating if she could be the one to tame the almighty Ikedi.

Ijeoma: Ifedi, when are you going to take us serious? She asked when she came to see him in his house.

Ikedi: Meaning?
Ijeoma: When are you going to come see my people? We have been going out for like six months and you have never said anything like us getting married.

Ikedi: and if I have never said anything like us getting married, why then are you asking when am I going to take us serious?

Ijeoma: Because you always profess your undying love for me, how you love me to the moon and back.

Ikedi: I do?
Ijeoma: Yes you do.
Ikedi: ‘Okay. Hmmmm’ he smiled.
Ijeoma: Why are you smiling, is what I said funny?

Ikedi: No it is not. Please get me my cheque book Please.

Ijeoma: Where is it?
Ikedi: It is by my bedside drawer.
Ijeoma: ‘Okay’ she quickly went to his master bedroom to get the check book and gave it to him.

Ikedi: collected it and signed a check of two million naira, tore it and handed it to her.
Ijeoma: Collected it and was happy ‘Wow! Two million naira, what for?

Ikedi: That is for the good six months we have spent together.

Ijeoma: What?
Ikedi: I am paying you off.
Ijeoma: You can’t be serious, you are paying who off?

Ikedi: You Ijeoma.
Ijeoma: Paying me off for what?
Ikedi: Ah!Ah! Ijeoma, I thought you said we have been together for six months? The cheque I handed over to you was for your time spent
with me in the past six months.

Ijeoma: You this stupid, ungrateful Casanova? After I put up with you with your lies and your cheating habit, you want to pay me off? Who do
you think you are that you can treat women as a piece of shit?

Ikedi: Ijeoma, if you are done ranting, you know where the door is or do you want me to increase it to three, four million naira?

Ijeoma: Tore the check into shred and threw it to his face ‘I loved you to the extent that I was willing and ready to put up with you but now I
know that you are nothing but a scumbag’ she said and walked away.

Few Months later, Nkiruka, Ikedi’s sister paid a visit to Ikedi accompanied by a young lady with whom she brought along for Ikedi.

Ikedi: Sister, Welcome to my home. What can I offer you?

Nkiruka: nothing Ikedi, I am not here to make merry. How is life treating you?
Ikedi: As you can see, life has been fair. Since you do not want anything, what brings you here and who is this young lady sitting
beside you?

Nkiruka: ‘That is the reason I am here. You see this young lady here’ she said pointing at her, her name is Nneka and Nneka, this is the
baby of the house, his name is Ikedi.

Nneka: Good day Sir.
Ikedi: Good day to you.
Nkiruka: continued ‘he is the person I have been talking to you about and as you can see, he is handsome and rich. You are in safe hands’.
Nneka: smiling said ‘Okay Ma’.

Ikedi: Ermmm, sorry to interrupt your discussion please, what is going on here and what do you mean she is in safe hands sister.
Nkiruka: Ikedi, Ah!Ah!, I brought you your wife. She is a graduate, beautiful and homely.

Ikedi: What is the meaning of this sister and who asked you to look for a wife for me?

Nkiruka: Will you shut up your mouth Ikedi before I shut it up for you?

What exactly is your problem? Or because you are the last born of the house so you think you have your whole life ahead of you abi? Ikedi,
what exactly do you want again from life that you do not have? Mama has spoken to you about taking a wife yet you refused.

Even your brothers are tired of you. See eh! I am your sister and if they will not drag a wife down your throat, I will. Nneka is the wife I have chosen for you and whether you like it or not, you will marry her.

Ikedi: Why are all of you taking panadol for my own headache? Is it not me that is unmarried and am I complaining?

Nkiruka: ‘then I am’ she shouted ‘I will not see the people I love entering fire yet do nothing about it. Ikedi, Nneka here is your wife and
I have brought her home to you.

Ikedi: Says who and when did that one start?
Nkiruka: Says me and it started today. You must marry her and wife her.

Ikedi: ‘Okay na. When you are done, you know your way out sister and you; Ermmm Nneka you follow behind when she is done because if I
come downstairs and meet you after she is gone, I will unleash my dogs on you. You are a graduate and the Era of women begging men
to marry them by force is no more. Sister, I will get married when it is time but not now’ he said and walked away while Nkiruka kept calling
him back but he refused to answer. She stayed a few more minutes before leaving with Nneka.

Ikedi had a night out with his friends where he told them all that has been happening in his life and family and the pressures he keeps facing concerning marriage.

Ekene: But what is it with you with settling down?

Ikedi: Ekene you wan start your own abi?
Ekene: No but it is the truth oooo. Me sef, sometimes I dey wonder why you no wan marry.

Ikedi: ‘Chidera, you dey hear your friend’ he said to his friend who was busy with his cigarrete.
Chidera: He is right, all of us are married except you.

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Offline Yakub Oloyede

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Interesting Story: Life Of Extravagance - Episode 3
Reply #2 on: February 06, 2018, 02:06:25 AM
Episode 3

Ikedi: You too?
Chidera: Yes me too. Look man, we are your friends and at least, you should tell us the reason why settling down is a no no to you. What are we friends for?

Ekene: Even at that sef? What could be the reason why a man who is rich, handsome and forty years old will not want to settle down or at
least have kids?

Chidera: It baffles me oh! I no go lie.
Ekene: What is it Ikedi, what are you not telling us?

Ikedi: You guys are not serious ooo. Must there be something I am hiding? You guys know me too well and yet you are asking me such.
Chidera: Don’t miss interpret us Ikedi, all we are saying is why are you refusing to settle down.

Ekene: Gbam! It’s that simple, Just explain it to us. Look at me now, I am married with three wonderful kids, Chidera is married with four

Chidera: if the problem is that you don’t want to be eating only okro soup, you can as well get married and have as so many side chicks as
you want since you have the money for them.
Ekene: Yes Ikedi. Even afer you are married, you can still be eating Banga soup, okro, Egusi, Okasi just name it.

Ikedi: Hahahahahaha…. You guys are crazy mehn. You guys dey kolo.

Chidera: Call us crazy, call us mad, No problem. We are simply telling you the truth.
Ekene: But wait oooo, what is really your reason abi na reasons?

Chidera: Yes, why are you running away from getting married?

Ikedi: No reason at all. Not just ready.
Chidera: is that all, not just ready.
Ikedi: Yes or what were you thinking I will say?
Ekene: You mean all the women you have been going out with, none of them suit you for a wife?

Ikedi: Maybe.
Chidera: Which one is maybe again? We are not understanding.

Ikedi: Most of them just want me for my money.

Chidera: That is women for you,you of all people should know that by now.

Ekene: you should pick any one of them and get married to.

Ikedi: I don’t want to pick any of them.
Chidera: How about Ijeoma, both of you clicked.
Ikedi: Yea, Ijeoma is nice but we are no more.
Ekene: What do you mean you are no more?
Ikedi: She wanted marriage and I told her off.

Chidera: you mean you paid her off?
Ikedi: Yes but she tore the cheque in my face.
Ekene: Wow! How much did you write down?
Ikedi: Two million naira. I was even ready to increase it but she won’t have any of it.

Chidera: Ikedi, if not because you are my bosom friend, I would have said that you are a very stupid man. A girl tore a huge sum of amount right in your face and you still let her leave.

Ikedi: What was I supposed to do?
Ekene: Simple, go down on your knees and propose.

Chidera: ‘Wife her’ he added.
Ikedi: Propose ke! Hahahahaha.
Ekene: What is funny with what we just said?
Chidera: You think we are joking abi?

Ikedi: Sorry guys, Sorry. I didn’t mean to laugh at your statement. It just sounds so funny.
Ekene: What is funny about it?
Ikedi: Going on one knee and proposing. That is not just me abeg.

Chidera: What is wrong with you?
Ikedi: Nothing my man, Nothing.
Ekene: Something is wrong. What is it?
Ikedi: You wonna know?
Chidera: of course.

Ikedi: Okay. The woman I would have loved to get married to was my first love.
Ekene: You mean Adaobi?
Ikedi: Yes.

Chidera: Who is Adaobi biko?
Ekene: Adaobi in university days na. have you forgotten? The first girl he asked out.
Chidera: Oh! You mean Adaobi that married in our final year? Guy, haven’t you gotten over her till now?

Ikedi: You asked me a question and I answered.
Ekene: I just can’t believe you haven’t gotten over her.

Chidera: When Adaobi is married with kids you are still here day dreaming? How will you fall inlove again if you still harbor her in your

Ekene: C’mon Ikedi, the past is dead and long forgotten. Move on.

Ikedi: I am not ready to settle down now.
Ekene: Because you are still looking for Adaobi in every woman.

Ikedi: Hmmm, I wish she never left me. I wish she was a little bit patient with me. All this money and wealth I acquired was really
because I wanted to prove to her that I could still be somebody because she wrote me off.
Chidera: Maybe she was never meant to be yours in the first place.

Ekene: Or maybe, you were never meant to be.
Ikedi: Hmmmm. Maybe or Maybe not. I am not ready to settle down now and that is final.

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Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Interesting Story: Life Of Extravagance - Episode 4
Reply #3 on: February 07, 2018, 01:37:46 PM
Episode 4

Relations, family and friends advised Ikedi on the importance of settling down but he would hear none of it and so they let him be.

After Ikedi’s Mother’s burial, he went home only to find out that his siblings were in his house waiting for him for he had three siblings.

Ikedi: ‘Ah!Ah! Brother, sister, good afternoon. This one you people are in my house this evening. Hope no problem’ he said as he joined them in the sitting room

Ugochukwu: Ikedi, Ikedi!
Ikedi: Yes brother.
Ugochukwu: Mama is dead and do you know what she wanted desperately before she died?
Ikedi: No.

Chukuwudi: his immediate brother spoke up ‘he wanted a child from you’ he said sober and shook his head.

Nkiruka: Ikedi, you disappointed Mama. I know that even in her grave, she will never forgive you. You were the apple of her eye; you were her husband and friend. All she ever wanted was a child from you.

Ugochukwu: Hmmmm. Ikedi, do you know that my first daughter Chioma is talking about getting married? Here you are, her uncle who is still single, yet your niece is planning on bringing a man home. How old are you again?

Nkiruka: it seems you don’t know that you are now an old Man. You think a man who is fifty years old is a child abi?

Ikedi: ‘Hmmmm’ he shook his head ‘I am sorry if I have fallen short of your expectations. I do know that I am no longer getting any younger
and I promise to do the right thing.

Nkiruka: What right thing do you think you can do if not to settle down immediately, are we asking too much?

Chukwudi: if you do not want to settle down at least have a child na.

Ikedi: I will want to settle down soon.
Nkiruka: ‘Eh! Isi gini’ she asked with surprise written all over her face ‘did you say you will settle down soon’.

Ikedi: Yes I did. As a matter of fact, I hope to settle down in three months.

Chukwudi: Hope you are not saying this because we are in your house and after we all go away; you come back to your old self?
Nkiruka: Are you serious Ikedi’m.

Ikedi: I am serious. Actually, I have been thinking about it lately.

Nkiruka: Praise the lord oh! Mama in her grave will be happy at this news. Oh! How I wish she was still alive to see this day? Ikedi, you should have done this or better still, told us sooner. I am sure Mama would have still stayed a bit longer to witness this.

Ugochukwu: it is okay Nkiru, we didn’t come here to talk about Mama rather, we came here to talk about Ikedi.

Ikedi: I will get married soonest.
Ugochukwu: We are waiting for you to bring your bride home to us.
Ikedi: Soonest then, soonest.

And so the search for his bride began at fifty. Though he has so many women he has affairs with but he wasn’t sure who loves him for him and not his money. He wanted a woman who is young so that she will be able to bear enough healthy and strong children to him. He remembered one of the girls he keeps sleeping with and decided to invite her to his home.

Ikedi: Hello Nkechi, how are you today?
Nkechi: ‘Good day Ik’ for that is the name she is fond of calling him ‘school is fine.

Ikedi: how are studies?
Nkechi: Studies is fine.
Ikedi: Hope you do not have any problem?
Nkechi: I do have so many problems oooo.
Ikedi: What are they?

Nkechi: ‘I haven’t paid my books, my school fee is still pending and my accommodation including feeding. No money’ she said pouting her lips.

Ikedi: Do you like me?
Nkechi: Of course I like you very much.
Ikedi: why do you like me?
Nkechi: What else, if not the fact that you provide me with my basic necessities. Errrmmm can we get down to action now; I sort of have a class in the next two hours.

Ikedi: I didn’t call you here to sleep with you like before, I called you here for something else.
Nkechi: What is it?

Ikedi: I have come to like you and you fit in to the category of the kind of woman I would want for a wife.

Nkechi: Okay, what is it you want then.
Ikedi: Let me go straight to the point, can you marry me?

Nkechi: Marry you?
Ikedi: Yes, Marry me? You see, I have all the wealth and money in the world. I just need a woman to make me complete.

Nkechi: Ermmmm, how old are you again?
Ikedi: I just clocked fifty two months ago.
Nkechi : Ermmmm.
Ikedi: How old are you?

Nkechi: I am twenty three years old.
Ikedi: Do you think age is a barrier?
Nkechi: Ermmm, it maybe because you are my Dad’s agemate and I am not so sure he would want me to settle down with a man old enough to be my father. Besides, I am just in my third year and there is no way I will be willing to want to get married now.

Ikedi: which means you placed me in the area of sugar daddy

Nkechi: it is not what you think oooo. Errrrrrmmm.

Ikedi: ‘it is okay, I know what you mean. He signed a cheque of three hundred thousand and handed it to her. You may leave now’ she collected the money and walked away without looking back.

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Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Interesting Story: Life Of Extravagance - Episode 5
Reply #4 on: February 08, 2018, 08:35:44 AM
Episode 5

Ikedi was not happy with the fact that all the nice, beautiful, young ladies he has been moving around with, none of them want to settle down with him and he decided to go for the lady who keeps pushing herself to him at all cost.

Ikedi: Oluchi, I want to take our relationship serious or is there anybody else in your life?

Oluchi: Ah! Anybody? You should know that you are the only one that I have been seeing these past few months na. You do know that I love
you so very much.

Ikedi: Do you really love me or you love my money?

Oluchi: Which kind question be that? Do you think that if I don’t love you, I will still be here with you? I have been waiting for you to come back to your senses and do the right thing.

Ikedi: Okay, you do know that I am fifty years old right?

Oluchi: Yes I do, age is just a number.
Ikedi: How old are you again?
Oluchi: Thirty years old.
Ikedi: Can you marry me?

Oluchi: ‘Are you asking me to marry you’ she asked for she was happy at what he just said.

Ikedi: Yes I am. Right now as it stands, I am desperate. I want to settle down as soon as possible.
Oluchi: Wow! Yes I will marry you.

Ikedi: Good. Inform your people that I am coming to do the necessary
things in two weeks.

Oluchi: ‘Okay sweetheart’ she said and hugged him.

Oluchi and Ikedi met in a club few months back. Though Ikedi likes Oluchi as a person and not as a wife but since all the ladies he knows have rejected his proposal, he decided to make do with Oluchi for time is no longer on his side and he cannot afford to waste time again.

Oluchi on the other hand likes the fact that Ikedi is rich. She never intended he would ask her hand in marriage but when he did, she jumped right to it hoping that with his ticket to riches, she will be able to help her heart rob who is yet to secure a job.

She got to the one room apartment which she shared with Chukwuma
to give him the good news.

Oluchi: ‘Hey Honey, how you doing’ she said as she went to give him a hug.

Chukwuma: I am not fine ooo. Nothing is going on in this country.

Oluchi: Relax babe; very soon we will be rich as ever.

Chukwuma: What do you mean?
Oluchi: You know that guy that I met in the club some time ago?
Chukwuma: Which guy?

Oluchi: That guy you said i should go and dance right in front of him, that you smell riches around him.

Chukwuma: That guy that was forming big boy.

Oluchi: Yes, that guy.
Chukwuma: What about him?
Oluchi: He asked me to marry him.
Chukwuma: He what?
Oluchi: Asked me to marry him.

Chukwuma: So you mean you kept seeing that guy after that period?
Oluchi: Yes na, I kept seeing him.

Chukwuma: And you have been giving him my ponmor free of charge abi?

Oluchi: Which kind talk be that na? if I no give am ponmor how we go take dey live na? Do you know that all the money I have been giving to you comes from him?

Chukwuma: Hmmm, so wetin be the gist na?

Oluchi: Ehen, na now you talk. He asked me to marry him.

Chukwuma: And your reply was?
Oluchi: Yes! I said yes without thinking twice.

Chukwuma: So you not only want to be giving him my ponyor, you also want to be his full time? Why me I come be your main guy na?

Oluchi: Chukwuma! Chukwuma! If no be say I love you eh! I swear I for don live you tey tey. How can you sound like this? Do you know that it is because of you that I agreed to marry the maga?

Chukwuma: I no know. infact, I no wan know anything. You think say I no no say once you marry that guy that is the end of us?

Oluchi: ‘Wetin I dey even do with you sef? I no blame you, na because I love you too much na him make I dey hear dey listen to your rubbish.

Make I dey go abeg’ she carried her handbag and was about to live when he dragged her back.

Chukwuma: I am sorry, I didn’t mean to sound like that. You know that I am a man and I am bound to get jealous. I don’t just like the actt that you are seeing other people.

Oluchi: but you collect the money I make from them.

Chukwuma: I do and it is because I have no choice. I wish I have a good job to use in taking care of you.

Oluchi: you should not worry about looking for any stupid job again ooo. you should be worrying about doing bigger things and bigger project.

Chukwuma: What do you mean?

Oluchi: I mean I am going to be the wife of a millionaire na. You think I would still want you to work under somebody when I am there?

Chukwuma: I still do not like this idea of you saying yes to him ooo.

Oluchi: You no trust me again? Na me Oluchi, your babe oooo.

Chukwuma: I do. Just that getting married to him isn’t the plan I support you in doing.

Oluchi: Are you thinking that maybe I may leave you?

Chukwuma : Maybe, you may.

Oluchi: I won’t, I promise. I am doing this for our future.

Chukwuma: Do you really love me?
Oluchi: looked into his eyes ‘till my dying days’.

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Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Interesting Story: Life Of Extravagance - Episode 6
Reply #5 on: February 08, 2018, 08:50:08 AM
Episode 6

Chukwuma: I love you.
Oluchi: ‘I love you too’ she said and hugged the man who has been there for her since her parents died.

Chukwuma: So what now?

Oluchi: I will marry Ikedi.

Chukwuma: What happens after that?
Oluchi: I will be his wife and from there, we do what need to be done.

Chukwuma: What do you mean?

Oluchi: it means that when I become Mrs Ikedi, your status will change. You will no longer have to beg or look for a job.

Chukwuma: Hope you won’t abandon me after that and hope you won’t get pregnant for him. I do not want you to take in for him.

Oluchi: I don’t intend to. All I intend to do is be his wife and then everything will fall in place.

Chukwuma: If that is what you want, who am I to say no?

Oluchi: Thanks Darling.

One month later, Oluchi and Ikedi got married in the registry. After three weeks, Ikedi was tensed for he wanted his wife to be pregnant as soon as possible but that was not what Oluchi had in mind.

One evening, Ikedi went to perform his matrimonial duties to his wife in her room for in the beginning she has been against sharing the same room with her husband except when they need one another that they can go over to the “others room” and Ikedi obliged.

Oluchi: Is it everytime that you will be coming to my room? Don’t you nkink that as a woman, I am supposed to have time to myself?

Ikedi: What time do you want to have to yourself if not with your

Oluchi: I do not want you in my room. I am tired and need some break from sex.

Ikedi: I need you to get pregnant for me as soon as possible; you know that I am no more getting any younger.

Oluchi: it is too early for you to start expecting me to take in. Give it
some time.

Ikedi: And that is the more reason why I need to keep planting my seed inside you.

Oluchi: Ikedi, the one you have planted these past days is enough. It is not by planting seed upon seed inside. Allow me na.

Ikedi: Okay, not tonight since you want to be left alone but I want to start seeing result immediately.

Oluchi: You will Ikedi, just give it time. By the way, aren’t you supposed to give me money for shopping? My clothes are worn out and I need a new set of cloths. I also need you to open a business of my own for me.

Ikedi: How much do you need for the shopping?

Oluchi: Five million naira will do.

Ikedi: the business will be opened when you give me an heir to all my wealth be it male or female, I don’t mind.

Oluchi: Ah! But why? Why can’t I have a business of my own?

Ikedi: Because I do not want anything to interfere with you having a child for me.

Oluchi: I cannot believe this, so you mean all I will be doing is waiting on you to put your seed inside me and wait for it to geminate?

Ikedi: Yes.

Oluchi: it cannot work ooo, it cannot work.

Ikedi: What do you need money for when anything you want you can have.

Oluchi: It does not matter; I still need my own business.

Ikedi: Give me a child and you can have much more than just one business of yours.

After the discussion Oluchi had with her husband, she decided to let him have his way and he signed the check of five million naira for her.

The following day,When Ikedi left the house, she carried her purse and drove herself to chukwuma’s house.

Chukwuma: Oluchi, why are you here? I thought you said we won’t be seeing each other very soon.

Oluchi: Aren’t you missing me? She asked for she was wondering why he asked her that question.

Chukwuma: Why won’t I miss you? But I thought you said we won’t be seeing each other as usual?

Oluchi: She waved his statement with her hands and said ‘here, take this’ Chukwuma: Collecting the cheque said ‘What is this?’

Oluchi: It is Five million naira that I just collected from my husband.

Chuwuma: Five million naira cheque ! Wow! Just like that?

Oluchi : Yes na, what am i his wife for ?
Chukwuma: This is nice oooo.

Oluchi: I need you to cash that money and start processing your visa to the U.S immediately.

Chukwuma: ‘Wow! My baby, now you are talking. Five million naira just to process Visa? Hehehehe, I have arrived oooo. It is time to shame the devil’ he said smiling.

Oluchi: picked up her purse from the bed and said ‘I have to start going, I do not want my husband to know that I left the house’.

Chukwuma: ‘Bia Oluchi, Bia godu biko’ he said ‘now that you are here, won’t you give me my right?

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