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Author Topic: Interesting Story: All Men Are The Same (18+) - Complete Season 1  (Read 18472 times)

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Episode 13

I was dump founded and didnt know what to say until my mum walks in again

Mum: its ohkay mary

Mary:am very sorry mummy…it wasnt intentional….am not a devil nor trying to force myself to marry him

Mum:its ohkay….please stop crying….you children of nowadays you always think everytyn u do its about enjoying life and not thinking of the consequence…now it has happened and you guys scattered everywhere..if it was pregnancy alone it would av been better but the innocent girl you people take for a fool..put ursef in biola’s shoe, how will u feel? Or if biola is your sister snakie, how will u feel if a guy treated her this way? All in all, we thank God its not beyond this situation and i believe Gox will lead us through…i believe this will be a lesson for both of you to always think of the consequences of your actions before taking them cos there are some actions that are always beyond remedy but we still thank God for where we are and pray for his guidance to lead us through. Me and your husband will be going out tomorrow Mary…..stand up and lets go prepare what we will eat….God is in control

For me and Mary, we were like rat and mouse in the house, I couldn’t wait for the following morning to arrive as it was like the longest and most important 24 hours of my life…We left for my parent house around 2pm…

Don’t know why she closed late but Biola came as early as 4pm and I was surprised…I ran inside the room to hide myself and immediately she sat down and my mum mentioned my name, she burst into tears..i couldn’t take it either and I was crying myself inside. My mum pleaded on my behalf on what she witnessed and assured her she has her utmost respect as she never expected that kind of behaviour from me but in Biola’s word

“mummy, snakie took me for a fool…she took me for a nonentity..initially I was devastated that why will he be sleeping with his cousin not until his girlfriend sent me series on messages on facebook of how they are not related and they have been fooling me all this while…..Snakie was sleeping with both of us under the same roof..who does that mummy? Even if you want to do side runs, it shouldn’t be to my nose under the same roof..it was just too much for me to take and its still like a dream…….she told me so many things that I believed was a secret between me and snakie that I never believed someone else will know about it….Snakie was more of the devil mummy and I regretted the day I met him…..but have left him for God to judge us..he has done his worst but I believe God in his infinite mercy will shower me with his blessings sooner than later..have accepted my fate and God will judge us if I ever use two mind with him…am not angry with you mum and I know the kind of parent you are that you can never be in his support that’s why I have to give you the honour of coming over to this house..even my mum must not know that I visited you, it will be disastrous for me”

I had to come out when I couldn’t take it again, prostrated on the floor and held her leg…

“Baby please, just gimme five minutes to explain myself”

“what do you have to explain snakie? What?…your wife has already explained everytyn to me, atleast she’s already carrying your baby and am not…….so, you could impregnated another lady after you always maintain that we should use condom as you don’t want me to be pregnant outside wedlock? am satisfied with all her explanation abi watz d difference in your stories?” she inquired….

I explained how it all happened to her…why I kept it secret in other not to hurt her and my expectation of her leaving my house..i made her understand why I always frown on her stay in the house and how she always convinced me to let her stay against my wish..”I never meant to hurt you baby”am very sorry……its you that I love and I want to marry you baby..i cant do without you baby…please forgive me baby”……………..

“That’s by gone, have forgiven you…..u didn’t offend me snakie, u only did your worst….Mummy, thank you very much..i want to take my leave…….Goodbye ma”

I was devastated and was just crying…mum came over to console me….”what happened as happened..you have made this mistake already and you have to learn from it….We have to forge ahead and always seek for forgiveness from Biola..imagine someone doing what you did to biola and what you are having in mind to do to mary to your sister,how will u feel?”

We went back to my house, Mary has was preparing our food when we got to the house…mum lock my bedroom saying she wont allow me go in until its time for us to sleep…..Dad called later in the day and he had a lengthy discussion with mum..didnt even know what they discussed as she went to the visitors room to receive the call while me and Mary were in the sitting room staring at each other without any conversationShe came back later to the dining table when food was already served and asked me to come and eat..we finished eating when she broke the news to me “Your dad called and he instructed us to visit Mary’s parent on Sunday…………Mary, tell your parent we are coming on Sunday”…..

“Ohk ma”…she responded

“Mum, while will dad said something like that..didnt u explain everytyn to him?”…..i asked

“ I explained all what happened to him…..You know your dad very well….you know I can never say NO to him once his mind is made up…and we will never want to spoil our reputable name because of your mess….its a hard decision we have to make….we are meeting your inlaw on Sunday Okomi”

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Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Episode 14

The next five days was the fastest i ever witnessed in my life, days were as fast as something else. Events affected my work life as i couldn’t concentrate at work. I was forced to put in for part of my annual leave just to get myself together and never let people be aware of my predicament.

I never stopped calling Biola for a moment to see again but she wasn’t ready for me at all, i so much believe she would have changed her number if not that so many people knows her with the number. Mary left my place on Friday to go tell her parent of our intending visit and prepare ground for us.

Sunday was here already, initially i declined going but i was forced to follow mum after call from popsy. Mary already sent description and her home address to my phone early that morning and that was without me asking. First time i knew she was staying in Surulere.

We stepped out of the house in my car straight down to Surulere. Her house is one of the flat on the estate around Folawiyo mosque in Surulere. That was around shitta roundabout. She came out to pick us at the junction on arriving there and led us straight to their flat on the second floor.

She offered us a seat on entering the house and went inside to call her mum, It was a surprise when her mum came out of the room

My Mum: Mrs Adebanjo…………….or is this not you?

Mrs Adebanjo: Mummy Ola………………….

My Mum: Yes of course………………Lord is wonderful, good afternoon ma, eku ojo meta….Ahh, eku atijo

Mrs Adebanjo: awa niyen ooo……Ojo meta Niyen, how have you been ma, awon daddy nko?

“i was confuse already so as Mary”

My Mum: He is doing good ooo..we were to come here together but he is out of town

Mrs Adebanjo: This is serious…so, you are my inlaw that have been waiting for

My Mum: You can see the wonders of God…………..

Mrs Adebanjo: Ka sha ma se dada (Lets be doing good)

My Mum: awon Daddy nko? (What of Mary’s Daddy)

Mrs Adebanjo: Ahhh….Daddy ke, won ti salaisi like 7 years ago (He died 7yrs Ago)

My Mum: Olorun a tewon safefe rere………………What of Peter and whats that his brothers name then

Mrs Adebanjo: Mathew…they are both doing good…….and this is Mary, the pregnancy i had then before we left our area

My Mum: Dont tell me its the same pregnancy we use to joke about then that it should be a lady so that my Ola will marry her

Mrs Adebanjo: Its the same pregnancy oooooo……abi e ma rise olorun (That is God’s work for u)..He works in a miraculous way.

My Mum: (facing me)..i know u guys are wondering on what’s happening…………Ola, do u remember Mathew that you guys used to play together then in our former house when you were young?

Me: Am still trying to figure that out…………….Mathew? younger brother of peter

Mum: Yes of course now…………..Is this not their mum or you cant pick the face again

Me: i remember them very well ma

Mrs Adebanjo: so, this is Ola? The small Ola then………..ki olorun ma pa omo folomo

My Mum: amin ooooo…………No much introduction again now abi what else? Both families are not new to each other ….lemme even call your dad right away to inform him (Pick up her phone to call my dad)

They discussed about meeting the Adebanjo’s again and also spoke with Mary’s mum during the phone conversation. They served us food, was surprised when Mathew walked in and the face ring bell immediately as he didn’t even change much. I was able to recognised him instantly. Peter is married and i learnt he was staying in Abuja.

Their father’s uncle met us at the meeting and both family agreed that there is no reason for delaying again and the best thing was to do the necessary thing before the pregnancy will be so obvious so that people wont make jest at us.

My mum suggested that we should do a low key introduction of both family and it would be best even if it can be a parlour introduction. They were okay with the idea as that was what they also have in mind. Introduction date was fixed for 6 weeks time and they promised to get back to us with the list of items they will require for bride price.

I was so moody all through my stay in their house, Mrs Adebanjo even noticed but couldn’t ask me what was wrong. The relationship between me and Mary says it all but my mum was just there to cover everytyn up like all was well. On our way home, had series of conversation with my mum

Mum: My son…….you need to let go of how you and Mary met and all what happened. You need to forge ahead in life…The mistake has happened already and the only option now is to look towards the future with your wife. Thank God she came from a good home and am sure she will be of good character just like her mom. Please am begging you oko mi..i believe Biola too will get over it overtime.

Me: okay Ma…e seun Ma

Mum: I will discuss with your dad to know how to go about the introduction stuff. Let us know as soon as they bring the list to you. Its like your dad will be coming back tomorrow though he said he was not sure yet.

Me: okay Ma.

My Mum: You will go and drop me at home……….

Me: are you going back today?

Mum: Yes of course…or have not tried enough? Let me go and prepare the house, my husband might show up tomorrow abeg

Me: Ohk….

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Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Episode 15

I later drove mummy back home and went back to my house. As much as i tried to forget about what happened, the thought of Biola will never let me….all my thought and mind was seriously with her. When i couldn’t take it again, i had to find my way to her office the following Tuesday. As i don’t want to cause scene at her office, i went there around closing hour and stayed somewhere close to her office until around past six when she came out with one of her colleague…..That one left her just as they were on the road and she was standing all alone apparently looking for a bike to the bus stop. I walked up straight to her

Me: Good Evening Biola

Biola: Eh…eh..eh..see who we have here, oko iyawo elepon blue, eku ipalemo oooo

Me: Ipalemo kiniyen

Biola: Ipalemo Kinla…….havent you gone to see your inlaw? And your wedding date is 23rd of November

Me: (Confused)…who told you all this Biola?

Biola: Who will tell me if not your wife…congratulations in advance but i know God will judge both of us

Me: Please am very sorry Biola…can you please give me just 10mins of your time for us to talk things tru

Biola: Whats it for us to talk about again? That your wife to be is pregnant? That your wedding is coming up in six weeks time? That you were bleeping two ladies at the same time,in the same house, under the same roof and deceiving one of them? Please i don’t have time for your talk again as their is nothing to talk about again

Me: Please Biola, just gimme 10mins baby…even if you wont give me another one again in life…just lets sit somewhere to talk tru this and i will never disturb u again

Biola: I don’t have the time again….that belongs to the past..i don’t even know why am standing here talking to you…..

“she decided to walk away and i knelt down on the road holding her leg”

Me: Please Biola…just this last request…am very sorry

Biola: You are embarrassing me Ola…this is a busy main road for crying out loud

“Sister please tell him yes now”……….said a passer by who didn’t even know what was happening but apparently saw my face

Biola: you are embarrassing me..please lemme go and stand up abeg

Me: Until u decide to follow me Biola

Biola: i will shout thief on you oooo and you know the implication of mob around here

Me: And i will be happy dying knowing fully well that i died seeking for your forgiveness

Biola: I said you are forgiven already, so stand up

Me: Until you follow me to our usual relaxation pub and give me just 10mins of your time….

Biola: Please now Ola….Please stand up..stop embarrassing me, this is my office environment, my colleague will be passing tru here

Me: I don’t Care…please

Biola: Ohk..what do u want

Me: Just 10mins of your time Biola

Biola: And after that?

Me: You can decide and i will never disturb u again………..

Biola: Ohk…lets go

I was a bit happy that at least i was able to convince her to follow me and she entered my car for the first time ever since the incident happened. We got to our usual spot and located a silent area around the place to settle in

Me: What do you care for Biola

Biola: Nothing…your 10mins start now and i will leave this place at exactly 10mins from now and dont think you can do any stunt to hold me down

Me: ohk…….Please Biola, am very sorry for all i made u went tru…it wasn’t intentional and i never believe things will come out this way. I know i fumbled, i tried to play game which boomerang but i never plan it this way….

Biola: same old story…7mins more

Me: I know i played on your intelligence but have you ever thought of the fact that Mary played the fast one on both of us….she played on our intelligence just to achieve her aim, she sees a comfortable place and wanted to reap from where she did not sow….Both of us have been together since i was nothing..we build our lives together up to this stage of our comfortability and a lady is coming from nowhere just to reap from where she didn’t sow.

You want to let go all wat you have laboured for? Just like that? I know i fumbled but i still love you and i will always do…if there is one thing i learnt about life from you is to always fight for what i believe in, is to always fight for what i want in life….you have always told me am the best thing that ever happened to you in life…so, you want to let it go like that? For me you are my happiness and am ready to fight for you..you are the one i truly love, you are the one i truly want to spend the rest of my life with..you are my everytyn Biola, i cant let you go just like that, i cant baby, please forgive me baby.

Fine, initially all i wanted to do with Mary was just to hit her and run away but how do i explain that you showed up in my house and she played along telling you she was my cousin? Remember i tried all i could to chase her out but u always defended her? How do u explain her playing on our intelligence in the house? How do you explain her working on ou weakness in other to separate us? How do you explain that she was the first to tell you all the stories immediately you caught us? How do we explain the fact that she was the person texting you of my visit to their house for the first time? How come she was the one that told you of the wedding date?

The bottom line is that she want our separation, she wants you out of my life..all she wanted from the first day she entered my life was to push away whoever she met there knowing fully that i might not love her…I know i fumbled by bringing her to the house but you are also helping her to achieve her aim. Baby, Mary is a devil that i cant fight alone, thisis our trying time and i want us to fight this battle together. Am very sorry for everytyn but i believe we can sort things out, i believe we can be happy again, i believe we are mearnt to be together for life..dont let us allow this devil to destroy us. I accept the fact that i brought home the devil but i need you to believe in me to fight this devil and together we can achieve our dream

Biola: uhmmmmm……….so, what do you want me to do? What do u want from me

Me: I want you by my side to fight this battle

Biola: Its your problem and you have to face it yourself….its non of my business Ola

Me: I know its my mess and I will be ready to clean it up and everytyn will return back to normal

Biola: Everything return back to normal like how? To be your second wife or what?

Me: No baby, my plan is that am not doing any wedding with her..am not disputing the fact that the pregnancy might be mine but its not compulsory I marry her…she should have the baby and I will accept then she can go her own way afterwards

Biola: Then what will happen to me?

Me: We continue from where we stopped before I started this mess

“total silence from Biola”

Me: Pls baby..just try and trust me on this one..things will surely be better and we will return back to our normal happy life baby

Biola: When will that be?

Me: Its start from now baby and I promise never to disappoint you again baby

Biola: And you think this will work out

Me: Yes baby…all I needed is your trust baby…please am begging you baby

Biola: Sincerely I don’t know how this will work out

Me: Please I don’t want you to get involve….its my s--t so pls I will clean it up baby

Biola: Ohk ooooo

Me: Thank so much baby…Life has not been the same thing ever since this s--t started

Biola: And how do u think have been coping

Me: You mean the world to me baby…I feel so empty ever since, I had to put in for my annual leave prematurely

Biola: I never stop thinking about what happened too…I nearly run mad for the early days it happened

Me: It will be over soon baby I promise

Biola: I hope so

Me: I love you so much baby

Biola: I never stop loving you too Ola

Me: Thanks so much for giving me this chance baby

Biola: You welcome

Me: How has life been generally

Biola: You know how it has been so don’t ask me jare…..Ajala talo na

Me: I no baby..am very sorry dear

I was so happy that at least Biola was able to give me second chance..our 10mins lasted for more than 3 hours and I had to go drop her at home around 10pm.


Click & Continue To - Season 2

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  • Guest
Infact this is so much interesting.. it's should Serve a lessons to other guys who act to be a play boy outside there.  Mary is a bad girl oo. well


  • Guest
This story is interesting. Snakie now in hot problem.


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