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Author Topic: Fiction: The Financial Problem - Full Episode  (Read 7928 times)

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Fiction: The Financial Problem - Full Episode
Reply #6 on: January 04, 2018, 02:17:54 AM

Episode 7

Ryan: Alright, I am listening eagerly.

Aria: When are you going to take our relationship to the following level?

You have a great job, An Apartment and you would now be able to remain on your claim feet legitimately. Wouldn't you say it is time we begin discussing settling down?

Ryan: He rectified up from the bed he was lying and sat beside Aria on the carpet. Aria, I know it is time I begin discussing we beginning a family yet now isn't the opportune time. Despite everything I have a great deal of things on my mind that I have to deal with before that.

Aria: 'what different things are you discussing' she asked grimacing.

Ryan: You realize that Cameron and Dylan need to go to class. Aside from them regardless I have other junior ones that need me at the present time.

Aria: I know you have duties however for to what extent will you keep approaching consideration of them and putting yourself? Why not take a shot at yourself first and acknowledge the obligations you can convey. You can't worry about each body's concern.

Ryan: I am the principal child and the main kid. It is just right that I do what I need to improve the situation them.

Aria: So as a result of them, your life is on hold?

Ryan: For now, yes!

Aria: What about us?

Ryan: We will get hitched soonest yet not presently.

Aria: When will it be? I have to know since I won't hold up much longer. My kin are starting to be on my neck.

Ryan: He took a gander at her and perceived how genuine she is. In the event that you were in my shoes, what will you do?

Aria: I will just convey the heap I can convey and drop others. With time, everything will fall set up. I will likewise not put my life on hold for them.

This isn't me being narrow minded oooo, this is me taking care of myself. I simply need to know when you will prepared so I will make the decision to it be that as it may, do realize that I won't sit tight for long. I am a lady and time is of embodiment to us.

Ryan: Give me one year to deal with my family issues. Let Cameron also, Dylan enter school first then we will discuss getting hitched.

Aria: One year is excessively to pause however I will attempt. In the event that following one year nothing positive turns out, I will leave.

Ryan: Aria! To dey vex no suit you abeg. Oya grin for me.

Aria: I have talked my psyche ooo. For what reason should I grin for you when you try not to need to take us genuine?

Ryan: 'I have heard na. Oya grin for me' he said as he drew her nearer and gave a kiss on her lips.

While Mr. what's more, Mrs. Ejiofor were caught up with getting the night natural air at the verandah of their home, Evelyn strolled up to Mr. Ejiofor asking that she needs a one-on-one discourse with him.

Mr. Ejiofor: Evelyn, is it each time you need to talk about something with me? What is it this time?

Evelyn: I should converse with you in private our significant other.

Mr. Ejiofor: Say whatever you have to state. The climate is hot, I can't go inside right at this point. You can state whatever it is in the nearness On my first spouse.

Evelyn: taking a gander at Mrs. Ejiofor and looking at her make a beeline for toe. She took the unfilled seat close to her and sat down.

Mrs. Ejiofor: What is it Evelyn, you can state whatever it is you need to say, feel free.

Evelyn: Turned to her better half and said 'our significant other, I will require some cash'.

Mr. Ejiofor: Money for what once more? What do you utilize all the cash I give you for?

Evelyn: what do you mean what do I utilize the cash for? Is cash not implied for spending? I cherish spending ooo! I utilized it to get myself things that are principal to me na.

Mr. Ejiofor: Getting disappointed at how his second spouse requests for cash as though he works in Central Bank of Nigeria said with disturbance

'Evelyn, I don't have any cash to provide for you right now. You realize that I don't work and it is the cash Ryan gives me that I continuously provide for you. You are by all account not the only individual in this house keep in mind'.

Evelyn: When you were caught up with pursuing me, you guaranteed me paradise on earth isn't that right? You revealed to me that once we get hitched I won't need.

Be that as it may, take a gander at my life now; I can scarcely eat well not to discuss purchasing the things that I need. I require cash to get some stuff for myself ooo.

She said utilizing her left hand to drag her ear.

Mrs. Ejiofor: hmmm..Errmmm my better half, why not search for cash and start up a private company for her?

Evelyn: which business? I am not inspired by beginning any business but he takes me to a form school and from that point onward, he will open up a major design store for me where I will utilize individuals who I will be paying month to month.

Mrs. Ejiofor: That is excessively na. Where will he get the cash our spouse?

Evelyn: Was it not you that recommended it quite recently. How is it my business where he will get the cash from?

Mr. Ejiofor: I have just revealed to you that I don't have the cash. I can't go and victimize a bank essentially in light of the fact that I wedded a moment spouse who is excessively requesting.

Evelyn: 'I require cash oooo' I simply require cash to spend at this moment! I'm a tasteful young lady, I want to spend. In the event that I don't spend in a day, my body go dey do me by one means or another. Am I under subjugation here? Free me oo and let me spend it the way I long for" she protested.

Mrs. Ejiofor: on the off chance that you need, you can be tailing me to offer Okrika garments. Perhaps I can be giving you some change after the days' work if that approves of you.

Evelyn: 'Our First spouse enough abeg' she said annoyingly. I didn't inquire for your feeling in this issue. Truly; I am conversing with our spouse and not you. Why not figure out how to tend to your very own concerns.

What is it sef, is it since you are the primary spouse that I won't hear word in this house? It is safe to say that you are the main first – spouse around the local area?

Mrs. Ejiofor: Knew the minute Evelyn went into the house that she would have been a major issue to her however has said to herself that whatever the new spouse does, she will simply overlook her for peace to rule.

Despite the fact that Evelyn is a similar age with her first child, she surrendered inside herself not to player words with a youngster. I am sad ooo our significant other.

I didn't intend to disturb you.

Mr. Ejiofor: Evelyn, converse with her with deference please. She was as it were proposing and you erupted. She is the primary spouse and your senior, always remember that.

Evelyn: who brought her into our discourse? 'At the point when am I having the cash our better half, I have to spend something' Yes, spend something like cash. This isn't what you guaranteed me when you needed to wed me biko" she asked non chalantly.

Mr. Ejiofor: I don't have any cash to give you right now and regardless of whether I do have, I have other family matters to take care of with the cash. You are not by any means the only one here.

Mrs. Ejiofor: Gbam! Ehen my significant other. Presently you have talked. Not different circumstances that on the off chance that she requests cash you will begin pacing round the house as though someone kicked the bucket.

Evelyn: so I won't have any cash abi?

Mr. Ejiofor: I said I don't have.

Evelyn: Do you use to have some time recently? When you know say you no get cash, for what reason not conceal your face and let another man pikin run the race?

Approach Ryan your child for Money like you more often than not do abeg.

Mrs.Ejiofor: What? So my child Ryan is currently CBN abi?

Stay online for Episode 8


Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Fiction: The Financial Problem - Full Episode
Reply #7 on: January 04, 2018, 02:55:57 AM
Episode 8

Mr. Ejiofor: yet what isn't right with Ryan sending us some cash?

Mrs. Ejiofor: nothing isn't right with him sending us cash yet in the event that it is due to Evelyn, there is everything amiss with it. Swinging to Evelyn she said 'So on the grounds that my child is working, you now need to utilize him at any rate you like abi? It won't work for you this time. I have kept sufficiently calm and for no reason will he send cash for house keep furthermore, you offer all to Evelyn, Papa Addison'.

Evelyn: isn't that his duty to deal with the house? Or then again is he not next after his dad?

Mrs. Ejiofor: No it isn't. It is our better half's obligation to take care of his own home and not baffling his first youngster with what he is expected to do. I concur that he hasn't been paid his benefits cash that was the reason I never questioned when he made it Ryan's obligation to take care of us however since he wedded you, you have additionally turned into my first child's obligation and you even have the mouth to approach him to ask for cash from him. Dad Addison, I was there when you were cautioned ooo. In the event that Ryan sends cash to this house, don't offer it to your purported sweetheart spouse. It is for every one of us.

Mr. Ejiofor: Will you quiets down lady. Am I not his dad? Whatever cash he gives me is my cash. After all I without any help prepared him to class.

Mrs. Ejiofor: thus? So since you without any assistance prepared him in school gives you the explanation behind you and your better half to baffle him abi?

At the point when has Evelyn turned into his obligation? Was he the one that hitched her? Rather than you to ask him when he will bring his spouse to be home, you are caught up with taking a moment wife. Since you have at long last conveyed her home you need to add more weight to my child. It won't work you hear. Whose duty is it to deal with your tyke, is it not yours? Since you without any help prepared him in school we won't hear word again in this house.

Mr.Ejiofor: I have each directly finished him since he is my child.

Mrs. Ejiofor: each directly finished him abi? Approve na. We might see. Since you need to please Evelyn you need to suck your child dry at all cost abi? Imagine a scenario where he was not there. Won't you consider working too to fulfill your better half? Or on the other hand you think since you are old you can't work once more?

Mr. Ejiofor: work at this my seniority? You should be exceptionally inept to think that.

Mrs. Ejiofor: Nooo. Try not to call me inept please. You know you are old however you proceeded to wed a moment spouse to the detriment of your child.

'You individuals, Evelyn and Papa Addison. You individuals should leave my child alone ooo. He won't bite the dust in view of you individuals'. She stood and left them there.

Each Saturday, Ryan ensures he goes to Onitsha principle Market to do any small activity to add to the one he as of now has with the goal that he will be ready to live up to his family desires. He scarcely have time for himself not to mention have time for Aria with the exception of on Sundays where he rests all through and most circumstances he skips going to chapel.

He was home one Sunday doing his Laundry when Cameron came once more from chapel and let him know, he will leave for school the following day for he could secure entrance into Nnamdi Azikwe College in Anambra State while Dylan didn't make his Jamb and will be sitting for the following Jamb once more.

Cameron: Brother, I will go to class on Monday to pay for my school charges and acknowledgment expenses.

Ryan: 'Approve, no wahala since I as of now gave you cash for them' he said and kept washing. The main thing left now is cash for convenience and pocket cash abi?

Cameron: Yes Brother.

Ryan: Good. Since you will backpedal, you should consider a remark doing after classes. When you get your feet on the ground in school, affirm how their low maintenance class will be with the goal that you switch in your second year. You are no more a tyke and it is time you begin acquiring your own cash. Only one out of every odd time you will gaze upward to me.

Cameron: Okay sibling and thank you for everything.

Ryan: Do not say thanks to me yet, complete school and complete well before you consider expressing gratitude toward me.

Cameron: Okay sibling.

Aria went to visit Jayce in his home. Infrequently she wishes Jayce was Ryan. Jayce is living serenely in his one room well outfitted Apartment dissimilar to Ryan who does not have anything substantial in his home aside from a fan and a little single sleeping pad implied for as it were one individual, while Jayce is his own particular man and provide food for himself alone.

Jayce: This one wey you only siddon for my home like say you be visitor come dey glare your face trust say no wahala.

Aria: You no cheerful as I come your place rather than my beau put?

Jayce: obviously I am cheerful having you around me na. What is the issue?

Aria: Is it everytime I come to you that I have an issue?

Jayce: C'mon Aria, I know you too well. Keep in mind that we work in the same place and I generally have your enthusiasm on a fundamental level. I know when you are upbeat and when you are pitiful.

Aria: Hmmm… simple ooo Jayce. One would feel that you and I are having something.

Jayce: Let them think joor. We both know we are not into what they are supposing so why push yourself? What is the issue Aria? He asked in light of the fact that he knew she was having one and she came to him to trust in him.

Aria: Jayce, I am burnt out on Ryan and his ceaseless issues.

Jayce: What do you mean, is it cash issue once more? Coincidentally, you didn't disclose to me the reason you restored the cash I gave you the other time you requested it.

Aria: Well, I needed to offer it to Ryan in light of the fact that his home lease was
going to lapse and he didn't have any money on him that time.

Jayce: So it was Ryan afterall? Anyway, what is the issue this time, is it cash issue once more?

Aria: No it isn't. I simply needed to pose a couple of inquiries on what I ought to do about Ryan.

Jayce: Go ahead, I am listening attentively.

Aria: What or in what manner should I approach the subject concerning Ryan and I settling down? He wouldn't like to make the strong stride since he has a parcel of issues with satisfying his obligations as the main child. He barely deals with himself or purchases anything bravo. I am beginning to figure he may never need us to settle down.

Jayce: Have you addressed him about it?

Aria: I have and he gave me a confirmation. He said I should give him one year and its over one year as of now yet nothing has been said.

Jayce: Then converse with him again and tune in to what he needs to state.

Aria: What else will he say if not, he has a considerable measure of things at the forefront of his thoughts.

Jayce: Talk to him first before you bounce into conclusion.

Correspondence is the way to any relationship and it just when you both have talked and imparted will you know your next line of activity.

Aria: will do that when next I visit him and if nothing positive is stated, I should simply leave ooo.

Stay online for Episode 9

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Fiction: The Financial Problem - Full Episode
Reply #8 on: January 05, 2018, 06:15:22 PM
Episode 9...

Ryan: Papa, what could it be that I am hearing? You need to whip your claim spouse essentially due to Evelyn your second wife? You have never raised your hands on my mom, for what reason would you like to begin now? He asked when he got to the house and met his dad alone in his space for he was headed home from work when he got a call from his mom, crying and beseeching him to return home that his dad needs to beat him for revealing to him reality. He rapidly took the following accessible transport to the house.

Mr. Ejiofor: have you asked your mom what she did? Have you asked her before putting all the fault on me? He yelled.

Ryan: whatever she may have done, is as yet not a justifiable reason explanation behind you to raise your hands on her. I won't bolster that Papa. Mrs. Ejiofor who was in her room crying and Addison reassuring her dried her tears, went to where her child is. 'Mom are you approve' he inquired.

Mrs. Ejiofor: I am not alright Ryan. Daddy Addison, why not tell him the motivation behind why we are quarreling?

Ryan: Papa, why are you individuals quarreling once more? It resembles you individuals don't have the foggiest idea about that I am continually taking a chance with my life coming here nearly consistently. It is it is possible that you require cash or that there is something earnest and now, you individuals have added battling to my coming to see you unfailingly. Imagine a scenario in which I am living in Port Harcourt or Lagos, by what means will. you individuals adapt?

Mrs. Ejiofor: 'ask your dad' Isn't he over yonder she pointed towards his heading. It is safe to say that he is not the man in this house?

Ryan: Mama, since Papa won't say what acquired regards to the squabble; would you be able to please fill me in?

Mrs. Ejiofor: it was basically in light of the fact that I would serve him his lunch at the point when Evelyn strolled up to him joyfully disclosing to him she is three months Pregnant. She demonstrated to him the consequence of the test she did and said now that she is pregnant she won't have any desire to starve herself. I never said anything. I was even cheerful for her until the point when he asked for his telephone.

He needed to call you revealing to you that you will be the one to deal with his significant other now that she is with a youngster.

Ryan: took a gander at his dad and said. Dad is it valid? I will take care of the kid you planted in her womb? 'Is that the one you need to add to me now' he asked tranquilly.

Mrs. Ejiofor: Did you keep quiet that you can't talk once more Dad Addison?

Mr.Ejiofor: what isn't right with you assuming control over the duty since

you realize that I don't have cash to deal with Evelyn and her unborn kid? The youngster she is conveying is an insider not an outcast and he or she is your blood as well. Afterall, I dealt with all your obligations preparing you out of University.

Ryan: so you mean, you planted a seed but then can't sustain it?

Father, do you truly cherish me since I can't see how you of all individuals, will have a youngster and put that tyke through to such an extent.

Mr. Ejiofor: my dad and the father before me never had such huge numbers of

youngsters. I am endeavoring to ensure that I bring forth bounty youngsters with the goal that you will have enough siblings and sisters. I don't have anyone, no sibling, no sister and you individuals are here whining rather than you to welcome all my exertion.

Ryan: Don't misunderstand me Papa, I am not saying you ought not create yet in the event that you need to deliver, ensure you have enough assets to prepare them. Who will deal with Evelyn and her Child presently?

Mrs. Ejiofor: didn't you hear what I just said?

Ryan: Mama, I heard you noisy and clear. I simply need to get notification from Daddy's mouth first. Daddy, I am holding up oooo. Who will deal with Evelyn and her unborn tyke now?

Mr. Ejiofor: You all realize that I don't have the back that is the reason you individuals are acting this way. On the off chance that the cash was there, I won't even take a gander at the both of you twice however since it isn't, Ryan, you should deal with her undertakings till things show signs of improvement.

Ryan: hahahaahahahhahaaha… he snickered so uproarious that his mom thought something wasn't right with him. After he got done with snickering, he taken a gander at his dad with outrage in his eyes, murmured and left the room. He went to his mom's room and she tailed him.

Mrs. Ejiofor: Was out of the blue frightened of what his child may do to himself or anybody around him. She rapidly revealed to Addison who was resting on the bed to leave the room. She sat down beside Ryan. It is safe to say that you are alright?

Ryan: Mama, you require not stress I am fine. I am simply attempting to quiet my outrage before leaving this place. I would prefer not to advance out of here furious.

Mrs. Ejiofor: relax Nwam inugo? Try not to give your dad a chance to push you to the divider. In the event that it is troublesome or on the off chance that you can't do it, at that point abandon it. It isn't your duty do you hear?

Ryan: Yes Mama. Where is Dylan and Adam?

Mrs. Ejiofor: Dylan went for Extra Moral Lessons, Adam ought to be in the following compound with his companions.

Ryan: shouldn't something be said about Evelyn?

Mrs. Ejiofor: gee.. That one, she is in her room acting like she knows nothing.

Ryan: affirm Mama, let me be en route home in the interim take this cash for house keep. He plunged his hand into his front pocket and excludeed ten thousand naira and gave it to her. I am leaving now mom

Mrs. Ejiofor: Okay my child. Do deal with yourself you hear.

Ryan: Okay Mama. Bye.

As Ryan got to his home, he met his entryway opened and was pondering who could be in his home at this point of the day. He immediately entered his flat and met Aria who was occupied with getting arranged to go out.

Ryan: ah! Aria, what are you doing here at this point of the night. You ought to have disclosed to me you were coming prior.

Aria: I called your line severally yet couldn't break through to you. I thought possibly you ought to be home at this point was the reason I needed to come.

Ryan: Has it been long you came in?

Aria: Yes it has.

Ryan: I didn't have any acquaintance with you were here and I am sad. I needed to surge home to see my folks since they were having issues.

Aria: Hope all is well with them.

Ryan: Yes all is fine. It is safe to say that you are prepared to go now? It is getting late, you know Onitsha isn't ok for a lady like you at this point of the night.

Aria: Errrmmm. I will go soon. Since you are here effectively, just give me 5 minutes of your chance let us talk about something vital.

Ryan: What is it? Expectation no issue?

Aria: When are you at last coming to see my kin?

Ryan: Aria, I had an extremely distressing day today combined with the way that I needed to go home to waste out a few issues. I am excessively worn out, making it impossible to talk about about that right now perhaps later please.

Aria: There won't be a next time on the off chance that you don't answer my inquiry

Ryan. You let me know over a year prior that following one year we will be anticipating this issue. It is one year as of now and as yet nothing has been said in regards to it.

Ryan: I make them pending issues that I need to waste in my family.

You surprisingly ought to comprehend me please.

Stay online for Episode 10

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Re: Fiction: The Financial Problem - Full Episode
Reply #9 on: January 05, 2018, 06:26:38 PM
Episode 10

Aria: For to what extent will I continue assuming the part of a decent girlfriend it sweetheart, yet no ring or any sign that you need to settle down? Do you think the family issues you are confronting will ever stop? Consistently, challenges keep coming up and in the event that you can't confront it, you let it be. With time it will clear up without anyone else. You are not by any means the only first child in this world oooo.

Ryan: Aria, I am not prepared for this your clamor abeg. At the point when next you come, we will discuss it.

Aria: There won't be a next time on the off chance that we don't discuss it now and today. On the off chance that I exit the entryway Ryan, that will be the finish of us. That is to say, haven't I sufficiently attempted as a sweetheart? To what extent do you need me to continue pausing or would you likewise like to instruct me to give you additional time once more?

Ryan: I don't realize what you need me to state once more. It is evident you are not prepared to hear me out one piece. Disclosed to you I simply had an upsetting day and went to determine a few issues at home, rather than you to inquire me what the issue is again you are here adding yours to it.

Aria: I am not asking anything Ryan, in light of the fact that I definitely realize that your individuals need some cash from you. Isn't that the reason you are continually going home?

Ryan: 'I am excessively worn out for this rubbish you are going to upchuck from your mouth' he laid on the bed depleted.

Aria: When are you coming to make your goals known in my house?

Ryan: taking a gander at her and knew she was determined on getting a reaction from her said 'When I am prepared I will come however not currently'.

Aria: Definitely this year abi?

Ryan: I don't figure it will be this year once more. How about we perceive how one year from now goes.

Aria: 'Is this an amusement to you Ryan' she yelled. Is this how you will continue hesitating what you ought to do now?

Ryan: Aria, I just disclosed to you reality na. I can't do it this year, as a matter of actuality; my progression mother is … ..

Aria: 'Will you stop with every one of your stories' she intruded. In the event that you as a man can't set your needs right then it is over between us. She grabbed her purse and slammed the entryway behind her.

The next day, when Aria got to her work environment, she was looking testy and unease.

Jayce: 'Aria, what is the issue with you today' he asked after she has completed the process of assessing every one of the beverages that arrived that day.

Aria: Jayce please allow me to sit unbothered, I am not in the state of mind this evening abeg.

Jayce: It is me your companion you are conversing with like this abi? No wahala.

'When you're prepared to talk, I will be in my office holding up to tune in' he said and left.

Ryan who was additionally at his work environment has taken a stab at achieving Aria so commonly yet her number has been turned off since she exited his flat the earlier day. He was lost. He didn't comprehend what to do what's more, how to deal with the circumstance. He would not like to lose the main great thing he had in his life which is Aria. He knew he ought to have pursued her last night however he was worn out and depleted. He would not like to make a scene outside his loft that was the reason he permitted her clear out. He pondered Evelyn and his dad who has been giving him a few missed calls without him picking or answering their messages.

He contemplated what Aria has said and he knew she was correct. He can't keep her pausing and he additionally can't release her however now isn't the opportune time to discuss settling down when there is still a great deal to do in his family. He was somewhere out in dreamland when his partner Omaze called his consideration.

Omaze: Mr. Ryan, what about the record you were adjusting last week, would it say it was alright?

Ryan: Yes it was. Express gratitude toward God ooo. It was Chika that was with the five hundred thousand naira.

Omaze: Thank God. If not, we for wear enter inconvenience had it been that cash was not represented.

Ryan: Yes ooo. I express gratitude toward God since I don't have one naira with me as I talk with you now. Incidentally, you fit get me like fifty thousand naira?

Omaze: Mr. Ryan, what do you do with this cash you keep getting from me? It isn't care for you are a hitched man for me to state approve, you have duties.

Ryan: Omaze you no go understand,I no be hitched man yet despite everything I get family wey I dey cook for.

Omaze: But no resemble this wey you dey go nah. The last time wey I obtain you cash wetin you take am do?

Ryan: Na family issues na.

Omaze: And you need to get another again for a similar family issues? Shouldn't something be said about your compensation, how would you oversee it sef? You wey dey acquire twofold of wetin I dey gain.

Ryan: You no go comprehend my sibling. Simply give me the cash if you can and I will pay month end.

Omaze: I don't have any cash to save right now. Yet, pause ooo. You be the bookkeeper here na. no be you dey adjust account consistently?

Ryan: No nah Omaze. That is taking. How might you even recommend that I remove cash from organization's cash? Nooo. It won't work, I don't need to lose my activity. It is extraordinary compared to other things that have happened to me.

Omaze: I thought you required the cash? Sorry ooo, Mr. Holy person. Who indeed, even said you should take it? All I intended to state was, you take the cash and when month end you supplant it back without anyone knowing. Is it not you that adjust it consistently and Oga comes and check your book month to month? Since you said you will pay month end why don't you gather the cash and supplant it month end?

Ryan: He thought for a couple of minutes, setting his correct hand on his jaw.

Fellow, na genuine you talk ooo however trust say Oga no go come check our records before month end ooo. I no wan enter wahala.

Omaze: You dey talk like say you no sabi oga once more. Anyway, that na my proposal. It is left to you in the event that you will regard to it or not. The ball is in your court. Influence I to go my office go unwind before client go begin to dey discover me jare. We go see later. He shook hands with him and left his office.

Ryan: said to himself 'Why I no think about this before sef? 'Express gratitude toward God say this person recommend this strategy to me ooo. Before month end, I go supplant the cash. Profit go settle my family matter and from that point onward, I go come go see Aria tomorrow after work' he said grinning. Yet, the amount I go gather wey go settle them sef? Fifty thousand naira fit no do me take give them for house, particularly when Evelyn get belle / debutante!

Stay online for Episode 11

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Fiction: The Financial Problem - Full Episode
Reply #10 on: January 05, 2018, 10:20:22 PM
Episode 11

Jayce located Ryan from a far distance when he landed from the Taxi he boarded coming straight to the workplace where Aria works, he rapidly went to advise her of his entry.

Jayce: Aria, Ryan is coming here.

Aria: 'Where is he' she asked as she stood up rapidly from her seat.

Jayce: He just landed from a taxi. He ought to be here any minute from now.

Aria: grinned for she was cheerful that he came searching for her. She figured he won't set up a battle to spare their relationship. 'Errmm Jayce, would you be able to conceal for me, let me go and get him together outside. Incase my madame get some information about, simply reveal to her I went to get a remark please' she asked.

Jayce : 'I am desirous ooo' he said earnestly. You can go and I will cover up for you yet don't remain long ooo. She gestured, opened her tote, drawn out her mary kay establishment and connected all over. E wear do eh! You look excellent. Presently go before I alter my opinion about concealing for you rapidly.

Aria: Thanks Jayce. I won't remain long I guarantee. She returned back her cosmetics packs and left.

Jayce : gee. I hear! 'I want to be Ryan, I want to be the one you cherish so much Aria. In any case, in the event that you are extremely content with Ryan then I am too glad for you' he said to himself.

Ryan was tied in with entering Aria's office when she ceased him on the way.

Aria: 'What are you doing here' she asked faking outrage.

Ryan: Good day to you excessively sweetheart. 'Since you declined to pick my calls, I chose to come discover my ruler' he said grinning.

Aria: You can't remain here. How about we go elsewhere and talk please.

She said and drove the path to a fast-food near where she works.

After he requested Malta and meat pie for her, she asked what brought you here?

Ryan: Aria, I am sad and don't be difficult for me please.

Aria: I didn't tail you here so you can apologize to me. I simply need to know whether you are keen on taking our relationship to the following level.

Ryan: I have contemplated it extremely well and I have chosen that in the next three months, I will come to see your folks. Is that alright with you?

Aria: Are you genuine Ryan or is this one of your jokes? On the off chance that na play stop am ooo… .she said grinning.

Ryan: I didn't come the distance from Onitsha to Asaba to joke around.

I mean each word I say.

Aria: Wanted to shout and keep running round the place however she recollected she is in a fast-food and pulled it together. She took a gander at him in the eyes, extended forward her hands to his and said now you are at long last talking. I am sad about a day or two ago. Am certain that on the off chance that I had not done what I did, you would not have made the intense stride.

Ryan: Hope you are exceptionally cheerful at this point.

Aria: I am exceptionally cheerful Ryan. Have you delineated for your kin getting hitched?

Ryan: When next I return home, that will be the primary news I will convey to them.

Aria: Good. You're the best to everything.

Ryan: You are welcome Aria.

At the point when Aria returned home in the wake of conveying the uplifting news to Jayce, she educated her mom of what happened amongst her and Ryan whom she unveiled as the man she is dating.

Mrs. Ekueme: Ehen! Presently you are talking. At the point when did he say he is coming to make his aims known once more?

Aria: in the following three months Mommy.

Mrs. Ekueme: Good. Your dad ought to be home by at that point. I will give him the uplifting news when he gets back home yet before at that point, be a decent young lady and demonstrate to him that you are the best lady he would ever have as a spouse. Anything that will Make you individuals squabble or contend pointlessly please maintain a strategic distance from it before he alters his opinion.

Aria: Mommy we are great and we adore each other. Nothing will come in our way, don't stress yourself.

Mrs. Ekueme: No Problem and please ensure you supplicate hard about it oooo.

Aria: Yes Mommy.

Ryan: Mama! Dad! He said taking a gander at them. I called you both here since there is something I might want to talk about with you.

Mrs. Ejiofor: What is it Ryan my child. Expectation no issue this one that you came to see us and called the two of us to come here to your father's space for a private talk.

Ryan: The reason I called you both alone to the room is on the grounds that I need to make it known to the both of you first that I need to get hitched and I have discovered the young lady I need to spend whatever remains of my life with.

Mrs. Ejiofor: Ehen! Presently you are talking. You at long last need to settle down? Ryan gestured 'I am so cheerful for you'.

Mr.Ejiofor: Where is the young woman from?

Ryan: She is from Asaba Papa.

Mr. Ejiofor: I am cheerful that you need to begin your own family. Just disclose to me when you are prepared so we begin the typical procedure of marriage affirm. Put stock in your dad now, I will be there to paint the town RED. alright?

Ryan: Yes Papa. I will go to see her kin in the following three or four months, from that point forward, we will make the following stride.

Mr. Ejiofor: which implies regardless you have time. Courses of action will initiate when that has been finished. I am upbeat for you child.

Ryan: Thank you Papa.

At the point when Aria disclosed to Jayce the uplifting news, he was extremely upbeat for her and has stayed away far from her. He covertly connected for an exchange to empower him be in another area.

Aria got the chance to work, met her associates speaking and gisting about Jayce furthermore, participated in the discussion. It was then she found Jayce connected for an exchange. She rapidly went to his office to ask if what she got notification from them were valid.

Aria: 'it is a result of me that you are doing it abi' she asked as she entered his office.

Jayce: Good Morning to you excessively Aria. What's going on with I?

Aria: She sat inverse him in his office and said 'are you applying for an exchange as a result of me?'

Jayce: Who enlightened you regarding it? I thought I was great at keeping this a mystery, how could you know?

Aria: Why didn't you reveal to me this some time recently? Why have you been attempting to maintain a strategic distance from me this while?

Jayce: I am not maintaining a strategic distance from you. I simply need to leave this place as soon as would be prudent. I am by all accounts choking here.

Stay online for Episode 12

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Fiction: The Financial Problem - Full Episode
Reply #11 on: January 05, 2018, 10:32:00 PM

Episode 12

Aria: I know you have affections for me and I know it is hard to acknowledge the way that I will soon be getting hitched yet please for the purpose of our kinship, don't simply leave my life. Please I ask you Jayce.

Jayce : I need to go and I am sad on the grounds that there is no other viable option for me about it right now. I simply trust and supplicate that my exchange will be allowed at the earliest opportunity.

Aria: Jayce kindly don't do this. I don't know I will need it to happen along these lines for the two of us.

Jayce: it harms such a great amount to see the one individual you adore, cherishing another man. I see you here consistently, each time you grin, I know it is a direct result of Ryan and each time you are dismal, it is likewise a direct result of.

Ryan. I think it is time I leave so you can have the sort of life you have dependably wished and longed for. You will do fine without me since Ryan is going to be ready full time.

Aria: Ryan kindly, don't do this. We can at present be companions regardless of whether I get hitched to Ryan.

Jayce: You follow? You are notwithstanding alluding me as Ryan.

Gee… the affection is THICK!

Aria: I'm sad! I mean Jayce.. not Ryan

Jayce: Anyway, I can't stay here while you get hitched to Ryan. It is time I abandon you in peace.

Ryan got ahead of schedule to work one morning; he went straight to the distribution center when he was told his manager is around and tallying the stock.

Ryan: Good morning sir.

Manager: Ehen! Ryan, hello. 'Go to my office later, I will jump at the chance to see you' he said as he upheld him, including the stock the distribution center.

Ryan: Yes sir however I sent you messages of the accessible stock and all that you have to know as of now.

Manager: I know Ryan. Simply completing a normal check if what you sent count with what is here.

Ryan: Okay sir. He said scratching his head. He rapidly left his supervisor to check his monetary records for the week and earlier week in light of the fact that he has been gathering some cash from it without truly putting it back trusting that when he cleared up his family issue and chaos, he will do as such promptly. He cleared out his office to meet his partner omaze for guidance.

Omaze : Ryan, I noise manager dey around ooo. Expectation say no wahala this one wey you dey here at this point, you no assume dey your office?

Ryan: Wahala dey ooo Omaze and I no know wetin I go do at this moment.

My activity dey in question here sef.

Omaze : Wetin you do? He asked suspiciously.

Ryan: I accept your recommendation na. I do wetin you talk say influence I to do.

Omaze: Wetin be that?

Ryan: No be you talk say profit since na me dey in charge and after that when month end profit back.

Omaze: No be three months back I disclose to you the thing? I additionally made it clear that you ought to supplant it. How that one come take influence me?

Also, it is three months back and you ought to have supplanted it by presently.

Ryan: it is valid however I have been taking cash and supplanting the cash month end however it isn't month end and oga is here. The cash I am owing is one hundred and twenty Thousand naira..

Omaze: What, how might you do a thing like that? He thought for a scarcely any minutes and stated, I simply seek oga don't ask after it today ooo else you are improved the situation.

Ryan: Is there no chance you can enable me to out of it?

Omaze : shoooo! How I wan take enable you to out at this point when oga dey around? The main thing I will reveal to you at the present time is that on the off chance that you have anybody that will give you that cash to substitute before he requests it, you better do oooo. Oga will check everything since he is here on the grounds that that is the thing that he generally does.

Ryan: There is nobody I can gather such cash from now. This is simply so sudden for me. I am done. I simply trust he doesn't check the bookkeeping book today ooo.

Omaze: My hand no dey ooo. I wear reveal to you wrap up.

Ryan: was in his office dealing with the day by day business when he got a call that his manager was searching for him. 'Indeed manager, you called'.

Manager: I instructed you to answer to my office later in the day, why have you not been here?

Ryan: I overlooked sir, I am sad.

Manager: That's alright. I have experienced all the stock and everything is all together. I need to thank you for a vocation well done, you have been a gift to us and our deals have expanded to most extreme. We truly welcome the work you are doing here. Much obliged to you.

Ryan: Thank you for giving me the chance to work with you. I appreciate.

Supervisor: It is okay, you may go now. As he pivoted to go, his supervisor said 'Ehen! Before it slips my mind, I have to experience all the monetary records, convey it to me instantly.

Ryan: Errmm… approve, I will convey it to you immediately sir he said and left.

Stay online for Episode 13


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