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Author Topic: Fiction: The Financial Problem - Full Episode  (Read 7954 times)

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Fiction: The Financial Problem - Full Episode
Reply #12 on: January 05, 2018, 10:43:33 PM

Episode 13

Specialist: 'Are you her significant other sir' he asked the fragile looking man traipsing the corridor way.

Mr. Ejiofor: Yes I am. How is she and the infant, trust they are alright?

Specialist: she is in a basic condition at the present time and should be conceded promptly. If it's not too much trouble go to the clerk and make the vital installment before any treatment can initiate and be quick with it please. You know your significant other came in here draining truly and she should be taken care of.

Mr. Ejiofor: Please specialist, I will make the important installment however kindly ensure that my better half and tyke are doing alright. I don't need anything to transpire please.

Specialist: 'We will put forth a valiant effort yet please influence it to quick' he said and left leaving Mr. Ejiofor to go and make the installment.

He went to the clerk and was advised he needs to store an aggregate of fifty thousand naira. Mr. Ejiofor immediately hurried home and brought the thirty thousand naira that was given to him by Ryan the last time he came home. He gave the cash to the clerk and was advised to adjust up the installment.

Mr. Ejiofor: Haba Cashier, Please now. I will make the installment as before long as could be allowed, yet simply utilize this one and start treatment. Do it for my significant other and unborn tyke please.

Clerk: Oga, I am not the specialist and my situation is anything but hopeful here. Just make the fundamental installment and on the off chance that you need them to be dealt with rapidly.

Mr.Ejiofor: But that is all I have until further notice.

Clerk: Isn't there someone you can call?

Mr. Ejiofor: I have yet he isn't picking his call right now. Once he calls and hears the condition I am in, I am certain he will react.

The cash isn't the issue at this moment, simply enable my significant other to satisfy.

Clerk: Oga, I am sad, this isn't a philanthropy association. Pay the cash quick ooo in light of the fact that time isn't on your significant other and unborn child's. 'in the event that you need them to live, you ought to be gone at this point searching for cash to help them' she said recklessly.

Mr. Ejiofor: Thought of what he could do and how to collect the cash.

He dialed Ryan's number again and it said his number was exchanged off. 'What do I do now? Where will I get the aggregate of twenty thousand naira for her treatment' he asked nobody specifically however himself. 'Let me go and check whether Mama Addison will help me out' he said and strolled away.

When he returned home, he met his first spouse planning sustenance for Evelyn. She raced to him to ask about her.

Mrs. Ejiofor: How is Evelyn and the infant? Expectation she is alright. I learnt you went to the house to gather some money for her installment. Is she okay?

Mr. Ejiofor: 'she is in a basic condition and the specialist said we should store fifty thousand naira before any treatment will start' he said glaring

Mrs. Ejiofor: Ehen! Have you given them the cash?

Mr. Ejiofor: I don't have that sort of cash with me. That is the reason I returned to inquire as to whether you have any cash to obtain me.

Mrs. Ejiofor: The twenty thousand I had with me was what I utilized as a part of paying Addison school charges yesterday. Be that as it may, hold up ooo, I thought you got back home to gather some cash, shouldn't something be said about the cash you came to gather.

Mr. Ejiofor: It isn't sufficient.

Mrs. Ejiofor: But I thought Ryan gave you eight thousand naira the other day. Shouldn't something be said about the cash?

Mr. Ejiofor: I gave Evelyn Thirty thousand naira out of it which she utilized for her own motivation as of now and I am just left with fifty which isn't sufficient.

Mrs. Ejiofor: gee… . See what you and this your wifey have caused?

What do we do now in light of the fact that without the cash, Evelyn won't be taken care of. Have you called Ryan, he is our exclusive expectation at this moment since this is an instance of life and demise.

Mr. Ejiofor: I have and his number isn't reachable. I truly don't recognize what to do. I don't need anything to happen to my significant other and kid.

Mrs. Ejiofor: Nothing will transpire. Try not to stress; I am certain he is exceptionally bustling that is the reason he turned off. Give me a chance to call Adam to come what's more, make an impression on him utilizing my telephone expressing that it is an crisis. Try not to stress my better half, it is well.

Ryan was in his office mulling over whether to give the money related book to his manager or think about a superior method to evade him discovering reality.

He realized that on the off chance that he should exhibit the book to him and is found, he could lose his activity and on the off chance that he doesn't present the book, he could likewise be questioned. He chose to introduce the book and implores that he never discover. In the event that he is discovered, he will search for an approach to cover his wreckage up.

Ryan: Oga, here is the book you asked for sir.

Supervisor: Good. It would be ideal if you take a seat while I experience it promptly.

Ryan sat down jittering, sitting tight for his manager to state something. After scarcely any minutes which appear like an existence time to him, his manager at long last looked up from the book he has been so fascinated with.

Manager: What is going on here Ryan, he demonstrated to him the book, pointed to where the record isn't adjusting. Would you be able to disclose this to me?

Ryan: Errmm..Errmmm..sir, it is only that Errrmmm..Errmmmm

Supervisor: Are you going to stay aware of the Errmmm..Errmmm or will you get hold of yourself and disclose to me why the record isn't adjusting.

Ryan: Oga, I will experience it again and resolve the issue promptly.

Supervisor: What rubbish would you say you are discussing? You will resolve what quickly? I require a clarification at the present time. The end result for the one hundred and twenty thousand naira? You know this is business furthermore, my cash can't simply disappear like that without an unmistakable clarification. I don't have throughout the day Mr. Man.

Ryan: Sir, really Errmmm what truly happened was that the cash went poorly or anything. I really took it trusting that I will pay back before the month end.

Supervisor: What? Give me a chance to get this straight please. You mean you really removed from the business cash for your very own pick up?

Ryan: 'Yes sir' with head bowed.

Supervisor: Why? Am I not paying you enough? Keep in mind that it was due to my significant other that you are here but then you waste my cash?

Ryan: No sir! Please sir, I didn't misuse the cash. I just took out of it to unravel some family issues with the expectation that I will pay back.

Manager: Without anybody knowing? Without my assent? Don't you know that is taking?

Ryan: I am sad sir; you can deduct it from my compensation please. Excuse me. I guarantee that I won't do it once more.

Manager: I thought you are extraordinary and one of a kind. I was notwithstanding telling others how great you are however it appears I am off-base about you. Listen Ryan, you have till night to get the cash and supplant it else, you will have yourself to fault.

Ryan: But Oga, he went on his knees 'please excuse me this once. I guarantee I will pay back however not presently or today. It would be ideal if you give me a few time'.

Manager: Get out. 'I said get out' he shouted.

Stay online for Episode 14


Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Re: Fiction: The Financial Problem - Full Episode
Reply #13 on: January 05, 2018, 10:57:47 PM

Episode 14

He immediately dashed out of the workplace. He exchanged on his telephone for it was turned off due to the constant calls from his family.

Promptly his telephone went ahead, he got a message from his mother approaching him to get back to for it was a crisis. He dialed her number; she lifted it up and was informed that his quality is required in the house. He needed to disclose his scrape to her when his father gathered the telephone from his mom and let him know everything that happened including that it involved life and passing circumstance.

He dialed Aria's number inquiring as to whether there was any way she could source for the cash for him yet all he got were negative news. He was confounded; he didn't realize what to do. He backpedaled to his supervisor and bowed down before him with tears in his eyes.

Ryan: Oga show kindness toward me. Try not to pay me my next pay on the off chance that you need, yet please simply pardon me this once. He asked with tears in his eyes. He thought of his family, how they so much depend and are admiring him. He thought of Evelyn who is lying unknowingly in the clinic. I am so sad Oga, it won't rehash itself. If it's not too much trouble pardon me.

Supervisor: It is a direct result of my better half I utilized you else I could never have realized that you existed. It is likewise a result of her that I believed you however you just fizzled me. I ought to never have tuned in to her when she induced me about you.

Ryan: Oga if you don't mind give me another opportunity, I guarantee it will never happen once more. I realize that I have no reason for what I did and I am too bad.

Manager: You realize that I would have called the police to capture you by presently. I am even been thoughtful to you by instructing you to give the cash before tomorrow, isn't that sufficiently permissive?

Ryan: Oga Please, I am the primary kid and the main child of my family.

On the off chance that I lose my activity, I will submit suicide. My family admires me for I am the provider. My folks are old and doing nothing and I have four junior ones to care for. If you don't mind show benevolence toward me. The reason I took the cash was on account of my family were missing and I expected to accommodate them.

Manager: And so? Am I not paying you your pay month to month?

Ryan: You are sir and I acknowledge however the thing is regardless of how much I give my family, it is never enough. Kindly don't take away the just thing that gives me satisfaction I implore you.

Supervisor: There is nothing I can do at this moment. He said and held up.

Tomorrow you will know your destiny.

Ryan: Oga it would be ideal if you excuse me. He continued arguing till his manager called his driver after he ventured out of the workplace and zoomed off. Ok! I am

wrapped up. I will presumably lose my activity in light of the fact that it is highly unlikely he will take me back. 'What do I do now and where do I go from' he regretted till he returned home.

Barely any minutes after the fact, Aria arrived his home. She rapidly went to him and embraced him

Aria: One hundred and twenty thousand naira! You never disclosed to me that your family required such an enormous measure of cash.

Ryan: I didn't give them the cash without a moment's delay. I gave them bits by bits.

Aria: How would you be able to commit such an error? For what reason would you even think of gathering the business cash?

Ryan: This isn't the ideal opportunity for judgment. I am extremely worn out and focused. I don't know where to collect the cash from.

Aria: I wish I could help you yet at the present time, my situation is anything but hopeful. I don't have any cash on me now. Shouldn't something be said about he gives you some time? Did you implore him?

Ryan: I did and he cannot. He said I will know my destiny tomorrow.

Aria: Oh God! What is this na. Starting with one issue then onto the next. The more we attempt to fix things up, the more it spills. What do we do presently?

Ryan: I truly don't have the foggiest idea. My folks have been calling me, inquiring me to return home quickly. My progression mother who is a half year pregnant had inconveniences and they are requesting that they store the total of fifty thousand naira before she will be taken care of. It is as a result of them that I am in this circumstance. They think I make millions. In the event that my dad had tuned in to me before wedding Evelyn, I won't be in so much weight like I am at this moment. Each time they require cash, like I am a tree creating it. I am drained Aria, I am extremely worn out!!

Aria: It will be fine. All you need to concentrate on the present moment is the means by which to supplant the cash and ask you don't lose your activity. That ought to be your primary need at this moment. Give your folks a chance to do whatever they need to do and when you are alright, you will visit them. Incidentally, I was stressed over you and took authorization that I won't answer to work tomorrow. Likewise when I returned home I told my mother that I will be spending today and ideally tomorrow with you. I trust you don't mind.

Ryan: I require you here with me like never before and a debt of gratitude is in order for everything.

Aria: What are you expressing gratitude toward me for? Release me and plan something for you to eat.

After supper, they had their shower and nestled each other on the bed.

Aria was figuring who she will call to collect that measure of cash for her the next day while Ryan was figuring how he will adapt in the event that he inevitably lose his activity.

Ryan: I neglected to reveal to you that I called the spouse of my manager. Keep in mind I revealed to you that it was through her I landed the position.

Aria: Yes you did. Expectation you implored her.

Ryan: I did and I needed to likewise disclose to her the reason I gathered the cash.

She was furious at first however said she will perceive what she can do. I trust her better half tunes in to her and I supplicate I will be given another opportunity.

Aria: Don't stress; all will be fine by tomorrow. We will confront the tempest together alright.

Ryan: Okay. I need you to have intercourse to me like this is the last time.

Aria: Raising her make a beeline for take a gander at him extremely well. For what reason did you say that?

I abhor it when you talk negative.

Ryan: Sorry Aria. I am simply excessively enthusiastic today. I won't state it once more.

Aria: Good and I will have intercourse to you like it is our first time; she kissed him on his lips and they made sweet electrifying affection.

Mr. Ejiofor: 'on the off chance that he has sent the cash when he called, I am certain my tyke will in any case be alive right at this point. For what reason hasn't he called us or send the cash' he asked his first spouse. Doesn't he realize that Evelyn is in a basic condition and had an unsuccessful labor?

Mrs. Ejiofor: Give the kid a break. I am certain his in a tight spot right presently. You know your child will be here at this point if there is a crisis, possibly something came up that is the reason you haven't gotten notification from him.

Mr. Ejiofor: I trust so. He ought to bring the cash for the treatment when he is coming ooo. Not that when he comes here he will state he doesn't have cash. I guaranteed my companion that gave me the adjust I will pay tomorrow. I would prefer not to hear any stories when he comes ooo.

Mrs. Ejiofor: Pity the kid abeg. He has accomplished all that anyone could need as of now. Simply realize that when he gets hitched, he will have more obligations. You and Evelyn should begin arranging how you are going to begin profiting. Give him some credit abeg.

Mr. Ejiofor: You can state whatever you like, he is my child and he is doing his obligation.

Mrs. Ejiofor: That is the reason you need to stifle him abi? Anyway, it is late as of now. I don't know he will come today again how about we seek after tomorrow. Furthermore, incidentally, Papa Addison, ensure you go to the doctor's facility first thing tomorrow and enquire about her wellbeing. I will be there after I complete the process of getting ready hot pepper soup for her since her lesser sister is with her.

Mr. Ejiofor: in the event that he calls, instruct him to carry enough cash with him.

Mrs. Ejiofor: 'I don't comprehend you. Shouldn't you be furious that you lost a kid? Your requirement for cash ought not influence my child to take in view of you individuals' she said as she strolled to her room.

Stay online for the final Episode 15

Offline Miss Ifeoluwa

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Fiction: The Financial Problem - Full Episode
Reply #14 on: January 05, 2018, 11:12:30 PM

Episode 15 (Final Episode)

The next day, Ryan left for work at a young hour toward the beginning of the day taking off Aria behind. She implored so hard for him not to be sacked from work since she was truly trusting that soon, he will come to make his aims known however how might he make his goals known when he doesn't have an occupation she asked herself.

Ryan got to the workplace on time before the supervisor who revealed to him he will have his answer that day. He was frightened and apprehensive for he didn't know what the result of the offense he submitted might be. He saw his supervisor entered the workplace and on locating him, instructed him to accompany him and he complied.

Manager: Close the entryway behind you Ryan.

Ryan: He did as trained, remained before his manager who continued gazing at him from make a beeline for toe and bowed his head.

Supervisor: You know what you did wasn't right?

Ryan: Yes sir and I am extremely sad.

Supervisor: He drew out the letter in his front pocket and gave it over to him. Take it and open it.

Ryan: with his hands trembling, he gathered the letter and opened it.

He read the substance of the letter, raised his head up and said Thank you.

Supervisor: Don't say thanks to me, thank my significant other else you would have been out of an occupation at this point. You may leave for your suspension begins today.

Ryan: Nodded his head and left the workplace somewhat soothed. He went straight home to convey the news to Aria. She was happy that he got 2months suspension without pay and Thanked God for it.

Aria: Please you ought to likewise be aware of how you bear you family duties. Imagine a scenario in which you were sacked, wont life go on.

eehh? Won't life go on? On the off chance that you don't have the cash, simply shroud your confront. Try not to execute yourself to please others. That ought to be a major lesson to gain from.

Ryan: I have learnt a major lesson and it won't occur once more. By the way, I need to go home. You know my folks sent me a message recently and I haven't reacted.

Aria: gee. This is the thing that I just said before. Simply envision what was turning out from your mouth? I took off as a result of you and now you need to go home to your kin. Nawa ooo. 'Try not to stress, when we get hitched I will perceive how you will run home to your kin' she bemoaned.

Ryan: Is that envy? He asked grinning and attracting her near him. You can come in the event that you need to. Moreover, it is better they begin getting to know you, wouldn't you say?

Aria: I will come after you have demonstrated your face to my family and presently isn't the opportune time to come since you folks are having issues what's more, it should be dealt with. It will be best I backpedal home to my mother.

Ryan: If you demand. I cherish you so particularly Aria. Whatever happens, absolutely always remember that you're the main lady that I have adored.

Aria: I adore you excessively Ryan and they embraced. She saw that his telephone has been ringing constant and asked 'why not have any desire to pick you call?

Ryan: No point. I would prefer not to hear anything from them until the point when I get there. I realize that whatever they let me know is cash related. Try not to need to ruin my mind-set biko.

Aria: If that is the situation, send them a content that you are headed.

Ryan: I will however that will be the point at which I get in the transport not currently. Aria: Alright.

Mrs. Ejiofor was fretful. She felt something wasn't right yet proved unable put her hands on what it was. She had a craving for something has abandoned her be that as it may, she immediately pushed the possibility of her child in peril away. She went to her better half who had recently come back from the healing center to see Evelyn.

Mrs. Ejiofor: Papa Addson, it is by one means or another. I feel something isn't right some place. Ryan has never been home late to us. Particularly when he sent a content that he was headed since toward the evening, he should be here at this point, I am profoundly stressed.

Mr. Ejiofor: Be settled lady, nothing isn't right. My child, the apple of my eye. Nothing isn't right. He will be here soonest.

Mrs. Ejiofor: I trust sooo… .I trust he is alright wherever he is.

Mrs. Ejiofor remained wakeful all as the night progressed. She petitioned God that wherever her child is, he ought to be fine. She dialed his number severally yet all she got was it was turned off. She attempted Cameron's number, when he picked she inquired as to whether he has gotten notification from his sibling.

Cameron said no and she inquired as to whether he has the digit of the lady Ryan needs to get hitched to. He rapidly sent the number to her and she dialed it quickly.

Aria: Hello! Who is hanging in the balance please?

Mrs. Ejiofor: Hello my girl, too bad to call late this night. I am Ryan's mom.

Aria: Her heart skipped when she said that. Errmmm pleasant night mama.

Mrs. Ejiofor: pleasant night my girl. Have you gotten notification from my child?

Aria: No Ma! I have been endeavoring to call him however his number has been turned off. I thought he is even home at this point and his battery is low.

Mrs. Ejiofor: He isn't home oooo. Do you think he stretched elsewhere?

Aria: Ryan isn't that way. He doesn't branch individuals' place particularly when he influenced it to clear to me that he is returning home.

Mrs.Ejiofor: I trust nothing has happened to my child ooo. I am so stressed.

Aria: Don't pressure yourself mama. He is fine wherever he is and nothing will transpire in Jesus Name.

Mrs. Ejiofor: Amen ooo. Kindly do call when you get notification from him affirm?

Aria: I will and not to stress, nothing will transpire.

Mrs. Ejiofor: Okay my little girl. Do have a goodnight rest.

Aria: You as well and bye. She hung up the call. Jesus Christ, where could Ryan be during this time. It is past 11pm as of now. I trust he is alright wherever he is. She took a stab at dialing his number again yet at the same time same old answer. She couldn't backpedal to bed yet remained alert till morning pondering what could have transpired.

As Mrs. Ejiofor was all the while pondering where Ryan could be by 7:15am, her telephone rang. She took a gander at the guest and saw it was Ryan calling.

Mrs. Ejiofor: Yes Ryan, where have you been? I have been wiped out and stressed over you since the previous evening.

Guest: Hello Ma, hello. Is it accurate to say that you are Ryan's relative?

Mrs. Ejiofor: who is this and where is my child?

Guest: I am calling in light of that mama. There was a mischance in Orumba South including a petroleum tank and a Lexus Jeep. Your child was among the mishap casualties who was raced to Ekegwa Hospital recently where he passed away.

Mrs. Ejiofor: Hey! Chim mo! She shouted. Isi gini, Ryan Nwam, you must be mixed up. That isn't my child.

Guest: at that point you should go to the doctor's facility promptly to distinguish the body. He said and hung up.

Mrs. Ejiofor: hello! I am dead. Hello! She shouted. Mr. Ejiofor who was in his room tuning in to NTA News left what he was doing and hurried to her room, trailed by Adam and Dylan for Addison went to the borehole to get water.

Mr. Ejiofor: What is it? For what reason did you shout that way?

Mrs. Ejiofor: Nwam mooo… .! My youngster! Ryan oooo! Hello! I am done she lay on the ground. Hello ehhhh… . My youngster ooooo.

Mr. Ejiofor: Talk now. 'What is it' he took a gander at his better half and gathered the telephone that tumbled from her hand. He experienced her calls and dialed Ryan's number.

Mr. Ejiofor: Who is this please and for what reason do you have my child's telephone with you. Where is my child?

Guest: He was engaged with a mishap the previous evening. You should come to the doctor's facility and recognize his body.

Mr. Ejiofor: What! No it can't be my child he said to the guest and dropped the telephone. Ok! Ok! Ok! My chest. He held unto his chest with his hands, wriggling and stunning in torment. Mrs. Ejiofor rapidly came to his guide and held unto him.

Mrs. Ejiofor: 'What is it Papa Addison' she solicited perplexed from what is occurring right in front of her

Mr. Ejiofor: My Chest, I can't brea… .the… .I c… .a… .nt breat… … . He fell.

Mrs. Ejiofor: She and Dylan immediately surged him as he crumbled on the ground… Hey! Father Addison, don't do this to me please she shouted with tears in her eyes. Individuals come and help me ooooo… Come and help me oooo she yelled while Adam immediately surged out to call for help.

After eight months, Ryan Ejiofor and Mr. Ejiofor were covered on the same day. Aria went to the internment of the man she gave her everything to, went with Jaycee her closest companion. Companions from far and close gone to the internment to pay their last regard to a companion, sibling, father also, child.

After the internment, after one year, Cameron landed a position and changed to part time with the goal that he will have the capacity to deal with his family the little way he can and furthermore proceed with his instruction yet he ensured he wasn't overburdened with obligations the way Ryan was. God favor his soul.

Mrs. Ejiofor till this day pointed the finger at her dead spouse for the demise of her in the first place child Ryan. In the event that he hasn't troubled Ryan with such a large number of obligations, her child may presumably be very much engaged and wedded with a kid without kept going here and there. She took it upon herself to ensure Adam, Dylan and Addison admire nobody yet themselves by enlisting Adam in programming preparing for him to be all around talented and remain without anyone else as opposed to relying upon Cameron to provide food for them generally. She showed Addison the okrika business and likewise selected her in Makeup instructional course.

Dylan likewise secured affirmation, utilized the little cash he needed to get a shop close to his school where he opened an eatery for business. While Evelyn backpedaled to her folks' home.

Aria at long last consented to Jaycee proposition and they got hitched / married two years after.

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The End


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